public void TestDBComparerProcedure(RegexFoundingUnitTest param) { // Arrange var e = RegexFounding.List.First(x => x.Action == param.SqlActionId && x.ApplyOn == param.SqlWhatId); Bloc expected = new Bloc() { ScriptId = 0, SqlActionId = param.SqlActionId, TypeObjectId = param.SqlWhatId, }; // Act var ba = new BlocAnalyzer(); ba.Analyze(e, 0, param.Text); // Assert Assert.NotNull(ba.Blocs); if (param.Result) { Assert.Single(ba.Blocs); Assert.Collection(ba.Blocs, b => Assert.Equal(expected, b)); } else { Assert.Empty(ba.Blocs); } }
public bool AddBloc(Bloc bloc, bool heigth = false) { List <Point> potentialPoints = new List <Point>(); if (m_blocs.Count == 0) { bloc.setPosition(0, 0, 0); m_blocs.Add(bloc); return(true); } foreach (Bloc bl in m_blocs) { //Si plaçable sur le coin en bas à droite if (isPlacable(bl.getBottomRightPoint(), bloc, heigth)) { potentialPoints.Add(bl.getBottomRightPoint()); } //si plaçable sur le coin en haut à droite if (isPlacable(bl.getUpperLeftPoint(), bloc, heigth)) { potentialPoints.Add(bl.getUpperLeftPoint()); } //si placable sur le point en bas, au fond à gauche if (isPlacable(bl.getBackLeftPoint(), bloc, heigth)) { potentialPoints.Add(bl.getBackLeftPoint()); } } if (potentialPoints.Count == 0) { return(false); } m_blocs.Add(PositionHelper.Meilleurposition(potentialPoints, bloc, m_blocs)); return(true); }
public void AddNeighbor(Bloc bloc) { if (!NeighborsBlocs.Contains(bloc)) { NeighborsBlocs.Add(bloc); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutBloc(int id, Bloc bloc) { if (id != bloc.blocId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(bloc).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BlocExists(bloc.blocId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(Ok()); }
private IEnumerable<Bloc> GetAccessibleBlocs(Bloc start, int distance) { if (distance <= 0) return null; List<Bloc> blocs = Map.FetchNeighbors2D(start, 1); List<Bloc> neighbours = new List<Bloc>(); for (int i = 0; i < blocs.Count; ++i) { if (Math.Abs(blocs[i].indexInMap.z - start.indexInMap.z) > 1 || !blocs[i].IsReachable()) { blocs.RemoveAt(i); i = i - 1; // compensate for the deletion of an entry continue; } _paths[blocs[i]] = start; IEnumerable<Bloc> directNeighbours = GetAccessibleBlocs(blocs[i], distance - 1); if (directNeighbours != null) neighbours.AddRange(directNeighbours); } neighbours.ForEach(delegate (Bloc bloc) { if (!blocs.Contains(bloc)) blocs.Add(bloc); }); return new HashSet<Bloc>(blocs); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Bloc> > PostBloc(Bloc bloc) { _context.Blocs.Add(bloc); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetBloc), new { id = bloc.ID }, bloc)); }
//Operaciones de Bloc #region Bloc public async Task AddBloc(Bloc Bloc) { //Con gettable recuperas el formato de la tabla que le indicas. var tabla = cliente.GetTable <Bloc>(); //Insertas en la tabla formateada el objeto recibido await tabla.InsertAsync(Bloc); }
public static Bloc Meilleurposition(List <Point> p_listepointpotentiel, Bloc p_blocavenir, List <Bloc> p_listeobjetplace) { if (p_listepointpotentiel.Count != 0) { int minY = p_listepointpotentiel[0].Y; Point meilleurpoint = p_listepointpotentiel[0]; foreach (Point p in p_listepointpotentiel) { if (p.Y < minY) { minY = p.Y; meilleurpoint = p; } else if (p.Y == minY && p.X < meilleurpoint.X) { meilleurpoint = p; } else if (p.Y == minY && p.X == meilleurpoint.X && p.Z < meilleurpoint.Z) { meilleurpoint = p; } } p_blocavenir.X = meilleurpoint.X; p_blocavenir.Y = meilleurpoint.Y; p_blocavenir.Z = meilleurpoint.Z; } return(p_blocavenir); }
public void Init() { myMap = new Bloc[size.X, size.Y]; World_Generator noise = new World_Generator(new Random().Next(0, 1000000000), size.Y); for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++) { int columnHeight = noise.getNoise(x, size.Y - 2); if (columnHeight <= 0) { columnHeight = 1; } for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++) { if (y >= columnHeight) { myMap[x, y] = new Bloc(x, y, IDBlock.NONE, this); } else if (y == columnHeight - 1) { myMap[x, y] = new Bloc(x, y, IDBlock.GRASS, this); } else { myMap[x, y] = new Bloc(x, y, IDBlock.DIRT, this); } } } player = new Player(texturePlayer, this); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutBloc(int id, Bloc bloc) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != bloc.IdBloc) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(bloc).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BlocExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
//Return the blocs to destroy if a bloc has been hit public List <Bloc> GetBlocsToDestroy(Bloc blocHit, List <BlocColor> colorsToDestroy) { List <Bloc> blocsToDestroy = new List <Bloc>(); blocsToDestroy.Add(blocHit); List <Bloc> blocsToCheck = new List <Bloc>(); blocsToCheck.Add(blocHit); while (blocsToCheck.Count > 0) { Bloc blocNode = blocsToCheck[0]; blocsToCheck.RemoveAt(0); for (int i = 0; i < blocNode.NeighborsBlocs.Count; i++) { Bloc currentBloc = blocNode.NeighborsBlocs[i]; if (currentBloc != null && currentBloc.Destructible && colorsToDestroy.Contains(currentBloc.Color) && !blocsToDestroy.Contains(currentBloc)) { blocsToDestroy.Add(currentBloc); blocsToCheck.Add(currentBloc); } } } return(blocsToDestroy); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,NameRU,NameEN,NameKK,Code")] Bloc bloc, string backlink) { ViewBag.BackLink = backlink; if (id != bloc.Id) { return(NotFound()); } var blocs = _context.Bloc.AsNoTracking().ToList(); if (blocs.Where(b => b.Id != bloc.Id).Select(b => b.NameEN).Contains(bloc.NameEN)) { ModelState.AddModelError("NameEN", _sharedLocalizer["ErrorDublicateValue"]); } if (blocs.Where(b => b.Id != bloc.Id).Select(b => b.NameKK).Contains(bloc.NameKK)) { ModelState.AddModelError("NameKK", _sharedLocalizer["ErrorDublicateValue"]); } if (blocs.Where(b => b.Id != bloc.Id).Select(b => b.NameRU).Contains(bloc.NameRU)) { ModelState.AddModelError("NameRU", _sharedLocalizer["ErrorDublicateValue"]); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bloc.Code)) { bloc.Code = _context.Bloc.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == bloc.Id).Code; } Bloc bloc_old = _context.Bloc.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == bloc.Id); _context.Log.Add(new Log() { DateTime = DateTime.Now, Email = User.Identity.Name, Operation = "Редактирование Блока", New = $"{bloc.NameEN}; {bloc.NameKK}; {bloc.NameRU}", Old = $"{bloc_old.NameEN}; {bloc_old.NameKK}; {bloc_old.NameRU}" }); _context.Update(bloc); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BlocExists(bloc.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } if (backlink.ToLower().Contains("bloc")) { return(Redirect(backlink)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(bloc)); }
//Called when the play phase starts and each time a bloc is considered destroyed public void UpdateDestructibleBlocs(object obj = null) { int indexLastDestructibleLine = 0; for (int y = _height - 1; y >= 0; y--) { if (!isLineDestroyed(y)) { indexLastDestructibleLine = y - (_nbLineEnabled - 1); break; } } for (int y = _height - 1; y >= 0; y--) { SetLineDestructible(y, y >= indexLastDestructibleLine); } //Update camera Y so we can see the destructible lines Bloc MiddleBloc = GetBloc(0, indexLastDestructibleLine + (_nbLineEnabled / 2)); if (MiddleBloc != null) { GameManager.Instance.SetPlayCameraY(MiddleBloc.StartY); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Bloc bloc = db.DbSetBloc.Find(id); db.DbSetBloc.Remove(bloc); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void Shoot(Bloc blocToShoot) { NbShotsAvailable--; StartCoroutine(ShootBallCoroutine(0.25f, blocToShoot, CurrentWeaponColors)); EventManager.TriggerEvent(EventList.OnShotFired, NbShotsAvailable); DrawNewWeapon(); }
public void Stop() { if (movingCoroutine != null) // using conditional statement to check that value is not empty { StopCoroutine(movingCoroutine); // making Coroutine stop before it finishes its work currentBloc = null; } }
public void Analyze(RegexFounding e, int scriptId, string text) { blocs.Clear(); MatchCollection cll = e.Expression.Matches(text); if (cll != null && cll.Count > 0) { foreach (Match m in cll) { string db = m.Groups["database"]?.Value; string sch = m.Groups["schema"]?.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sch) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(db)) { sch = db; db = null; } string name = m.Groups["name"]?.Value; string col = string.Empty; if (SqlAction.IsForColumn(e.Action)) { col = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } else if (e.ApplyOn == TypeObject.Index && SqlAction.IsForIndex(e.Action)) { col = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } int?clientCode = null; if (int.TryParse(m.Groups["codeClient"].Value, out int cc)) { clientCode = cc; } var res = new Bloc() { ScriptId = scriptId, SqlActionId = e.Action, TypeObjectId = e.ApplyOn, BlocIndex = m.Index, BlocLength = m.Length, BlocDatabase = RegexFounding.Filtre(db), BlocSchema = RegexFounding.Filtre(sch), BlocName = RegexFounding.Filtre(name), BlocColumn = RegexFounding.Filtre(col), ClientCodeId = clientCode }; if (SqlAction.IsForColumn(e.Action)) { res.BlocColumn = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } blocs.Add(res); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { Bloc bloc = collider.GetComponent <Bloc>(); if (bloc != null) { CurrentBloc.AddNeighbor(bloc); } }
void GenerateTower(int nbBlocPerLine, int height, int nbColor) { _nbBlocPerLine = nbBlocPerLine; _height = height; NbColorInTower = nbColor; foreach (var bloc in _tower) { if (bloc != null) { Destroy(bloc.gameObject); } } _tower.Clear(); //Pick random colors to create variations _towerColors.Clear(); List <BlocColor> availableColors = new List <BlocColor> { BlocColor.Blue, BlocColor.Green, BlocColor.Pink, BlocColor.Purple, BlocColor.Red, BlocColor.Yellow }; for (int i = 0; i < nbColor; i++) { int colorPicked = Random.Range(0, availableColors.Count); _towerColors.Add(availableColors[colorPicked]); availableColors.RemoveAt(colorPicked); } for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < _nbBlocPerLine; x++) { float angle = 360f / (float)nbBlocPerLine; float angleOffset = (y % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 360 / (nbBlocPerLine * 2); Vector3 position = new Vector3(RADIUS * Mathf.Sin(((angle * x) + angleOffset) * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Y_START + y * BLOC_HEIGHT, RADIUS * Mathf.Cos(((angle * x) + angleOffset) * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); GameObject goBloc = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GameData.BlocPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); Bloc currentBloc = goBloc.GetComponent <Bloc>(); currentBloc.Id = y * _nbBlocPerLine + x; currentBloc.Y = y; currentBloc.X = x; currentBloc.Color = _towerColors[Random.Range(0, _towerColors.Count)]; currentBloc.ApplyColor(); currentBloc.TogglePhysics(false); currentBloc.RegisterStartY(); _tower.Add(currentBloc); } } UpdateDestructibleBlocs(); }
public Bloc(Bloc bloc) { m_p.X = bloc.X; m_p.Y = bloc.Y; m_p.Z = bloc.Z; this.largeur = bloc.Largeur; this.hauteur = bloc.Hauteur; this.profondeur = bloc.profondeur; }
void changeSelectedItem(Bloc item, GameObject selectedButton) { level.inventory.SelectItem(item); foreach (var i in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("InventoryItem")) { i.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } selectedButton.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(38.0f / 255, 224.0f / 255, 85.0f / 255); }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { Bloc bloc = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Bloc>(); if (bloc.Y > 0) { bloc.DestroyBlocByGround(); } }
void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider) { Bloc bloc = collider.GetComponent <Bloc>(); if (bloc != null) { CurrentBloc.RemoveNeighbor(bloc); } }
public Vector3 GetBlocSizeByType(Bloc.BlocType type) { MeshFilter mf = BlocReferences[(int)type].GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if(mf != null) return mf.sharedMesh.bounds.size; else return; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (portalTime <= 0) { orangePortal.SetActive(false); GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true; } else { portalTime -= Time.deltaTime; } if (blocRigidbody != null && bloc != null && blocRigidbody.velocity.magnitude <= 0.01f) { GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; orangePortal.SetActive(true); List <Bloc> blocs = new List <Bloc>(); blocs.Add(bloc); for (int i = 1; i < bloc.size; i++) { Bloc newBloc = Instantiate(bloc); newBloc.InitText(bloc.GetInstanceID().ToString()); newBloc.gameObject.SetActive(false); blocs.Add(newBloc); } int startIdx = mM.AllocateMemory(blocs); if (startIdx != -1) { //GameObject key = Instantiate(keyPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion()); //key.transform.Find("KeyModel").GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = bloc.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color; //key.transform.Find("KeyText").GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = bloc.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text; foreach (Bloc b in blocs) { b.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } else { print("no more space"); foreach (Bloc b in blocs) { Destroy(b); } Destroy(bloc.prog.gameObject); Destroy(bloc.gameObject); } bloc = null; blocRigidbody = null; } }
public static List <Bloc> solution3dMultipleContainers() { int cpt = 0; int decalage = 0; int hoptn = -1; const int BlocNb = 400, maxSize = 50, minSize = 10; List <Bloc> blocsToPlace = new List <Bloc>(); List <Bloc> blocPlaced = new List <Bloc>(); int width, height, depth, cout; Debug.Log("start"); System.Random rand = new System.Random(); //Program.max_container = 50; for (int i = 0; i < BlocNb; i++) { width = rand.Next(minSize, maxSize); height = rand.Next(minSize, maxSize); //EN 3D : décommenter la ligne pour avoir le résultat en 2d ou en 3d depth = rand.Next(minSize, maxSize); cout = rand.Next(minSize, maxSize); //EN 2D :s //depth = 0; blocsToPlace.Add(new Bloc(width, height, depth, cout)); } while (cpt < BlocNb) { Container container = new Container(100, 100, 100, decalage); hoptn++; blocsToPlace = PositionHelper.TriBloc(blocsToPlace); blocsToPlace = PositionHelper.TriBlocCout(blocsToPlace); bool flag = true; while (flag == true) { flag = false; foreach (Bloc bl in blocsToPlace) { if (!bl.Placed && container.AddBloc(bl, true)) { Bloc tmp = new Bloc(bl); tmp.X += decalage; blocPlaced.Add(tmp); flag = true; bl.Placed = true; cpt++; Debug.Log(bl.X + " " + bl.Y + " " + bl.Z + " " + bl.Largeur + " " + bl.Hauteur + " " + bl.Profondeur); } } } decalage += container.Width + 100; Debug.Log("Decalage : " + decalage + " cpt : " + cpt + " cntner : " + container.Blocs.Count + " blocPlaced : " + blocPlaced.Count); container = null; } return(blocPlaced); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "BlocId,numero,responsable")] Bloc bloc) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(bloc).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(bloc)); }
/// <summary> /// 组织修改 /// </summary> /// <param name="blocs"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int UpdateBloc(Bloc blocs) { using (OracleConnection conn = DapperHelper.GetConnectionString()) { conn.Open(); string sql = @"update bloc set name=:name,pId=:pId where id=:id"; int result = conn.Execute(sql, blocs); return(result); } }
private void Quit() { _accessor.Clear(); _handledBloc = null; GetComponent<InputUnit>().enabled = true; enabled = false; Unit unit = Selector.Selected; if (unit != null) unit.UpdateAccessibleBlocs(); }
private void PlaceHandledBloc(Bloc bloc) { BlocIndex index = bloc.indexInMap; if (_unit.BlocType == Bloc.BlocType.Plant) _handledBloc.Type = bloc.IsQuickSanded ? Bloc.BlocType.UpgradedPlant : Bloc.BlocType.Plant; index.z += 1; if (_handledBloc.indexInMap != index) _handledBloc.transform.position = Map.IndexToPosition(index); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "BlocId,numero,responsable")] Bloc bloc) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.DbSetBloc.Add(bloc); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(bloc)); }
void Start() { Bloc firstBloc = new Bloc(new Vector3(0, -1, 0)); GenerateFloors(firstBloc); blocs.Add(firstBloc); currentBlocX = firstBloc.position.x; counterForTree = 0; NeedTree = true; }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetBloc(int id) { Bloc bloc = await db.Bloc.FindAsync(id); if (bloc == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(bloc)); }
public void RemoveBlock() { Bloc targetedBloc = myMap[(int)Math.Floor(posHover.X), size.Y - 1 - (int)Math.Floor(posHover.Y)]; if (blocReachable) { if (targetedBloc.blocking) { targetedBloc.ID = IDBlock.NONE; } } }
public List<Bloc> GetPath(Bloc from, Bloc to) { List<Bloc> path = new List<Bloc>(); Bloc bloc = to; while (bloc != from) { path.Insert(0, bloc); bloc = _paths[bloc]; } return path; }
public Bloc CreateBloc(Bloc.BlocType type = Bloc.BlocType.TerrainBloc) { GameObject blocObj = GameObject.Instantiate(_instance.BlocReferences[(int)type]) as GameObject; = "Bloc #" + _blocID++ + " : " + type.ToString(); if(!blocObj) { Debug.LogError("Error creating the bloc. [" + type.ToString() + "]"); return null; } return blocObj.GetComponent<Bloc>(); }
void OnEnable() { _unit = Selector.Selected; if (_unit.BlocType == Bloc.BlocType.Plant) _accessor.Update(_unit.CurrentBloc, Range, Bloc.BlocType.Earth); else _accessor.Update(_unit.CurrentBloc, Range); if (_accessor.AccessibleBlocs.Count() == 0) { Quit(); return; } _handledBloc = _unit.CreateBloc(); _handledBloc.gameObject.layer = 0; PlaceHandledBloc(_accessor.AccessibleBlocs.First()); }
public static Stream CreateStream(Source.SourceType type, Bloc onBloc, bool visible = true) { StreamInfo stream = streamInfoByType[type]; if(!stream) { Debug.LogError("Creating a stream of an unknown type. [" + type.ToString() + "]"); return null; } GameObject streamObj = CreateObjectFromStreamInfo(stream, visible); streamObj.tag = "Stream"; streamObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Streams"); streamObj.transform.parent = onBloc.gameObject.transform; if(!streamObj) { Debug.LogError("Error creating the stream. [" + type.ToString() + "]"); return null; } return streamObj.GetComponent<Stream>(); }
public static List<Bloc> FetchNeighborsIf(Bloc bloc, int range, System.Func<Bloc, bool> _func , bool volumetricSearch = false, bool includeStartBloc = false) { return FetchNeighborsIf(bloc.indexInMap, range, _func, volumetricSearch, includeStartBloc); }
public static void InsertBloc(int x, int y, Bloc bloc) { if(bloc != null) { Bloc prevBloc = GetBlocAt(x, y); if (prevBloc != null) prevBloc.Streams.ClearStreams(); int z = _internalMap[x,y].Count; bloc.InsertedAt(new BlocIndex(x,y,z)); _internalMap[x,y].Add(bloc); } }
public bool IsLowerThan(Bloc other) { return (indexInMap.z < other.indexInMap.z ); }
public static bool IsHigher(Bloc a, Bloc b) { return (a.indexInMap.z > b.indexInMap.z ); }
public void Update(Bloc start, int range, Bloc.BlocType type) { AccessibleBlocs = GetAccessibleBlocs(start, range).Where(bloc => bloc.Type == type); }
public int FlatDistance(Bloc other) { BlocIndex othIdx = other.indexInMap; var distance = Math.Abs(othIdx.x - indexInMap.x) + Math.Abs(othIdx.y - indexInMap.y); return distance; }
public void Initialize(Bloc parent, Source.SourceType type) { if(parent == null) { Debug.Log ("Stream initialized without valid parent bloc!"); return; } _bloc = parent; BlocIndex streamIndex = _bloc.indexInMap; streamIndex.z += 1; //transform.position = Map.IndexToPosition(streamIndex); transform.parent = parent.transform; transform.localPosition =; _type = type; ResetValues(); }
/* private void Flow() { if(!_bloc) { Debug.Log("Updating a fluid stream affected to no bloc."); return; } //Debug.Log( GetAltitude().ToString() + "-" + GetVolume().ToString()); if(_bloc.Streams[_type] <= _treshold) return; List<Bloc> surroundings = Map.FetchNeighbors2D(_bloc.indexInMap, 1); List<Bloc> validNeighbors = DiscardInvalidNeighbors(_bloc, ref surroundings); int neighborsNb = validNeighbors.Count; if(neighborsNb == 0) return; int maxNbOfNeighbors = 4; int oneShare = (int) Mathf.Floor((float) _bloc.Streams[_type] / (float)(maxNbOfNeighbors + 1)); //int amountToShare = (int) Mathf.Floor((float) denominator * ((float) bloc.Elements.Lava / 5.0f)); int amountToShare = neighborsNb * oneShare; amountToShare += (maxNbOfNeighbors - neighborsNb) * (int) Mathf.Floor(oneShare * 0.5f); //half a share for the invalid neighbors to be redistributed int denominator = neighborsNb; foreach(Bloc neighbor in validNeighbors) { denominator += Bloc.IsLower(neighbor, _bloc) ? 2 : 0 ; } if((amountToShare / denominator) < 1) //not enough to share return; foreach(Bloc neighbor in validNeighbors) { int share = Bloc.IsLower(neighbor, _bloc) ? 3 : 1 ; int amountMoved = (int) Mathf.Round(amountToShare * ((float)share / (float)denominator)); neighbor.Streams[_type] += amountMoved; _bloc.Streams[_type] -= amountMoved; //Debug.Log (amountMoved + " from " + + " to " +; } } */ private List<Bloc> DiscardInvalidNeighbors(Bloc refBloc, List<Bloc> neighbors) { List<Bloc> list = new List<Bloc>(neighbors); list.RemoveAll(x => Bloc.IsHigher(x, refBloc)); list.RemoveAll(x => !Bloc.IsLower(x, refBloc) && (x.Streams[_type].GetVolume() > refBloc.Streams[_type].GetVolume())); return list; }
public static bool IsLower(Bloc a, Bloc b) { return (a.indexInMap.z < b.indexInMap.z ); }
protected void SetBloc(Position position, Bloc bloc) { if (position.Y < 0 || position.Y >= this.Height) { return; } if (position.X < 0 || position.X >= this.Width) { return; } if (bloc != null) { bloc.LastRegisteredPosition = position; } this.Blocs[position.X, position.Y] = bloc; }
public void AddBlock(Bloc bloc) { blocs.Add (bloc); }
public static List<Bloc> FetchNeighbors2D(Bloc bloc, int range, bool includeStartBloc = false) { return FetchNeighbors2D(bloc.indexInMap, range, includeStartBloc); }
public static List<Bloc> FetchNeighbors(Bloc bloc, int range, bool volumetricSearch = false, bool includeStartBloc = false) { return FetchNeighbors(bloc.indexInMap, range, volumetricSearch, includeStartBloc); }
public bool IsHigherThan(Bloc other) { return (indexInMap.z > other.indexInMap.z ); }
public void Update(Bloc start, int range) { AccessibleBlocs = GetAccessibleBlocs(start, range); }
public void MoveToBloc(Bloc bloc) { BlocIndex positionIndex = bloc.indexInMap; positionIndex.z += 1; transform.position = Map.IndexToPosition(positionIndex); CurrentBloc = bloc; }
private int DivideNeighbors(Bloc refBloc, List<Bloc> neighbors, out List<Bloc> flat, out List<Bloc> slope) { flat = new List<Bloc>(); slope = new List<Bloc>(); foreach(Bloc b in neighbors) { bool invalid = b.IsHigherThan(refBloc) || (!b.IsLowerThan(refBloc) && (b.Streams[_type].GetVolume() > refBloc.Streams[_type].GetVolume())); if(invalid) continue; else if(b.IsLowerThan(refBloc)) slope.Add(b); else flat.Add(b); } return slope.Count + flat.Count; }
public void RemoveBlock(Bloc bloc) { blocs.Remove(bloc); }
public void onEndPhase(int phase) { Accessor.Clear(); Target = null; }
public static Vector3 GetBlocSizeByType(Bloc.BlocType type = Bloc.BlocType.TerrainBloc) { return BlocFactory.Instance.GetBlocSizeByType(type); }