//public string contractAddress;
    //public string cumulativeGasUsed;
    //public string gasUsed;
    //public string confirmations;

    public Block_ViewModel(Block_DataModel data)
        blockNumber = int.Parse(data.blockNumber);
        //timeStamp = data.timeStamp;
        //nonce = int.Parse(data.nonce);
        //transactionIndex = int.Parse(data.transactionIndex);
        input = data.input;
Beispiel #2
 public Block_ViewModel(Block_DataModel data)
     blockNumber      = int.Parse(data.blockNumber);
     timeStamp        = data.timeStamp;
     nonce            = int.Parse(data.nonce);
     transactionIndex = int.Parse(data.transactionIndex);
     //input = Convert.ToInt
     input = data.input;
    private IEnumerator Run(Block_DataModel matchedtxdata)
        GameObject[] Players  = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); //find all players currently spawned in server
        float        waitTime = 0f;

        foreach (GameObject player in Players)
            if (matchedtxdata.from.Equals(player.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //if player name(address) is equal to from value in  matched txdata.
                Player_Abilities player_abilities = player.GetComponent <Player_Abilities>(); //get player properties script of this player.
                SetAbilityAcctotx(matchedtxdata, player_abilities);                           //transfer matched tx + its specific player ability script to combine.
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime));
    void SetAbilityAcctotx(Block_DataModel matchedtxdata, Player_Abilities player_abilities)
        //DEBUG : enable ability for this player /////////// DEBUG
        Debug.Log("Debug_PlayerAbility with Tx:");

        player_abilities.address = matchedtxdata.from;

        decimal abilityvalue = decimal.Parse(matchedtxdata.value);

        abilityvalue = abilityvalue / 1000000000000000000; // Wei to ether

        float f_abilityvalue = (float)abilityvalue;        //changing decimal to float : optimatize

        if (f_abilityvalue > 1)
            f_abilityvalue = 1;
        }                                               //Max 1 Ether only ability, efn Whale Proof!
        f_abilityvalue *= 100;                          //1ether = 100 ability
        player_abilities.abilityvalue = f_abilityvalue; //ablityvalue acc to tx value.
 public void SetPlayerAbilityInit(Block_DataModel matchedtxdata)