Beispiel #1
        OpTime Gemv64 <M, N>(IEnumerable <double> src, int cycles, M m = default, N n = default)
            where M : ITypeNat, new()
            where N : ITypeNat, new()
            var A  = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, double>();
            var x  = BlockVector.Alloc <N, double>();
            var y  = BlockVector.Alloc <M, double>();
            var z  = BlockVector.Alloc <M, double>();
            var sw = stopwatch(false);

            for (var i = 0; i < cycles; i++)

                mkl.gemv(A, x, ref y);
                refmul(A, x, z);
                Claim.yea(z == y);

            var label = $"gemv<{nati<M>()},{nati<N>()},{PrimalKinds.kind<double>()}>";

            return(optime(cycles, sw, label));
Beispiel #2
        OpTime gemm_direct_check <M, K, N>(IEnumerable <double> src, M m = default, K k = default, N n = default)
            where M : ITypeNat, new()
            where K : ITypeNat, new()
            where N : ITypeNat, new()

            var A       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, K, double>();
            var B       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <K, N, double>();
            var X       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, double>();
            var E       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, double>();
            var collect = false;

            var runtime = Duration.Zero;

            for (var i = 0; i < CycleCount; i++)
                var sw = stopwatch();
                mkl.gemm(A, B, ref X);
                runtime += snapshot(sw);

                Mul(A, B, ref E);
                Claim.yea(E == X);

            var label  = $"gemm<{nati<M>()},{nati<K>()},{nati<N>()}>";
            var timing = optime(CycleCount, runtime, label);

            if (collect)
                Collect(timing, 30);
Beispiel #3
 void GemmInt32Format()
     var domain = closed(-32768, 32768);
     var n      = n5;
     var m      = n5;
     var m1     = Random.BlockMatrix(domain, m, n);
     var m2     = Random.BlockMatrix(domain, m, n);
     var m3     = BlockMatrix.Alloc(m, n, 0);
     var m4     = mkl.gemm(m1, m2, ref m3);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates a target matrix and populates it with the product of the operands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">The left matrix</param>
        /// <param name="B">The right matrix</param>
        /// <param name="M">The number of rows in A and C</param>
        /// <param name="N">The number of columns in B and C</param>
        /// <param name="K">The number of columns in A and rows in B</param>
        public static BlockMatrix <M, N, double> gemm <M, K, N>(BlockMatrix <M, K, double> A, BlockMatrix <K, N, double> B)
            where M : ITypeNat, new()
            where K : ITypeNat, new()
            where N : ITypeNat, new()
            var m   = nati <M>();
            var k   = nati <K>();
            var n   = nati <N>();
            var lda = k;
            var ldb = n;
            var ldx = n;
            var X   = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, double>();

            CBLAS.cblas_dgemm(RowMajor, NoTranspose, NoTranspose, m, n, k, 1.0f, ref head(A), lda, ref head(B), ldb, 0, ref head(X), ldx);
Beispiel #5
        void Getrf64 <M, N>()
            where M : ITypeNat, new()
            where N : ITypeNat, new()
            var m     = nati <M>();
            var n     = nati <N>();
            var cells = m * n;

            Span <int> pivots = new int[math.max(m, n) * 2];

            var A = RMat <M, N, double>(closed(1, 250.0)).Apply(x => x.Truncate());
            var X = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, double>();

            mkl.getrf(A, pivots, ref X);
            X.Apply(x => x.Round(4));
Beispiel #6
        OpTime gemm_check <M, K, N, T>(IEnumerable <T> src, T epsilon = default, M m = default, K k = default, N n = default, bool trace = false)
            where M : ITypeNat, new()
            where K : ITypeNat, new()
            where N : ITypeNat, new()
            where T : struct

            var A       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, K, T>();
            var B       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <K, N, T>();
            var X       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, T>();
            var E       = BlockMatrix.Alloc <M, N, T>();
            var collect = false;

            var runtime = Duration.Zero;

            for (var i = 0; i < CycleCount; i++)
                var sw = stopwatch();
                mkl.gemm(A, B, ref X);
                runtime += snapshot(sw);

                MatMulRef.Mul(A, B, ref E);

                if (trace)
                    var padlen = Int32.MinValue.ToString().Length + 2;
                    Trace($"X = {X.Format()}");
                    Trace($"E = {E.Format()}");

                E.Unblocked.ClaimEqual(X.Unblocked, epsilon);

            var    label  = $"gemm<N{nati<M>()},N{nati<K>()},N{nati<N>()},{typeof(T).Name}>";
            OpTime timing = optime(CycleCount, runtime, label);

            if (collect)
                Collect(timing, 30);