Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a block cipher instance with specified initialization parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BlockCipherType">The block cipher enumeration name</param>
        /// <param name="BlockSize">The cipher block size</param>
        /// <param name="RoundCount">The number of cipher rounds</param>
        /// <param name="ExtractorType">The ciphers key expansion engine</param>
        /// <returns>An initialized block cipher</returns>
        public static IBlockCipher GetInstance(BlockCiphers BlockCipherType, int BlockSize, int RoundCount, Digests ExtractorType = Digests.None)
            switch (BlockCipherType)
            case BlockCiphers.Rijndael:
                return(new RHX(BlockSize));

            case BlockCiphers.RHX:
                return(new RHX(BlockSize, RoundCount, ExtractorType));

            case BlockCiphers.Serpent:
                return(new SHX());

            case BlockCiphers.SHX:
                return(new SHX(RoundCount, ExtractorType));

            case BlockCiphers.Twofish:
                return(new THX());

            case BlockCiphers.THX:
                return(new THX(RoundCount, ExtractorType));

            case BlockCiphers.RSM:
                return(new RSM(RoundCount, BlockSize));

            case BlockCiphers.TSM:
                return(new TSM(RoundCount));

                throw new CryptoProcessingException("BlockCipherFromName:GetInstance", "The cipher engine is not supported!");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a block cipher instance with default initialization parameters.
        /// <para>The default parameters for each HX extended cipher, 128 bit block-size, Kdf as SHA2-256, and rounds equal to a 512 key setting</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BlockCipherType">The block cipher enumeration name</param>
        /// <returns>An initialized block cipher</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoProcessingException">Thrown if the enumeration name is not supported</exception>
        public static IBlockCipher GetInstance(BlockCiphers BlockCipherType)
            switch (BlockCipherType)
            case BlockCiphers.Rijndael:
                return(new RHX());

            case BlockCiphers.RHX:
                return(new RHX(16, 22, Digests.SHA256));

            case BlockCiphers.Serpent:
                return(new SHX());

            case BlockCiphers.SHX:
                return(new SHX(40, Digests.SHA256));

            case BlockCiphers.Twofish:
                return(new THX());

            case BlockCiphers.THX:
                return(new THX(20, Digests.SHA256));

            case BlockCiphers.RSM:
                return(new RSM(42, 32));

            case BlockCiphers.TSM:
                return(new TSM(32));

                throw new CryptoProcessingException("BlockCipherFromName:GetInstance", "The cipher engine is not supported!");
Beispiel #3
        private IBlockCipher GetCipher(BlockCiphers RngEngine)
            switch (RngEngine)
            case BlockCiphers.RDX:
                return(new RDX());

            case BlockCiphers.RHX:
                return(new RHX());

            case BlockCiphers.RSM:
                return(new RSM());

            case BlockCiphers.SHX:
                return(new SHX());

            case BlockCiphers.SPX:
                return(new SPX());

            case BlockCiphers.TFX:
                return(new TFX());

            case BlockCiphers.THX:
                return(new THX());

            case BlockCiphers.TSM:
                return(new TSM());

                return(new RDX());
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// DtmSessionStruct constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="EngineType">The Cryptographic <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.BlockCiphers">Engine</see> type</param>
 /// <param name="KeySize">The cipher Key Size in bytes</param>
 /// <param name="IvSize">Size of the cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.IVSizes">Initialization Vector</see></param>
 /// <param name="RoundCount">The number of diffusion <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.RoundCounts">Rounds</see></param>
 /// <param name="KdfEngine">The <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.Digests">Digest</see> engine used to power the key schedule Key Derivation Function in HX and M series ciphers</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if an invalid KeyId, MessageKey, or ExtensionKey is used</exception>
 public DtmSessionStruct(BlockCiphers EngineType = BlockCiphers.Rijndael, int KeySize = 32, IVSizes IvSize = IVSizes.V128, RoundCounts RoundCount = RoundCounts.R14, Digests KdfEngine = Digests.None)
     this.EngineType = (byte)EngineType;
     this.KeySize    = (short)KeySize;
     this.IvSize     = (byte)IvSize;
     this.RoundCount = (byte)RoundCount;
     this.KdfEngine  = (byte)KdfEngine;
Beispiel #5
 private IBlockCipher GetCipher(BlockCiphers RngEngine)
     catch (Exception Ex)
         throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:GetCipher", "The cipher could not be initialized!", Ex);
Beispiel #6
 private IBlockCipher GetBlockCipher(BlockCiphers EngineType, int BlockSize, int RoundCount, Digests KdfEngine)
         return(BlockCipherFromName.GetInstance(EngineType, BlockSize, RoundCount, KdfEngine));
     catch (Exception Ex)
         throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:GetCipher", "The cipher could not be initialized!", Ex);
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the structure with parameters for an CMAC generator
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="KeySize">The Mac key size in bytes</param>
 /// <param name="EngineType">The symmetric block cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.SymmetricEngines">Engine</see> type</param>
 /// <param name="IvSize">Size of the cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.IVSizes">Initialization Vector</see></param>
 /// <param name="BlockSize">The cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.BlockSizes">Block Size</see></param>
 /// <param name="RoundCount">The number of diffusion <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.RoundCounts">Rounds</see></param>
 /// <param name="KdfEngine">The <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.Digests">Digest</see> engine used to power the key schedule Key Derivation Function in HX and M series ciphers</param>
 public MacDescription(int KeySize, BlockCiphers EngineType, IVSizes IvSize, BlockSizes BlockSize = BlockSizes.B128, RoundCounts RoundCount = RoundCounts.R14, Digests KdfEngine = Digests.SHA512)
     MacType         = (int)Macs.CMAC;
     this.KeySize    = KeySize;
     this.IvSize     = (int)IvSize;
     HmacEngine      = 0;
     this.EngineType = (int)EngineType;
     this.BlockSize  = (int)BlockSize;
     this.RoundCount = (int)RoundCount;
     this.KdfEngine  = (int)KdfEngine;
Beispiel #8
 IBlockCipher LoadCipher(BlockCiphers CipherType)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new CryptoSymmetricException("CTR:LoadCipher", "The block cipher could not be instantiated!", ex);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher mode using a block cipher type name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CipherType">The formal enumeration name of a block cipher</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if an invalid Cipher type is used</exception>
        public CTR(BlockCiphers CipherType)
            if (CipherType == BlockCiphers.None)
                throw new CryptoSymmetricException("CTR:CTor", "The Cipher type can not be none!", new ArgumentNullException());

            m_disposeEngine = true;
            m_blockCipher   = LoadCipher(CipherType);
            m_blockSize     = m_blockCipher.BlockSize;
Beispiel #10
        private ICipherMode GetCipherMode(CipherModes CipherType, BlockCiphers EngineType, int BlockSize, int RoundCount, Digests KdfEngine)
            IBlockCipher engine = GetBlockCipher(EngineType, BlockSize, RoundCount, KdfEngine);

                return(CipherModeFromName.GetInstance(CipherType, engine));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CryptoProcessingException("CipherStream:GetCipherMode", ex);
Beispiel #11
        private IBlockCipher GetCipher(BlockCiphers EngineType, Digests DigestType, RoundCounts Rounds, int BlockSize = 16)
            switch (EngineType)
            case BlockCiphers.Rijndael:
                return(new RHX(BlockSize, (int)Rounds, DigestType));

            case BlockCiphers.Serpent:
                return(new SHX((int)Rounds, DigestType));

            case BlockCiphers.Twofish:
                return(new THX((int)Rounds, DigestType));
            throw new Exception();
Beispiel #12
        private int GetKeySize(BlockCiphers CipherEngine)
            switch (CipherEngine)
            case BlockCiphers.RHX:
            case BlockCiphers.RSM:
            case BlockCiphers.SHX:
            case BlockCiphers.THX:
            case BlockCiphers.TSM:

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BlockEngine">The block cipher that powers the rng (default is RDX)</param>
        /// <param name="SeedEngine">The Seed engine used to create keyng material (default is CSPRsg)</param>
        /// <param name="BufferSize">The size of the cache of random bytes (must be more than 1024 to enable parallel processing)</param>
        /// <param name="KeySize">The key size (in bytes) of the symmetric cipher; a <c>0</c> value will auto size the key</param>
        public CTRPrng(BlockCiphers BlockEngine = BlockCiphers.RDX, SeedGenerators SeedEngine = SeedGenerators.CSPRsg, int BufferSize = 4096, int KeySize = 0)
            if (BufferSize < 64)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Buffer size must be at least 64 bytes!", new ArgumentNullException());

            _engineType = BlockEngine;
            _seedType = SeedEngine;
            _byteBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
            _bufferSize = BufferSize;
            if (KeySize > 0)
                _keySize = KeySize;
                _keySize = GetKeySize(BlockEngine);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the class with the block cipher enumeration name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EngineType">The block cipher enumeration name</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoMacException">Thrown if an invalid block size is used</exception>
        public CMAC(BlockCiphers EngineType)
            IBlockCipher cipher = Helper.BlockCipherFromName.GetInstance(EngineType);

            if (cipher.BlockSize != 16 && cipher.BlockSize != 32)
                throw new CryptoMacException("CMAC:Ctor", "Block size must be 128 or 256 bits!", new ArgumentException());

            m_disposeEngine = true;
            m_cipherMode    = new CBC(cipher);
            m_blockSize     = m_cipherMode.BlockSize;
            m_macSize       = cipher.BlockSize;
            m_msgCode       = new byte[m_blockSize];
            m_wrkBuffer     = new byte[m_blockSize];
            m_wrkOffset     = 0;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a CTR Bytes Generator using a block cipher type name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CipherType">The formal enumeration name of a block cipher</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoSymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid Cipher type is used</exception>
        public CMG(BlockCiphers CipherType)
            if (CipherType == BlockCiphers.None)
                throw new CryptoSymmetricException("CMG:CTor", "The Cipher type can not be none!", new ArgumentNullException());

            m_disposeEngine = true;
            m_blockCipher   = LoadCipher(CipherType);
            m_blockSize     = m_blockCipher.BlockSize;
            m_legalKeySizes = new int[m_blockCipher.LegalKeySizes.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_blockCipher.LegalKeySizes.Length; ++i)
                m_legalKeySizes[i] = m_blockCipher.LegalKeySizes[i] + m_blockCipher.BlockSize;

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the class with a Seed; note: the same seed will produce the same random output
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Seed">The Seed bytes used to initialize the digest counter; (min. length is key size + counter 16)</param>
        /// <param name="BlockEngine">The block cipher that powers the rng (default is RDX)</param>
        /// <param name="BufferSize">The size of the cache of random bytes (must be more than 1024 to enable parallel processing)</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoRandomException">Thrown if the seed is null or too small</exception>
        public CTRPrng(byte[] Seed, BlockCiphers BlockEngine = BlockCiphers.Rijndael, int BufferSize = 4096)
            if (BufferSize < 64)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Buffer size must be at least 64 bytes!", new ArgumentNullException());
            if (Seed == null)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Seed can not be null!", new ArgumentNullException());
            if (GetKeySize(BlockEngine) < Seed.Length)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", String.Format("The state seed is too small! must be at least {0} bytes", GetKeySize(BlockEngine)), new ArgumentException());

            m_engineType = BlockEngine;
            m_stateSeed  = Seed;
            m_byteBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
            m_bufferSize = BufferSize;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs expected values for 512 bit keys
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>State</returns>
        public string Get512Vector(BlockCiphers EngineType, RoundCounts Rounds, int BlockSize = 16)
            IBlockCipher engine = GetCipher(EngineType, Digests.None, Rounds, BlockSize); // rounds calc automatic
            int          keyLen = 64;

            byte[]      key    = new byte[keyLen];
            byte[]      iv     = new byte[engine.BlockSize];
            ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(engine);

            for (int i = 0; i < keyLen; i++)
                key[i] = (byte)i;
            for (int i = 0; i < iv.Length; i++)
                iv[i] = (byte)i;

            cipher.Initialize(true, new KeyParams(key, iv));

Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs expected values for the HX Ciphers
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>State</returns>
        public string GetHXVector(BlockCiphers EngineType, Digests DigestType, RoundCounts Rounds)
            IBlockCipher engine = GetCipher(EngineType, DigestType, Rounds);
            int          keyLen = GetKeySize(engine);

            byte[]      key    = new byte[keyLen];
            byte[]      iv     = new byte[engine.BlockSize];
            ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(engine);

            for (int i = 0; i < keyLen; i++)
                key[i] = (byte)i;
            for (int i = 0; i < iv.Length; i++)
                iv[i] = (byte)i;

            cipher.Initialize(true, new KeyParams(key, iv));

Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BlockEngine">The block cipher that powers the rng (default is RDX)</param>
        /// <param name="SeedEngine">The Seed engine used to create keyng material (default is CSPRsg)</param>
        /// <param name="BufferSize">The size of the cache of random bytes (must be more than 1024 to enable parallel processing)</param>
        /// <param name="KeySize">The key size (in bytes) of the symmetric cipher; a <c>0</c> value will auto size the key</param>
        public CTRPrng(BlockCiphers BlockEngine = BlockCiphers.RDX, SeedGenerators SeedEngine = SeedGenerators.CSPRsg, int BufferSize = 4096, int KeySize = 0)
            if (BufferSize < 64)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Buffer size must be at least 64 bytes!", new ArgumentNullException());

            _engineType = BlockEngine;
            _seedType   = SeedEngine;
            _byteBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
            _bufferSize = BufferSize;
            if (KeySize > 0)
                _keySize = KeySize;
                _keySize = GetKeySize(BlockEngine);

Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the cipher mode using a block cipher type name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CipherType">The formal enumeration name of a block cipher</param>
        /// <param name="RegisterSize">Register size in bytes; minimum is 1 byte, maximum is the Block Ciphers internal block size</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoSymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid Cipher type or register size is used</exception>
        public OFB(BlockCiphers CipherType, int RegisterSize = 16)
            if (CipherType == BlockCiphers.None)
                throw new CryptoSymmetricException("OFB:CTor", "The Cipher type can not be none!", new ArgumentNullException());
            if (RegisterSize == 0)
                throw new CryptoSymmetricException("OFB:CTor", "The RegisterSize can not be zero!");

            m_blockCipher = LoadCipher(CipherType);

            if (RegisterSize > m_blockCipher.BlockSize)
                throw new CryptoSymmetricException("OFB:CTor", "The RegisterSize can not be more than the ciphers block size!");

            m_disposeEngine = true;
            m_blockSize     = RegisterSize;
            m_ofbIv         = new byte[m_blockCipher.BlockSize];
            m_ofbBuffer     = new byte[m_blockCipher.BlockSize];
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// SessionParams constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="EngineType">The Cryptographic <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.BlockCiphers">Engine</see> type</param>
 /// <param name="KeySize">The cipher Key Size in bytes</param>
 /// <param name="IvSize">Size of the cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.IVSizes">Initialization Vector</see></param>
 /// <param name="RoundCount">The number of diffusion <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.RoundCounts">Rounds</see></param>
 /// <param name="KdfEngine">The <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.Digests">Digest</see> engine used to power the key schedule Key Derivation Function in HX and M series ciphers</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if an invalid KeyId, MessageKey, or ExtensionKey is used</exception>
 public DtmSession(BlockCiphers EngineType = BlockCiphers.RDX, int KeySize = 32, IVSizes IvSize = IVSizes.V128, RoundCounts RoundCount = RoundCounts.R14, Digests KdfEngine = Digests.SHA512)
     this.EngineType = (byte)EngineType;
     this.KeySize = (short)KeySize;
     this.IvSize = (byte)IvSize;
     this.RoundCount = (byte)RoundCount;
     this.KdfEngine = (byte)KdfEngine;
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the class with a Seed; note: the same seed will produce the same random output
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Seed">The Seed bytes used to initialize the digest counter; (min. length is key size + counter 16)</param>
        /// <param name="BlockEngine">The block cipher that powers the rng (default is RDX)</param>
        /// <param name="BufferSize">The size of the cache of random bytes (must be more than 1024 to enable parallel processing)</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoRandomException">Thrown if the seed is null or too small</exception>
        public CTRPrng(byte[] Seed, BlockCiphers BlockEngine = BlockCiphers.RDX, int BufferSize = 4096)
            if (BufferSize < 64)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Buffer size must be at least 64 bytes!", new ArgumentNullException());
            if (Seed == null)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", "Seed can not be null!", new ArgumentNullException());
            if (GetKeySize(BlockEngine) < Seed.Length)
                throw new CryptoRandomException("CTRPrng:Ctor", String.Format("The state seed is too small! must be at least {0} bytes", GetKeySize(BlockEngine)), new ArgumentException());

            _engineType = BlockEngine;
            _stateSeed = Seed;
            _byteBuffer = new byte[BufferSize];
            _bufferSize = BufferSize;
Beispiel #23
 private IBlockCipher GetCipher(BlockCiphers RngEngine)
     switch (RngEngine)
         case BlockCiphers.RDX:
             return new RDX();
         case BlockCiphers.RHX:
             return new RHX();
         case BlockCiphers.RSM:
             return new RSM();
         case BlockCiphers.SHX:
             return new SHX();
         case BlockCiphers.SPX:
             return new SPX();
         case BlockCiphers.TFX:
             return new TFX();
         case BlockCiphers.THX:
             return new THX();
         case BlockCiphers.TSM:
             return new TSM();
             return new RDX();
Beispiel #24
 private int GetKeySize(BlockCiphers CipherEngine)
Beispiel #25
 private int GetKeySize(BlockCiphers CipherEngine)
     switch (CipherEngine)
         case BlockCiphers.RHX:
         case BlockCiphers.RSM:
         case BlockCiphers.SHX:
         case BlockCiphers.THX:
         case BlockCiphers.TSM:
             return 320;
             return 32;
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the structure with parameters for any supported type of Mac generator
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="MacType">The type of Mac generator; Cmac, Hmac, or Vmac</param>
 /// <param name="KeySize">The mac/cipher key size in bytes</param>
 /// <param name="IvSize">Size of the Mac Initialization Vector</param>
 /// <param name="HmacEngine">The <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.Digests">Digest</see> engine used in the Hmac</param>
 /// <param name="EngineType">The symmetric block cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.SymmetricEngines">Engine</see> type</param>
 /// <param name="RoundCount">The number of diffusion <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.RoundCounts">Rounds</see></param>
 /// <param name="BlockSize">The cipher <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.BlockSizes">Block Size</see></param>
 /// <param name="KdfEngine">The <see cref="VTDev.Libraries.CEXEngine.Crypto.Enumeration.Digests">Digest</see> engine used to power the key schedule Key Derivation Function in HX and M series ciphers</param>
 public MacDescription(Macs MacType, int KeySize, int IvSize, Digests HmacEngine = Digests.SHA512, BlockCiphers EngineType = BlockCiphers.Rijndael,
                       RoundCounts RoundCount = RoundCounts.R14, BlockSizes BlockSize = BlockSizes.B128, Digests KdfEngine = Digests.SHA512)
     this.MacType    = (int)MacType;
     this.KeySize    = KeySize;
     this.IvSize     = IvSize;
     this.HmacEngine = (int)HmacEngine;
     this.EngineType = (int)EngineType;
     this.RoundCount = (int)RoundCount;
     this.BlockSize  = (int)BlockSize;
     this.KdfEngine  = (int)KdfEngine;