Beispiel #1
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BioSeqTask       task        = AppConfigHelper.TaskOfID(AppConfigHelper.LastTaskID);
            WSLProxyResponse WSLResponse = null;

            switch (task.TaskType)
            case "Centrifuge":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Centrifuge(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Salmonella":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Salmonella(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "VFabricate":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.VFabricate(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Search":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.SearchSample(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Kraken2":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Kraken2(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Quast":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Quast(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "BBMap":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.BBMap(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "BuildTree":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.BuildTree(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Assemble":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Assemble(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig(), AppConfigHelper.QuerySampleConfig());

            case "InfluenzaA":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.InfluenzaA(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            case "Nextstrain":
                WSLResponse = ServiceCallHelper.Nextstrain(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig());

            task.LastError      = WSLResponse.StandardError;
            task.StandardOutput = WSLResponse.StandardOutput;
            e.Result            = new List <object>()
                WSLResponse.ExitCode, task
Beispiel #2
        private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            // Parse the return from the background task.
                //AppConfigHelper.LoadConfig(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser); // Reload user's config (gets at least the LastCommand)

                List <object> arguments = (List <object>)e.Result;
                int           ret       = (int)arguments[0];
                BioSeqTask    task      = (BioSeqTask)arguments[1];

                switch (task.TaskType)
                case "Search":
                case "Kraken2":
                case "Quast":
                case "VFabricate":
                    ReportExtractError(ret, task.TaskType);

                case "BBMap":
                    ReportExtractError(ret, task.TaskType);
                    if (ret == -3)
                        MessageBox.Show("There are no .fastq files in " + AppConfigHelper.BBMapFastqPath() + ".", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else if (ret == -2)
                        MessageBox.Show(task.LastError, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else if (ret == -4)
                        MessageBox.Show("The seqtk step failed in BBMap.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else if (ret != 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("BBMap failed with error code " + ret.ToString() + ".", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                case "BuildTree":
                case "Assemble":
                case "InfluenzaA":
                case "Salmonella":
                case "Nextstrain":
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        private void RefreshTaskList(int index)
            btnDeleteTask.Enabled = false;

            if (AppConfigHelper.TaskList.Count == 0)

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            foreach (BioSeqTask task in AppConfigHelper.TaskList.Values)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaskFilter) || TaskFilter == "All" || TaskFilter == task.TaskStatus)
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                        // If the task has completed, this brings back the task details and deletes the task file on the server.
                        string taskCompleted = BioSeqDBModel.Instance.TaskComplete(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, task.TaskID);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskCompleted))
                            BioSeqTask taskFromService = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <BioSeqTask>(taskCompleted);
                            task.LastError      = taskFromService.LastError;
                            task.LastExitCode   = taskFromService.LastExitCode;
                            task.StandardOutput = taskFromService.StandardOutput;
                            task.TaskComplete   = taskFromService.TaskComplete;
                            task.TaskCommand    = taskFromService.TaskCommand;
                            AppConfigHelper.BackgroundTaskComplete(task); // Mark task Ready and save config.
                    task.TaskIndexInList = lstTasks.Items.Add(task.TaskType + ": " + task.TaskStatus + " " + task.TaskDB + " " + task.TaskUser);
            if (index < 0)
                index = 0;
            if (index >= lstTasks.Items.Count)
                index = lstTasks.Items.Count - 1;
            lstTasks.SelectedIndex = index;
            btnDeleteTask.Enabled  = lstTasks.Items.Count > 0;

            StatusChangeEvent?.Invoke(this, null); // Notify parent we have a potential status change.
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Beispiel #4
        private void CreateNewTask(string taskType, string taskMemo, string DB)
            int        taskid = AppConfigHelper.MaxTaskID() + 1;
            BioSeqTask task   = new BioSeqTask()
                TaskMemo       = taskMemo,
                TaskDB         = DB, //  AppConfigHelper.CurrentDBName(),
                TaskID         = taskid.ToString(),
                TaskStatus     = "Pending",
                TaskTime       = DateTime.Now,
                TaskComplete   = DateTime.MinValue,
                TaskType       = taskType,
                TaskUser       = AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser,
                StandardOutput = string.Empty,
                LastError      = string.Empty,
                LastExitCode   = -999

Beispiel #5
        private void lstTasks_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Show the details of the selected task and set enable status of push button.
            BioSeqTask task = AppConfigHelper.TaskOfIndex(lstTasks.SelectedIndex);

            //lblData.Text = task.TaskData;
            lblDatabase.Text = task.TaskDB;
            lblStatus.Text   = task.TaskStatus;
            lblTime.Text     = task.TaskTime.ToString("MMM d, yyyy H:mm");
            lblType.Text     = task.TaskType;
            lblUser.Text     = task.TaskUser;
            lblMemo.Text     = task.TaskMemo;
            if (task.TaskComplete != DateTime.MinValue)
                lblCompleted.Text = task.TaskComplete.ToString("MMM d, yyyy H:mm");

            btnPushTask.Enabled         = task.TaskStatus == "Ready";
            btnPushTask.BackgroundImage = btnPushTask.Enabled ? Properties.Resources.push : Properties.Resources.pushdull;
            lblStatus.BackColor         = btnPushTask.Enabled ? Color.OrangeRed : lblType.BackColor;
Beispiel #6
        private void TaskCompletion(BioSeqTask task, string taskName, string successMsg)
            // Called by the user from the Push button when task status is Ready.
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            TimeSpan duration = task.TaskComplete - task.TaskTime;

            string db      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.TaskDB) ? string.Empty : "Sequence database: " + task.TaskDB;
            string memo    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.TaskMemo) ? string.Empty : "Memo: " + task.TaskMemo;
            string subject = "Task completed: " + taskName + " at " + task.TaskComplete.ToString("MMM d, yyyy HH:mm") + " after " +
                             duration.TotalMinutes.ToString("#.0") + " minutes." + Environment.NewLine + (db + " " + Environment.NewLine + memo).Trim();
            string message = subject + Environment.NewLine + AppConfigHelper.LastCommand + Environment.NewLine;

            subject = subject.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "  ");
            List <string> attachments = new List <string>();
            string        output      = task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + task.LastError;

            message += "Standard output: " + output + Environment.NewLine;

            // Read and delete the output file from the command.
            string linuxCapture = string.Empty;
            string filename     = AppConfigHelper.NormalizePathToWindows(AppConfigHelper.LinuxHomeDirectory + "/output" + task.TaskID);

            if (DirectoryHelper.FileExists("[S]" + filename))
                linuxCapture = BioSeqDBModel.Instance.ReadAllText(filename, AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser, AppConfigHelper.JsonConfig()); // We know it is on the server.
                int residual = 6000;
                if (linuxCapture.Length > residual)
                    // Write the whole thing to a log file that can be opened separately.
                    string tasklog = "C:\\Temp\\TaskLog.txt";
                    File.WriteAllText(tasklog, linuxCapture);
                    linuxCapture = "[Full text truncated; see saved log file " + tasklog + "]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                   linuxCapture.Substring(linuxCapture.Length - residual);         // Display the last residual chars.

            SuccessDialog.MainInstruction = successMsg;
            SuccessDialog.Content         = output;
            if (linuxCapture.Length > 0 && output.IndexOf(linuxCapture) == -1)
                SuccessDialog.Content += (output.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : string.Empty) + linuxCapture;

            if (task.LastExitCode != 0 && task.LastExitCode != -999) // We handle -999 elsewhere (lost task status after completion, likely because BioSeqDB was restarted).
                SuccessDialog.WindowTitle     = "ERROR";
                SuccessDialog.MainInstruction = taskName + " completed with error code " + task.LastExitCode.ToString() + ".";
                message += SuccessDialog.MainInstruction + Environment.NewLine;

            RemoveTask(false);                     // Do this as soon as possible to reflect the user's closing of the dialog.
            StatusChangeEvent?.Invoke(this, null); // Notify parent we have a potential status change.

            message += linuxCapture;
            User user = AppConfigHelper.seqdbConfigGlobal.Users[AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser];

            if (user.EmailNotifications)
                string s1 = Emailer.SendEmail(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser + "", "BioSeqDB User: "******" " + subject, message, attachments, null);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1))
                    Logger.Log.Debug("Email error: " + s1);
                    //MessageBox.Show(s1, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (File.Exists(filename)) // Must do after email since it might be attached.
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Beispiel #7
        private void btnPushTask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            BioSeqTask task = AppConfigHelper.TaskOfIndex(lstTasks.SelectedIndex);

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            if (task == null || task.LastExitCode == -999)
                MessageBox.Show("Task output is no longer available but may have completed.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            AppConfigHelper.LastCommand = task.TaskCommand;
            switch (task.TaskType)
            case "VFabricate":
                TaskCompletion(task, "VFabricate", "VFabricate completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    string sampleName = string.Empty;
                    if (AppConfigHelper.SampleChecked("VFabricate"))
                        sampleName = AppConfigHelper.SampleID("VFabricate");

                    string destination = AppConfigHelper.CopyResultFromServer(AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("VFabricate"),
                                                                              new string[] { sampleName + ".VFList.tsv" });
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "VFabricate completed successfully. Result is in " +
                                    destination + "\\" + sampleName + ".VFList.tsv", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    destination = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destination);
                    Process.Start(destination + "\\" + sampleName + ".VFList.tsv");

            case "Quast":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Quast", "Quast completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    string sampleName = string.Empty;
                    if (AppConfigHelper.SampleChecked("Quast"))
                        sampleName = AppConfigHelper.SampleID("Quast");

                    string destination = AppConfigHelper.CopyResultFromServer(AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Quast"), new string[] { "\\Quast" + sampleName }, false); // folder copy

                    //destination = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destination);

                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Quast completed successfully. Result is in the " +
                                    destination + " folder.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            case "Kraken2":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Kraken2", "Kraken2 completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Kraken2 completed successfully. Result is in " +
                                    AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Kraken2") + ".", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    if (AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Kraken2").StartsWith("[L]"))
                        string destination = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Kraken2")) + "\\";
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "kraken.aggregates.txt"))
                            File.Delete(destination + "kraken.aggregates.txt");
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "kraken.txt"))
                            File.Delete(destination + "kraken.txt");
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt"))
                            File.Delete(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt");
                                                             new string[] { "kraken.aggregates.txt", "kraken.txt", "RefseqIdent.txt" });
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "kraken.aggregates.txt"))
                            Process.Start(destination + "kraken.aggregates.txt");
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "kraken.txt"))
                            Process.Start(destination + "kraken.txt");
                        if (File.Exists(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt"))
                            Process.Start(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt");

            case "BBMap":
                TaskCompletion(task, "BBMap", "BBMap completed.");

                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    string destination = AppConfigHelper.CopyResultFromServer(AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("BBMap"),
                                                                              new string[] { "covhist.txt", "covstats.txt", "bincov.txt", "basecov.txt", "RefseqIdent.txt" });

                    destination = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destination);
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "BBMap completed successfully. Result is in " +
                                    destination + ".", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    if (File.Exists(destination + "covhist.txt"))
                        Process.Start(destination + "covhist.txt");
                    if (File.Exists(destination + "covstats.txt"))
                        Process.Start(destination + "covstats.txt");
                    if (File.Exists(destination + "bincov.txt"))
                        Process.Start(destination + "bincov.txt");
                    if (File.Exists(destination + "basecov.txt"))
                        Process.Start(destination + "basecov.txt");
                    if (File.Exists(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt"))
                        Process.Start(destination + "RefseqIdent.txt");

            case "Search":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Search", "Search completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                ServiceCallHelper.LoadConfig(AppConfigHelper.LoggedOnUser); // To retrieve StandardOutput and LastError.
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    string filename = AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Search") + "\\" + AppConfigHelper.SearchOutputSampleName() + ".txt";
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "Search completed successfully. Close this dialog to open the result file in " + filename + ".", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    // If the output path is on the server, we need to copy it to the local Temp folder to display the results.
                    // If the output path is on the local machine, we need to copy from the user folder on the server to the local destination.

                    string destination = AppConfigHelper.CopyResultFromServer(AppConfigHelper.OutputPath("Search"),
                                                                              new string[] { AppConfigHelper.SearchOutputSampleName() + ".txt" });
                    Process.Start(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destination) + AppConfigHelper.SearchOutputSampleName() + ".txt");

            case "Assemble":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Assembly", "Assembly completed. If there are no errors, the results including the contig files are in the E:/data/staging folder on the server.");

            case "InfluenzaA":
                TaskCompletion(task, "InfluenzaA", "InfluenzaA completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    //MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "InfluenzaA completed successfully. Result is in the " +
                    //                AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath + " folder.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                        if (AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath.StartsWith("[L]")) // Output was created on server, to be stored on client.  [L]
                            // For each sample that was processed, there is a subfolder in the UserFolder on the server named after the sample name.
                            // That subfolder needs to be copied to the local output folder. Note that we only copy the <sample>\consensus contents.
                            foreach (string sampleName in AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaASamplesList.Keys)
                                if (AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaASamplesList[sampleName].Substring(0, 1) == "1")
                                    string sourceFolderName = "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + sampleName + "\\consensus\\";
                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath) + "\\" + sampleName + "\\");
                                    //Logger.Log.Debug("Copy from " + sourceFolderName + " to " + AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath + "\\");
                                    DirectoryHelper.FolderCopy(sourceFolderName, AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath + "\\" + sampleName + "\\");
                        MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Influenza A pipeline completed successfully. Results copied to " +
                                        AppConfigHelper.InfluenzaAOutputPath + "\\, including consensus fasta files in sample name subfolder[s].",
                                        "Files copied", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            case "Centrifuge":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Centrifuge", "Centrifuge completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                        if (AppConfigHelper.CentrifugeOutputPath.StartsWith("[L]")) // Output was created on server, to be stored on client.  [L]
                            if (AppConfigHelper.CentrifugeOutputPath.StartsWith("[L]"))
                                string destination = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.CentrifugeOutputPath) + "\\";
                                if (File.Exists(destination + "centrifuge_res.tsv"))
                                    File.Delete(destination + "centrifuge_res.tsv");
                                if (File.Exists(destination + "centrifuge_report.tsv"))
                                    File.Delete(destination + "centrifuge_report.tsv");
                                AppConfigHelper.CopyResultFromServer(AppConfigHelper.CentrifugeOutputPath, new string[] { "centrifuge_res.tsv", "centrifuge_report.tsv" });

                                if (File.Exists(destination + "centrifuge_report.tsv"))
                                    Process.Start(destination + "centrifuge_report.tsv");
                        MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Centrifuge pipeline completed successfully. Results copied to " +
                                        AppConfigHelper.CentrifugeOutputPath + ".", "Files copied", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            case "Salmonella":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Salmonella", "Salmonella serotyping completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Salmonella serotyping completed successfully. Result is in " +
                                    AppConfigHelper.SalmonellaOutputPath, "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                        if (AppConfigHelper.SalmonellaOutputPath.StartsWith("[L]")) // Output was created on server, to be stored on client.  [L]
                            string sourceFolderName      = "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + "\\sistr_res_aggregate.csv";
                            string destinationFolderName = AppConfigHelper.SalmonellaOutputPath;
                            DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName, destinationFolderName, true);
                            File.Move(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\sistr_res_aggregate.csv",
                                      DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv"); // Rename
                            Process.Start(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv");
                        else // Rename on server.
                            DirectoryHelper.FileMove(AppConfigHelper.SalmonellaOutputPath + "\\sistr_res_aggregate.csv",
                                                     AppConfigHelper.SalmonellaOutputPath + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv");

            case "Nextstrain":
                TaskCompletion(task, "Nextstrain", "Nextstrain phylogenetic processing completed.");

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    //NextstrainProfile nextstrainProfile = AppConfigHelper.GetNextstrainProfile(); // for current database.
                    MessageBox.Show(task.StandardOutput + Environment.NewLine + "Nextstrain completed successfully.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                        //string browser = string.Empty;
                        //RegistryKey key = null;
                        //  key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"HTTP\shell\open\command");
                        //  if (key != null)
                        //  {
                        //    // Get default Browser
                        //    browser = key.GetValue(null).ToString().ToLower().Trim(new[] { '"' });
                        //  }
                        //  if (!browser.EndsWith("exe"))
                        //  {
                        //    //Remove all after the ".exe"
                        //    browser = browser.Substring(0, browser.LastIndexOf(".exe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 4);
                        //  }
                        //  if (key != null)
                        //  {
                        //    key.Close();
                        //  }

                        // Open the browser.
                        // See documentation for this approach:
                        // The GitHub repository file structure must be:
                        // nextstrain/auspice/nextstrain.json

                        // The BioSeqDB service will have already pushed the updated files to Github.

                        Process proc = Process.Start("");

                        //if (nextstrainProfile.OuputPath.StartsWith("[L]")) // Output was created on server, to be stored on client.  [L]
                        //  string sourceFolderName = "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder() + "\\ncov_global.json";
                        //  string destinationFolderName = nextstrainProfile.OuputPath;
                        //  DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName, destinationFolderName, true);
                        //  File.Move(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\ncov_global.json",
                        //            DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv");  // Rename
                        //  Process.Start(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName) + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv");
                        //else // Rename on server.
                        //  DirectoryHelper.FileMove(nextstrainProfile.OuputPath + "\\sistr_res_aggregate.csv",
                        //                           nextstrainProfile.OuputPath + "\\sistr_res_aggregate" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv");

            case "BuildTree":
                TaskCompletion(task, "BuildTree", "BuildTree completed. Close this dialog to open the result file.");

                //Logger.Log.Debug("ExitCode=" + task.LastExitCode.ToString() + @" Write to c:\temp\commandline.txt: open file='" +
                //                                    AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeOutputPath() + "\\tree.nwk';" + Environment.NewLine);
                if (!Directory.Exists("C:\\Temp"))

                string dendroscopePath = @"C:\Temp\";
                if (IsServiceClass.IsService)
                    // For service, copy the tree.nwk from wherever it was stored to C:\Temp. If it is on the server, call the service to copy it.
                    // If it is on the local machine, do a File.Copy.
                    string sourceFolderName      = "[S]" + AppConfigHelper.UserFolder();
                    string destinationFolderName = AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeOutputPath() + "\\";

                    Logger.Log.Debug("btnPushTask: FileCopy " + sourceFolderName + "tree.nwk to " + destinationFolderName);
                    Logger.Log.Debug("btnPushTask: DirectoryHelper destination: " +
                                     AppConfigHelper.GetDirectoryName(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName + "\\")) + "\\" +
                                     Path.GetFileName(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(sourceFolderName)) + "tree.nwk");

                    if (destinationFolderName.StartsWith("[L]")) // Buildtree output was created on server, to be stored on client.  [L]
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "tree.nwk", destinationFolderName, true);
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "metadata_microreact.csv", destinationFolderName, true);
                        dendroscopePath = DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(destinationFolderName);
                        Logger.Log.Debug("btnPushTask: dendroscopePath: " + dendroscopePath);
                    else // Buildtree output was created on server, to be stored on server.  [S]
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "tree.nwk", destinationFolderName, true);
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "metadata_microreact.csv", destinationFolderName, true);

                        // Also copy to local Temp folder for Dendroscope to pick up.
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "tree.nwk", @"[L]C:\Temp\", true);
                        DirectoryHelper.FileCopy(sourceFolderName + "metadata_microreact.csv", @"[L]C:\Temp\", true);
                    if (DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeOutputPath()) != @"C:\Temp")
                        if (File.Exists(@"C:\Temp\tree.nwk"))
                        File.Copy(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeOutputPath() + "\\tree.nwk"), @"C:\Temp\tree.nwk", true);
                    if (File.Exists(@"C:\Temp\metadata_microreact.csv"))
                    File.Copy(DirectoryHelper.CleanPath(AppConfigHelper.BuildTreeOutputPath() + "\\metadata_microreact.csv"), @"C:\Temp\metadata_microreact.csv", true);

                File.WriteAllText("C:\\Temp\\commandline.txt", @"open file='" + dendroscopePath + "tree.nwk';" + Environment.NewLine);

                if (task.LastExitCode == 0)
                    // Invoke Dendroscope to visualize tree.  c:\\Temp\\commandine.txt contains the line:
                    // open file='C:\Temp\Save\tree.nwk';
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                        Process.Start(AppConfigHelper.PathToDendroscope(), "-g -c c:\\Temp\\commandline.txt");
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Dendroscope needs to be installed to view the result. Check path " + AppConfigHelper.PathToDendroscope() +
                                        Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), "INSTALL DENDROSCOPE", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            UIThreadRefresh(sender, e);