public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string strWhere = "Member.MID in (select distinct AMID from BMember) ";
            string RoleCode = "";

            foreach (Model.Roles item in BLL.Roles.RolsList.Values.ToList().Where(emp => emp.VState).ToList())
                RoleCode += "'" + item.RType + "',";
            RoleCode = RoleCode.Substring(0, RoleCode.Length - 1);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["mKey"]))
                strWhere += string.Format(" and ( Member.MID='{0}' or MName='{0}') ", (context.Request["mKey"]));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["startDate"]))
                strWhere += " and MDate>'" + context.Request["startDate"] + " 00:00:00' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["endDate"]))
                strWhere += " and MDate<'" + context.Request["endDate"] + " 23:59:59' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["RoleCode"]))
                strWhere += " and RoleCode in ('" + context.Request["RoleCode"] + "') ";
                strWhere += " and RoleCode in (" + RoleCode + ") ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["AgencyCode"]))
                strWhere += " and AgencyCode='" + context.Request["AgencyCode"] + "' ";

            List <Model.Member> ListMember = BllModel.GetMemberAndConfigEntityList(strWhere);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize; i < ListMember.Count && i < pageIndex * pageSize; i++)
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MID + "~");
                sb.Append(i + 1 + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MID + BLL.Member.GetOnlineInfo(ListMember[i].MID) + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MName + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MAgencyType.MAgencyName + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].SHMoney + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MConfig.MGP + "~");
                List <Model.BMember> list = BLL.BMember.GetList("AMID='" + ListMember[i].MID + "'");
                sb.Append(list.Count + "~");
                //sb.Append(list.Where(emp => emp.BIsClock == true || emp.YJMoney >= BLL.Configuration.Model.JJBTopMoney).Count() + "~");
                //sb.Append(list.Where(emp => emp.BIsClock == false && emp.YJMoney < BLL.Configuration.Model.JJBTopMoney).Count() + "~");
                sb.Append(list.Where(emp => emp.BIsClock == true).Count() + "~");
                sb.Append(list.Where(emp => emp.BIsClock == false).Count() + "~");
                sb.Append(list.Sum(emp => emp.YJMoney) + "~");
                sb.Append(ListMember[i].MDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
            var info = new { PageData = Traditionalized(sb), TotalCount = ListMember.Count };

            //var json = new { PageData = sb.ToString(), TotalCount = count };匿名类