Beispiel #1
        public void PrintCard(Point pt, Size sz, BingoTable table, Color color, ref Graphics graphicsObj, BingoLicense licenseInfo)
            if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == true)
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    bingoTable.RandSeed = rand.Next() % 9999;
                    bingoTable.RandSeed += 1;

                DrawBingoCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj);
                //return (true);
            this.numCardsToPrint -= 1;
Beispiel #2
        public void DrawBingoCard(Point pt, Size sz, BingoTable table, System.Drawing.Color tableColor, ref Graphics graphicsObj)
            List<string> data = new List<string>(table.items);

            Pen myPen = new Pen(tableColor, 2);
            Brush whiteBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);
            Brush blackBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(pt, sz);
            graphicsObj.FillRectangle(whiteBrush, rect);

            int startX = pt.X;
            int startY = pt.Y;
            int endX = sz.Width + pt.X;
            int endY = sz.Height + pt.Y;

            //If free space is enabled, then we have to find the mean and median of rows and cols so we know where to put the free space
            int rowMedian = -1;
            int colMedian = -1;
            bool thisIsAFreeSpace = false;
            if (table.printFreeSpace == true)
                rowMedian = (int)((float)table.rowSize / 2 - 0.5);
                colMedian = (int)((float)table.colSize / 2 - 0.5);

            int squareWidth = sz.Width / table.colSize;
            int squareHeight;

            if (table.printTitle == true)
                squareHeight = sz.Height / (table.rowSize + 1);                         //Adjust the square height if we have a title
                graphicsObj.DrawRectangle(myPen, pt.X, pt.Y, sz.Width, squareHeight);   //Draw the title rectangle

                int titleNumChars = table.titleText.Length;
                int titleOneCharWidth = sz.Width / titleNumChars;                       //Figure out how much space one character of the title occupies

                char[] titleCharArray = table.titleText.ToCharArray();

                int counter = 0;
                foreach (char item in titleCharArray)                                   //For each character in the title, go through the loop
                    float itemFontSize = 150;                                           //Starting font size
                    Font itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, itemFontSize);
                    SizeF itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(item.ToString(), itemFont);  //Initial graphic size

                    while (((int)itemSize.Width > titleOneCharWidth) || ((int)itemSize.Height > squareHeight))  //Loop while the size is greater than the box size (titleOneCharWidth)
                        itemFontSize -= 1;
                        if (itemFontSize <= 0)
                            itemFontSize = 1;
                        } //Avoid badness

                        itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, itemFontSize);                         //Decrease font size by 1 and then create new font item
                        itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(item.ToString(), itemFont);                        //Re-measure
                    }   //1) Decrease itemFontSize, re-measure the height and width, if new height and width are bigger than the box then repeat

                    float offset = (titleOneCharWidth - itemSize.Width) / 2;        //The offset is the amount I have to move the start point in order to center the text within the box (titleOneCharWidth)
                    graphicsObj.DrawString(item.ToString(), itemFont, blackBrush, (float)pt.X + offset + counter * titleOneCharWidth, (float)(pt.Y + ((squareHeight - itemSize.Height)/2)));

                    counter += 1;                                                   //Counter keeps track of which titleOneCharWidth box we are in.

                pt.Y = pt.Y + squareHeight;     //Move the Y point down one box size in order to allow for the title

            } //Square height needs to account for the title
                squareHeight = sz.Height / table.rowSize;
            } //Square height doesn't need to account for the title

            for (int rows = 0; rows < table.rowSize; rows++)
                for (int cols = 0; cols < table.colSize; cols++)

                    int xPos = pt.X + cols * squareWidth;
                    int yPos = pt.Y + rows * squareHeight;

                    Rectangle temp = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, squareWidth, squareHeight);
                    // Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(pt.X, pt.Y, squareWidth, squareHeight);
                    graphicsObj.DrawRectangle(myPen, temp);

                    //At this point, we are in a box that has point x, y = (pt.X + cols * squareWidth), (pt.Y + rows * squareHeight)
                    //The box has dimensions of squareWidth and squareHeight.
                    //So, for each word passed to us we must
                    //0) Split on the spaces if a input string is made up entirely of words
                    //1) find the minimum size that will fit in the box
                    //2) Find the vertical and horizontal center
                    //3) Paint the word in the center of the box
                    //This code will take the word list, randomize it, and print the first row * col items

                    Random rand = new Random(table.RandSeed);

                    string itemString = "";
                    int randomIndex = 0;

                    if (data.Count > 0)
                        randomIndex = rand.Next() % data.Count;
                        itemString = data[randomIndex];

                    if ((table.printFreeSpace == true) && (rows == rowMedian) && (cols == colMedian))
                        itemString = table.freeSpaceText;
                        //itemString = itemString.Replace(' ', '\n');
                        thisIsAFreeSpace = true;

                    int itemFontSize = 15;
                    Font itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, itemFontSize);

                    SizeF itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(itemString.ToString(), itemFont);  //Initial graphic size

                    while ((squareWidth < itemSize.Width) || (squareHeight < itemSize.Height))
                        itemFontSize -= 1;
                        if (itemFontSize <= 0)
                            itemFontSize = 1;
                        } //We must seek to avoid badness in advance. Such is the way of the programmer.

                        itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, itemFontSize);
                        itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(itemString.ToString(), itemFont);

                    //Now, we must find the center of the box so that we can put the text in a proper place
                    //ItemY location is yPos + ((BoxHeight - StringHeight) / 2)
                    //itemX location is xPos + ((BoxWidth - StringWidth) / 2)

                    graphicsObj.DrawString(itemString, itemFont, blackBrush, (float)(xPos + (squareWidth - itemSize.Width) / 2), (float)(yPos + (squareHeight - itemSize.Height) / 2));
                    if ((thisIsAFreeSpace == true))
                        thisIsAFreeSpace = false;
                    else if (data.Count > 0)
            //graphicsObj.DrawRectangle(myPen, rect);
            //graphicsObj.DrawRectangle(myPen, rect2);
Beispiel #3
        public void printBingoCallList(Point pt, Size sz, BingoTable table, Color color, ref Graphics graphicsObj, BingoLicense licenseInfo, string Message, bool printMessage)
            Font titleFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 14, FontStyle.Bold);
            Font itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12);
            Brush blackBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
            string wordList = "";

            foreach (string item in table.items)
                wordList += item + "\n";

            if (printMessage == true)
                wordList += "\n\n" + Message + "\n";

            //Draw title
            string listTitle = "Call List";

            SizeF itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(listTitle.ToString(), titleFont);
            Point titlePoint = new Point(pt.X + (int)((sz.Width - itemSize.Width) / 2), pt.Y);
            graphicsObj.DrawString(listTitle, titleFont, blackBrush, titlePoint);

            pt.Y += (int)(itemSize.Height + 0.5);

            //Draw words
            graphicsObj.DrawString(wordList, itemFont, blackBrush, pt);
Beispiel #4
        public bool BingoPrintDocument(BingoTable table)
            bingoTable = table;
            printBingoDocument.DefaultPageSettings = PrintPageSettings;  //Tell printDocument what the printer page settings are so when printDialog is called, these page settings will be updated for us to pick up later
               // printCallList.DefaultPageSettings = PrintPageSettings;
            printBingoDialog.Document = printBingoDocument;          //Tell the print dialog what the print document is so it can show settings for it before printing
            numCardsToPrint = bingoTable.numCardsToPrint;           //Tell the fcn how many cards to print

            if (printBingoDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)   //Show the print dialog
                    printCallListOnNextPage = false;
                    printBingoDocument.Print();                         //Call print after the print document is closed with an OK
                   // printCallList.Print();

                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to print!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                                return (true);
                        return (false);