Beispiel #1
    void OnSaveFile_ForLocal()
        // get all the objects
        Transform blocks_grid = this.transform.GetChild(0);

        // extract the grid name from the first block's name up to the first "_" character
        string name = blocks_grid.GetChild(0).name;

        name = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("_"));

        // detect how many blocks wide and high the grid is
        // todo: 1000 should be replaced by blocks_grid.ChildCount to support arbitrary grid sizes
        // todo: but there are 2x the expected children in the grids somehow, so it's failing
        int width  = blocksList.width;
        int height = blocksList.height;

        // create a 2D grid to place the GameObjects in
        GameObject[,] blocksGameObjectList2D = new GameObject[width, height];

        for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < width; nIndex++)
            for (int mIndex = 0; mIndex < height; mIndex++)
                blocksGameObjectList2D[nIndex, mIndex] = blocks_grid.GetChild(nIndex * height + mIndex).gameObject;

        blocksList = new BlockDataList(name, blocksGameObjectList2D);

        // Serialze into JSON format
        string blockListText = JSONSerializeBlockDataList(blocksList);

        // Save JSON string as file to Documents folder
        SaveBlockDataListToRoamingFolder(blockListText, name);
Beispiel #2
    private BlockDataList JSONDeserializeBlockDataList(string JSONdata)
        DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(BlockDataList));

        MemoryStream  stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JSONdata));
        BlockDataList returnBlockDataList = (BlockDataList)jsonSer.ReadObject(stream);

Beispiel #3
    void createBlocksFromFile(string fileName, bool SpawnSharedObjects)
        // load file from documents
        string blocksJSON = LoadBlocksFromRoamingFolder(fileName).Result;

        // if no file was found or failed, load from app resource file URI
        if (blocksJSON == null)
            blocksJSON = readBlocksJSONFromAppResource(fileName).Result;

        // convert JSON string to blocks data object
        blocksList = JSONDeserializeBlockDataList(blocksJSON);

        // create the block game objects
        createBlocksFromDataList(blocksList, SpawnSharedObjects);
Beispiel #4
    private void createBlocksFromDataList(BlockDataList blocksDataList, bool SpawnSharedObjects)
        float      nOffset = blocksDataList.width / 2; // sets the center of grid the grid to 0
        float      mOffset = 0;                        // sets bottom of grid to 0 (to center grid at 0 instead, use "mRows / 2");
        Quaternion BlockRotation;
        float      blockSpacing = Globals.BlockSpacing;

        // set blocks up for each column of the grid
        for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < blocksDataList.width; nIndex++)
            // set blocks up for each row of the grid
            for (int mIndex = 0; mIndex < blocksDataList.height; mIndex++)
                // get rotation from input block grid if it exists
                BlockRotation = Quaternion.Euler(blocksDataList.BlockData2DArray[nIndex, mIndex].Rotation);

                if (SpawnSharedObjects)
                    // instantiate a shared cube in the right spot on the grid
                        new SyncSpawnedObject(),
                        new Vector3(
                            (nIndex - nOffset) * Globals.BlockSpacing,
                            1 * blockSpacing,
                            (mIndex - mOffset + 1) * Globals.BlockSpacing),
                    // instantiate a local cube in the right spot on the grid
                    GameObject NewBlock = Instantiate(block_prefab, this.transform.GetChild(0), false);
                    NewBlock.transform.localRotation = BlockRotation;
                    NewBlock.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                        (nIndex - nOffset) * Globals.BlockSpacing,
                        1 * Globals.BlockSpacing,
                        (mIndex - mOffset + 1) * Globals.BlockSpacing);
           = blocksDataList.Name + "_" + mIndex.ToString() + "-" + nIndex.ToString();
Beispiel #5
    // Handler to load sample files
    void OnLoadFiles_ForSlideShow(string[] fileNames)
        blocksJSONList = new string[fileNames.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.Length; i++)
            // read blocks JSON string from file
            blocksJSONList[i] = readBlocksJSONFromAppResource(fileNames[i]).Result;

        // convert JSON string to blocks data object
        blocksList = JSONDeserializeBlockDataList(blocksJSONList[blocks_SideShow_CurrentListItem]);

        // create the block game objects using the first file
        createBlocksFromDataList(blocksList, false);

        // scale up a bit
        this.transform.localScale = this.transform.localScale * scaleFactor;
Beispiel #6
    void OnLoadNextBlocks_ForSlideShow()
        // rotate to next item in slideshow, if at end, set it back to first item
        if (blocks_SideShow_CurrentListItem < (blocksJSONList.Length - 1))
            blocks_SideShow_CurrentListItem += 1;
            blocks_SideShow_CurrentListItem = 0;

        // load the .blocks data into blocks datastructure
        blocksList = JSONDeserializeBlockDataList(blocksJSONList[blocks_SideShow_CurrentListItem]);

        // rotate all the SlideShow's blocks to the new orientation
        for (int i = 0; i < blocksList.BlockDataArray.Length; i++)
            this.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(i).gameObject.SendMessage("OnRotateAbsolute", Quaternion.Euler(blocksList.BlockDataArray[i].Rotation));