Beispiel #1
        private void RenderEntry(EntityEntry entry)
            int xoffset = BitConv.FromInt32(entry.Unknown2, 0);
            int yoffset = BitConv.FromInt32(entry.Unknown2, 4);
            int zoffset = BitConv.FromInt32(entry.Unknown2, 8);

            GL.Translate(xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);
            GL.Scale(4, 4, 4);
            foreach (Entity entity in entry.Entities)
                if (entity.Name != null)
Beispiel #2
        protected override Control CreateEditor()
            int linkedsceneryentrycount = BitConv.FromInt32(entityentry.Unknown1, 0);

            SceneryEntry[] linkedsceneryentries = new SceneryEntry [linkedsceneryentrycount];
            for (int i = 0; i < linkedsceneryentrycount; i++)
                linkedsceneryentries[i] = FindEID <SceneryEntry>(BitConv.FromInt32(entityentry.Unknown1, 4 + i * 48));
            int linkedentityentrycount = BitConv.FromInt32(entityentry.Unknown1, 400);

            EntityEntry[] linkedentityentries = new EntityEntry [linkedentityentrycount];
            for (int i = 0; i < linkedentityentrycount; i++)
                linkedentityentries[i] = FindEID <EntityEntry>(BitConv.FromInt32(entityentry.Unknown1, 404 + i * 4));
            return(new UndockableControl(new EntityEntryViewer(entityentry, linkedsceneryentries, linkedentityentries)));
Beispiel #3
        private void Menu_Duplicate()
            if (!entity.ID.HasValue)
                throw new GUIException("Only entities with ID's can be duplicated.");
            int maxid = 1;
            List <EntityPropertyRow <int> > drawlists = new List <EntityPropertyRow <int> >();

            foreach (Chunk chunk in entityentrycontroller.EntryChunkController.NSFController.NSF.Chunks)
                if (chunk is EntryChunk)
                    foreach (Entry entry in ((EntryChunk)chunk).Entries)
                        if (entry is EntityEntry)
                            foreach (Entity otherentity in ((EntityEntry)entry).Entities)
                                if (otherentity.ID.HasValue)
                                    if (otherentity.ID.Value > maxid)
                                        maxid = otherentity.ID.Value;
                                    if (otherentity.AlternateID.HasValue && otherentity.AlternateID.Value > maxid)
                                        maxid = otherentity.AlternateID.Value;
                                if (otherentity.DrawListA != null)
                                if (otherentity.DrawListB != null)
            int newindex = entityentrycontroller.EntityEntry.Entities.Count;

            newindex -= BitConv.FromInt32(entityentrycontroller.EntityEntry.Unknown1, 0x188);
            int entitycount = BitConv.FromInt32(entityentrycontroller.EntityEntry.Unknown1, 0x18C);

            BitConv.ToInt32(entityentrycontroller.EntityEntry.Unknown1, 0x18C, entitycount + 1);
            Entity newentity = Entity.Load(entity.Save());

            newentity.ID          = maxid;
            newentity.AlternateID = null;
            entityentrycontroller.AddNode(new EntityController(entityentrycontroller, newentity));
            foreach (EntityPropertyRow <int> drawlist in drawlists)
                foreach (int value in drawlist.Values)
                    if ((value & 0xFFFF00) >> 8 == entity.ID.Value)
                            drawlist.Values.Add((value & 0xFF) | (maxid << 8) | (newindex << 24));
                if (drawlist.Values.Contains(entity.ID.Value))
Beispiel #4
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            Brush        borderbrush       = Brushes.Black;
            Brush        brush             = Brushes.Navy;
            Brush        backbrush         = Brushes.White;
            Brush        hibackbrush       = Brushes.LightGreen;
            Brush        bithibackbrush    = Brushes.LightCoral;
            Brush        selbrush          = Brushes.White;
            Brush        selbackbrush      = Brushes.Navy;
            Brush        deadselbackbrush  = Brushes.DarkGray;
            Brush        inputselbackbrush = Brushes.Red;
            Brush        eidbackbrush      = Brushes.Chocolate;
            Brush        voidbrush         = Brushes.DarkMagenta;
            Font         font      = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8);
            Font         selfont   = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10);
            StringFormat format    = new StringFormat();
            StringFormat selformat = new StringFormat();

            format.Alignment        = StringAlignment.Center;
            format.LineAlignment    = StringAlignment.Center;
            selformat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            selformat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            int hstep  = (Width - 1) / 16;
            int vstep  = (Height - 1) / 16;
            int width  = hstep * 16;
            int height = vstep * 16;
            int xsel   = position % 16;
            int ysel   = position / 16;

            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(borderbrush, 0, 0, width + 1, height + 1);
            for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    int          i = x + (offset + y) * 16;
                    Font         curfont;
                    Brush        curbrush;
                    Brush        curbackbrush;
                    StringFormat curformat;
                    Rectangle    rect = new Rectangle();
                    rect.X      = hstep * x + 1;
                    rect.Y      = vstep * y + 1;
                    rect.Width  = hstep - 1;
                    rect.Height = vstep - 1;
                    string text;
                    if (eidview && x % 4 == 0 && i + 3 < data.Length && (data[i] & 1) != 0 && (data[i + 3] & 128) == 0)
                        curfont      = font;
                        curbrush     = selbrush;
                        curbackbrush = eidbackbrush;
                        curformat    = format;
                        rect.Width   = hstep * 4 - 1;
                        int eid = BitConv.FromInt32(data, i);
                        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(curbackbrush, rect);
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(Entry.EIDToString(eid), curfont, curbrush, rect, curformat);
                        x += 3;
                    if (x == xsel && y + offset == ysel && x + y * 16 < data.Length)
                        curfont   = selfont;
                        curbrush  = selbrush;
                        curformat = selformat;
                        if (input == null)
                            curbackbrush = Focused ? selbackbrush : deadselbackbrush;
                            text         = data[x + (offset + y) * 16].ToString("X2");
                            curbackbrush = Focused ? inputselbackbrush : deadselbackbrush;
                            text         = ((int)input).ToString("X");
                    else if (x + (offset + y) * 16 < data.Length)
                        curfont  = font;
                        curbrush = brush;
                        if (viewbit != 8)
                            curbackbrush = ((data[x + (offset + y) * 16] & 1 << viewbit) != 0) ? bithibackbrush : backbrush;
                            curbackbrush = (data[x + (offset + y) * 16] != 0) ? hibackbrush : backbrush;
                        curformat = format;
                        text      = data[x + (offset + y) * 16].ToString("X2");
                        curfont      = null;
                        curbrush     = null;
                        curbackbrush = voidbrush;
                        curformat    = null;
                        text         = "";
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(curbackbrush, rect);
                    if (x + (offset + y) * 16 < data.Length)
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(text, curfont, curbrush, rect, curformat);

            /*for (int i = 0;i < 17;i += eidview ? 4 : 1)
             * {
             *  e.Graphics.DrawLine(borderpen,hstep * i,0,hstep * i,height);
             * }
             * for (int i = 0;i < 17;i++)
             * {
             *  e.Graphics.DrawLine(borderpen,0,vstep * i,width,vstep * i);
             * }*/