public FloatDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FloatFieldSource outerInstance, FloatFieldSource @this, FieldCache.Floats arr, Bits valid)
     : base(@this)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.arr = arr;
     this.valid = valid;
Beispiel #2
 public MultiBits(Bits[] subs, int[] starts, bool defaultValue)
     Debug.Assert(starts.Length == 1 + subs.Length);
     this.Subs = subs;
     this.Starts = starts;
     this.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
Beispiel #3
    public static StunMessage Parse(byte[] bytes)
      var bits = new Bits(bytes);

      if (bits.Pop() != false || bits.Pop() != false)
        throw new Exception("First two bits must be zeroes.");

      var type = StunMessageType.Parse(bits.PopBits(14));

      var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bits.PopLittleEndianBytes(2), 0);

      var magicCookie = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bits.PopLittleEndianBytes(4), 0);
      if (magicCookie != MagicCookie)
        throw new ArgumentException($"The parse magic cookie {magicCookie} doesn't match {MagicCookie}.", nameof(MagicCookie));

      var attributes = new List<StunMessageAttribute>();
      for (var index = 0; index < length; index++)
        attributes.Add(StunMessageAttribute.Parse(bits.PopBits(12 * 8)));

      var id = StunMessageId.Parse(bits.PopLittleEndianBytes(12));

      return new StunMessage(type, attributes, id);
Beispiel #4
    public static StunMessageClass Parse(Bits bits)
      if (bits.Count != 2)
        throw new ArgumentException("The number of bits must be 2.", nameof(bits));

      if (Request.Bits.SequenceEqual(bits.ToBitArray()))
        return Request;

      if (SuccessResponse.Bits.SequenceEqual(bits.ToBitArray()))
        return SuccessResponse;

      if (FailureResponse.Bits.SequenceEqual(bits.ToBitArray()))
        return FailureResponse;

      if (Indication.Bits.SequenceEqual(bits.ToBitArray()))
        return Indication;

      throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid class.");
 public DoubleDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(DoubleFieldSource outerInstance, DoubleFieldSource @this, FieldCache.Doubles arr, Bits valid)
     : base(@this)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.arr = arr;
     this.valid = valid;
 internal MatchAllScorer(MatchAllDocsQuery outerInstance, IndexReader reader, Bits liveDocs, Weight w, float score)
     : base(w)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.LiveDocs = liveDocs;
     this.Score_Renamed = score;
     MaxDoc = reader.MaxDoc;
 private SlowCompositeReaderWrapper(CompositeReader reader)
     : base()
     @in = reader;
     fields = MultiFields.GetFields(@in);
     liveDocs = MultiFields.GetLiveDocs(@in);
 protected internal ValueSourceScorer(IndexReader reader, FunctionValues values)
     : base(null)
     this.reader = reader;
     this.maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc;
     this.values = values;
     CheckDeletes = true;
     this.liveDocs = MultiFields.GetLiveDocs(reader);
Beispiel #9
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     if (processingMode == ProcessingMode.PM_FAST_INVALIDATION)
         return FastBits(context.AtomicReader, acceptDocs);
         return CorrectBits(context.AtomicReader, acceptDocs);
Beispiel #10
            public DistanceFunctionValue(DistanceValueSource outerInstance, AtomicReader reader)
                this.outerInstance = outerInstance;

                ptX = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDoubles(reader, outerInstance.strategy.FieldNameX, true);
                ptY = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDoubles(reader, outerInstance.strategy.FieldNameY, true);
                validX = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(reader, outerInstance.strategy.FieldNameX);
                validY = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(reader, outerInstance.strategy.FieldNameY);

                from = outerInstance.from;
                calculator = outerInstance.strategy.SpatialContext.DistCalc;
                nullValue = (outerInstance.strategy.SpatialContext.IsGeo ? 180 * outerInstance.multiplier : double.MaxValue);
Beispiel #11
    public static StunMessageMethod Parse(Bits bits)
      if (bits.Count != 12)
        throw new ArgumentException("The number of bits must be 12.", nameof(bits));

      if (Binding.Bits.SequenceEqual(bits.ToBitArray()))
        return Binding;

      throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid method.");
Beispiel #12
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            Terms terms = context.AtomicReader.Terms(term.Field());
            if (terms == null)
                return null;

            TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.Iterator(null);
            if (!termsEnum.SeekExact(term.Bytes()))
                return null;
            return new DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, acceptDocs, termsEnum);
Beispiel #13
        private FixedBitSet CorrectBits(AtomicReader reader, Bits acceptDocs)
            FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(reader.MaxDoc); //assume all are INvalid
            Terms terms = reader.Fields.Terms(fieldName);

            if (terms == null)
                return bits;

            TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.Iterator(null);
            DocsEnum docs = null;
            while (true)
                BytesRef currTerm = termsEnum.Next();
                if (currTerm == null)
                    docs = termsEnum.Docs(acceptDocs, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                    int doc = docs.NextDoc();
                    if (doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        if (keepMode == KeepMode.KM_USE_FIRST_OCCURRENCE)
                            int lastDoc = doc;
                            while (true)
                                lastDoc = doc;
                                doc = docs.NextDoc();
                                if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
            return bits;
        private void CheckTerms(Terms terms, Bits liveDocs, params string[] termsList)
            TermsEnum te = terms.Iterator(null);

            foreach (string t in termsList)
                BytesRef b = te.Next();
                Assert.AreEqual(t, b.Utf8ToString());
                DocsEnum td = TestUtil.Docs(Random(), te, liveDocs, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                Assert.IsTrue(td.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, td.DocID());
                Assert.AreEqual(td.NextDoc(), DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
Beispiel #15
    public static StunMessageType Parse(Bits bits)
      if (bits.Count != 14)
        throw new ArgumentException("The number of bits must be 14.", nameof(bits));

      var methodBits = new Bits(12);
      var classBits = new Bits(2);


      return new StunMessageType(StunMessageMethod.Parse(methodBits), StunMessageClass.Parse(classBits));
Beispiel #16
    public byte[] ToLittleEndianByteArray()
      var bits = new Bits(20);



      var length = (ushort)(Attributes.Count() * 4 * 8);



      return bits.ToLittleEndianByteArray();
Beispiel #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            uint numN = uint.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            List<int> startPos = new List<int>();
            for (int i =0; i<2;i++)
            int modK = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //Create Bits
            List<Bits>[] toSwap = new List<Bits>[startPos.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < toSwap.Length; i++)
                toSwap[i] = new List<Bits>();
                for (int b = startPos[i]; b < startPos[i] + modK; b++)
                    Bits bit = new Bits(0, b);
            //Assign Value to all bits
            for (int i = 0; i < toSwap.Length; i++)
                for(int b = 0; b< toSwap[i].Count; b++)
                    toSwap[i][b].Value = GetValue(numN, toSwap[i][b].Position);
            //switch Bits
            for (int i = 0; i < toSwap.Length-1; i++)
                for(int b = 0; b < toSwap[i].Count;b++ )
                    numN = SwapBits(numN, toSwap[i][b].Value, toSwap[i + 1][b].Position);
                    numN = SwapBits(numN, toSwap[i+1][b].Value, toSwap[i][b].Position);


Beispiel #18
    public StunMessageType(StunMessageMethod method, StunMessageClass @class)
      if (!method.PermittedClasses.Contains(@class))
        throw new ArgumentException($"The class {@class} is not permitted by the method {method}.", nameof(@class));
      Name = method.Name + " " + @class.Name;

      var methodBits = new Bits(method.Bits);
      var classBits = new Bits(@class.Bits);
      var bits = new Bits(14);

      Bits = bits.ToBitArray();
Beispiel #19
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return null;
Beispiel #20
        public void WriteToROM(List <NPCObject> NPCObjects, ref int offset)
            // Declare index of this instance in a collection
            int index = NPCObjects.IndexOf(this);

            // Get the reference info for this instance
            var referenceInfo = GetReferenceInfo(NPCObjects, index);

            // Write the reference count
            rom[offset] = (byte)referenceInfo.Count;

            // Start writing base data
            Bits.SetBitsByByte(rom, offset++, (byte)((int)EngageType << 4), true);

            // Speed plus
            rom[offset] = SpeedPlus;

            // B2 unknown bits
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 3, B2b3);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 4, B2b4);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 5, B2b5);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 6, B2b6);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset++, 7, B2b7);

            // B3 unknown bits
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 0, B3b0);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 1, B3b1);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 2, B3b2);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 3, B3b3);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 4, B3b4);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 5, B3b5);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 6, B3b6);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset++, 7, B3b7);

            // NPCID
            Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, referenceInfo.BaseNPCID << 2);

            // B4b0,1
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 0, B4b0);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset++, 1, B4b1);

            // Action
            Bits.SetBitsByByte(rom, offset++, (byte)((referenceInfo.BaseAction << 4) & 0xF0), true); // lower 4 bits
            rom[offset] = (byte)(referenceInfo.BaseAction >> 4);                                     // lower 6 bits

            // B7b6,7
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, 6, B7b6);
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset++, 7, B7b7);

            // Event / Pack
            if (EngageType != EngageType.Battle)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, referenceInfo.BaseEvent);
                rom[offset] = (byte)referenceInfo.BasePack;

            // Engage trigger
            rom[offset] &= 0x0F;
            rom[offset] |= (byte)(EngageTrigger << 4);

            // After battle
            if (EngageType == EngageType.Battle)
                rom[offset] &= 0xF0;
                rom[offset] |= (byte)(AfterBattle << 1);

            // Write any references to ROM
            int count = referenceInfo.Count;

            while (count-- >= 0)
                WriteReference(referenceInfo, ref offset);
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an ID for this operation, unique within a completion manager. The ID is valid only for the duration of the operation.
 /// </summary>
 public ulong GetUniqueId()
     Contract.Requires(EntryId != AvailableMarker);
     return(Bits.GetLongFromInts(unchecked ((uint)PoolNodeId), (uint)EntryId));
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteShort(int position, int v)
     Bits.WriteShort(Buffer, position, (short)v, _isBigEndian);
 public void WriteShort(int v, ByteOrder byteOrder)
     Bits.WriteShort(Buffer, Pos, (short)v, byteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian);
     Pos += Bits.ShortSizeInBytes;
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteShort(int v)
     Bits.WriteShort(Buffer, Pos, (short)v, _isBigEndian);
     Pos += Bits.ShortSizeInBytes;
 public void Reset(Bits liveDocs, int[] positions, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets, int[] payloadLengths, byte[] payloadBytes)
     this.LiveDocs = liveDocs;
     this.Positions = positions;
     this.StartOffsets = startOffsets;
     this.EndOffsets = endOffsets;
     this.PayloadOffsets = payloadLengths;
     this.PayloadBytes = payloadBytes;
     this.Doc = -1;
     DidNext = false;
     NextPos = 0;
Beispiel #26
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return(new AnonymousDocIdSet());
Beispiel #27
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
Beispiel #28
 public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(Bits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #29
        public void PageModificationInAnyTreeMustRemoveItFromListOfFreedPagesInAllStores()
            using (var database = CreateDocumentDatabase())
                using (var index = MapReduceIndex.CreateNew(new IndexDefinition()
                    Name = "Users_ByCount_GroupByLocation",
                    Maps = { "from user in docs.Users select new { user.Location, Count = 1 }" },
                    Reduce =
                        "from result in results group result by result.Location into g select new { Location = g.Key, Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count) }",
                    Type = IndexType.MapReduce,
                    Fields =
                        { "Location", new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } },
                        { "Count",    new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } }
                }, database))
                    index._threadAllocations = NativeMemory.CurrentThreadStats;

                    var mapReduceContext = new MapReduceIndexingContext();
                    using (var contextPool = new TransactionContextPool(database.DocumentsStorage.Environment))
                        var indexStorage = new IndexStorage(index, contextPool, database);
                        var reducer      = new ReduceMapResultsOfStaticIndex(index, index._compiled.Reduce, index.Definition, indexStorage, new MetricCounters(), mapReduceContext);

                        using (index._contextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext indexContext))
                            using (var tx = indexContext.OpenWriteTransaction())
                                mapReduceContext.MapPhaseTree    = tx.InnerTransaction.CreateTree(MapReduceIndexBase <MapIndexDefinition, IndexField> .MapPhaseTreeName);
                                mapReduceContext.ReducePhaseTree = tx.InnerTransaction.CreateTree(MapReduceIndexBase <MapIndexDefinition, IndexField> .ReducePhaseTreeName);

                                var store1 = new MapReduceResultsStore(1, MapResultsStorageType.Tree, indexContext, mapReduceContext, true);
                                var store2 = new MapReduceResultsStore(2, MapResultsStorageType.Tree, indexContext, mapReduceContext, true);

                                mapReduceContext.StoreByReduceKeyHash.Add(1, store1);
                                mapReduceContext.StoreByReduceKeyHash.Add(2, store2);

                                // we're cheating here a bit as the originally this issue was reproduced on very large amount of data
                                // we choose page 541 because it's going to be used when calling store1.Add() below
                                // let's pretend this page that was freed as the result of deletion in store2
                                // the important thing is that store1 will be processed before processing store2 and we'll store the aggregation result for page 541 in PageNumberToReduceResult table
                                // the issue was that modification of page 541 in the tree of store1 didn't remove it from FreedPages of store2
                                // in result the processing of store2 removed page 541 from the table

                                long pageNumber = 541;

                                if (tx.InnerTransaction.LowLevelTransaction.Environment.Options.ForceUsing32BitsPager || PlatformDetails.Is32Bits)
                                    // in 32 bits we might allocate different pages, 93 is going to be used during store1.Add() calls
                                    pageNumber = 93;


                                for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                                    using (var mappedResult = indexContext.ReadObject(new DynamicJsonValue
                                        ["Count"] = 1,
                                        ["Location"] = new string('c', 1024)
                                    }, $"users/{i}"))
                                        store1.Add(i, mappedResult);

                                var writeOperation = new Lazy <IndexWriteOperation>(() => index.IndexPersistence.OpenIndexWriter(tx.InnerTransaction, null));

                                    var stats = new IndexingStatsScope(new IndexingRunStats());
                                    reducer.Execute(null, indexContext,
                                                    stats, CancellationToken.None);

                                    Assert.DoesNotContain(pageNumber, mapReduceContext.FreedPages);

                                    var table = indexContext.Transaction.InnerTransaction.OpenTable(ReduceMapResultsBase <MapReduceIndexDefinition> .ReduceResultsSchema,
                                                                                                    ReduceMapResultsBase <MapReduceIndexDefinition> .PageNumberToReduceResultTableName);

                                    var page = Bits.SwapBytes(pageNumber);

                                        using (Slice.External(indexContext.Allocator, (byte *)&page, sizeof(long), out Slice pageSlice))
                                            Assert.True(table.ReadByKey(pageSlice, out TableValueReader tvr));
                                    if (writeOperation.IsValueCreated)
Beispiel #30
        public PutOperationResults PutDocument(DocumentsOperationContext context, string id,
                                               string expectedChangeVector,
                                               BlittableJsonReaderObject document,
                                               long?lastModifiedTicks = null,
                                               string changeVector    = null,
                                               DocumentFlags flags    = DocumentFlags.None,
                                               NonPersistentDocumentFlags nonPersistentFlags = NonPersistentDocumentFlags.None)
            if (context.Transaction == null)
                return(default(PutOperationResults)); // never hit

            var documentDebugHash = document.DebugHash;
            BlittableJsonReaderObject.AssertNoModifications(document, id, assertChildren: true);

            var newEtag       = _documentsStorage.GenerateNextEtag();
            var modifiedTicks = lastModifiedTicks ?? _documentDatabase.Time.GetUtcNow().Ticks;

            id = BuildDocumentId(id, newEtag, out bool knownNewId);
            using (DocumentIdWorker.GetLowerIdSliceAndStorageKey(context, id, out Slice lowerId, out Slice idPtr))
                var collectionName = _documentsStorage.ExtractCollectionName(context, document);
                var table          = context.Transaction.InnerTransaction.OpenTable(DocsSchema, collectionName.GetTableName(CollectionTableType.Documents));

                var oldValue = default(TableValueReader);
                if (knownNewId == false)
                    // delete a tombstone if it exists, if it known that it is a new ID, no need, so we can skip it
                    DeleteTombstoneIfNeeded(context, collectionName, lowerId.Content.Ptr, lowerId.Size);

                    table.ReadByKey(lowerId, out oldValue);

                BlittableJsonReaderObject oldDoc = null;
                if (oldValue.Pointer == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedChangeVector) == false)
                        ThrowConcurrentExceptionOnMissingDoc(id, expectedChangeVector);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedChangeVector) == false)
                        var oldChangeVector = TableValueToChangeVector(context, (int)DocumentsTable.ChangeVector, ref oldValue);
                        if (string.Compare(expectedChangeVector, oldChangeVector, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
                            ThrowConcurrentException(id, expectedChangeVector, oldChangeVector);

                    oldDoc = new BlittableJsonReaderObject(oldValue.Read((int)DocumentsTable.Data, out int oldSize), oldSize, context);
                    var oldCollectionName = _documentsStorage.ExtractCollectionName(context, oldDoc);
                    if (oldCollectionName != collectionName)
                        ThrowInvalidCollectionNameChange(id, oldCollectionName, collectionName);

                    var oldFlags = TableValueToFlags((int)DocumentsTable.Flags, ref oldValue);

                    if ((nonPersistentFlags & NonPersistentDocumentFlags.ByAttachmentUpdate) != NonPersistentDocumentFlags.ByAttachmentUpdate &&
                        (nonPersistentFlags & NonPersistentDocumentFlags.FromReplication) != NonPersistentDocumentFlags.FromReplication)
                        if ((oldFlags & DocumentFlags.HasAttachments) == DocumentFlags.HasAttachments)
                            flags |= DocumentFlags.HasAttachments;

                var result = BuildChangeVectorAndResolveConflicts(context, id, lowerId, newEtag, document, changeVector, expectedChangeVector, flags, oldValue);
                changeVector        = result.ChangeVector;
                nonPersistentFlags |= result.NonPersistentFlags;
                if (nonPersistentFlags.Contain(NonPersistentDocumentFlags.Resolved))
                    flags |= DocumentFlags.Resolved;

                if (collectionName.IsHiLo == false &&
                    (flags & DocumentFlags.Artificial) != DocumentFlags.Artificial)
                    if (ShouldRecreateAttachments(context, lowerId, oldDoc, document, ref flags, nonPersistentFlags))
                        if (document.DebugHash != documentDebugHash)
                            throw new InvalidDataException("The incoming document " + id + " has changed _during_ the put process, " +
                                                           "this is likely because you are trying to save a document that is already stored and was moved");
                        document = context.ReadObject(document, id, BlittableJsonDocumentBuilder.UsageMode.ToDisk);
                        documentDebugHash = document.DebugHash;
                        BlittableJsonReaderObject.AssertNoModifications(document, id, assertChildren: true);
                        AttachmentsStorage.AssertAttachments(document, flags);

                    if (nonPersistentFlags.Contain(NonPersistentDocumentFlags.FromReplication) == false &&
                        (flags.Contain(DocumentFlags.Resolved) ||
                         _documentDatabase.DocumentsStorage.RevisionsStorage.Configuration != null
                        var shouldVersion = _documentDatabase.DocumentsStorage.RevisionsStorage.ShouldVersionDocument(collectionName, nonPersistentFlags, oldDoc, document,
                                                                                                                      ref flags, out RevisionsCollectionConfiguration configuration);
                        if (shouldVersion)
                            _documentDatabase.DocumentsStorage.RevisionsStorage.Put(context, id, document, flags, nonPersistentFlags,
                                                                                    changeVector, modifiedTicks, configuration, collectionName);

                using (Slice.From(context.Allocator, changeVector, out var cv))
                    using (table.Allocate(out TableValueBuilder tvb))
                        tvb.Add(document.BasePointer, document.Size);
                        tvb.Add(cv.Content.Ptr, cv.Size);

                        if (oldValue.Pointer == null)
                            table.Update(oldValue.Id, tvb);

                if (collectionName.IsHiLo == false)
                    _documentDatabase.ExpiredDocumentsCleaner?.Put(context, lowerId, document);

                context.LastDatabaseChangeVector = changeVector;

                context.Transaction.AddAfterCommitNotification(new DocumentChange
                    ChangeVector   = changeVector,
                    CollectionName = collectionName.Name,
                    Id             = id,
                    Type           = DocumentChangeTypes.Put,

                if (document.DebugHash != documentDebugHash)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("The incoming document " + id + " has changed _during_ the put process, " +
                                                   "this is likely because you are trying to save a document that is already stored and was moved");
                BlittableJsonReaderObject.AssertNoModifications(document, id, assertChildren: true);
                AttachmentsStorage.AssertAttachments(document, flags);
                return(new PutOperationResults
                    Etag = newEtag,
                    Id = id,
                    Collection = collectionName,
                    ChangeVector = changeVector,
                    Flags = flags,
                    LastModified = new DateTime(modifiedTicks)
Beispiel #31
        public void Update_same_value_to_fixed_sized_index_throws()
            using (var tx = Env.WriteTransaction())
                Slice.From(tx.Allocator, "EtagIndexName", out var etagIndexName);
                var fixedSizedIndex = new TableSchema.FixedSizeSchemaIndexDef
                    Name       = etagIndexName,
                    IsGlobal   = true,
                    StartIndex = 1,

                var tableSchema = new TableSchema()
                                  .DefineKey(new TableSchema.SchemaIndexDef
                    StartIndex = 0,
                    Count      = 1,

                tableSchema.Create(tx, "Items", 16);
                var        itemsTable = tx.OpenTable(tableSchema, "Items");
                const long number1    = 1L;
                const long number2    = 2L;
                const long number3    = 3L;

                using (itemsTable.Allocate(out TableValueBuilder builder))
                    using (Slice.From(tx.Allocator, "val1", out var key))

                using (itemsTable.Allocate(out TableValueBuilder builder))
                    using (Slice.From(tx.Allocator, "val2", out var key))

                using (itemsTable.Allocate(out TableValueBuilder builder))
                    using (Slice.From(tx.Allocator, "val1", out var key))

                using (itemsTable.Allocate(out TableValueBuilder builder))
                    using (Slice.From(tx.Allocator, "val2", out var key))

                        var exception = Assert.Throws <VoronErrorException>(() => itemsTable.Set(builder));
                        Assert.True(exception.Message.StartsWith("Attempt to add duplicate value"));
 public AllDeletedFilterReader(AtomicReader @in)
     : base(@in)
     LiveDocs_Renamed = new Bits_MatchNoBits(@in.MaxDoc);
     Debug.Assert(MaxDoc == 0 || HasDeletions);
            public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(Bits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags)
                if (!StorePositions && !StoreOffsets)
                    return null;

                TVDocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositionsEnum;
                if (reuse != null && reuse is TVDocsAndPositionsEnum)
                    docsAndPositionsEnum = (TVDocsAndPositionsEnum)reuse;
                    docsAndPositionsEnum = new TVDocsAndPositionsEnum();
                docsAndPositionsEnum.Reset(liveDocs, Positions, StartOffsets, EndOffsets, PayloadOffsets, PayloadData);
                return docsAndPositionsEnum;
Beispiel #34
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return(new FixedBitSet(context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc));
 public bool this[Bits bit]
     get { return _bitstring[(int)bit]; }
Beispiel #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares the numeric controls and buttons in the byte editor for editing a command's binary data.
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateNumericControls()
     this.textBoxHex.Text = BitConverter.ToString(Command.Data);
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteLong(long v)
     Bits.WriteLong(Buffer, Pos, v, _isBigEndian);
     Pos += Bits.LongSizeInBytes;
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteChar(int position, int v)
     Bits.WriteChar(Buffer, position, (char)v, _isBigEndian);
 public void WriteShort(int position, int v, ByteOrder byteOrder)
     Bits.WriteShort(Buffer, position, (short)v, byteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian);
Beispiel #40
        // Read/write ROM
        private void ReadFromROM()
            int offset = Index * 16 + 0x3EF830;

            X                = (byte)rom[offset++];
            Y                = (byte)rom[offset++];
            ShowCheckBit     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
            ShowCheckAddress = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045);
            GoToLocation     = (rom[offset++] & 0x40) == 0x40;
            if (!GoToLocation)
                RunEvent = Bits.GetShort(rom, offset);
                offset  += 4;
                WhichLocationCheckBit     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
                WhichLocationCheckAddress = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045); offset += 2;
                GoLocationA = rom[offset++];
                GoLocationB = rom[offset++];
            if (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) == 0xFFFF)
                EnabledToEast      = false;
                CheckAddressToEast = 0x7045;
                offset            += 2;
                EnabledToEast      = true;
                CheckBitToEast     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
                CheckAddressToEast = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045); offset++;
                LocationToEast     = (byte)(rom[offset] >> 1); offset++;
            if (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) == 0xFFFF)
                EnabledToSouth      = false;
                CheckAddressToSouth = 0x7045;
                offset += 2;
                EnabledToSouth      = true;
                CheckBitToSouth     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
                CheckAddressToSouth = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045);
                LocationToSouth     = (byte)(rom[offset++] >> 1);
            if (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) == 0xFFFF)
                EnabledToWest      = false;
                CheckAddressToWest = 0x7045;
                offset            += 2;
                EnabledToWest      = true;
                CheckBitToWest     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
                CheckAddressToWest = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045);
                LocationToWest     = (byte)(rom[offset++] >> 1);
            if (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset) == 0xFFFF)
                EnabledToNorth      = false;
                CheckAddressToNorth = 0x7045;
                offset += 2;
                EnabledToNorth      = true;
                CheckBitToNorth     = (byte)(rom[offset] & 0x07);
                CheckAddressToNorth = (ushort)(((Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x1FF) >> 3) + 0x7045);
                LocationToNorth     = (byte)(rom[offset] >> 1);

            // Read name text
            int pointer = Bits.GetShort(rom, Index * 2 + 0x3EFD00);

            offset = pointer + 0x3EFD80;
            List <char> symbols = new List <char>();

            for (int i = 0; rom[offset] != 0x06 && rom[offset] != 0x00; i++)
            Name = new char[symbols.Count];
            int a = 0;

            foreach (char c in symbols)
                Name[a++] = c;
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteInt(int position, int v)
     Bits.WriteInt(Buffer, position, v, _isBigEndian);
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteChar(int v)
     Bits.WriteChar(Buffer, Pos, (char)v, _isBigEndian);
     Pos += Bits.CharSizeInBytes;
        void CompletionCallback(out Action <object> callback, out object state)
            int slot = this.headTail;
            int slotLowPri;

            while (true)
                Fx.Assert(Bits.Count(slot) != -1, "CompletionCallback called on idle IOTS!");

                bool wasEmpty = Bits.Count(slot) == 0;
                if (wasEmpty)
                    // We're about to set this to idle.  First check the low-priority queue.  This alone doesn't
                    // guarantee we service all the low-pri items - there hasn't even been an Interlocked yet.  But
                    // we take care of that later.
                    slotLowPri = this.headTailLowPri;
                    while (Bits.CountNoIdle(slotLowPri) != 0)
                        if (slotLowPri == (slotLowPri = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.headTailLowPri,
                                                                                    Bits.IncrementLo(slotLowPri), slotLowPri)))
                            this.slotsLowPri[slotLowPri & SlotMaskLowPri].DequeueWorkItem(out callback, out state);

                if (slot == (slot = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.headTail, Bits.IncrementLo(slot), slot)))
                    if (!wasEmpty)
                        this.slots[slot & SlotMask].DequeueWorkItem(out callback, out state);

                    // We just set the IOThreadScheduler to idle.  Check if a low-priority item got added in the
                    // interim.
                    // Interlocked calls create a thread barrier, so this read will give us the value of
                    // headTailLowPri at the time of the interlocked that set us to idle, or later.  The invariant
                    // here is that either the low-priority queue was empty at some point after we set the IOTS to
                    // idle (so that the next enqueue will notice, and issue a Post), or that the IOTS was unidle at
                    // some point after we set it to idle (so that the next attempt to go idle will verify that the
                    // low-priority queue is empty).
                    slotLowPri = this.headTailLowPri;

                    if (Bits.CountNoIdle(slotLowPri) != 0)
                        // Whoops, go back from being idle (unless someone else already did).  If we go back, start
                        // over.  (We still owe a Post.)
                        slot = Bits.IncrementLo(slot);
                        if (slot == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.headTail, slot + Bits.HiOne, slot))
                            slot += Bits.HiOne;

                        // We know that there's a low-priority work item.  But we also know that the IOThreadScheduler
                        // wasn't idle.  It's best to let it take care of itself, since according to this method, we
                        // just set the IOThreadScheduler to idle so shouldn't take on any tasks.


            callback = null;
            state    = null;
        bool TryCoalesce(out Action <object> callback, out object state)
            int slot = this.headTail;
            int slotLowPri;

            while (true)
                if (Bits.Count(slot) > 0)
                    if (slot == (slot = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.headTail, Bits.IncrementLo(slot), slot)))
                        this.slots[slot & SlotMask].DequeueWorkItem(out callback, out state);

                slotLowPri = this.headTailLowPri;
                if (Bits.CountNoIdle(slotLowPri) > 0)
                    if (slotLowPri == (slotLowPri = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.headTailLowPri,
                                                                                Bits.IncrementLo(slotLowPri), slotLowPri)))
                        this.slotsLowPri[slotLowPri & SlotMaskLowPri].DequeueWorkItem(out callback, out state);
                    slot = this.headTail;


            callback = null;
            state    = null;
Beispiel #45
        public void WriteToROM()
            int offset = Index * 16 + 0x3EF830;

            rom[offset++] = X;
            rom[offset++] = Y;
            Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((ShowCheckAddress - 0x7045) << 3));
            rom[offset++] |= ShowCheckBit;
            Bits.SetBit(rom, offset++, 6, GoToLocation);
            if (!GoToLocation)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, RunEvent); offset += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, 0xFFFF); offset   += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((WhichLocationCheckAddress - 0x7045) << 3));
                rom[offset]  |= WhichLocationCheckBit; offset += 2;
                rom[offset++] = GoLocationA;
                rom[offset++] = GoLocationB;
            if (!EnabledToEast)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((CheckAddressToEast - 0x7045) << 3));
                rom[offset++] |= CheckBitToEast;
                rom[offset++] |= (byte)(LocationToEast << 1);
            if (!EnabledToSouth)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((CheckAddressToSouth - 0x7045) << 3));
                rom[offset++] |= CheckBitToSouth;
                rom[offset++] |= (byte)(LocationToSouth << 1);
            if (!EnabledToWest)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((CheckAddressToWest - 0x7045) << 3));
                rom[offset++] |= CheckBitToWest;
                rom[offset++] |= (byte)(LocationToWest << 1);
            if (!EnabledToNorth)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, (ushort)((CheckAddressToNorth - 0x7045) << 3));
                rom[offset++] |= CheckBitToNorth;
                rom[offset++] |= (byte)(LocationToNorth << 1);
 public void WriteLong(long v, ByteOrder byteOrder)
     Bits.WriteLong(Buffer, Pos, v, byteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian);
     Pos += Bits.LongSizeInBytes;
Beispiel #47
 public override Scorer Scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     Scorer subQueryScorer = subQueryWeight.Scorer(context, acceptDocs);
     if (subQueryScorer == null)
         return null;
     var valSrcScorers = new Scorer[valSrcWeights.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < valSrcScorers.Length; i++)
         valSrcScorers[i] = valSrcWeights[i].Scorer(context, acceptDocs);
     return new CustomScorer(outerInstance, outerInstance.GetCustomScoreProvider(context), this, queryWeight,
         subQueryScorer, valSrcScorers);
        /*  NOTE: This code depends on the form of Qil expressions generated by XPathPatternBuilder.
         *  More specifically, it recognizes the following two patterns:
         *  A) /, *, @*, text(), comment(), processing-instruction():
         *      (And* $x:(IsType RefTo LiteralType))
         *  B) foo, @ns:foo, processing-instruction('foo'):
         *      (And* $x:(And (IsType RefTo LiteralType) (Eq (NameOf RefTo) LiteralQName)))
         *  where all RefTo refer to 'it', and LiteralType has exactly one NodeKind bit set.
         *  If one of patterns recognized, we nip $x off of the nested And sequence:
         *      (And* (And2 (And1 $x:* $y:*) $z:*))  =>  (And* (And2 $y:* $z:*))
        private void NipOffTypeNameCheck()
            QilBinary[] leftPath = new QilBinary[4]; // Circular buffer for last 4 And nodes
            int         idx      = -1;               // Index of last element in leftPath
            QilNode     node     = _condition !;     // Walker through left path of the tree

            _nodeKind = XmlNodeKindFlags.None;
            _qname    = null;

            while (node.NodeType == QilNodeType.And)
                node = (leftPath[++idx & 3] = (QilBinary)node).Left;

            // Recognizing (IsType RefTo LiteralType)
            if (!(node.NodeType == QilNodeType.IsType))

            QilBinary isType = (QilBinary)node;

            if (!(isType.Left == _iterator && isType.Right.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralType))

            XmlNodeKindFlags nodeKinds = isType.Right.XmlType !.NodeKinds;

            if (!Bits.ExactlyOne((uint)nodeKinds))

            // Recognized pattern A, check for B
            QilNode x = isType;

            _nodeKind = nodeKinds;
            QilBinary lastAnd = leftPath[idx & 3];

            if (lastAnd != null && lastAnd.Right.NodeType == QilNodeType.Eq)
                QilBinary eq = (QilBinary)lastAnd.Right;

                // Recognizing (Eq (NameOf RefTo) LiteralQName)
                if (eq.Left.NodeType == QilNodeType.NameOf &&
                    ((QilUnary)eq.Left).Child == _iterator && eq.Right.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralQName
                    // Recognized pattern B
                    x      = lastAnd;
                    _qname = (QilName?)((QilLiteral)eq.Right).Value;

            // Nip $x off the condition
            QilBinary and1 = leftPath[idx & 3];
            QilBinary and2 = leftPath[--idx & 3];

            if (and2 != null)
                and2.Left = and1.Right;
            else if (and1 != null)
                _condition = and1.Right;
                _condition = null;
Beispiel #49
 private bool _TestBit(Bits bit)
     const ulong bitMask = 1;
     return ((_bitField & (bitMask << (int)bit)) != 0);
        private void MaybeTrainCompressionDictionary(Table table, FixedSizeTree etagsTree)
            // the idea is that we'll get better results by including the most recently modified documents
            // by iterating over the tag index, which is guaranteed to be always increasing
            var dataIds = ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Rent(256);

            var sizes = ArrayPool <UIntPtr> .Shared.Rent(256);

                int used         = 0;
                var totalSize    = 0;
                int totalSkipped = 0;

                using (var it = etagsTree.Iterate())
                    if (it.SeekToLast() == false)
                        return; // empty table, nothing to train on
                        long id = it.CreateReaderForCurrent().ReadLittleEndianInt64();
                        table.DirectRead(id, out var size);
                        if (size > 32 * 1024)
                            if (totalSkipped++ > 16 * 1024)
                                return;  // we are scanning too much, no need to try this hard
                            // we don't want to skip documents that are too big, they will compress
                            // well on their own, and likely be *too* unique to add meaningfully to the
                            // dictionary

                        sizes[used]     = (UIntPtr)size;
                        dataIds[used++] = id;
                        totalSize      += size;
                    } while (used < 256 && it.MovePrev() && totalSize < 1024 * 1024);

                if (used < 16)
                    return;// too few samples to measure
                var tx = table._tx;
                using (tx.Allocator.Allocate(totalSize, out var buffer))
                    var cur = buffer.Ptr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < used; i++)
                        var ptr = table.DirectRead(dataIds[i], out var size);
                        Memory.Copy(cur, ptr, size);
                        cur += size;

                    using (tx.Allocator.Allocate(
                               // the dictionary
                               Constants.Storage.PageSize - PageHeader.SizeOf - sizeof(CompressionDictionaryInfo)
                               , out var dictionaryBuffer))
                        Span <byte> dictionaryBufferSpan = dictionaryBuffer.ToSpan();
                        ZstdLib.Train(new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(buffer.Ptr, totalSize),
                                      new ReadOnlySpan <UIntPtr>(sizes, 0, used),
                                      ref dictionaryBufferSpan);

                        var dictionariesTree = tx.CreateTree(TableSchema.CompressionDictionariesSlice);

                        var newId = (int)(dictionariesTree.State.NumberOfEntries + 1);

                        using var compressionDictionary = new ZstdLib.CompressionDictionary(newId, dictionaryBuffer.Ptr, dictionaryBufferSpan.Length, 3);

                        if (ShouldReplaceDictionary(tx, compressionDictionary) == false)

                        table.CurrentCompressionDictionaryId           = newId;
                        compressionDictionary.ExpectedCompressionRatio = GetCompressionRatio(CompressedBuffer.Length, RawBuffer.Length);

                        var rev = Bits.SwapBytes(newId);
                        using (Slice.External(tx.Allocator, (byte *)&rev, sizeof(int), out var slice))
                            using (dictionariesTree.DirectAdd(slice, sizeof(CompressionDictionaryInfo) + dictionaryBufferSpan.Length, out var dest))
                                *((CompressionDictionaryInfo *)dest) =
                                    new CompressionDictionaryInfo {
                                    ExpectedCompressionRatio = compressionDictionary.ExpectedCompressionRatio
                                Memory.Copy(dest + sizeof(CompressionDictionaryInfo), dictionaryBuffer.Ptr, dictionaryBufferSpan.Length);

                        tx.LowLevelTransaction.OnDispose += RecreateRecoveryDictionaries;
                ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Return(dataIds);

                ArrayPool <UIntPtr> .Shared.Return(sizes);
Beispiel #51
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     DocIdSet innerNullIteratorSet = new DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);
     return new FilteredDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, innerNullIteratorSet);
Beispiel #52
 private static int CalculateCompressionAcceleration(int size)
 public override DocsEnum Docs(Bits liveDocs, DocsEnum reuse, int flags) // ignored
     TVDocsEnum docsEnum;
     if (reuse != null && reuse is TVDocsEnum)
         docsEnum = (TVDocsEnum)reuse;
         docsEnum = new TVDocsEnum();
     docsEnum.Reset(liveDocs, Freq);
     return docsEnum;
Beispiel #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Line Spectral Pair Unquantification.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lsp">
 /// Line Spectral Pairs table.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="order"></param>
 /// <param name="bits">
 /// peex bits buffer.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void unquant(float[] lsp, int order, Bits bits);
 public virtual void Reset(Bits liveDocs, int freq)
     this.LiveDocs = liveDocs;
     this.Freq_Renamed = freq;
     this.Doc = -1;
     DidNext = false;
        public IDisposable GetTemporaryPage(LowLevelTransaction tx, int pageSize, out TemporaryPage tmp)
            if (pageSize < Constants.Storage.PageSize)

            if (pageSize > Constants.Compression.MaxPageSize)

            Debug.Assert(pageSize == Bits.NextPowerOf2(pageSize));


            var index = GetTempPagesPoolIndex(pageSize);

            if (_pool.Length <= index)
                lock (_expandPoolLock)
                    if (_pool.Length <= index) // someone could get the lock and add it meanwhile
                        var oldSize = _pool.Length;

                        var newPool = new ConcurrentQueue <DecompressionBuffer> [index + 1];
                        Array.Copy(_pool, newPool, _pool.Length);
                        for (var i = oldSize; i < newPool.Length; i++)
                            newPool[i] = new ConcurrentQueue <DecompressionBuffer>();
                        _pool = newPool;

            DecompressionBuffer buffer;

            var queue = _pool[index];

            tmp = null;

            while (queue.TryDequeue(out buffer))
                if (buffer.CanReuse == false)

                    tmp = buffer.TempPage;
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    // we could dispose the pager during the cleanup

            if (tmp == null)
                var allocationInPages = pageSize / Constants.Storage.PageSize;

                lock (_decompressionPagerLock) // once we fill up the pool we won't be allocating additional pages frequently
                    if (_lastUsedPage + allocationInPages > _maxNumberOfPagesInScratchBufferPool)

                        var numberOfPagesBeforeAllocate = _compressionPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages;

                        _compressionPager.EnsureContinuous(_lastUsedPage, allocationInPages);

                        if (_compressionPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages > numberOfPagesBeforeAllocate)
                            _scratchSpaceMonitor.Increase((_compressionPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages - numberOfPagesBeforeAllocate) * Constants.Storage.PageSize);
                    catch (InsufficientMemoryException)
                        // RavenDB-10830: failed to lock memory of temp buffers in encrypted db, let's create new file with initial size

                        CreateNewBuffersPager(DecompressedPagesCache.Size * Constants.Compression.MaxPageSize);

                    buffer = new DecompressionBuffer(_compressionPager, _lastUsedPage, pageSize, this, index, tx);

                    _lastUsedPage += allocationInPages;

                    void CreateNewBuffersPager(long size)
                        _oldPagers        = _oldPagers.Append(_compressionPager);
                        _compressionPager = CreateDecompressionPager(size);
                        _lastUsedPage     = 0;

                tmp = buffer.TempPage;

            Interlocked.Add(ref _currentlyUsedBytes, pageSize);

Beispiel #57
 public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(Bits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags)
     return ActualEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, reuse, flags);
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 public virtual void WriteLong(int position, long v)
     Bits.WriteLong(Buffer, position, v, _isBigEndian);
 public ObjectTypesSupported WithBit(Bits bit, bool set = true)
     return new ObjectTypesSupported(_bitstring.WithBit((int)bit, set));
 public void WriteLong(int position, long v, ByteOrder byteOrder)
     Bits.WriteLong(Buffer, position, v, byteOrder == ByteOrder.BigEndian);