public BlendEffectProcessor()
			m_blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
Beispiel #2
        private CompositionEffectBrush BuildBlurBrush(Compositor c, float blurAmount, Color maskColor)
            var blurDesc = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name = "GlassBlur",
                BlurAmount = blurAmount,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source")

            var colorDesc = new ColorSourceEffect
                Name = "GlassColor",
                Color = maskColor,

            var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply,
                Background = blurDesc,
                Foreground = colorDesc,

            var blurBrush = c.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffectDesc, new[] { "GlassBlur.BlurAmount", "GlassColor.Color" }).CreateBrush();
            blurBrush.SetSourceParameter("Source", c.CreateBackdropBrush());

            return blurBrush;
Beispiel #3
        private void ApplyBlur()
            var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Multiply,
                Background = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Name  = "Tint",
                    Color = Colors.White
                Foreground = new GaussianBlurEffect
                    Name       = "Blur",
                    Source     = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop"),
                    BlurAmount = BlurAmount,
                    BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard

            var blurEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new List <string> {
                "Blur.BlurAmount", "Tint.Color"
            var brush            = blurEffectFactory.CreateBrush();
            var destinationBrush = _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush();

            brush.SetSourceParameter("Backdrop", destinationBrush);

            var blurSprite = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            blurSprite.Size  = new Vector2((float)BlurContentPresenter.ActualWidth, (float)BlurContentPresenter.ActualHeight);
            blurSprite.Brush = brush;

            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(BlurContentPresenter, blurSprite);
Beispiel #4
 public BlendEffectProcessor()
     m_blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
Beispiel #5
        private ICanvasImage CreateBlend()
            var rotatedTiger = new Transform3DEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = bitmapTiger,
                Foreground = rotatedTiger

            // Animation swings the second copy of the image back and forth,
            // while cycling through the different blend modes.
            int enumValueCount = Utils.GetEnumAsList <BlendEffectMode>().Count;

            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                blendEffect.Mode             = (BlendEffectMode)(elapsedTime / Math.PI % enumValueCount);
                textLabel                    = "Mode: " + blendEffect.Mode;
                rotatedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime));

Beispiel #6
        private CompositionEffectBrush BuildColoredBlurBrush()
            var gaussianBlur = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name         = "Blur",
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source"),
                BlurAmount   = 15.0f,
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced

            var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect
                Name  = "ColorSource2",
                Color = (Color)App.Current.Resources["KlivaMainColor"]

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply,

                Background = gaussianBlur,
                Foreground = colorEffect

            var factory = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect);

            var brush = factory.CreateBrush();

Beispiel #7
        private CompositionEffectBrush CreateBlurBrush()
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name         = "Blur",
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source"),
                BlurAmount   = 0

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = blurEffect,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect {
                    Name = "Color", Color = Colors.Transparent
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.LighterColor

            var saturationEffect = new SaturationEffect
                Source     = blendEffect,
                Saturation = 1.75f

            var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(saturationEffect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Color.Color" });
            var effectBrush   = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

Beispiel #8
        public BasicUsePage()

            SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().AppViewBackButtonVisibility = AppViewBackButtonVisibility.Visible;
            SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += (o, e) =>
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), ImageElement.Source);

            this.PropertyChanged += (o, e) =>

            logoEffect = new BlendEffect();
            logoEffect.ForegroundSource   = ImageResourceProvider.NTKLogo;
            logoEffect.TargetArea         = new Rect(0.9, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1);
            logoEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveAspectRatio;

            bozjakHeadshotEffect = new BlendEffect();
            bozjakHeadshotEffect.ForegroundSource   = ImageResourceProvider.BozjakHeadshot;
            bozjakHeadshotEffect.TargetArea         = new Rect(0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.2);
            bozjakHeadshotEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.PreserveAspectRatio;

            blurEffect = new BlurEffect();
        public static IImageProvider Generate(IImageProvider objectMaskSource, LinearGradient gradient, Size size, IReadOnlyList <ILensBlurKernel> kernels)
            var backgroundSource = new GradientImageSource(size, gradient);
            var blendEffect      = new BlendEffect(backgroundSource, objectMaskSource, BlendFunction.Lighten);

            return(new IndexRemappingEffect(blendEffect, kernels.Count + 2));
Beispiel #10
        public BackDrop()
            visual        = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(this);
            compositor    = visual.Compositor;
            blurredVisual = compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.HardLight,
                Background = new ColorSourceEffect()
                    Name  = "Tint",
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(175, 0, 0, 0),

                Foreground = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                    Name         = "Blur",
                    Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source"),
                    BlurAmount   = 10f,
                    Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                    BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,

            effectFactory = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect);
            var effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("source", compositor.CreateBackdropBrush());

            blurredVisual.Brush = effectBrush;
            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(this, blurredVisual);

            this.SizeChanged += BackDrop_SizeChanged;
Beispiel #11
        private CompositionEffectBrush BuildBlurBrush()
            GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Name       = "Blur",
                BlurAmount = 0.0f,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced

            blurEffect.Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source");

            BlendEffect effect = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect {
                    Name = "Color", Color = Colors.Transparent
                Background = blurEffect,
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Multiply

            var factory = Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Color.Color" }

Beispiel #12
        private async Task CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasControl sender)
            m_BackgroundImage = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender.Device, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/setup_bg.jpg"));

            //m_BackgroundImageInitialAlpha = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender.Device, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/nuki_initial.png"));
            var blured = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Source     = m_BackgroundImage,
                BlurAmount = 10.0f,

            m_BluredBackground = new BlendEffect()
                Background = blured,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect()
                    Color = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(25, 0, 0, 0)
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Darken

            m_BlendedBackground = new BlendEffect()
                Background = blured,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect()
                    Color = Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0)
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Darken
            m_ImageStatus = ImageLoadStatus.Fading;
Beispiel #13
        private CompositionEffectBrush CreateBlurBrush()
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Name         = "BlurEffect",
                BlurAmount   = (float)BlurAmount,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source"),
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard
            var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect()
                Name  = "ColorEffect",
                Color = TintColor
            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect()
                Background = blurEffect,
                Foreground = colorEffect,
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight
            var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[]

Beispiel #14
        private CompositionEffectBrush BuildBlurBrush()
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name         = "Blur",
                BlurAmount   = 0.0f,
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source")

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = blurEffect,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Name  = "Color",
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 255, 255)
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight

            var saturationEffect = new SaturationEffect
                Name       = "Saturation",
                Source     = blendEffect,
                Saturation = 1.75f

            var factory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Color.Color", "Saturation.Saturation" });

        private static CompositionBrush CreateBlurBrush()
            if (_blurBrush != null)
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name         = "Blur",
                BlurAmount   = 15.0f,
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source")

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = blurEffect,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect {
                    Name = "Color", Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 0, 0, 0)
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight

            var blurEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect);
            var blurBrush         = blurEffectFactory.CreateBrush();

            var backdropBrush = _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush();

            blurBrush.SetSourceParameter("source", backdropBrush);

            _blurBrush = blurBrush;

Beispiel #16
        private static Layer CompositeUnsorted(params Layer[] layers)
            if (layers.Length == 0)
            if (layers.Length == 1)

            Layer @base = layers[0];
            bool  valid = layers.Aggregate(true, (b, layer) => b && layer.Width == @base.Width && layer.Height == @base.Height);

            if (!valid)
                throw new Exception("Layer Sizes Mismatch");
            Layer tgtLyr = Layer.Create(@base.Width, @base.Height);

            BlendEffect effect = new BlendEffect();

            foreach (Layer t in layers)
                Rectangle area = t.GetArea();
                area.Inflate(1, 1);

                effect.OverlayLayer = t;
                effect.Region       = area;
Beispiel #17
        private async void DialController_ButtonClicked(RadialController sender, RadialControllerButtonClickedEventArgs args)
                ShowBusyIndicator("saving file...");

                var picker = new FileSavePicker();
                picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Jpegs", new List <string>()

                var file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync();

                if (file == null)

                using (var stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                    // watermark the image
                    var device = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

                    var bounds = virtualBitmap.Bounds;

                    var text = new CanvasCommandList(device);
                    using (var ds = text.CreateDrawingSession())
                        ds.DrawText("Created by Dial-In", bounds, Colors.White,
                                    new CanvasTextFormat
                            VerticalAlignment   = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                            HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Right,
                            FontFamily          = "Segoe UI",
                            FontSize            = (float)(bounds.Height / 12)

                    var effect = new BlendEffect()
                        Background = virtualBitmap,
                        Foreground = text,
                        Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Difference

                    // save the image to final file
                    await CanvasImage.SaveAsync(effect, bounds, 96, device, stream, CanvasBitmapFileFormat.Jpeg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await new MessageDialog($"Something went wrong saving the image: {ex}", "Exception").ShowAsync();
Beispiel #18
 public BlendEffectProcessor(IImageProvider source)
     m_blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
     // SetupEffectCategory(m_blendEffect);
     m_blendEffect.Source = source;
        /// <summary>
        /// Render layers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceCreator"> The resource-creator. </param>
        /// <param name="layerages"> The layerage. </param>
        /// <returns> The render image. </returns>
        public static ICanvasImage Render(ICanvasResourceCreator resourceCreator, IList <Layerage> layerages)
            ICanvasImage previousImage = null;

            for (int i = layerages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Layerage currentLayerage = layerages[i];
                ILayer   currentLayer    = currentLayerage.Self;

                if (currentLayer.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
                if (currentLayer.Opacity == 0)

                ICanvasImage currentImage = currentLayer.GetActualRender(resourceCreator, currentLayerage.Children);
                if (currentImage == null)
                if (previousImage == null)
                    previousImage = currentImage;

                if (currentLayer.BlendMode is BlendEffectMode blendMode)
                    previousImage = new BlendEffect
                        Background = currentImage,
                        Foreground = previousImage,
                        Mode       = blendMode

                previousImage = new CompositeEffect
                    Sources =

		public BlendEffectProcessor(IImageProvider source)
			m_blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
           // SetupEffectCategory(m_blendEffect);
            m_blendEffect.Source = source;

Beispiel #21
        private void DrawFrame(CanvasDrawingSession ds)
            if (_background != null)
                var tile = new TileEffect();
                tile.Source          = _background;
                tile.SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, 400, 400);
            using (var blendDs = _buffer.CreateDrawingSession())
            foreach (var layer in _layers.Reverse().Where(l => l.IsVisible))
                using (var tmpDs = _tmpBuffer.CreateDrawingSession())
                    switch (layer.BlendMode)
                    case BlendMode.Normal:
                        tmpDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);

                    case BlendMode.Addition:
                        tmpDs.Blend = CanvasBlend.Add;
                        tmpDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);

                        using (var alpha = layer.Image.Clone())
                            using (var blend = new BlendEffect())
                                using (var alphaDs = alpha.CreateDrawingSession())
                                    alphaDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);
                                blend.Background = _buffer;
                                blend.Foreground = alpha;
                                blend.Mode       = layer.BlendMode.ToBlendEffectMode();
                using (var blendDs = _buffer.CreateDrawingSession())
        protected override void OnConnected()
            Compositor compositor = Window.Current.Compositor;

            // CompositionCapabilities: Are Effects supported?
            bool usingFallback = !CompositionCapabilities.GetForCurrentView().AreEffectsSupported();

            if (usingFallback)
                // If Effects are not supported, use Fallback Solid Color
                CompositionBrush = compositor.CreateColorBrush(FallbackColor);

            // Define Effect graph
            var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.LinearBurn,
                Background = new ColorSourceEffect()
                    Name  = "Tint",
                    Color = Windows.UI.Colors.Silver,
                Foreground = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                    Name       = "Blur",
                    Source     = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop"),
                    BlurAmount = 0,
                    BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,

            // Create EffectFactory and EffectBrush
            CompositionEffectFactory effectFactory = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount" });
            CompositionEffectBrush   effectBrush   = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            // Create BackdropBrush
            CompositionBackdropBrush backdrop = compositor.CreateBackdropBrush();

            effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("backdrop", backdrop);

            // Trivial looping animation to demonstrate animated effects
            TimeSpan _duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            ScalarKeyFrameAnimation blurAnimation = compositor.CreateScalarKeyFrameAnimation();

            blurAnimation.InsertKeyFrame(0, 0);
            blurAnimation.InsertKeyFrame(0.5f, 10f);
            blurAnimation.InsertKeyFrame(1, 0);
            blurAnimation.IterationBehavior = AnimationIterationBehavior.Forever;
            blurAnimation.Duration          = _duration;
            effectBrush.Properties.StartAnimation("Blur.BlurAmount", blurAnimation);

            // Set EffectBrush to paint Xaml UIElement
            CompositionBrush = effectBrush;
Beispiel #23
        public void LinkLayerEffects(Layer nextLayer)
            IGraphicsEffect source = _inputEffect;

            _chainedEffect = null;

            // Link the effect chain
            foreach (var effect in Effects)
                if (effect.Enabled)
                    effect.GraphicsEffect.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Source").SetValue(effect.GraphicsEffect, source);
                    source         = effect.GraphicsEffect;
                    _chainedEffect = effect.GraphicsEffect;

            if (nextLayer != null)
                IGraphicsEffect layerEffect = EffectRoot;
                IGraphicsEffect blendEffect;

                blendEffect = Helpers.GetEffectFromBlendMode(_blendMode);

                if (blendEffect is BlendEffect)
                    BlendEffect blend = (BlendEffect)blendEffect;
                    blend.Foreground = nextLayer.GenerateEffectGraph(false);
                    blend.Background = layerEffect;
                    _blendEffect     = blend;
                else if (blendEffect is CompositeEffect)
                    CompositeEffect composite = (CompositeEffect)blendEffect;
                    _blendEffect = composite;
                else if (blendEffect is ArithmeticCompositeEffect)
                    ArithmeticCompositeEffect arith = (ArithmeticCompositeEffect)blendEffect;
                    arith.Source1 = layerEffect;
                    arith.Source2 = nextLayer.GenerateEffectGraph(false);
                    _blendEffect  = arith;
                _blendEffect = null;
Beispiel #24
        public static ICanvasImage RenderTransform(Layer l, ICanvasImage ci)
            if (l.Visual == true && l.Opacity != 0) //图层可视且透明度大于零
                if (l.Opacity == 100)               //无透明度渲染
                    if (l.BlendIndex == 0)
                        ci = new CompositeEffect
                            Sources = { ci, GetTransform(l.CanvasRenderTarget, l.Vect) }
                    ; //结合接口
                        ci = new BlendEffect()
                            Background = GetTransform(l.CanvasRenderTarget, l.Vect), Foreground = ci, Mode = l.BlendMode,
                    };                   //混合接口
                else if (l.Opacity == 0) //透明度渲染
                else// if (l.Opacity < 100)//有透明度渲染
                    ICanvasImage oci = new OpacityEffect {
                        Source = GetTransform(l.CanvasRenderTarget, l.Vect), Opacity = (float)(l.Opacity / 100)
                    };                                                                                                                               //透明度接口

                    if (l.BlendIndex == 0)
                        ci = new CompositeEffect {
                            Sources = { ci, oci }
                    ;                                                                         //结合接口
                        ci = new BlendEffect()
                            Background = oci, Foreground = ci, Mode = l.BlendMode,
                    };                                                                                     //混合接口
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a high pass effect with the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kernelSize">The size of the filter kernel. A larger size preserves more of lower frequencies.</param>
        /// <param name="isGrayscale">True if the highpass effect should give a grayscale result. Otherwise the individual R, G, B channels are treated separately.</param>
        /// <param name="downscaleDivisor">How much to downscale the image to reduce the cost of the internal blur operation, trading speed for some fidelity. Suitable value depends on the kernelSize.</param>
        public HighpassEffect(uint kernelSize, bool isGrayscale = false, uint downscaleDivisor = 1)
            m_kernelSize       = kernelSize;
            m_downscaleDivisor = downscaleDivisor;
            m_isGrayscale      = isGrayscale;

            if (m_downscaleDivisor > 1)
                m_downscaleFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(/*source*/)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { new ScaleFilter(1.0 / m_downscaleDivisor) }
                m_downscaleCachingEffect = new CachingEffect(m_downscaleFilterEffect);

                int blurKernelSize = Math.Max(1, (int)(3.0 * m_kernelSize / m_downscaleDivisor));

                m_blurFilter          = new BlurFilter(blurKernelSize);
                m_blurredFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(m_downscaleCachingEffect)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { m_blurFilter }

                m_highPassBlendEffect = new BlendEffect(/*source*/)
                    ForegroundSource = m_blurredFilterEffect,
                    BlendFunction    = BlendFunction.SignedDifference
                int blurKernelSize = Math.Max(1, (int)(3.0 * m_kernelSize));

                m_blurFilter          = new BlurFilter(blurKernelSize);
                m_blurredFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(/*source*/)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { m_blurFilter }

                m_highPassBlendEffect = new BlendEffect(/*source*/)
                    ForegroundSource = m_blurredFilterEffect,
                    BlendFunction    = BlendFunction.SignedDifference

            if (m_isGrayscale)
                m_highPassGrayscaleFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(m_highPassBlendEffect)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { new GrayscaleFilter() }
Beispiel #26
        public static CompositionBrush BuildMicaEffectBrush(Compositor compositor, Color tintColor, float tintOpacity, float luminosityOpacity)
            // Tint Color.

            var tintColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect();

            tintColorEffect.Name  = "TintColor";
            tintColorEffect.Color = tintColor;

            // OpacityEffect applied to Tint.
            var tintOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect();

            tintOpacityEffect.Name    = "TintOpacity";
            tintOpacityEffect.Opacity = tintOpacity;
            tintOpacityEffect.Source  = tintColorEffect;

            // Apply Luminosity:

            // Luminosity Color.
            var luminosityColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect();

            luminosityColorEffect.Color = tintColor;

            // OpacityEffect applied to Luminosity.
            var luminosityOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect();

            luminosityOpacityEffect.Name    = "LuminosityOpacity";
            luminosityOpacityEffect.Opacity = luminosityOpacity;
            luminosityOpacityEffect.Source  = luminosityColorEffect;

            // Luminosity Blend.
            var luminosityBlendEffect = new BlendEffect();

            luminosityBlendEffect.Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Color;
            luminosityBlendEffect.Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("BlurredWallpaperBackdrop");
            luminosityBlendEffect.Foreground = luminosityOpacityEffect;

            // Apply Tint:

            // Color Blend.
            var colorBlendEffect = new BlendEffect();

            colorBlendEffect.Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Luminosity;
            colorBlendEffect.Background = luminosityBlendEffect;
            colorBlendEffect.Foreground = tintOpacityEffect;

            CompositionEffectBrush micaEffectBrush = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(colorBlendEffect).CreateBrush();
            var blurredWallpaperBackdropBrush      = (ICompositorWithBlurredWallpaperBackdropBrush)((object)compositor);

            micaEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter("BlurredWallpaperBackdrop", blurredWallpaperBackdropBrush.TryCreateBlurredWallpaperBackdropBrush());

        public void CreatesBlendEffectBlendingWithSelfGraph()
            var bitmap = new Bitmap(new Size(10, 10), ColorMode.Argb8888);

            using (var source = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
                using (var blendEffect = new BlendEffect(source, source))
                    string result = CreateGraph(blendEffect);
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source))).Matches(result).Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(blendEffect))).Matches(result).Count);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a custom shaped Effect Brush using BackdropBrush and a Mask
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compositor">Compositor</param>
        /// <param name="mask">IMaskSurface</param>
        /// <param name="blendColor">Color to blend in the BackdropBrush</param>
        /// <param name="blurAmount">Blur Amount of the Backdrop Brush</param>
        /// <param name="backdropBrush">Backdrop Brush (optional). If not provided, then compositor creates it.</param>
        /// <returns>CompositionEffectBrush</returns>
        public static CompositionEffectBrush CreateMaskedBackdropBrush(this Compositor compositor, IMaskSurface mask,
                                                                       Color blendColor, float blurAmount, CompositionBackdropBrush backdropBrush = null)
            // Blur Effect
            var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Name         = "Blur",
                BlurAmount   = blurAmount,
                BorderMode   = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("backdrop"),

            // Blend Effect
            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Name  = "Color",
                    Color = blendColor
                Background = blurEffect,
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Multiply

            // Composite Effect
            var effect = new CompositeEffect
                Mode    = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn,
                Sources =
                    new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("mask")

            // Create Effect Factory
            var factory = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Color.Color" });
            // Create Effect Brush
            var brush = factory.CreateBrush();

            // Set the BackDropBrush
            // If no backdrop brush is provided, create one
            brush.SetSourceParameter("backdrop", backdropBrush ?? compositor.CreateBackdropBrush());

            // Set the Mask
            // Create SurfaceBrush from IMaskSurface
            var maskBrush = compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(mask.Surface);

            brush.SetSourceParameter("mask", maskBrush);

Beispiel #29
        private static async Task CreateImageEffectAsync(AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs message, BackgroundTaskDeferral wholeTaskDeferral)
                var messageDef = message.GetDeferral();
                    var targetFileToken = message.Request.Message["targetFileToken"].ToString();
                    var targetFile      = await SharedStorageAccessManager.RedeemTokenForFileAsync(targetFileToken);

                    var outputFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg");

                    var foregroundImage = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Paillete.png"));

                    //use the blureffect
                    using (var inputStream = await targetFile.OpenReadAsync())
                        using (var foregroundImageStream = await foregroundImage.OpenReadAsync())
                            var effect = new BlendEffect(new RandomAccessStreamImageSource(inputStream), new RandomAccessStreamImageSource(foregroundImageStream));
                            //effect.Source = new RandomAccessStreamImageSource(inputStream);
                            //effect.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Add;
                            //effect.ForegroundSource = new RandomAccessStreamImageSource(foregroundImageStream);

                            using (var jpegRenderer = new JpegRenderer(effect))
                                using (var stream = await outputFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                                    // Jpeg renderer gives the raw buffer that contains the filtered image.
                                    IBuffer jpegBuffer = await jpegRenderer.RenderAsync();

                                    await stream.WriteAsync(jpegBuffer);

                                    await stream.FlushAsync();

                    var outputFileToken = SharedStorageAccessManager.AddFile(outputFile);
                    await message.Request.SendResponseAsync(new ValueSet { { "outputFileToken", outputFileToken } });
                    // fermeture du message
                // On ne fera pas d'autres communications
Beispiel #30
        void InitializeBloomFilter()
            BloomEnabled = true;

            // A bloom filter makes graphics appear to be bright and glowing by adding blur around only
            // the brightest parts of the image. This approximates the look of HDR (high dynamic range)
            // rendering, in which the color of the brightest light sources spills over onto surrounding
            // pixels.
            // Many different visual styles can be achieved by adjusting these settings:
            //  Intensity = how much bloom is added
            //      0 = none
            //  Threshold = how bright does a pixel have to be in order for it to bloom
            //      0 = the entire image blooms equally
            //  Blur = how much the glow spreads sideways around bright areas

            BloomIntensity = 200;
            BloomThreshold = 80;
            BloomBlur      = 48;

            // Before drawing, properties of these effects will be adjusted to match the
            // current settings (see ApplyBloomFilter), and an input image connected to
            // extractBrightAreas.Source and bloomResult.Background (see DemandCreateBloomRenderTarget).

            // Step 1: use a transfer effect to extract only pixels brighter than the threshold.
            extractBrightAreas = new LinearTransferEffect
                ClampOutput = true,

            // Step 2: blur these bright pixels.
            blurBrightAreas = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Source = extractBrightAreas,

            // Step 3: adjust how much bloom is wanted.
            adjustBloomIntensity = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = blurBrightAreas,

            // Step 4: blend the bloom over the top of the original image.
            bloomResult = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = adjustBloomIntensity,
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Screen,
Beispiel #31
        private void BlendTileToCanvas(Point blendPosition)
            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect();


            blendEffect.Source             = m_imageProvider;
            blendEffect.ForegroundSource   = m_tileSource;
            blendEffect.TargetArea         = new Rect(blendPosition, m_relativeTileSize);
            blendEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.Stretch;

            m_imageProvider = blendEffect;
        public void TintedBrush()
            // Create the graphics effect
            var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode       = BlendEffectMode.Multiply,
                Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("image"),
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Name  = "colorSource",
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)

            // Compile the effect, specifying that the color should be modifiable.
            var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new[] { "colorSource.Color" });

            // Load our image

            CompositionSurfaceBrush surfaceBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush();

            LoadImage(surfaceBrush, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/cat.png"));

            // Create a visual with an instance of the effect that tints in red
            var redEffect = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            // Set parameters for image, which is not animatable
            redEffect.SetSourceParameter("image", surfaceBrush);
            // Set properties for color, which is animatable
            redEffect.Properties.InsertColor("colorSource.Color", Colors.Red);

            var redVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            redVisual.Brush = redEffect;
            redVisual.Size  = new Vector2(219, 300);

            // Create a visual with an instance of the effect that tints in blue
            var blueEffect = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            blueEffect.SetSourceParameter("image", surfaceBrush);
            blueEffect.Properties.InsertColor("colorSource.Color", Colors.Blue);

            var blueVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            blueVisual.Brush  = blueEffect;
            blueVisual.Offset = new Vector3(400, 0, 0);
            blueVisual.Size   = new Vector2(219, 300);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a high pass effect with the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kernelSize">The size of the filter kernel. A larger size preserves more of lower frequencies.</param>
        /// <param name="isGrayscale">True if the highpass effect should give a grayscale result. Otherwise the individual R, G, B channels are treated separately.</param>
        /// <param name="downscaleDivisor">How much to downscale the image to reduce the cost of the internal blur operation, trading speed for some fidelity. Suitable value depends on the kernelSize.</param>
        public HighpassEffect(uint kernelSize, bool isGrayscale = false, uint downscaleDivisor = 1)
            m_kernelSize = kernelSize;
            m_downscaleDivisor = downscaleDivisor;
            m_isGrayscale = isGrayscale;
            if (m_downscaleDivisor > 1)
                m_downscaleFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(/*source*/) { Filters = new IFilter[] { new ScaleFilter(1.0 / m_downscaleDivisor) } };
                m_downscaleCachingEffect = new CachingEffect(m_downscaleFilterEffect);

                int blurKernelSize = Math.Max(1, (int)(3.0 * m_kernelSize / m_downscaleDivisor));

                m_blurFilter = new BlurFilter(blurKernelSize);
                m_blurredFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(m_downscaleCachingEffect)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { m_blurFilter }

                m_highPassBlendEffect = new BlendEffect( /*source*/)
                    ForegroundSource = m_blurredFilterEffect,
                    BlendFunction = BlendFunction.SignedDifference
                int blurKernelSize = Math.Max(1, (int)(3.0 * m_kernelSize));

                m_blurFilter = new BlurFilter(blurKernelSize);
                m_blurredFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(/*source*/)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { m_blurFilter }

                m_highPassBlendEffect = new BlendEffect( /*source*/)
                    ForegroundSource = m_blurredFilterEffect,
                    BlendFunction = BlendFunction.SignedDifference
            if (m_isGrayscale)
                m_highPassGrayscaleFilterEffect = new FilterEffect(m_highPassBlendEffect)
                    Filters = new IFilter[] { new GrayscaleFilter() }
        public async Task RenderHighpassEffectGroupAndAmplifyEdges()
            using (var source = KnownImages.MikikoLynn.ImageSource)
            using (var highpassEffect = new HighpassEffectGroup(14, true, 2) { Source = source })
            using (var sourceWithAmplifiedEdges = new BlendEffect(source, highpassEffect, BlendFunction.Hardlight, 0.4))
            using (var renderer = new JpegRenderer(sourceWithAmplifiedEdges))

                var buffer = await renderer.RenderAsync();

                // This should hit the inline blending (fast) path, make sure it did.
                var blendEffectReport = await DiagnosticsReport.EndProbeAsync(sourceWithAmplifiedEdges);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, (int)blendEffectReport.Properties["inlineblend_count"]);

Beispiel #35
        private void SetupBlur()
            compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(this).Compositor;

            var blur = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Name = "Blur",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop"),
                BlurAmount = 0.0f,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard

            var blend = new BlendEffect
                Name = "Blend",
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(128, 30, 30, 220),
                    Name = "ColorSource"
                Background = blur,
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Overlay
            var effectFactory = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blend, new[] {"Blur.BlurAmount"});
            brush = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            var backdrop = compositor.CreateBackdropBrush();
            brush.SetSourceParameter("Backdrop", backdrop);

            var sprite = compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            sprite.Brush = brush;
            sprite.Size = new Vector2((float) TargetImage.ActualWidth, (float) TargetImage.ActualHeight);

            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(TargetImage, sprite);
        protected override async void Render()
                if (Source != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine(DebugTag + Name + ": Rendering...");

                    foreach (var change in Changes)


                    //blend source layer with mode overlay
                    var blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
                    blendEffect.Source = Source;// new StreamImageSource(new MemoryStream());
                    blendEffect.ForegroundSource = Source;
                    blendEffect.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Overlay;
                    blendEffect.GlobalAlpha = 0.0;

                    var renderer = new JpegRenderer(blendEffect);
                    var outBuffer = await renderer.RenderAsync();


                    var highPassSource = new BufferImageSource(outBuffer);
                    var highPassFilter = new HighpassEffect(6, false, 1);
                    highPassFilter.Source = highPassSource;
                    var highPassRenderer = new JpegRenderer(highPassFilter);

                    var highPassOutBuffer = await highPassRenderer.RenderAsync();


                    var negativeFilter = new NegativeFilter();
                    var filterEffect = new FilterEffect();
                    filterEffect.Filters = new List<IFilter>() { negativeFilter };

                    filterEffect.Source = new BufferImageSource(highPassOutBuffer);
                    var invertRenderer = new JpegRenderer(filterEffect);
                    var invertOutBuffer = await invertRenderer.RenderAsync();

                    blendEffect = new BlendEffect(Source, new BufferImageSource(invertOutBuffer), BlendFunction.Overlay, 0.5);
                    using (var bmpRender = new WriteableBitmapRenderer(blendEffect, TmpBitmap))
                        await bmpRender.RenderAsync();

                    TmpBitmap.Pixels.CopyTo(PreviewBitmap.Pixels, 0);
                    PreviewBitmap.Invalidate(); // Force a redraw
                    Debug.WriteLine(DebugTag + Name + ": Render(): No buffer set!");
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine(DebugTag + Name + ": Render(): " + e.Message);
                switch (State)
                    case States.Apply:
                        State = States.Wait;
                    case States.Schedule:
                        State = States.Apply;
Beispiel #37
        private void Initialize()
            _cameraPreviewImageSource = new CameraPreviewImageSource(_photoCaptureDevice);

            if (_blendImageUri != null)
                _blendImageProvider = new StreamImageSource((System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(_blendImageUri).Stream));
                var colorStops = new GradientStop[]
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), Offset = 0.0 },
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00), Offset = 0.7 },
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), Offset = 1.0 }

                var gradient = new RadialGradient(new Point(0, 0), new EllipseRadius(1, 0), colorStops);

                var size = new Size(640, 480);

                _blendImageProvider = new GradientImageSource(size, gradient);

            var nameFormat = "{0}/" + EffectCount + " - {1}";

            switch (_effectIndex)
                case 0:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_None);

                case 1:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Normal);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Normal, GlobalAlpha);

                case 2:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Multiply);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Multiply, GlobalAlpha);

                case 3:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Add);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Add, GlobalAlpha);

                case 4:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Color);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Color, GlobalAlpha);

                case 5:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Colorburn);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Colorburn, GlobalAlpha);

                case 6:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Colordodge);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Colordodge, GlobalAlpha);

                case 7:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Overlay);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Overlay, GlobalAlpha);

                case 8:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Softlight);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Softlight, GlobalAlpha);

                case 9:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Screen);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Screen, GlobalAlpha);

                case 10:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Hardlight);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Hardlight, GlobalAlpha);

                case 11:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Darken);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Darken, GlobalAlpha);

                case 12:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Lighten);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Lighten, GlobalAlpha);

                case 13:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Hue);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Hue, GlobalAlpha);

                case 14:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Exclusion);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Exclusion, GlobalAlpha);

                case 15:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Difference);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Difference, GlobalAlpha);

            if (_blendEffect != null)
                _blendEffect.TargetArea = _targetArea;
                _blendEffect.TargetAreaRotation = _targetAreaRotation;                
		private void BlendTileToCanvas(Point blendPosition)
			var blendEffect = new BlendEffect();

			blendEffect.Source = m_imageProvider;
			blendEffect.ForegroundSource = m_tileSource;
			blendEffect.TargetArea = new Rect(blendPosition, m_relativeTileSize);
			blendEffect.TargetOutputOption = OutputOption.Stretch;

			m_imageProvider = blendEffect;
        private async void OnSaveAsClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // the button should be disabled if there's no bitmap loaded
            Debug.Assert(virtualBitmap != null);

            var picker = new FileSavePicker();
            picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Jpegs", new List<string>() { ".jpg" });

            var file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync();
            if (file == null)

            using (var stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                // Stamp a big "Win2D" over the image before we save it, to demonstrate
                // that the image really has been processed.
                var device = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();

                var bounds = virtualBitmap.Bounds;

                var text = new CanvasCommandList(device);
                using (var ds = text.CreateDrawingSession())
                    ds.DrawText("Win2D", bounds, Colors.White,
                        new CanvasTextFormat()
                            VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center,
                            HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Center,
                            FontFamily = "Comic Sans MS",
                            FontSize = (float)(bounds.Height / 4)

                var effect = new BlendEffect()
                    Background = virtualBitmap,
                    Foreground = text,
                    Mode = BlendEffectMode.Difference

                    await CanvasImage.SaveAsync(effect, bounds, 96, device, stream, CanvasBitmapFileFormat.Jpeg);
                    var message = string.Format("Finished saving '{0}'", file.Name);
                    var messageBox = new MessageDialog(message, "Virtual Bitmap Example").ShowAsync();
                    var message = string.Format("Error saving '{0}'", file.Name);
                    var messageBox = new MessageDialog(message, "Virtual Bitmap Example").ShowAsync();
Beispiel #40
        private ICanvasImage CreateBlend()
            var rotatedTiger = new Transform3DEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = bitmapTiger,
                Foreground = rotatedTiger

            // Animation swings the second copy of the image back and forth,
            // while cycling through the different blend modes.
            int enumValueCount = Utils.GetEnumAsList<BlendEffectMode>().Count;

            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                blendEffect.Mode = (BlendEffectMode)(elapsedTime / Math.PI % enumValueCount);
                textLabel = "Mode: " + blendEffect.Mode;
                rotatedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime));

            return blendEffect;
		public static IImageProvider Generate(IImageProvider objectMaskSource, LinearGradient gradient, Size size, IReadOnlyList<ILensBlurKernel> kernels)
			var backgroundSource = new GradientImageSource(size, gradient);
            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect(backgroundSource, objectMaskSource, BlendFunction.Lighten);
            return new IndexRemappingEffect(blendEffect, kernels.Count + 2);
 public void CreatesBlendEffectBlendingWithSelfGraph()
     var bitmap = new Bitmap(new Size(10, 10), ColorMode.Argb8888);
     using (var source = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
     using (var blendEffect = new BlendEffect(source, source))
         string result = CreateGraph(blendEffect);
         Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(blendEffect))).Matches(result).Count);
Beispiel #43
 private CompositionEffectBrush CreateBlurBrush()
     var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
         Name = "BlurEffect",
         BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount,
         Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
         Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source"),
         BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard
     var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect()
         Name = "ColorEffect",
         Color = TintColor
     var blendEffect = new BlendEffect()
         Background = blurEffect,
         Foreground = colorEffect,
         Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight
     var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[]
     return effectFactory.CreateBrush();
        public void TintedBrush()
            // Create the graphics effect          
           var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply,
                Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("image"),
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect
                    Name = "colorSource",
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)

            // Compile the effect, specifying that the color should be modifiable.          
            var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new[] { "colorSource.Color" });

            // Load our image          

            CompositionSurfaceBrush surfaceBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush();            
            LoadImage(surfaceBrush, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/cat.png"));
            // Create a visual with an instance of the effect that tints in red          
            var redEffect = effectFactory.CreateBrush();
            // Set parameters for image, which is not animatable          
            redEffect.SetSourceParameter("image", surfaceBrush);
            // Set properties for color, which is animatable          
            redEffect.Properties.InsertColor("colorSource.Color", Colors.Red);

            var redVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            redVisual.Brush = redEffect;
            redVisual.Size = new Vector2(219, 300);

            // Create a visual with an instance of the effect that tints in blue          
            var blueEffect = effectFactory.CreateBrush();
            blueEffect.SetSourceParameter("image", surfaceBrush);
            blueEffect.Properties.InsertColor("colorSource.Color", Colors.Blue);

            var blueVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            blueVisual.Brush = blueEffect;
            blueVisual.Offset = new Vector3(400, 0, 0);
            blueVisual.Size = new Vector2(219, 300);
        private void CreateTextAndBlendEffect(Vector2 sizeLightBounds)
            // Crete the effect graph, doing a hard light blend of the text over the 
            // content already drawn into the backbuffer

            IGraphicsEffect graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect()
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.HardLight,
                Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Text"),
                Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Destination"),

            CompositionEffectFactory effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, null);
            CompositionEffectBrush brush = effectFactory.CreateBrush();

            // Bind the destination brush
            brush.SetSourceParameter("Destination", _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush());

            // Create the text surface which we'll scroll over the image with the lighting effect

            // Pick a nice size font depending on target size
            const float maxFontSize = 72;
            const float scaleFactor = 12;
            float fontSize = Math.Min(sizeLightBounds.X / scaleFactor, maxFontSize);

            // Create the text format description, then the surface
            CanvasTextFormat textFormat = new CanvasTextFormat
                        FontFamily = "Segoe UI",
                        FontSize = fontSize,
                        FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold,
                        WordWrapping = CanvasWordWrapping.WholeWord,
                        HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Center,
                        VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Center

            string text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec efficitur, eros sit amet laoreet scelerisque, " +
                          "nunc odio ultricies metus, ut consectetur nulla massa eu nibh.Phasellus in lorem id nunc euismod tempus.Phasellus et nulla non turpis tempor blandit ut eget turpis." +
                          "Phasellus ac ornare elit, ut scelerisque dolor. Nam vel finibus lorem. Aenean malesuada pulvinar eros id ornare. Fusce blandit ante eget dolor efficitur suscipit." +
                          "Phasellus ac lacus nibh. Aenean eget blandit risus, in lacinia mi. Proin fermentum ante eros, non sollicitudin mi pretium eu. Curabitur suscipit lectus arcu, eget" +
                          "pretium quam sagittis non. Mauris purus mauris, condimentum nec laoreet sit amet, imperdiet sit amet nisi. Sed interdum, urna et aliquam porta, elit velit tincidunt orci," +
                          "vitae vestibulum risus lacus at nulla.Phasellus sapien ipsum, pellentesque varius enim nec, iaculis aliquet enim. Nulla id dapibus ante. Sed hendrerit sagittis leo, commodo" +
                          "fringilla ligula rutrum ut. Nullam sodales, ex ut pellentesque scelerisque, sapien nulla mattis lectus, vel ullamcorper leo enim ac mi.Sed consectetur vitae velit in consequat." +
                          "Pellentesque ac condimentum justo, at feugiat nulla. Sed ut congue neque. Nam gravida quam ac urna porttitor, ut bibendum ante mattis.Cras viverra cursus sapien, et sollicitudin" +
                          "risus fringilla eget. Nulla facilisi. Duis pellentesque scelerisque nisi, facilisis malesuada massa gravida et. Vestibulum ac leo sed orci tincidunt feugiat.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc id leo vestibulum, vulputate ipsum sit amet, scelerisque velit. Curabitur imperdiet justo et tortor dignissim, sit amet volutpat sem ullamcorper. Nam mollis ullamcorper tellus vitae convallis. Aliquam eleifend elit nec tincidunt pharetra. Aliquam turpis eros, mollis et nunc quis, porta molestie justo. Etiam ultrices sem non turpis imperdiet dictum.Aliquam molestie elit in urna sodales, nec luctus dui laoreet.Curabitur molestie risus vel ligula efficitur, non fringilla urna iaculis.Curabitur neque tortor, facilisis quis dictum facilisis, facilisis et ante. Sed nisl erat, semper vitae efficitur ut, congue vitae quam. Ut auctor lacus sit amet varius placerat.Sed ac tellus tempus, ultricies est quis, tempor felis.Nulla vel faucibus elit, eu tincidunt eros. Nulla blandit id nisl ut porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam suscipit tellus a mattis pulvinar. Sed et libero vel ligula elementum suscipit.Ut elementum libero at sagittis pharetra. Fusce ultrices odio sapien, a posuere est consectetur ut.";

            // Make the surface twice the height to give us room to scroll
            Vector2 surfaceSize = new Vector2(sizeLightBounds.X, 2f * sizeLightBounds.Y);
            CompositionDrawingSurface textSurface = SurfaceLoader.LoadText(text, surfaceSize.ToSize(),
                                                                           textFormat, Colors.White, Colors.Transparent);
            brush.SetSourceParameter("Text", _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(textSurface));

            // Create the sprite and parent it to the panel with the clip
            _textSprite = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            _textSprite.Size = surfaceSize;
            _textSprite.Brush = brush;

            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(MyPanel, _textSprite);

            // Lastly, setup the slow scrolling animation of the text
            LinearEasingFunction linear = _compositor.CreateLinearEasingFunction();
            Vector3KeyFrameAnimation offsetAnimation = _compositor.CreateVector3KeyFrameAnimation();
            offsetAnimation.InsertKeyFrame(0f, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), linear);
            offsetAnimation.InsertKeyFrame(1f, new Vector3(0, -_textSprite.Size.Y * .5f, 0), linear);
            offsetAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30000);
            offsetAnimation.IterationBehavior = AnimationIterationBehavior.Forever;
            _textSprite.StartAnimation("Offset", offsetAnimation);
Beispiel #46
        private CompositionEffectBrush BuildBlurBrush()
            GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Name = "Blur",
                BlurAmount = 0.0f,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source"),

            BlendEffect blendEffect = new BlendEffect
                Background = blurEffect,
                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "Color", Color = Color.FromArgb(64, 255, 255, 255) },
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight

            SaturationEffect saturationEffect = new SaturationEffect
                Source = blendEffect,
                Saturation = 1.75f,

            BlendEffect finalEffect = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NoiseImage"),
                Background = saturationEffect,
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Screen,

            var factory = Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Color.Color" }

            CompositionEffectBrush brush = factory.CreateBrush();
            brush.SetSourceParameter("NoiseImage", m_noiseBrush);
            return brush;
        private void SamplePage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //get interop compositor
            _compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MainGrid).Compositor;

            //get image brush and image visual
            _image = Image; 
            _imageVisual = _image.SpriteVisual;
            _imageBrush = _image.SurfaceBrush;

            //load height map to surface brush
            _imageLoader = ImageLoaderFactory.CreateImageLoader(_compositor);
            _normalMapSurface = _imageLoader.CreateManagedSurfaceFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Samples/SDK Insider/ImageLightingPlayground/rocks_NM_height.png"));
            _normalMapBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush();
            _normalMapBrush.Surface = _normalMapSurface.Surface;

            //set up lighting effects:

            // DISTANT DIFFUSE
            // Effect description
            var distantDiffuseDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Source2 = new DistantDiffuseEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Source1Amount = 0,
                Source2Amount = 0,
                MultiplyAmount = 1

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory and specify animatable properties
            _distantDiffuseLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            //set source parameters to image and normal map

            // DISTANT SPECULAR
            // Effect description
            var distantSpecularDesc = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Background = new DistantSpecularEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Screen

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory and specify animatable properties
            _distantSpecularLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            //set source parameters to image and normal map

            // POINT DIFFUSE
            // Effect description
            var pointDiffuseDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Source2 = new PointDiffuseEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Source1Amount = 0,
                Source2Amount = 0,
                MultiplyAmount = 1

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory and specify animatable properties
            _pointDiffuseLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // set source parameters to image and normal map

            // POINT SPECUALR
            // Effect description
            var pointSpecularDesc = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Background = new PointSpecularEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Screen

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory and specify animatable properties
            _pointSpecularLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // set source parameters to image and normal map

            //SPOT DIFFUSE
            // Effect description
            var spotDiffuseDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Source2 = new SpotDiffuseEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Source1Amount = 0,
                Source2Amount = 0,
                MultiplyAmount = 1

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory and specify animatable properties
            _spotDiffuseLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // set source parameters to image and normal map

            // SPOT SPECULAR
            // Effect description
            var spotSpecularDesc = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                Background = new SpotSpecularEffect
                    Name = "light",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("NormalMap")
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Screen

            //Create (Light)EffectBrush from EffectFactory
            _spotSpecularLightBrush = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // set source parameters to image and normal map

            // For simplying UI states switch, put light parameter grids in an array
            _lightParamsGrids = new Grid[(int)LightType.NumLightTypes];
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.NoLight] = null;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.DistantDiffuse] = DistantDiffuseParams;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.DistantSpecular] = DistantSpecularParams;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.PointDiffuse] = PointDiffuseParams;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.PointSpecular] = PointSpecularParams;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.SpotDiffuse] = SpotDiffuseParams;
            _lightParamsGrids[(int)LightType.SpotSpecular] = SpotSpecularParams;

            // Same as grids
            _lightBrushes = new CompositionBrush[(int)LightType.NumLightTypes];
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.NoLight] = _imageBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.DistantDiffuse] = _distantDiffuseLightBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.DistantSpecular] = _distantSpecularLightBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.PointDiffuse] = _pointDiffuseLightBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.PointSpecular] = _pointSpecularLightBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.SpotDiffuse] = _spotDiffuseLightBrush;
            _lightBrushes[(int)LightType.SpotSpecular] = _spotSpecularLightBrush;

            //Initialize values for all light types

        private static IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> CreateFramedAnimation(IReadOnlyList<IImageProvider> images, Rect animationBounds, int w, int h)
            List<IImageProvider> framedAnimation = new List<IImageProvider>();

            foreach (IImageProvider frame in images)
                BlendEffect blendEffect = new BlendEffect();
                blendEffect.ForegroundSource = new CropEffect(animationBounds);
                blendEffect.GlobalAlpha = 1.0;
                blendEffect.BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Normal;
                blendEffect.TargetArea = new Rect(
                    animationBounds.Left / w,
                    animationBounds.Top / h,
                    animationBounds.Width / w,
                    animationBounds.Height / h


            return framedAnimation;
        private async void UpdateEffect()
            if (_compositor != null)
                ComboBoxItem item = EffectSelection.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem;
                IGraphicsEffect graphicsEffect = null;
                CompositionBrush secondaryBrush = null;
                string[] animatableProperties = null;

                // Create the appropriate effect graph and resources

                switch ((EffectTypes)item.Tag)
                    case EffectTypes.Desaturation:
                            graphicsEffect = new SaturationEffect()
                                Saturation = 0.0f,
                                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource")

                    case EffectTypes.Hue:
                            graphicsEffect = new HueRotationEffect()
                                Name = "Hue",
                                Angle = 3.14f,
                                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource")
                            animatableProperties = new[] { "Hue.Angle" };

                    case EffectTypes.VividLight:
                            graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect()
                                Mode = BlendEffectMode.VividLight,
                                Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect()
                                    Name = "Base",
                                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255,80,40,40)
                                Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                            animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" };
                    case EffectTypes.Mask:
                            graphicsEffect = new CompositeEffect()
                                Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationOver,
                                Sources =
                                    new CompositeEffect()
                                        Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn,
                                        Sources =

                                            new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                                            new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("SecondSource")
                                    new ColorSourceEffect()
                                        Color = Color.FromArgb(200,255,255,255)

                            CompositionDrawingSurface backgroundSurface = await SurfaceLoader.LoadFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Samples/SDK Insider/ForegroundFocusEffects/mask.png"));

                            CompositionSurfaceBrush maskBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(backgroundSurface);
                            maskBrush.Stretch = CompositionStretch.UniformToFill;
                            maskBrush.CenterPoint = backgroundSurface.Size.ToVector2() / 2;
                            secondaryBrush = maskBrush;
                    case EffectTypes.Blur:
                            graphicsEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                                BlurAmount = 20,
                                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                                Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                    case EffectTypes.LightenBlur:
                            graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect()
                                Source1Amount = .4f,
                                Source2Amount = .6f,
                                MultiplyAmount = 0,
                                Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect()
                                    Name = "Base",
                                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255),
                                Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                                    BlurAmount = 20,
                                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                                    Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                                    BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                    case EffectTypes.DarkenBlur:
                            graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect()
                                Source1Amount = .4f,
                                Source2Amount = .6f,
                                MultiplyAmount = 0,
                                Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect()
                                    Name = "Base",
                                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0),
                                Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                                    BlurAmount = 20,
                                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                                    Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                                    BorderMode= EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                    case EffectTypes.RainbowBlur:
                            graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect()
                                Source1Amount = .3f,
                                Source2Amount = .7f,
                                MultiplyAmount = 0,
                                Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect()
                                    Name = "Base",
                                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0),
                                Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                                    BlurAmount = 20,
                                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"),
                                    Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced,
                                    BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,
                            animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" };

                // Create the effect factory and instantiate a brush
                CompositionEffectFactory _effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, animatableProperties);
                CompositionEffectBrush brush = _effectFactory.CreateBrush();

                // Set the destination brush as the source of the image content
                brush.SetSourceParameter("ImageSource", _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush());

                // If his effect uses a secondary brush, set it now
                if (secondaryBrush != null)
                    brush.SetSourceParameter("SecondSource", secondaryBrush);

                // Update the destination layer with the fully configured brush
                _destinationSprite.Brush = brush;
 public void CreatesQuiteComplexGraph()
     var bitmap = new Bitmap(new Size(10, 10), ColorMode.Argb8888);
     using (var source1 = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
     using (var source2 = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
     using (var source3 = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
     using (var source4 = new BitmapImageSource(bitmap))
     using (var segmenter = new InteractiveForegroundSegmenter(source1, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0), source2))
     using (var bokeh = new LensBlurEffect(source1, segmenter))
     using (var blendEffect = new BlendEffect(bokeh, source3))
         string result = CreateGraph(blendEffect);
         Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source1))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(2, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source2))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(2, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source3))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(0, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(source4))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(4, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(segmenter))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(5, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(bokeh))).Matches(result).Count);
         Assert.AreEqual(3, new Regex(Regex.Escape(NodeId(blendEffect))).Matches(result).Count);
Beispiel #51
        private void Uninitialize()
            if (_cameraPreviewImageSource != null)
                _cameraPreviewImageSource = null;

            if (_blendEffect != null)
                _blendEffect = null;

            if (_blendImageProvider != null)
                _blendImageProvider = null;
        private void BlendSelection_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            ComboBoxItem item = BlendSelection.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem;
            BlendEffectMode blendmode = (BlendEffectMode)item.Tag;

            // Create a chained effect graph using a BlendEffect, blending color and blur
            var graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect
                Mode = blendmode,
                Background = new ColorSourceEffect()
                    Name = "Tint",
                    Color = Tint.Color,

                Foreground = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                    Name = "Blur",
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop"),
                    BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount.Value,
                    BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,

            var blurEffectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, 
                new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Tint.Color"});

            // Create EffectBrush, BackdropBrush and SpriteVisual
            _brush = blurEffectFactory.CreateBrush();

            // If the animation is running, restart it on the new brush
            if (AnimateToggle.IsOn)

            var destinationBrush = _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush();
            _brush.SetSourceParameter("Backdrop", destinationBrush);

            var blurSprite = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            blurSprite.Size = new Vector2((float)BackgroundImage.ActualWidth, (float)BackgroundImage.ActualHeight);
            blurSprite.Brush = _brush;

            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(BackgroundImage, blurSprite);
Beispiel #53
 private void DrawFrame(CanvasDrawingSession ds)
     if (_background != null)
         var tile = new TileEffect();
         tile.Source = _background;
         tile.SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, 400, 400);
     using (var blendDs = _buffer.CreateDrawingSession())
     foreach (var layer in _layers.Reverse().Where(l => l.IsVisible))
         using (var tmpDs = _tmpBuffer.CreateDrawingSession())
             switch (layer.BlendMode)
                 case BlendMode.Normal:
                     tmpDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);
                 case BlendMode.Addition:
                     tmpDs.Blend = CanvasBlend.Add;
                     tmpDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);
                     using (var alpha = layer.Image.Clone())
                     using (var blend = new BlendEffect())
                         using (var alphaDs = alpha.CreateDrawingSession())
                             alphaDs.DrawImage(layer.Image, (float)layer.Opacity / 100);
                         blend.Background = _buffer;
                         blend.Foreground = alpha;
                         blend.Mode = layer.BlendMode.ToBlendEffectMode();
         using (var blendDs = _buffer.CreateDrawingSession())
        private static IImageProvider CreateBlendEffect(BlendParams blendParams)
            Debug.Assert(blendParams.Mask.IsSynchronous || blendParams.Mask.IsEmpty);

            var blendEffect = new BlendEffect(blendParams.PreviousImage.Result, blendParams.Image.Result, blendParams.Style.BlendFunction, blendParams.Style.Opacity);

            if (!blendParams.Mask.IsEmpty)
                blendEffect.MaskSource = blendParams.Mask.Result;

            if (blendParams.Style.TargetArea.HasValue)
                blendEffect.TargetArea = blendParams.Style.TargetArea.Value;

            return blendEffect;
Beispiel #55
        private ICanvasImage CreateLuminanceToAlpha()
            var contrastAdjustedTiger = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,

                RedOffset = -3,
                GreenOffset = -3,
                BlueOffset = -3,

            var tigerAlpha = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = contrastAdjustedTiger

            var tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = tigerAlpha,
                RedOffset = 1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueOffset = 1,
                RedSlope = 0,
                GreenSlope = 0,
                BlueSlope = 0,

            var recombinedRgbAndAlpha = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb,
                Source2 = bitmapTiger,

            var movedTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = recombinedRgbAndAlpha

            const float turbulenceSize = 128;

            var backgroundImage = new CropEffect
                Source = new TileEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Octaves = 8,
                        Size = new Vector2(turbulenceSize),
                        Tileable = true
                    SourceRectangle= new Rect(0, 0, turbulenceSize, turbulenceSize)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect((bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * -0.5f).ToPoint(),
                                           (bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * 1.5f).ToPoint())

            var tigerOnBackground = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = movedTiger,
                Background = backgroundImage

            // Animation moves the alpha bitmap around, and alters color transfer settings to change how solid it is.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                contrastAdjustedTiger.RedSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.GreenSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.BlueSlope = ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.9) + 2) * 3;

                var dx = (float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50;
                var dy = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50;

                movedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(dx, dy);

            return tigerOnBackground;
        private void MainGridLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            m_compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MainGrid).Compositor;
            m_root = m_compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(MainGrid, m_root);

            Size imageSize;
            m_noEffectBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset(
                "Bruno'sFamily2015 (13)-X2.jpg",
                out imageSize);
            m_imageAspectRatio = (imageSize.Width == 0 && imageSize.Height == 0) ? 1 : imageSize.Width / imageSize.Height;

            m_sprite = m_compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            ResizeImage(new Size(MainGrid.ActualWidth, MainGrid.ActualHeight));

            // Image with alpha channel as an mask.
            var alphaMaskEffectDesc = new CompositeEffect
                Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn,
                Sources =
                    new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                    new Transform2DEffect
                        Name = "MaskTransform",
                        Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Mask")
            m_alphaMaskEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "MaskTransform.TransformMatrix" }

            // Arithmetic operations between two images.
            var arithmeticEffectDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Name = "effect",
                ClampOutput = false,
                Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source1"),
                Source2 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source2")
            m_arithmeticEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Creates a blend effect that combines two images.
            var foregroundBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset("Checkerboard_100x100.png");
            m_blendEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[m_supportedBlendModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_supportedBlendModes.Length; i++)
                var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect
                    Mode = m_supportedBlendModes[i],
                    Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Background"),
                    Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Foreground")
                m_blendEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Generates an image containing a solid color.
            var colorSourceEffectDesc = new ColorSourceEffect // FloodEffect
                Name = "effect"
            m_colorSourceEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Color" }

            // Changes the contrast of an image.
            var contrastEffectDesc = new ContrastEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_contrastEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Contrast" }

            // Changes the exposure of an image.
            var exposureEffectDesc = new ExposureEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_exposureEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Exposure" }

            // Alters the colors of an image by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
            var gammaTransferEffectDesc = new GammaTransferEffect
                Name = "effect",
                RedDisable = false,
                GreenDisable = false,
                BlueDisable = false,
                AlphaDisable = false,
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_gammaTransferEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Converts an image to monochromatic gray.
            var grayscaleEffectDesc = new GrayscaleEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_grayscaleEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the color of an image by rotating its hue values.
            var hueRotationEffectDesc = new HueRotationEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_hueRotationEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Angle" }

            // Inverts the colors of an image.
            var invertEffectDesc = new InvertEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_invertEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the saturation of an image.
            var saturationEffectDesc = new SaturationEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_saturateEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Saturation" }

            // Converts an image to sepia tones.
            var supportedAlphaModes = new[]
            m_sepiaEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[supportedAlphaModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedAlphaModes.Length; i++)
                var sepiaEffectDesc = new SepiaEffect
                    Name = "effect",
                    AlphaMode = supportedAlphaModes[i],
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
                m_sepiaEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                    new[] { "effect.Intensity" }

            // Adjusts the temperature and/or tint of an image.
            var temperatureAndTintEffectDesc = new TemperatureAndTintEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Applies a 2D affine transform matrix to an image.
            var transform2DEffectDesc = new Transform2DEffect
                TransformMatrix = new Matrix3x2(
                    -1, 0,
                    0, 1,
                    m_sprite.Size.X, 0),
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_transform2DEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // For simplying UI states switch, put effect parameter grids in an array
            m_effectParamsGrids = new Grid[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = AlphaMaskParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = ArithmeticParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Blend] = BlendParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = ColorSourceParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = ContrastParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = ExposureParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = GammaTransferParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = HueRotationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Invert] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = SaturationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = SepiaParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = TemperatureAndTintParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = null;

            // Same as grids
            m_effectBrushes = new CompositionBrush[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = m_noEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = m_alphaMaskEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = m_arithmeticEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Blend] = m_blendEffectBrushes[m_activeBlendMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = m_colorSourceEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = m_contrastEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = m_exposureEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = m_gammaTransferEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = m_grayscaleEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = m_hueRotationEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Invert] = m_invertEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = m_saturateEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = m_sepiaEffectBrushes[m_activeSepiaAlphaMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = m_transform2DEffectBrush;

        void InitializeBloomFilter()
            BloomEnabled = true;

            // A bloom filter makes graphics appear to be bright and glowing by adding blur around only
            // the brightest parts of the image. This approximates the look of HDR (high dynamic range)
            // rendering, in which the color of the brightest light sources spills over onto surrounding
            // pixels.
            // Many different visual styles can be achieved by adjusting these settings:
            //  Intensity = how much bloom is added
            //      0 = none
            //  Threshold = how bright does a pixel have to be in order for it to bloom
            //      0 = the entire image blooms equally
            //  Blur = how much the glow spreads sideways around bright areas

            BloomIntensity = 200;
            BloomThreshold = 80;
            BloomBlur = 48;

            // Before drawing, properties of these effects will be adjusted to match the
            // current settings (see ApplyBloomFilter), and an input image connected to
            // extractBrightAreas.Source and bloomResult.Background (see DemandCreateBloomRenderTarget).

            // Step 1: use a transfer effect to extract only pixels brighter than the threshold.
            extractBrightAreas = new LinearTransferEffect
                ClampOutput = true,

            // Step 2: blur these bright pixels.
            blurBrightAreas = new GaussianBlurEffect
                Source = extractBrightAreas,

            // Step 3: adjust how much bloom is wanted.
            adjustBloomIntensity = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = blurBrightAreas,

            // Step 4: blend the bloom over the top of the original image.
            bloomResult = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = adjustBloomIntensity,
                Mode = BlendEffectMode.Screen,
        private ObservableCollection<VideoEffectsViewModel> CreateNonEditableEffects()
            var effects = new ObservableCollection<VideoEffectsViewModel>();

            m_antiqueEffect = new AntiqueEffect();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_antiqueEffect, "antique_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Antique" });

            m_sepiaEffect = new SepiaEffect();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_sepiaEffect, "sepia_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Sepia" });

            m_blendEffect = new BlendEffect() { GlobalAlpha = 0.5 };

            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_blendEffect, "blend_brokenglass_thumbnail.jpg", "BrokenGlas.png") { Name = "Blend 1" });

            var effect = new BlendEffect() { BlendFunction = BlendFunction.Overlay, GlobalAlpha = 0.5 };

            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(effect, "blend_raindrops_thumbnail.jpg", "raindrops.jpg") { Name = "Blend 2" });

            m_mirrorEffect = new MirrorEffect();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_mirrorEffect, "mirror_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Mirror" });

            m_grayscaleEffect = new GrayscaleEffect();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_grayscaleEffect, "grayscale_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Grayscale" });

            m_binaryEffect = new BinaryEffect();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_binaryEffect, "grayscale_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Binary" });

            m_medianFilter = new MedianFilter();
            effects.Add(new VideoEffectsViewModel(m_medianFilter, "grayscale_thumbnail.jpg") { Name = "Median" });
            return effects;