Beispiel #1
        public static void WriteKeymaps()
            byte *table = (byte *)keymapArchive + 4;
            byte *buf   = getBuiltinKeyMapBuffer;

            for (int x = 0; x < keymapEntries; ++x)
                int tSize   = 0;
                int error   = 0;
                int strSize = 0;

                strSize = BinaryTool.ReadPrefixedString(table, buf,
                                                        EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength, &error);

                table += strSize;

                table += 2;                 // keymask/statebit

                // default table

                tSize  = *(int *)table;
                table += 4;
                table += tSize;

                // shifted table

                tSize  = *(int *)table;
                table += 4;
                table += tSize;

                // Write it out.
Beispiel #2
 private static ISockFilter DecodeCommandFilter(byte[] payload, byte type, byte length, int offset, out ObjectId?serverId)
     if (type == 0)
         //User ID, not targetting a server
         ObjectId user = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, offset);
         serverId = null;
         return(new UserSockFilter(user));
     else if (type == 1)
         //User ID, targetting server
         ObjectId user = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, offset);
         serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, offset + 12);
         return(new UserSockFilter(user));
     else if (type == 2)
         //Server ID, all tribes
         serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, offset);
         return(new ServerSockFilter(serverId.Value));
     else if (type == 3)
         //Server ID, specific tribe
         serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, offset);
         int tribeId = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(payload, offset + 12);
         return(new ServerTribeSockFilter(serverId.Value, tribeId));
         throw new Exception("Unknown filter type " + type + "!");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the address of a builtin key map, by it's numeric ID. Good
        /// for iterating through the list of builtin key maps.
        /// </summary>
        public static void *GetBuiltinKeyMap(int id)
            byte *table = (byte *)keymapArchive + 4;
            byte *buf   = stackalloc byte [EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength];
            int   error = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < keymapEntries; ++x)
                if (x == id)
                    return((void *)table);

                // name-size (x), name string (x), keymask and statebit (2)

                table += 2 + BinaryTool.ReadPrefixedString(table, buf,
                                                           EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength, &error);

                // table size (4), default table (x)

                table += 4 + *(int *)table;

                // table size (4), shifted table (x)

                table += 4 + *(int *)table;

Beispiel #4
        public override async Task OnReceiveBinary(byte[] data, int length)
            //If we're not authenticated, handle that first.
            Log("RECEIVE", "GOT MESSAGE of length " + length);
            if (!authenticated)
                await HandleAuthentication(data, length);


            //Read the opcode and index
            ushort opcode = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(data, 0);
            ulong  index  = BinaryTool.ReadUInt64(data, 2);

            //Switch on this opcode
            Log("RECEIVE", "Got message with opcode " + opcode + " / index " + index);
            if (opcode == 1)
                await HandleRPCMessage(data, length, index);
                await WriteResponse(index, 404);
        public byte[] OnDeployCommand(CoreNetworkServer server, CoreNetworkOpcode opcode, byte[] payload)
            //Get the parameters
            CoreNetworkServerType serverType = (CoreNetworkServerType)BinaryTool.ReadInt16(payload, 0);
            string configString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload, 4, payload.Length - 4);
            byte   count        = payload[2];

            //Validate that we support this
            if (!Program.server_types.ContainsKey(serverType))
                return(CreateFailResponse("This server manager is not configured to support this type of server."));

            //Get the config data
            JObject serverConfig;

                serverConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(configString);
            } catch
                return(CreateFailResponse("Config JSON is invalid."));

            //Create servers
            List <ManagerInstance> instances = new List <ManagerInstance>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                ManagerInstance instance;
                    instance = Program.server_types[serverType].CreateInstance(i == count - 1, serverConfig);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(CreateFailResponse($"Failed to create instance: {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}"));

                //Start instance

            //Validate instances is running
            foreach (var i in instances)
                if (!i.IsProcessRunning())
                    return(CreateFailResponse($"A spawned instance ({i.settings.server_id}) ended early. More may have failed."));

            //Create response payload
            byte[] response = new byte[3];
            response[0] = 0x00;
            BinaryTool.WriteUInt16(response, 1, (ushort)instances[0].settings.server_id);
        public byte[] OnDestroyCommand(CoreNetworkServer server, CoreNetworkOpcode opcode, byte[] payload)
            //Get requested ID
            ushort id = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(payload, 0);

            //Find requested server ID
            ManagerInstance instance = null;

            foreach (var s in Program.server_types)
                foreach (var p in s.Value.instances)
                    if (p.settings.server_id == id)
                        instance = p;

            //Check if failed
            if (instance == null)
                return(CreateFailResponse("Could not find requested instance."));


            //Return OK status
            return(new byte[] { 0x00 });
Beispiel #7
 public void GrayIntSwitchTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(1, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(1, 3)));
     Assert.AreEqual(0, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(0, 1)));
     Assert.AreEqual(0, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(0, 10)));
     Assert.AreEqual(17, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(17, 5)));
     Assert.AreEqual(255, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(255, 8)));
     Assert.AreEqual(156, BinaryTool.GrayToInt(BinaryTool.IntToGray(156, 20)));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a standard response: the only thing this will ever respond with
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="opcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task WriteResponse(ulong index, ushort opcode)
            //This includes just 10 bytes:
            //  8 bytes: The index of the request
            //  2 bytes: The response opcode. 0 means that all is good

            //Create payload
            byte[] payload = new byte[10];
            BinaryTool.WriteUInt64(payload, 0, index);
            BinaryTool.WriteUInt16(payload, 8, opcode);

            await SendData(payload);
        public byte[] OnUpdateAllCommand(CoreNetworkServer server, CoreNetworkOpcode opcode, byte[] payload)
            //Read token
            uint token       = BinaryTool.ReadUInt32(payload, 0);
            var  eventSender = new OperationProgressClient(this, token);

            //Begin thread
            var t = new Thread(() =>

            t.IsBackground = true;
            return(new byte[0]);
Beispiel #10
        private static void OnIncomingRPCCommand_PrivledgedMessage(byte[] payload)
            //Read header
            RPCOpcode opcode       = (RPCOpcode)BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, 2);
            ObjectId  serverId     = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(payload, 6);
            int       payloadCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, 18);

            //Clone list
            List <RPCConnection> clientsSafe = new List <RPCConnection>();

            lock (connections)

            //Begin reading array
            int offset = 22;

            for (int i = 0; i < payloadCount; i++)
                //Read header data
                int tribeId       = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, offset + 0);
                int payloadLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(payload, offset + 4);
                offset += 8;

                //Decode payload
                JObject data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload, offset, payloadLength));

                //Create filter and command
                ISockFilter filter = new ServerTribeSockFilter(serverId, tribeId);
                var         cmd    = new SendRPCMessageCommand(opcode.ToString(), serverId, data);

                //Search to send messages
                foreach (var c in clientsSafe)
                    if (!filter.CheckFilter(c))

        private void HandleLoginCommand(MasterControlClient session, RouterMessage msg)
            //Get details
            int loginId = BitConverter.ToInt16(msg.payload, 0);

            byte[] loginKey = new byte[16];
            Array.Copy(msg.payload, 2, loginKey, 0, 16);

            //Search for a server
            DeltaManagerServer server = null;

            lock (Program.servers)
                foreach (var s in Program.servers)
                    if ( == loginId)
                        //Authenticate key
                        if (BinaryTool.CompareBytes(s.key, loginKey))
                            server = s;

            //Check if it was successful
            if (server != null)
                session.authenticated = true;

                logger.Log("HandleLoginCommand", $"Client {session.GetDebugName()} successfully logged in as server ID {}.", DeltaLogLevel.Low);
                logger.Log("HandleLoginCommand", $"Client {session.GetDebugName()} attempted login, but failed.", DeltaLogLevel.Low);
Beispiel #12
        public static void ListKeyMaps()
            int   count  = KeyMap.GetBuiltinKeyMapsCount();
            byte *str    = stackalloc byte [EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength];
            int   error  = 0;
            byte *keymap = null;
            int   len    = 0;

            TextMode.WriteLine(" available keymaps:");

            for (int x = 0; x < count; ++x)
                keymap = (byte *)KeyMap.GetBuiltinKeyMap(x);
                len    = BinaryTool.ReadPrefixedString(keymap, str,
                                                       EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength, &error);

                TextMode.Write(" ");
Beispiel #13
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        _testDataObj = new TestSaveData();


            () =>
            BinaryTool.SaveBinaryData <TestSaveData>(_testDataObj, "DataFile");
            Debug.Log("序列化对象, _testDataObj, 内容为:" + _testDataObj.inputStr);

            () =>
            _testDataObj = BinaryTool.ReadBinaryData <TestSaveData>("DataFile");
            Debug.Log("反序列化对象, _testDataObj, 读取内容为:" + _testDataObj.inputStr);
            uiTxtOutput.text = _testDataObj.inputStr;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the data encoded by the CreateSteamIdTokenString function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encoded"></param>
        public SteamIdToken ReadSteamIdTokenString(string encoded)
            //Read as bytes
            byte[] data;
                data = Convert.FromBase64String(encoded);
            } catch

            if (data.Length < 16 + 1)

            //Read the hash
            byte[] hash = new byte[16];
            Array.Copy(data, 0, hash, 0, 16);

            //Get the HMAC of this
            steamTokenKey.CopyTo(data, 0);
            byte[] challengeHash = new HMACMD5(steamTokenKey).ComputeHash(data);

            if (!BinaryTool.CompareBytes(hash, challengeHash))

            //Data OK! Read it now
            return(new SteamIdToken
                version = data[16],
                steam_id = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 17, data.Length - 17)
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the first binary message we get. It will always be for authentication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleAuthentication(byte[] data, int length)
            //This message follows the following format:
            //  256 bytes: Authentication key
            //  8 bytes: Program identification name
            //  4 bytes: System version

            if (length != 256 + 8 + 4)
                Log("AUTHENTICATION", "Authentication length mismatch!");
                await DisconnectAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.InvalidPayloadData, "DELTA_RPC_DISCONNECT_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_PAYLOAD");


            //Extract info
            byte[] key = BinaryTool.CopyFromArray(data, 0, 256);
            program_identity = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 256, 8);
            version          = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(data, 264);

            //Validate the key
            if (!BinaryTool.CompareBytes(Program.master_key, key))
                authenticated = false;
                Log("AUTHENTICATION", "Authentication failed!");
                await DisconnectAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.PolicyViolation, "DELTA_RPC_DISCONNECT_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_KEY");


            //We're now ready for authentication!
            authenticated = true;
            Log("AUTHENTICATION", "Authentication OK!");
            await WriteResponse(0, 0);
Beispiel #16
        static void *GetBuiltinKeyMap(byte *name, int nameLen)
            TextMode.Write("Key Map Name: ");

            TextMode.Write("Key Map Name Length: ");

            byte *table = (byte *)keymapArchive + 4;
            byte *ret_table;
            byte *buf = getBuiltinKeyMapBuffer;

            Diagnostics.Assert(nameLen > 0,
                               "KeyMap.GetBuiltinKeyMap(): key map name is too small");
            Diagnostics.Assert(nameLen <= EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength,
                               "KeyMap.GetBuiltinKeyMap(): key map name is too large");

            for (int x = 0; x < keymapEntries; ++x)
                int nSize   = 0;
                int tSize   = 0;
                int error   = 0;
                int strSize = 0;

                strSize = BinaryTool.ReadPrefixedString(table, buf,
                                                        EntryModule.MaxKeyMapNameLength, &error);

                table += strSize;
                nSize  = ByteString.Length(buf);

                TextMode.Write("nsize: ");

                TextMode.Write("found keymap: ");

                ret_table = table;

                table += 2;                 // keymask/statebit

                // default table

                tSize = *(int *)table;
                TextMode.Write("Default-table size:");
                table += 4;
                table += tSize;

                // shifted table

                tSize = *(int *)table;
                TextMode.Write("Shifted-table size:");
                table += 4;
                table += tSize;

                if (nSize == nameLen && ByteString.Compare(name, buf, nameLen) == 0)

        public async Task WriteBinaryResponse(List <DbStructure> structures)
            //Binary mode writes out structures in binary structs

            //HEADER FORMAT:
            //  4   static  Signature, says "DWMS"
            //  4   int32   File type version, should be 3
            //  4   int32   Metadata version
            //  4   int32   Structure count

            //  4   int32   Saved epoch
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //TOTAL: 32 bytes

            //Struct format:
            //  2   short   Metadata Index
            //  1   byte    Rotation (in degrees, 0-360, but scaled so that 256=360)
            //  1   byte    Flags (SEE BELOW)
            //  4   float   Position X
            //  4   float   Position Y
            //  4   int32   ID
            //  4   float   Position Z
            //  4   int32   Tribe ID
            //TOTAL: 24 bytes each

            //0: Has inventory
            //1: Is remove
            //2: RESERVED
            //3: RESERVED
            //4: RESERVED
            //5: RESERVED
            //6: RESERVED
            //7: RESERVED

            //Set headers
            e.Response.ContentLength = (24 * structures.Count) + 32;
            e.Response.ContentType   = "application/octet-stream";
            e.Response.StatusCode    = 200;

            //Create and send file header
            byte[] buf = new byte[32];
            buf[0] = 0x44;
            buf[1] = 0x57;
            buf[2] = 0x4D;
            buf[3] = 0x53;
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 4, 3); //Version tag
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 8, 0);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 12, structures.Count);

            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 16, 0); //Was epoch, now unused
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 20, 0);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 24, 0);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 28, 0);

            await e.Response.Body.WriteAsync(buf, 0, 32);

            //Loop through structures and find where they are
            foreach (var t in structures)
                //Get data
                StructureMetadata metadata = Program.structureMetadata.Where(x => x.names.Contains(t.classname)).FirstOrDefault();
                int index = Program.structureMetadata.IndexOf(metadata);

                //Produce flags
                byte flags = 0;
                if (t.has_inventory)
                    flags |= 0x01 << 0;

                //Write parts
                BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, 0, (short)index);
                buf[2] = (byte)(t.location.yaw * 0.70833333333333333333333333333333f); //Scales this to fit the 0-360 degrees into 0-255
                buf[3] = flags;
                BinaryTool.WriteFloat(buf, 4, t.location.x);
                BinaryTool.WriteFloat(buf, 8, t.location.y);
                BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 12, t.structure_id);
                BinaryTool.WriteFloat(buf, 16, t.location.z);
                BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 20, t.tribe_id);

                //Write to stream
                await e.Response.Body.WriteAsync(buf, 0, 24);
Beispiel #18
 public void BinaryToIntTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.BinaryToInt(new int[] { 1, 1 }), 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.BinaryToInt(new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.BinaryToInt(new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }), 255);
Beispiel #19
 public void IntToBinaryTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.IntToBinary(3, 2), new int[] { 1, 1 });
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.IntToBinary(3, 8), new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
     Assert.AreEqual(BinaryTool.IntToBinary(255, 8), new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 });
        public async Task WriteBinaryResponse(List <DbInventory> inventories)
            //Binary mode writes out structures in binary structs
            //In format header, name table, inventory struct

            //HEADER FORMAT:
            //  4   static  Signature, says "DWMI"
            //  4   int32   File type version, should be 1
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //  4   int32   Inventory count

            //  4   int32   Saved epoch
            //  4   int32   Name table entry count
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //  4   int32   RESERVED
            //TOTAL: 32 bytes

            //The name table comes next, and is just a list of classnames, with a byte indicating their length before

            //Inventory Struct format:
            //  8   int64   Holder ID
            //  1   byte    Holder type
            //  2   int16   Item count
            //  4   int32   Tribe ID
            //  ?   Item[]  Items
            //TOTAL: VARIABLE

            //Item struct format:
            //  8   int64   Item ID
            //  4   int32   Name table classname index
            //  4   float   Durability
            //  2   int16   Stack size
            //  2   int16   Flags
            //  1   byte    Custom data count
            //  ?   CD[]    Custom datas, number specified above
            //Total: VARIABLE

            //CD (Custom Data) format:
            //  2   int16   Tag
            //  2   int16   String length
            //  ?   string  Data

            //Set headers
            e.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
            e.Response.StatusCode  = 200;

            //Create name table
            List <string> names = new List <string>();

            foreach (var i in inventories)
                foreach (var ii in i.items)
                    if (!names.Contains(ii.classname))

            //Create and send file header
            byte[] buf = new byte[32768];
            buf[0] = 0x44;
            buf[1] = 0x57;
            buf[2] = 0x4D;
            buf[3] = 0x49;
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 4, 2); //Version tag
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 8, 0);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 12, inventories.Count);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 16, 0); //Was epoch, now unused
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 20, names.Count);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 24, 0);
            BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 28, 0);
            await e.Response.Body.WriteAsync(buf, 0, 32);

            //Send name table
            foreach (var name in names)
                //Write to buffer
                byte[] d = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
                buf[0] = (byte)d.Length;
                if (d.Length > byte.MaxValue)
                    throw new Exception("Encoding failed, name is too long!");
                Array.Copy(d, 0, buf, 1, d.Length);

                //Send on network
                await e.Response.Body.WriteAsync(buf, 0, d.Length + 1);

            //Send inventories
            foreach (var inventory in inventories)
                //Create header
                BinaryTool.WriteUInt64(buf, 0, inventory.holder_id);
                buf[8] = (byte)inventory.holder_type;
                BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, 9, (short)inventory.items.Length);
                BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, 11, inventory.tribe_id);
                int offset = 15;

                //Add items
                foreach (var i in inventory.items)
                    //Create header
                    BinaryTool.WriteUInt64(buf, offset, i.item_id);
                    BinaryTool.WriteInt32(buf, offset + 8, names.IndexOf(i.classname));
                    BinaryTool.WriteFloat(buf, offset + 12, i.durability);
                    BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, offset + 16, (short)i.stack_size);
                    BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, offset + 18, (short)i.flags);
                    buf[offset + 20] = (byte)i.custom_data.Count;
                    offset          += 21;

                    //Write custom datas
                    foreach (var c in i.custom_data)
                        //Write key
                        byte[] d = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(c.Key);
                        BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, offset, (short)d.Length);
                        Array.Copy(d, 0, buf, offset + 2, d.Length);
                        offset += 2 + d.Length;

                        //Write value
                        d = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(c.Value);
                        BinaryTool.WriteInt16(buf, offset, (short)d.Length);
                        Array.Copy(d, 0, buf, offset + 2, d.Length);
                        offset += 2 + d.Length;

                //Send data
                await e.Response.Body.WriteAsync(buf, 0, offset);

                offset = 0;
Beispiel #21
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BinaryTool bTool = new BinaryTool();

            List <string> outputs = new List <string>();

            string[] sentences = SanitizeInputSentences();

            foreach (string sentence in sentences)
                string[] keywords = sentence.Split(' ');

                 * [0] Decimal <Input Type>
                 * [1] 103 <Value>
                 * [2] to <Redundant>
                 * [3] Binary <Output Type>
                switch (keywords[0])
                case "decimal":
                    if (keywords[3] == "binary")

                case "binary":
                    if (keywords[3] == "decimal")

                case "octal":
                    if (keywords[3] == "binary")

                case "hexadecimal":
                    if (keywords[3] == "decimal")
                    else if (keywords[3] == "binary")


            int i = 0;

            foreach (string output in outputs)

                string finalOutput = output;

                // Remove leading zeroes
                if (chkTrimZeroes.Checked)
                    finalOutput = output.TrimStart('0');

                txtOutput.AppendText(string.Format("{0}{1}" + ((i != outputs.Count) ? "\r\n\r\n" : ""), (chkIndexedOutput.Checked) ? i.ToString() + " : " : "", finalOutput));

            Console.WriteLine("Buffer Size: " + sentences.Length);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles an RPC message: opcode 1. This will fire events to clients by a filter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleRPCMessage(byte[] data, int length, ulong index)
            //This follows the following format, starting at byte 10
            //  4 bytes: int - Payload length "x"
            //  x bytes: string - Payload
            //  2 bytes: ushort - Filter type
            //  [Dependant on filter type]

            //Read the length of the payload and read the payload
            int payloadLength = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(data, 10);

            byte[] payload = BinaryTool.CopyFromArray(data, 14, payloadLength);
            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Payload length " + payloadLength);

            //Read the filter code
            ushort filterCode = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(data, 14 + payloadLength);

            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Filter type " + filterCode);

            //Pack contents
            PackedWebSocketMessage packed = new PackedWebSocketMessage(payload, payloadLength, WebSocketMessageType.Text);

            //Read the filter and send messages
            Task pending;

            if (filterCode == 0)
                //USER_ID - Read the user ID
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - User ID
                ObjectId userId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToUserById(RPCType.RPCSession, userId, packed);
            else if (filterCode == 1)
                //SERVER - Sends to all members of a server
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - Server ID
                ObjectId serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToServerById(RPCType.RPCSession, serverId, packed);
            else if (filterCode == 2)
                //SERVER_TRIBE - Sends to a tribe of a server
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - Server ID
                //  4 bytes: Int - ARK Tribe ID
                ObjectId serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                int      tribeId  = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2 + 12);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToServerTribeById(RPCType.RPCSession, serverId, tribeId, packed);
                await WriteResponse(index, 400);


            //Wait for sending to complete
            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Sending message....pending...");
            await pending;

            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Message sent OK!");

            //Send OK
            await WriteResponse(index, 0);