/// <summary>
        /// check the given chain is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockchain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool IsValid(Blockchain blockchain)
            if (blockchain == null)

            var blocks = blockchain.Blocks;

            if (blocks.Count < 1)

            if (blocks[0].ToString() != BlockUtil.GenesisBlock.ToString())

            for (var i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++)
                var block     = blocks[i];
                var lastblock = blocks[i - 1];

                if (block.PreviousHash != lastblock.Hash || block.Hash != BlockUtil.GenerateHash(block))

Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate all the chunks within a given sector and return the sector reference
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="world"></param>
    /// <param name="x"></param>
    /// <param name="y"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Sector generateSector(World world, int x, int y)
        Sector sector = new Sector(world);

        sector.setPosition(new Vector2I(x, y));

        int dim = Sector.chunkDimension;

        Chunk[,] chunks = new Chunk[dim, dim];

        Vector2I chunkPos = BlockUtil.SectorToChunk(new Vector2I(x, y));

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                // Create the corresponding chunk based on its world position
                Chunk chunk = generateChunk(world, chunkPos.x + i, chunkPos.y + j);
                chunks[i, j] = chunk;

Beispiel #3
    public MapHandler(World world, Vector2I startingPosition)
        _activeSectors = new List <Sector>();
        _generator     = new ChunkGenerator();
        _saving        = new Queue <Sector>();
        _loading       = new Queue <Vector2I>();
        _world         = world;

        // Work out the bottom left corner from the starting chunk
        int      half         = (_loadedDimension - 1) / 2;
        Vector2I cornerSector = BlockUtil.SectorFromChunk(startingPosition) + new Vector2I(-half, -half);

        Debug.Log("Setting corner to " + cornerSector);

        // Set the starting position
        _position = cornerSector;

        // Create the initial sectors
        for (int i = 0; i < _loadedDimension; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < _loadedDimension; j++)
                Vector2I pos    = _position + new Vector2I(i, j);
                Sector   sector = getSector(pos);

    void Update()
        _lastChunk = _currentChunk;

        Vector2I chunkPos = BlockUtil.chunkPositionFromWorld(transform.position);

        _currentChunk = chunkPos;

        // The chunk loader has moved!
        if (_lastChunk != _currentChunk)
            //Debug.Log(String.Format("Chunk changed from {0} to {1}", _lastChunk, _currentChunk));
Beispiel #5
    public Chunk getChunk(Vector2I chunkPos)
        Vector2I sector = BlockUtil.SectorFromChunk(chunkPos);

        int sectorX = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)chunkPos.x / Sector.chunkDimension);
        int sectorY = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)chunkPos.y / Sector.chunkDimension);

        int chunkX = chunkPos.x - (sectorX * Sector.chunkDimension);
        int chunkY = chunkPos.y - (sectorY * Sector.chunkDimension);

        for (int i = 0; i < _activeSectors.Count; i++)
            // Has the sector been found?
            if (_activeSectors[i].position == new Vector2I(sectorX, sectorY))
                return(_activeSectors[i].getChunk(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.y));

Beispiel #6
 private static GameObject createBlock(float x, float y, float z, int id, float addX, float addY, float addZ, float widthX, float widthY, float widthZ, Material m)
     return(BlockUtil.createBlock(x, y, z, "BlockSpawner", id, addX, addY, addZ, widthX, widthY, widthZ, m));
Beispiel #7
 public bool ContainsPoint(int2 point) => BlockUtil.ContainsPoint(point, GroupSize);
Beispiel #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate the data for a corresponding chunk depending on where it should be in the world
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="world"></param>
    /// <param name="x"></param>
    /// <param name="y"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Chunk generateChunk(World world, int x, int y)
        Chunk chunk = new Chunk(world, new Vector2I(x, y));

        int dim = Chunk.tileDimension;

        Tile[,,] tiles = new Tile[dim, dim, 2];

        // Very simple terrain test
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                Vector2I globalPos = BlockUtil.localBlockToWorldBlock(new Vector2I(i, j), new Vector2I(x, y));

                if (globalPos.y <= 21)     // Flat terrain 20 blocks deep
                    if (globalPos.y == 21) // Varying grass / flower
                        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) < 7)
                            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) < 2) // Flowers are rarer than tallgrass
                                tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(5, 0);
                                tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(0, 0);
                            else // Tallgrass is more common
                                tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(3, 0);
                                tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(0, 0);
                        else // Non-grass or flower, set air
                            tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(0, 0);
                            tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(0, 0);
                    else if (globalPos.y == 20) // Grass
                        tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(4, 0);
                        tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(6, 0);
                    else if (globalPos.y < 20 && globalPos.y > 15) // dirt
                        tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(1, 0);
                        tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(6, 0);
                    else if (globalPos.y <= 15 && globalPos.y > 11 && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) < 7) // random invariation of dirt
                        tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(1, 0);
                        tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(6, 0);
                    else // stone
                        tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(2, 0);
                        tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(10, 0);
                else // Air
                    tiles[i, j, 0] = new Tile(0, 0);
                    tiles[i, j, 1] = new Tile(0, 0);



        /*  for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
         * {
         *    Vector2I globalPos = BlockUtil.localBlockToWorldBlock(new Vector2I(i, 0), new Vector2I(x, 0));
         *    float noise = Mathf.PerlinNoise((float)globalPos.x + seed, (float)globalPos.y);
         * }*/
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            if (groupSystem.IsReady == false)

            var map = groupSystem.BlocksMap;

            EntityCommandBuffer buffer = commandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer();

            ComponentDataFromEntity <Depth> depthLookup = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Depth>();

            float time = (float)Time.ElapsedTime;

            float deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;
            var   size      = groupSystem.GroupSize;

            NativeHashMap <int2, int> checkMap = new
                                                 NativeHashMap <int2, int>(groupSystem.GroupSize.x * groupSystem.GroupSize.y,

            NativeList <int2> pointBuffer = new
                                            NativeList <int2>(groupSystem.GroupSize.x * groupSystem.GroupSize.y,

            var    rand            = Random.CreateFromIndex((uint)Time.ElapsedTime);;
            var    isDrilledLookup = GetComponentDataFromEntity <IsBeingDrilled>();
            var    markLookup      = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Mark>();
            float3 origin          = groupSystem.VisualOrigin;

            float scaleMultiplierThreshold = 0.25f;

            Dependency = Entities.WithReadOnly(depthLookup)
                         .ForEach((Entity entity,
                                   ref Worker worker,
                                   ref Translation translation,
                                   ref NonUniformScale scale,
                                   ref DestinationPoint destination,
                                   ref VerticalLimit verticalLimit,
                                   ref DrillPower power,
                                   in WorkerAnimations animations) =>
                float drillTime = worker.Timer;

                bool isBouncing = power.Bounces < worker.MaxBounces;

                if (isBouncing == false && worker.Timer >= 1)
                    power.Bounces = 0;

                float y =
                    verticalLimit.Value + CurveUtil.Evaluate(ref animations.Bounce.Value.Keyframes, drillTime) * verticalLimit.FlightHeight * scale.Value.x;

                if (isBouncing == false)
                    var t         = CurveUtil.Evaluate(ref animations.Move.Value.Keyframes, drillTime);
                    float3 newPos = origin +
                        new float3(destination.PreviousPoint.x, y, destination.PreviousPoint.y),
                        new float3(destination.Value.x, y, destination.Value.y), t);
                    translation.Value = newPos;
                    translation.Value = new float3(translation.Value.x, y, translation.Value.z);

                if (worker.Timer >= 1 && isBouncing)
                    worker.Timer         = 0;
                    float newScale       = scale.Value.x - worker.SizeLossPerHit;
                    scale.Value          = new float3(newScale, newScale, newScale);
                    Depth depth          = depthLookup[worker.CurrentBlock];
                    var centerMarkAmount = power.Amount * math.max(scale.Value.x, 0.1f);
                    int2 center          = destination.Value;
                    verticalLimit.Value  = -(depth.Value + centerMarkAmount);

                    LeaveMark(size, center, buffer, centerMarkAmount, map,
                              depthLookup, worker);

                    if (worker.Radius > 0)
                        float factor = 0.8f;

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 1, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 1, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y + 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y - 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                    if (worker.Radius > 1)
                        float factor = 0.6f;

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 1, center.y - 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 1, center.y - 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 1, center.y + 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 1, center.y + 1), buffer, power.Amount * factor, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                    if (worker.Radius > 2)
                        float spread = 0.4f;

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 2, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y - 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 2, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y + 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                    if (worker.Radius > 3)
                        float spread = 0.2f;

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 1, center.y + 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 2, center.y + 1), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 2, center.y - 1), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 1, center.y - 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 1, center.y - 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 2, center.y - 1), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 2, center.y + 1), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 1, center.y + 2), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                    if (worker.Radius > 4)
                        float spread = 0.1f;

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x - 3, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x + 3, center.y), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y - 3), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);

                        LeaveMark(size, new int2(center.x, center.y + 3), buffer, power.Amount * spread, map,
                                  depthLookup, worker);


                    if (power.Bounces >= worker.MaxBounces)
                        if (BlockUtil.GetClosestBlockOnSameLevel(rand, destination.Value, depthLookup, isDrilledLookup, map, checkMap, pointBuffer, size, out int2 next))
                            buffer.RemoveComponent <IsBeingDrilled>(worker.CurrentBlock);
                            destination.PreviousPoint = destination.Value;
                            destination.Value         = next;
                            worker.CurrentBlock       = map[next];

                    if (newScale <= 0.1f)
                        buffer.RemoveComponent <IsBeingDrilled>(worker.CurrentBlock);

                float scaleMultiplier = math.max(scale.Value.x, scaleMultiplierThreshold);
                worker.Timer         += deltaTime / worker.Frequency / scaleMultiplier;
                worker.Timer          = math.min(1, worker.Timer);




            CurrentJob = Dependency;
Beispiel #10
    public void updatePosition(Vector2I chunkPosition)
        // Convert chunk coordinates to sector coordinates
        Vector2I currentSector = BlockUtil.SectorFromChunk(chunkPosition);

        // Determine the min and max points of the current zone
        Vector2I min = _position;
        Vector2I max = _position + new Vector2I(_loadedDimension - 1, _loadedDimension - 1);

        Debug.Log("Min: " + min + ", Max: " + max + ", Current: " + currentSector);

        // Is the sector out of the bounds or on the edge?
        if (currentSector.x >= max.x || currentSector.x <= min.x || currentSector.y >= max.y || currentSector.y <= min.y)
            int      half      = (_loadedDimension - 1) / 2;
            Vector2I newCorner = currentSector - new Vector2I(half, half);

            List <Vector2I> newPositions    = new List <Vector2I>();
            List <Vector2I> oldPositions    = new List <Vector2I>();
            List <Sector>   cachedPositions = new List <Sector>();

            // Find the new sectors to be part of the zone
            for (int i = 0; i < _loadedDimension; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _loadedDimension; j++)
                    newPositions.Add(newCorner + new Vector2I(i, j));
                    oldPositions.Add(_position + new Vector2I(i, j));

            int saving = 0;

            // Compare the old and new positions to determine which shall
            // remain cached and which need saving
            for (int i = 0; i < _activeSectors.Count; i++)
                Sector sector = _activeSectors[i];

                // Only sectors which are existent (to prevent un-bounded sectors from being saved)
                if (sector != null)
                    Vector2I pos = sector.position;

                    // This sector is going to be part of the new zone
                    if (newPositions.Contains(pos))
                    else // This sector needs saving as it will be despawned
                        // Push the sector for saving

            // Remove the cached positions from the new list
            for (int i = 0; i < cachedPositions.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < newPositions.Count; j++)
                    // Do they match? Remove the new position as it doesn't need loading
                    if (cachedPositions[i].position == newPositions[j])

            // Load the desired chunks
            for (int i = 0; i < newPositions.Count; i++)

            //// A flag used to keep state for the following logical loop
            //bool flag = false;

            //int loading = 0;
            //int caching = 0;

            //// Iterate over all the new positions and determine
            //// which new positions need to be loaded
            //for (int i = 0; i < newPositions.Count; i++)
            //    Vector2I pos = newPositions[i];

            //    // Iterate over the cache to find the position to see if it matches
            //    for (int j = 0; j < cachedPositions.Count; j++)
            //    {
            //        if (cachedPositions[j].position == pos)
            //        {
            //            flag = true;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    // The position isn't in the cache so it means it will need to be loaded
            //    if (!flag)
            //    {
            //        loading++;
            //        _loading.Enqueue(pos);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        caching++;
            //    }

            //Debug.Log("Enqueued " + loading + " sectors to load and caching " + caching + " / " + newPositions.Count);

            // Clean up the active sectors ready to re-place them

            // Re-add the sectors
            for (int i = 0; i < cachedPositions.Count; i++)

            //// Iterate over and re-position all cached sectors
            //for (int i = 0; i < _loadedDimension; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < _loadedDimension; j++)
            //    {
            //        Vector2I pos = newCorner + new Vector2I(i, j);

            //        // Search through the cache to find the specified sector
            //        for (int k = 0; k < cachedPositions.Count; k++)
            //        {
            //            // The position has been found, set the sector
            //            if (cachedPositions[k].position == pos)
            //            {
            //                _sectors[i, j] = cachedPositions[k];
            //            }
            //        }

            //        // The sector was not found, allocate the sector as NULL
            //        _sectors[i, j] = null;
            //    }

            _position = newCorner;
Beispiel #11
 public Coord3 ModWrap(int m) => new Coord3(BlockUtil.ModWrap(x, m), BlockUtil.ModWrap(y, m), BlockUtil.ModWrap(z, m));