public MFTestResults Brush_DerviedBrushTest10()
            MFTestResults testResult = MFTestResults.Pass;
            Point         pt         = new Point(3 * _width / 4, 3 * _height / 4);

            if (ClearingPanel() != MFTestResults.Pass)
                _brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                Log.Comment("Drawing Rectangle : w = " + pt.x.ToString() + ", h = " + pt.y.ToString());
                Log.Comment("and filling with Red SolidColorBrush");

                Master_Media._panel.Dispatcher.Invoke(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5),
                                                      new DispatcherOperationCallback(DrawRectangle), pt);

                Log.Comment("Initializing 40 Random Points that are inside the rectangle");
                Point[] chkPoints = GetRandomPoints_InRectangle(40, pt.x, pt.y, midX, midY);
                Log.Comment("Verifying the pixel colors inside the rectangle are Red");
                if (VerifyingPixelColor(chkPoints, Colors.Red) != MFTestResults.Pass)
                    Log.Comment("Failure : Rectangle not filled with SolidColorBrush");
                    testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
                Log.Comment("Changing the Brush to a new BlueBrush, drawing and verifying");
                _brush = new BlueBrush();

                Master_Media._panel.Dispatcher.Invoke(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5),
                                                      new DispatcherOperationCallback(DrawRectangle), pt);

                Log.Comment("Verifying the pixel colors inside the rectangle are Blue");
                if (VerifyingPixelColor(chkPoints, Colors.Blue) != MFTestResults.Pass)
                    Log.Comment("Failure : Rectangle not filled with BlueBrush");
                    testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Comment("Caught : " + ex.Message);

        public void DrawSplit(IWorldCoordinate pwc, IWorldCoordinate mwc, IWorldCoordinate awc, IMonster target, List <IMonster> obstacles)
            //get middle impale
            IWorldCoordinate middlewc = PointOnLine(awc, mwc, AdjacentYards);

            //get left and right impales
            IWorldCoordinate[] lr = PointOnOrthogonal(awc, middlewc, OppositeYards);

            //sort obstacles by distance
            if (target != null)
            if (obstacles.Any())
                obstacles.Sort((x, y) => x.NormalizedXyDistanceToMe.CompareTo(y.NormalizedXyDistanceToMe));

            //get first target for each impale projectile
            float    distance = (target != null) ? (float)target.NormalizedXyDistanceToMe + 2 * target.RadiusBottom : 0;
            IMonster tm       = FirstTarget(pwc, middlewc, obstacles, distance);
            IMonster tlr0     = FirstTarget(pwc, lr[0], obstacles, distance);
            IMonster tlr1     = FirstTarget(pwc, lr[1], obstacles, distance);

            //draw targetline for each impale and for maintarge
            if (target != null)
                BlueBrush.DrawLineWorld(awc, target.FloorCoordinate, 4f);
            DrawTargetLine(awc, middlewc, tm, target);
            DrawTargetLine(awc, lr[0], tlr0, target);
            DrawTargetLine(awc, lr[1], tlr1, target);

            //draw target hitbox
            if (target != null && tm != null && tlr0 != null && tlr1 != null && target.AnnId == tm.AnnId && target.AnnId == tlr0.AnnId && target.AnnId == tlr1.AnnId)
                GreenHitBoxDecorator.Paint(_layer, target, target.FloorCoordinate, string.Empty);
            else if (target != null)
                BlueHitBoxDecorator.Paint(_layer, target, target.FloorCoordinate, string.Empty);
        public MFTestResults Brush_DerviedBrushTest10()
            MFTestResults testResult = MFTestResults.Pass;
            Point pt = new Point(3 * _width / 4, 3 * _height / 4);
            if (ClearingPanel() != MFTestResults.Pass)
                return MFTestResults.Fail;
                _brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                Log.Comment("Drawing Rectangle : w = " + pt.x.ToString() + ", h = " + pt.y.ToString());
                Log.Comment("and filling with Red SolidColorBrush");
                Master_Media._panel.Dispatcher.Invoke(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5),
                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(DrawRectangle), pt);
                Log.Comment("Initializing 40 Random Points that are inside the rectangle");
                Point[] chkPoints = GetRandomPoints_InRectangle(40, pt.x, pt.y, midX, midY);
                Log.Comment("Verifying the pixel colors inside the rectangle are Red");
                if (VerifyingPixelColor(chkPoints, Colors.Red) != MFTestResults.Pass)
                    Log.Comment("Failure : Rectangle not filled with SolidColorBrush");
                    testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
                Log.Comment("Changing the Brush to a new BlueBrush, drawing and verifying");
                _brush = new BlueBrush();
                Master_Media._panel.Dispatcher.Invoke(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5),
                new DispatcherOperationCallback(DrawRectangle), pt);
                Log.Comment("Verifying the pixel colors inside the rectangle are Blue");
                if (VerifyingPixelColor(chkPoints, Colors.Blue) != MFTestResults.Pass)
                    Log.Comment("Failure : Rectangle not filled with BlueBrush");
                    testResult = MFTestResults.Fail;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Comment("Caught : " + ex.Message);
                return MFTestResults.Fail;

            return testResult;