Beispiel #1
        void                            CreateNewBiome()
            outputBiome = new BiomeData();

            outputBiome.isWaterless         = false;
            outputBiome.biomeTreeStartPoint = this;
Beispiel #2
        void                            CreateNewBiomeData()
            outputBiome = new BiomeData();

            outputBiome.isWaterless = true;
            outputBiome.biomeSwitchGraphStartPoint = this;
Beispiel #3
        public void OnGUI(BiomeData biomeData)
            bbList.listFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(bbList.listFoldout, "Biome blending list");

            int length      = bbList.blendEnabled.GetLength(0);
            int foldoutSize = 16;
            int leftPadding = 10;

            base.OnGUI(new Rect());

            if (bbList.listFoldout)
                float biomeSamplerNameWidth = BiomeSamplerName.GetNames().Max(n => EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(n)).x);
                Rect  r = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(length * foldoutSize + biomeSamplerNameWidth, length * foldoutSize);

                using (DefaultGUISkin.Get())
                    GUIStyle coloredLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
                    for (int i = 0; i < bbList.blendEnabled.GetLength(0); i++)
                        Rect labelRect = r;
                        labelRect.y += i * foldoutSize;
                        labelRect.x += leftPadding;
                        GUI.Label(labelRect, biomeData.GetBiomeKey(i), coloredLabel);

                        Rect toggleRect = r;
                        toggleRect.size        = new Vector2(foldoutSize, foldoutSize);
                        toggleRect.y          += i * foldoutSize;
                        toggleRect.x          += leftPadding + biomeSamplerNameWidth;
                        bbList.blendEnabled[i] = GUI.Toggle(toggleRect, bbList.blendEnabled[i], GUIContent.none);
        public override void OnNodeEnable()
            outputBiome = new BiomeData();

            outputBiome.isWaterless = false;
            outputBiome.biomeSwitchGraphStartPoint = this;
Beispiel #5
        public static void GenerateCaveFauna(VoxelHandle CaveFloor, BiomeData Biome, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            var spawnLikelihood = (Settings.Overworld.Difficulty.CombatModifier + 0.1f);

            foreach (var animalType in Biome.Fauna)
                if (!(MathFunctions.Random.NextDouble() < animalType.SpawnProbability * spawnLikelihood))

                var lambdaAnimalType = animalType;

                if (!GameSettings.Current.FogofWar)
                    EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(lambdaAnimalType.Name, CaveFloor.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f));
                    Settings.World.ComponentManager.RootComponent.AddChild(new SpawnOnExploredTrigger(Settings.World.ComponentManager, CaveFloor)
                        EntityToSpawn = lambdaAnimalType.Name,
                        SpawnLocation = CaveFloor.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f)

                break; // Prevent spawning multiple animals in same spot.
Beispiel #6
        private static void GenerateCaveFlora(VoxelHandle CaveFloor, BiomeData Biome, ChunkGeneratorSettings Settings)
            foreach (var floraType in Biome.Vegetation)
                if (!MathFunctions.RandEvent(floraType.SpawnProbability))

                if (Settings.NoiseGenerator.Noise(CaveFloor.Coordinate.X / floraType.ClumpSize, floraType.NoiseOffset, CaveFloor.Coordinate.Z / floraType.ClumpSize) < floraType.ClumpThreshold)

                var plantSize = MathFunctions.Rand() * floraType.SizeVariance + floraType.MeanSize;
                var lambdaFloraType = floraType;

                    if (!GameSettings.Default.FogofWar)
                            CaveFloor.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f),
                            Blackboard.Create("Scale", plantSize));
                        Settings.World.ComponentManager.RootComponent.AddChild(new SpawnOnExploredTrigger(Settings.World.ComponentManager, CaveFloor)
                            EntityToSpawn = lambdaFloraType.Name,
                            SpawnLocation = CaveFloor.WorldPosition + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f),
                            BlackboardData = Blackboard.Create("Scale", plantSize)

                break; // Don't risk spawning multiple plants in the same spot.
Beispiel #7
        public override void OnNodeProcess()


            outputBiome = inputBiomeData;
    public void RequestPrefabData(Vector3[] mesh, MapData map, BiomeData biome, Action <PreFabData> callback)
        ThreadStart threadStart = delegate
            PrefabDataThread(mesh, map, biome, callback);

        new Thread(threadStart).Start();
    public void PrefabDataThread(Vector3[] mesh, MapData map, BiomeData biome, Action <PreFabData> callback)
        PreFabData data = biome.generatePrefabMap(mesh, map, terrainData.maxHeight, terrainData.minHeight);

        lock (prefabDataInfoQueue)
            prefabDataInfoQueue.Enqueue(new MapThreadInfo <PreFabData>(callback, data));
Beispiel #10
        public void SimpleSwitchGraphBuild()
            PWMainGraph graph = TestUtils.GenerateTestMainGraphBiomeSwitch();
            BiomeData   bd    = new BiomeData();

            var wlevel  = graph.FindNodeByName("wlevel");
            var bswitch = graph.FindNodeByName <PWNodeBiomeSwitch>("bswitch");
            var b1      = graph.FindNodeByName <PWNodeBiome>("b1");
            var b2      = graph.FindNodeByName <PWNodeBiome>("b2");

            bd.biomeSwitchGraphStartPoint = wlevel;

            PartialBiome p1 = new PartialBiome();
            PartialBiome p2 = new PartialBiome();

            b1.outputBiome = p1;
            b2.outputBiome = p2;

            //setup the switch values
            var sd = bswitch.switchList.switchDatas;

            sd[0].min         = 0;
            sd[0].max         = 5;
            sd[0].name        = "1";
            sd[0].samplerName = BiomeSamplerName.terrainHeight;
            sd[1].min         = 5;
            sd[1].max         = 10;
            sd[1].name        = "2";
            sd[1].samplerName = BiomeSamplerName.terrainHeight;

            Sampler2D terrainHeight = new Sampler2D(32, 1);

            terrainHeight.min = 0;
            terrainHeight.max = 10;

            bd.UpdateSamplerValue(BiomeSamplerName.terrainHeight, terrainHeight);

            BiomeSwitchGraph switchGraph = new BiomeSwitchGraph();


            Assert.That(switchGraph.isBuilt == true);

            var values = new BiomeSwitchValues();

            values[0] = 4.0f;
            Assert.That(switchGraph.FindBiome(values).id ==;
            values[0] = 0f;
            Assert.That(switchGraph.FindBiome(values).id ==;
            values[0] = 5f;
            Assert.That(switchGraph.FindBiome(values).id ==;

            values[0] = 6.0f;
            Assert.That(switchGraph.FindBiome(values).id ==;
            values[0] = 10f;
            Assert.That(switchGraph.FindBiome(values).id ==;
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays GUI elements for the "Textures" foldout under
 /// the detail tab
 /// </summary>
 private void Detail_Texture(BiomeData biome)
     //Use textures
     if (_config.Details != null)
         var detailSubList = AddSubListIfNeeded(biome);
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays GUI elements for the "Object Placement" tab
 /// </summary>
 private void Detail_Object(BiomeData biome)
     //Use objects list
     if (_config.Details != null)
         var detailSubList = AddSubListIfNeeded(biome);
    public void RequestMapData(Vector2 center, BiomeData biome, Action <MapData> callback)
        biome.texture.UpdateMeshHeights(terrainData.minHeight, terrainData.maxHeight);
        ThreadStart threadStart = delegate
            MapDataThread(center, callback);

        new Thread(threadStart).Start();
Beispiel #14
    public bool orientAndPlace(int xTL, int yTL, float height, GameObjectData[,] placements, bool[,,] rules, int index, int width, System.Random rand, GameObjectData nonce)
        //oversight assumes left to right up to down placement
        int minX = Mathf.Min(placementRadius * maxScaling, placements.GetLength(1) - xTL);

        for (int i = 1; i <= minX; i++)
            if (placements[i + xTL, yTL] != null)
                minX = i;

        float minScale = placementRadius == 0 ? 1000000 : Mathf.Min((float)minX / placementRadius, (float)(placements.GetLength(0) - yTL) / placementRadius);

        if (minScale < minScaling)
            placements[xTL, yTL] = nonce;


        float scale = BiomeData.Range(rand, minScaling, Mathf.Min(minScale, maxScaling));

        Vector3 position = new Vector3(((float)(xTL + placementRadius / 2)), height - 1, ((float)(yTL + placementRadius / 2)));
        Vector3 scaling  = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

        for (int i = xTL; i <= placementRadius; i++)
            for (int j = xTL; j <= placementRadius; j++)
                placements[i, j] = nonce;

        for (int i = Mathf.Max(xTL - width, 0); i < Mathf.Min(xTL + placementRadius * scale + width, placements.GetLength(0)); i++)
            for (int j = Mathf.Max(yTL - width, 0); j < Mathf.Min(yTL + placementRadius * scale + width, placements.GetLength(0)); j++)
                rules[i, j, index] = false;
        float angle = BiomeData.Range(rand, 0, 360f);

        placements[xTL, yTL]           = new GameObjectData();
        placements[xTL, yTL].rotation  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
        placements[xTL, yTL].gamePiece = prefab;
        placements[xTL, yTL].placeable = true;
        placements[xTL, yTL].position  = position;
        placements[xTL, yTL].scale     = scaling;

        void    LoadBiomeTexture2DArray(BiomeData biomeData, bool forceReload)
            if (biomeData == null)

            string assetFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetGraphPath(), GetGraphName() + "-Albedo");

            outputBlendedBiomeTerrain.terrainTextureArray = PWAssets.GenerateOrLoadBiomeTexture2DArray(biomeData.biomeTree, assetFilePath);
Beispiel #16
        public override void OnNodeProcess()

            if (inputBiomeData != null)
                inputBiomeData.UpdateSamplerValue(BiomeSamplerName.wetness, wetnessMap);

            outputBiomData = inputBiomeData;
        public override void ReplaceGround(BiomeData bd, Block[, ,] blocks)
            for (int x = 0; x < blocks.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < blocks.GetLength(1); y++)
                    if (this.SuitableSampleAverage(bd, x, y))
                        for (int z = 0; z < blocks.GetLength(2); z++)
                            if (blocks[x, y, z] == Block.GrassBlock)
                                blocks[x, y, z] = Block.SandGrassBlock;

            base.ReplaceGround(bd, blocks);
        public void UpdateBiomeRepartitionPreview(BiomeData biomeData)
            if (bsl.sampler == null || biomeRepartitionPreview == null)

            float min   = bsl.sampler.min;
            float max   = bsl.sampler.max;
            float range = max - min;

            //clear the current texture:
            for (int x = 0; x < previewTextureWidth; x++)
                biomeRepartitionPreview.SetPixel(x, 0, Color.white);

            localCoveragePercent = 0;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var switchData in switchDatas)
                float switchMin = Mathf.Max(switchData.min, min);
                float switchMax = Mathf.Min(switchData.max, max);
                float rMin      = ((switchMin - min) / range) * previewTextureWidth;
                float rMax      = ((switchMax - min) / range) * previewTextureWidth;
                localCoveragePercent += (rMax - rMin) / previewTextureWidth * 100;

                //Clamp values to image size:
                rMin = Mathf.Clamp(rMin, 0, biomeRepartitionPreview.width);
                rMax = Mathf.Clamp(rMax, 0, biomeRepartitionPreview.width);

                for (int x = (int)rMin; x < (int)rMax; x++)
                    biomeRepartitionPreview.SetPixel(x, 0, switchData.color);

            //add water if there is and if switch mode is height:
            if (biomeData != null && !biomeData.isWaterless && bsl.samplerName == BiomeSamplerName.terrainHeight)
                float rMax = (biomeData.waterLevel / range) * previewTextureWidth;

                rMax = Mathf.Clamp(rMax, 0, biomeRepartitionPreview.width);

                for (int x = 0; x < rMax; x++)
                    biomeRepartitionPreview.SetPixel(x, 0,;

Beispiel #19
 public GenerationContext()
     DensityMap   = new float[5, 33, 5];
     DepthMap     = new float[5, 1, 5];
     MainNoiseMap = new float[5, 33, 5];
     MinLimitMap  = new float[5, 33, 5];
     MaxLimitMap  = new float[5, 33, 5];
     SurfaceMap   = new float[16, 1, 16];
     Biomes       = new BiomeData[16, 16];
     Rand         = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the offset for the given condition manager, recursively checking any parent managers we have
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">The condition manager to check</param>
        /// <param name="data">The <see cref="BiomeData"/> to use</param>
        /// <returns>The aggregated offset</returns>
        private static float GetOffset(GameConditionManager manager, BiomeData data)
            // Add up all the various offsets we have:
            var num = manager.ActiveConditions.Sum(condition => data.GetBiomeConditionTemperatureOffset(condition));

            if (manager.Parent != null)
                num += GetOffset(manager.Parent, data);
Beispiel #21
    private BiomeData queryBiomAt(int x, int y, int size, float[,] heights, float[,] temps, float[,] rainfalls)
        BiomeData toReturn    = new BiomeData();
        int       centerIndex = size / 2;

        toReturn.height        = heights[centerIndex, centerIndex];
        toReturn.temperature   = getTemp(temps[centerIndex, centerIndex], toReturn.height);
        toReturn.rainfall      = rainfalls[centerIndex, centerIndex];
        toReturn.biomeType     = getBiomeType(toReturn.temperature, toReturn.rainfall, toReturn.height);
        toReturn.geographyType = getGeographyType(toReturn.height);
Beispiel #22
        void BuildBiomeSwitchGraph()
            BiomeData biomeData = GetBiomeData();

            if (biomeData == null)
                Debug.LogError("[PWBiomeBlender] Can't access to partial biome data, did you forgot the BiomeGraph in a biome node ?");

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the passed biome to <see cref="_biomeDetails"/> if it is
        /// not in there already. Returns the associated
        /// <see cref="DetailSubList" />.
        /// </summary>
        private DetailSubList AddSubListIfNeeded(BiomeData biome)
            var subList = GetDetailListsFor(biome);

            if (subList.Equals(default(DetailSubList)))
                subList = new DetailSubList(_config, biome.Details);
                _biomeDetails.Add(new KeyValuePair <BiomeData, DetailSubList>(biome, subList));

Beispiel #24
    public Material getMaterialForBiome(BiomeData biome)
        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Length; i++)
            if (biomes[i].type == biome.biomeType)

Beispiel #25
        public override void OnNodeEnable()
            outputBiome = new BiomeData();

            outputBiome.isWaterless = false;
            outputBiome.biomeSwitchGraphStartPoint = this;

            delayedChanges.BindCallback(delayedUpdateKey, (unused) => {
        /// <summary>
        /// The detail lists from <see cref="_biomeDetails"/> that
        /// have the passed biome as a key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Detail sub list if found, default(<see cref="DetailSubList"/>) otherwise</returns>
        private DetailSubList GetDetailListsFor(BiomeData biome)
            foreach (var kv in _biomeDetails)
                if (kv.Key == biome)

    private void Start()
        // Load BlockData from Json
        BlockData BlockInJson = JsonUtility.FromJson <BlockData>(jsonFile.text);

        foreach (BlockDataSingle bd in BlockInJson.blockdata)
            string TIDList = bd.GetTextureID(0).ToString();
            for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
                TIDList = TIDList + ", " + bd.GetTextureID(i);
            Debug.Log("Found Block: " + bd.Name + " Solid: " + bd.Render + " TID: " + TIDList + " EBD: " + bd.ExtraBlockData.Length);
        blockdata = bds.ToArray();

        // Load BiomeData from Json
        BiomeData BiomeInJson = JsonUtility.FromJson <BiomeData>(jsonFile2.text);
        int       index       = 0;

        foreach (BiomeDataSingle bd in BiomeInJson.biomedata)
            Debug.Log("Found Biome: " + bd.Name + " SGH: " + bd.SolidGroundHeight + " TH: " + bd.TerrainHeight + " TS: " + bd.TerrainScale);
            biomedata[index, 0]     = bd.SolidGroundHeight;
            biomedata[index, 1]     = bd.TerrainHeight;
            biomedata[index, 2]     = bd.TerrainScale;
            structuredata[index, 0] = bd.StructureScale;
            structuredata[index, 1] = bd.StructureThreshold;
            structuredata[index, 2] = bd.StructurePlacementScale;
            structuredata[index, 3] = bd.StructurePlacementThreshold;
            structuredata[index, 4] = bd.maxStructureHeight;
            structuredata[index, 5] = bd.minStructureHeight;
        blockdata = bds.ToArray();

        // Actual Game-Stuff

        heightmap = ArrayMultiply(heightmap, IslandMap);


        SpawnPosition = new Vector3(VoxelData.WorldSizeBlocks / 2, VoxelData.ChunkHeight - 50, VoxelData.WorldSizeBlocks / 2);
        LastChunk = getChunkCoord(Player.position);

 public override void Generate(IWorld world, ChunkPos pos, BlockData[,,] blocks, Quaternion[,,] rotations, byte[,] heightMap, GenerationHelper helper, GenerationContext context)
     BiomeData biome      = context.Biomes[8, 8];
     Random    random     = new Random(pos.X ^ pos.Z ^ helper.Seed);
     BlockData plantBlock = world.BlockDataTable.GetBlock(m_PlantBlock);
     int       height     = random.Next(m_MaxPlantHeightDelta) + m_MinPlantHeight;
     int       count      = random.Next(m_PlantType switch
         PlantType.Grass => biome.GrassPerChunk,
         PlantType.Flower => biome.FlowersPerChunk,
         PlantType.Cacti => biome.CactiPerChunk,
         PlantType.Mushroom => biome.MushroomsPerChunk,
         _ => throw new NotImplementedException()
Beispiel #29
        internal List <BiomeData> GetBiomeData()
            if (this.TechToCopy != TechType.None && !BiomeData.Any())
                // This will load the games distribution data and then return the biome distribution list for the techtype you tried to copy from if it has one.
                LootDistributionData data = LootDistributionData.Load("Balance/EntityDistributions");
                if (data.GetPrefabData(CraftData.GetClassIdForTechType(TechToCopy), out SrcData srcData))

            return(BiomeData ?? new List <BiomeData>());
        public override void OnNodeGUI()
            var       biomes    = inputBiomes.GetValues <Biome>();
            BiomeData biomeData = null;

            if (biomes.Count == 0 || biomes.First() == null)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("biomes not connected !");
                biomeData = biomes.First().biomeDataReference;
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 120;
                maxBiomeBlendCount          = EditorGUILayout.IntField("max blended biomes", maxBiomeBlendCount);

            if (biomeData != null)
                if ((biomePreviewFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(biomePreviewFoldout, "Biome id map")))
                    if (biomeData.biomeIds != null)
                        PWGUI.BiomeMap2DPreview(biomeData, needUpdate || forceReload || biomeReloadRequested);
                    //TODO: biome 3D preview
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("no biome data");

            if (biomeCoverageRecap = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(biomeCoverageRecap, "Biome coverage recap"))
                foreach (var biomeCoverageKP in biomeData.biomeTree.GetBiomeCoverage())
                    if (biomeCoverageKP.Value > 0)
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(biomeCoverageKP.Key.ToString(), (biomeCoverageKP.Value * 100).ToString("F2") + "%");
                //TODO: exloit the biome switch tree datas

            if (outputBlendedBiomeTerrain.terrainTextureArray == null || forceReload || GetReloadRequestType() == typeof(PWNodeBiomeSurface))
                LoadBiomeTexture2DArray(biomeData, false);
        public override void MouseDown(TileMouseState e)
            if (!_isRightDown && !_isLeftDown)
                _currentBiome = Biomes.FirstOrDefault(b=>b.Biome== _wvm.MorphBiomeTarget);
                _startPoint = e.Location;
                _dirtLayer = (int)_wvm.CurrentWorld.GroundLevel;
                _rockLayer = (int)_wvm.CurrentWorld.RockLevel;
                _wvm.CheckTiles = new bool[_wvm.CurrentWorld.TilesWide * _wvm.CurrentWorld.TilesHigh];

            _isLeftDown = (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed);
            _isRightDown = (e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed);
        public override void MouseDown(TileMouseState e)
            if (!_isRightDown && !_isLeftDown)
                _currentBiome   = Biomes.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Biome == _wvm.MorphBiomeTarget);
                _startPoint     = e.Location;
                _dirtLayer      = (int)_wvm.CurrentWorld.GroundLevel;
                _rockLayer      = (int)_wvm.CurrentWorld.RockLevel;
                _wvm.CheckTiles = new bool[_wvm.CurrentWorld.TilesWide * _wvm.CurrentWorld.TilesHigh];

            _isLeftDown  = (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed);
            _isRightDown = (e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed);
            public static BiomeData Load(ConfigNode node)
                BiomeData biomeData = new BiomeData(ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(node, "name"));
                biomeData.landCount = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<int>(node, "landCount");
                biomeData.waterCount = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<int>(node, "waterCount");

                foreach (ConfigNode location in node.GetNodes("LAND_LOCATION"))
                    Vector2d v = new Vector2d();
                    v.y = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(location, "lat");
                    v.x = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(location, "lon");

                foreach (ConfigNode location in node.GetNodes("WATER_LOCATION"))
                    Vector2d v = new Vector2d();
                    v.y = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(location, "lat");
                    v.x = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(location, "lon");

                return biomeData;
        IEnumerable<YieldInstruction> LoadBodyInfo(CelestialBody body)
            if (body == null || body.pqsController == null || !body.ocean || bodyInfo.ContainsKey(body))
                yield break;

            Dictionary<string, BiomeData> biomeData = new Dictionary<string, BiomeData>();

            int biomeCount = body.BiomeMap.Attributes.Length;
            float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            float timeStep = 0.01f;
            int maxCount = 1000;

            int w = 4096;
            int h = 2048;
            int bu = 0;
            int bv = 0;

            LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Starting background load of " + + " biome data.");
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                bu = (bu + 977) % w;

                double lonRads = 2.0 * Math.PI * ((bu + 0.5) / w);
                double cosLon = Math.Cos(lonRads);
                double sinLon = Math.Sin(lonRads);

                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    bv = (bv + 239) % h;

                    double latRads = Math.PI * (0.5 - (bv + 0.5) / h);
                    double cosLat = Math.Cos(latRads);
                    double sinLat = Math.Sin(latRads);

                    // Get biome data
                    string biome = body.BiomeMap.GetAtt(latRads, lonRads).name.Replace(" ", "");
                    BiomeData bd;
                    biomeData.TryGetValue(biome, out bd);
                    if (bd == null)
                        bd = biomeData[biome] = new BiomeData(biome);

                    if (bd.landCount + bd.waterCount < maxCount || bd.landLocations.Count < 3 || bd.waterLocations.Count < 3)
                        Vector3d radialVector = new Vector3d(cosLat * cosLon, sinLat, cosLat * sinLon);
                        double height = body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(radialVector) - body.pqsController.radius;

                        if (height > 0.0)
                            if (bd.landLocations.Count < 3)
                                double lon = lonRads * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                                double lat = latRads * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                                if (!bd.landLocations.Any(v => Math.Abs(v.x - lon) < 2.0 || Math.Abs(v.y - lat) < 2.0))
                                    bd.landLocations.Add(new Vector2d(lon, latRads * 180.0 / Math.PI));
                            if (bd.waterLocations.Count < 3)
                                double lon = lonRads * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                                double lat = latRads * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                                if (!bd.waterLocations.Any(v => Math.Abs(v.x - lon) < 2.0 || Math.Abs(v.y - lat) < 2.0))
                                    bd.waterLocations.Add(new Vector2d(lon, latRads * 180.0 / Math.PI));

                    // Take a break
                    if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= startTime + timeStep)
                        yield return null;
                        startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                // Check for completion after every "row"
                if (biomeData.Count == biomeCount &&
                    biomeData.All(pair => pair.Value.landCount + pair.Value.waterCount >= maxCount &&
                        pair.Value.landLocations.Count >= 3 && pair.Value.waterLocations.Count >= 3))

            // Build a color => name map
            Dictionary<string, string> nameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < body.BiomeMap.Attributes.Length; i++)
                nameMap[body.BiomeMap.Attributes[i].mapColor.ToString()] = body.BiomeMap.Attributes[i].name;

            // Save the biomData that was collected
            bodyInfo[body] = biomeData;

            LoggingUtil.LogInfo(this, "Completed background load of " + + " biome data.");
Beispiel #35
    void ConstructGround(
		int numPoints,
		float start,
		float width, 
		float depth, 
		int seed,
		BiomeData biome
        int oldSeed = UnityEngine.Random.seed;
        UnityEngine.Random.seed = seed;
        var splineSource = Instantiate(rageSplinePrefab, + Vector3.forward * depth, Quaternion.identity) as RageSpline;
        splineSource.transform.parent = transform;

        var rs = splineSource as IRageSpline;
        int nextItem = Random.Range(1,biome.spawnDensity);

        rs.SetPoint(0, Vector3.right * (start + width) + Vector3.down * 20);
        rs.SetPoint(1, Vector3.right * (start) + Vector3.down * 20);
        Vector3 lastPoint =;
        for(int i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++){
            float pos = i * (width / (float)numPoints);

            float height =
                biome.heightEnvelope.Evaluate(i/(float)numPoints) * biome.heightRange
                    * (fracNoise.HybridMultifractal(pos/numPoints, 0+ 212, 0)*0.2f
                        + fracNoiseBig.RidgedMultifractal(pos/2000, 0, 0.5f, 1.2f)

            var point =
                (pos + start) * Vector3.right
                + Vector3.up * height;
            rs.AddPoint(2+i,point + Vector3.up * 40,-Vector3.right*20, Vector3.right*20,0,false);

            if(i > 0 ){
                if(biome.spawnables.Count > 0 && biome.spawnDensity > 0 && --nextItem == 0){
                    nextItem = Random.Range(1,biome.spawnDensity);
                    float d = Random.value;

                    Instantiate (biome.spawnables[Random.Range (0, biome.spawnables.Count)],
                        - Vector3.up * (d * 60 -30)
                        - Vector3.forward * (d * 18 - 8) ,

                var col =new GameObject().AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
       = new Vector3(0.5f,-5f,0f);
                col.size = new Vector3(1,10,1);
                col.transform.localScale = (point - lastPoint).magnitude * Vector3.right + Vector3.forward * 20 + Vector3.up;
                col.transform.right = point - lastPoint;
                col.transform.position = lastPoint;
                col.transform.parent = transform;
                col.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Raycast");

            lastPoint = point;
        UnityEngine.Random.seed = oldSeed;