Beispiel #1
        protected internal override IList <Lookup.LookupResult> CreateResults(IndexSearcher searcher, TopFieldDocs hits,
                                                                              int num, string key, bool doHighlight, ICollection <string> matchedTokens, string prefixToken)
            BinaryDocValues textDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, TEXT_FIELD_NAME);

            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(textDV != null);

            // This will just be null if app didn't pass payloads to build():
            // TODO: maybe just stored fields?  they compress...
            BinaryDocValues payloadsDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, "payloads");

            JCG.SortedSet <Lookup.LookupResult> results = new JCG.SortedSet <Lookup.LookupResult>(LOOKUP_COMP);

            // we reduce the num to the one initially requested
            int actualNum = num / numFactor;

            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();

            for (int i = 0; i < hits.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
                FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc)hits.ScoreDocs[i];

                textDV.Get(fd.Doc, scratch);
                string text   = scratch.Utf8ToString();
                long   weight = (long)fd.Fields[0];

                BytesRef payload;
                if (payloadsDV != null)
                    payload = new BytesRef();
                    payloadsDV.Get(fd.Doc, payload);
                    payload = null;

                double coefficient;
                if (text.StartsWith(key.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // if hit starts with the key, we don't change the score
                    coefficient = 1;
                    coefficient = CreateCoefficient(searcher, fd.Doc, matchedTokens, prefixToken);

                long score = (long)(weight * coefficient);

                LookupResult result;
                if (doHighlight)
                    object highlightKey = Highlight(text, matchedTokens, prefixToken);
                    result = new LookupResult(highlightKey.ToString(), highlightKey, score, payload);
                    result = new LookupResult(text, score, payload);

                BoundedTreeAdd(results, result, actualNum);

            return(new List <LookupResult>(results.Reverse()));
Beispiel #2
        public virtual void TestNonIndexedFields()
            Directory         dir = NewDirectory();
            RandomIndexWriter iw  = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, Similarity, TimeZone);
            Document          doc = new Document();

            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusbytes", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusshorts", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusints", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("boguslongs", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusfloats", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusdoubles", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusterms", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogustermsindex", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusmultivalued", "bogus"));
            doc.Add(new StoredField("bogusbits", "bogus"));
            DirectoryReader ir = iw.Reader;


            AtomicReader ar = GetOnlySegmentReader(ir);

            IFieldCache cache = FieldCache.DEFAULT;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.GetCacheEntries().Length);

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            Bytes bytes = cache.GetBytes(ar, "bogusbytes", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes.Get(0));

            Int16s shorts = cache.GetInt16s(ar, "bogusshorts", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, shorts.Get(0));
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

            Int32s ints = cache.GetInt32s(ar, "bogusints", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ints.Get(0));

            Int64s longs = cache.GetInt64s(ar, "boguslongs", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, longs.Get(0));

            Singles floats = cache.GetSingles(ar, "bogusfloats", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, floats.Get(0), 0.0f);

            Doubles doubles = cache.GetDoubles(ar, "bogusdoubles", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, doubles.Get(0), 0.0D);

            BytesRef        scratch  = new BytesRef();
            BinaryDocValues binaries = cache.GetTerms(ar, "bogusterms", true);
            binaries.Get(0, scratch);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, scratch.Length);

            SortedDocValues sorted = cache.GetTermsIndex(ar, "bogustermsindex");
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, sorted.GetOrd(0));
            sorted.Get(0, scratch);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, scratch.Length);

            SortedSetDocValues sortedSet = cache.GetDocTermOrds(ar, "bogusmultivalued");
            Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, sortedSet.NextOrd());

            IBits bits = cache.GetDocsWithField(ar, "bogusbits");

            // check that we cached nothing
            Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.GetCacheEntries().Length);
Beispiel #3
 public Int32DocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(JoinDocFreqValueSource outerInstance, JoinDocFreqValueSource @this, BinaryDocValues terms, TermsEnum termsEnum)
     : base(@this)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.terms         = terms;
     this.termsEnum     = termsEnum;
     @ref = new BytesRef();
 public SortedSetDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(Lucene42DocValuesProducer outerInstance, FSTEntry entry, BinaryDocValues docToOrds, FST<long> fst, FST<long>.BytesReader @in, FST<long>.Arc<long> firstArc, FST<long>.Arc<long> scratchArc, IntsRef scratchInts, BytesRefFSTEnum<long> fstEnum, BytesRef @ref, ByteArrayDataInput input)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Entry = entry;
     this.DocToOrds = docToOrds;
     this.Fst = fst;
     this.@in = @in;
     this.FirstArc = firstArc;
     this.ScratchArc = scratchArc;
     this.ScratchInts = scratchInts;
     this.FstEnum = fstEnum;
     this.@ref = @ref;
     this.Input = input;
 public SortedDocValuesAnonymousClass(SortedEntry entry, NumericDocValues docToOrd, BinaryDocValues values)
     this.entry    = entry;
     this.docToOrd = docToOrd;
     this.values   = values;
 public SortedDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(DirectDocValuesProducer outerInstance, SortedEntry entry, NumericDocValues docToOrd, BinaryDocValues values)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.entry         = entry;
     this.docToOrd      = docToOrd;
     this.values        = values;
Beispiel #7
 public virtual void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
     terms         = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(context.AtomicReader, fromField, true);
     docsWithField = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(context.AtomicReader, fromField);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the results based on the search hits.
        /// Can be overridden by subclass to add particular behavior (e.g. weight transformation) </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> If there are problems reading fields from the underlying Lucene index. </exception>
        protected internal virtual IList <LookupResult> CreateResults(IndexSearcher searcher, TopFieldDocs hits, int num, string charSequence, bool doHighlight, IEnumerable <string> matchedTokens, string prefixToken)
            BinaryDocValues textDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, TEXT_FIELD_NAME);

            // This will just be null if app didn't pass payloads to build():
            // TODO: maybe just stored fields?  they compress...
            BinaryDocValues             payloadsDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, "payloads");
            IList <AtomicReaderContext> leaves     = searcher.IndexReader.Leaves;
            List <LookupResult>         results    = new List <LookupResult>();
            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();

            for (int i = 0; i < hits.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
                FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc)hits.ScoreDocs[i];
                textDV.Get(fd.Doc, scratch);
                string text  = scratch.Utf8ToString();
                long   score = (long)fd.Fields[0];

                BytesRef payload;
                if (payloadsDV != null)
                    payload = new BytesRef();
                    payloadsDV.Get(fd.Doc, payload);
                    payload = null;

                // Must look up sorted-set by segment:
                int segment = ReaderUtil.SubIndex(fd.Doc, leaves);
                SortedSetDocValues contextsDV = leaves[segment].AtomicReader.GetSortedSetDocValues(CONTEXTS_FIELD_NAME);
                ISet <BytesRef>    contexts;
                if (contextsDV != null)
                    contexts = new JCG.HashSet <BytesRef>();
                    contextsDV.SetDocument(fd.Doc - leaves[segment].DocBase);
                    long ord;
                    while ((ord = contextsDV.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
                        BytesRef context = new BytesRef();
                        contextsDV.LookupOrd(ord, context);
                    contexts = null;

                LookupResult result;

                if (doHighlight)
                    object highlightKey = Highlight(text, matchedTokens, prefixToken);
                    result = new LookupResult(highlightKey.ToString(), highlightKey, score, payload, contexts);
                    result = new LookupResult(text, score, payload, contexts);


            public override FunctionValues GetValues(IDictionary context, AtomicReaderContext readerContext)
                BinaryDocValues docValues = readerContext.AtomicReader.GetBinaryDocValues(fieldName);

                return(new FuctionValuesAnonymousHelper(this, docValues));
Beispiel #10
 public override void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
     _fromDocTerms = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(context.AtomicReader, _field, false);
Beispiel #11
 public SortedDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(Lucene45DocValuesProducer outerInstance, int valueCount, BinaryDocValues binary, BlockPackedReader ordinals)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.valueCount    = valueCount;
     this.binary        = binary;
     this.ordinals      = ordinals;
Beispiel #12
 public FunctionValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(BytesRefFieldSource outerInstance, BinaryDocValues binaryValues, Bits docsWithField)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.binaryValues  = binaryValues;
     this.docsWithField = docsWithField;
 public StringValDocComparer(BinaryDocValues values)
     this.m_values = values;
 public RandomAccessOrdsAnonymousClass(SortedSetEntry entry, NumericDocValues docToOrdAddress, NumericDocValues ords, BinaryDocValues values)
     this.entry           = entry;
     this.docToOrdAddress = docToOrdAddress;
     this.ords            = ords;
     this.values          = values;
Beispiel #15
 internal SortingBinaryDocValues(BinaryDocValues @in, Sorter.DocMap docMap)
     this.@in    = @in;
     this.docMap = docMap;
 public FuctionValuesAnonymousHelper(ShapeDocValueSource outerInstance, BinaryDocValues docValues)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     this.docValues     = docValues;
Beispiel #17
 public SortedDocValuesAnonymousClass(int valueCount, BinaryDocValues binary, BlockPackedReader ordinals)
     this.valueCount = valueCount;
     this.binary     = binary;
     this.ordinals   = ordinals;
Beispiel #18
 public SortedSetDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(Lucene42DocValuesProducer outerInstance, FSTEntry entry, BinaryDocValues docToOrds, FST <long> fst, FST <long> .BytesReader @in, FST <long> .Arc <long> firstArc, FST <long> .Arc <long> scratchArc, IntsRef scratchInts, BytesRefFSTEnum <long> fstEnum, BytesRef @ref, ByteArrayDataInput input)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Entry         = entry;
     this.DocToOrds     = docToOrds;
     this.Fst           = fst;
     this.@in           = @in;
     this.FirstArc      = firstArc;
     this.ScratchArc    = scratchArc;
     this.ScratchInts   = scratchInts;
     this.FstEnum       = fstEnum;
     this.@ref          = @ref;
     this.Input         = input;
 public RandomAccessOrdsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(DirectDocValuesProducer outerInstance, SortedSetEntry entry, NumericDocValues docToOrdAddress, NumericDocValues ords, BinaryDocValues values)
     this.entry           = entry;
     this.docToOrdAddress = docToOrdAddress;
     this.ords            = ords;
     this.values          = values;
Beispiel #20
        public virtual void Test()
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            IFieldCache        cache   = FieldCache.DEFAULT;
            FieldCache.Doubles doubles = cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(doubles, cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(doubles, cache.GetDoubles(Reader, "theDouble", FieldCache.DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(doubles.Get(i) == (double.MaxValue - i), doubles.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (double.MaxValue - i));

            FieldCache.Int64s longs = cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(longs, cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(longs, cache.GetInt64s(Reader, "theLong", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT64_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(longs.Get(i) == (long.MaxValue - i), longs.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (long.MaxValue - i) + " i=" + i);

            FieldCache.Bytes bytes = cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(bytes, cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(bytes, cache.GetBytes(Reader, "theByte", FieldCache.DEFAULT_BYTE_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue((sbyte)bytes.Get(i) == (sbyte)(sbyte.MaxValue - i), (sbyte)bytes.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (sbyte.MaxValue - i));

            FieldCache.Int16s shorts = cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(shorts, cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(shorts, cache.GetInt16s(Reader, "theShort", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT16_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(shorts.Get(i) == (short)(short.MaxValue - i), shorts.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (short.MaxValue - i));

            FieldCache.Int32s ints = cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(ints, cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(ints, cache.GetInt32s(Reader, "theInt", FieldCache.DEFAULT_INT32_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(ints.Get(i) == (int.MaxValue - i), ints.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (int.MaxValue - i));

            FieldCache.Singles floats = cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", Random().NextBoolean());
            Assert.AreSame(floats, cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.AreSame(floats, cache.GetSingles(Reader, "theFloat", FieldCache.DEFAULT_SINGLE_PARSER, Random().NextBoolean()), "Second request with explicit parser return same array");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(floats.Get(i) == (float.MaxValue - i), floats.Get(i) + " does not equal: " + (float.MaxValue - i));
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

            IBits docsWithField = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theLong");
            Assert.AreSame(docsWithField, cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theLong"), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField is Bits.MatchAllBits, "docsWithField(theLong) must be class Bits.MatchAllBits");
            Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField.Length == NUM_DOCS, "docsWithField(theLong) Size: " + docsWithField.Length + " is not: " + NUM_DOCS);
            for (int i = 0; i < docsWithField.Length; i++)

            docsWithField = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "sparse");
            Assert.AreSame(docsWithField, cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "sparse"), "Second request to cache return same array");
            Assert.IsFalse(docsWithField is Bits.MatchAllBits, "docsWithField(sparse) must not be class Bits.MatchAllBits");
            Assert.IsTrue(docsWithField.Length == NUM_DOCS, "docsWithField(sparse) Size: " + docsWithField.Length + " is not: " + NUM_DOCS);
            for (int i = 0; i < docsWithField.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(i % 2 == 0, docsWithField.Get(i));

            // getTermsIndex
            SortedDocValues termsIndex = cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString");
            Assert.AreSame(termsIndex, cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString"), "Second request to cache return same array");
            BytesRef br = new BytesRef();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                BytesRef term;
                int      ord = termsIndex.GetOrd(i);
                if (ord == -1)
                    term = null;
                    termsIndex.LookupOrd(ord, br);
                    term = br;
                string s = term == null ? null : term.Utf8ToString();
                Assert.IsTrue(UnicodeStrings[i] == null || UnicodeStrings[i].Equals(s, StringComparison.Ordinal), "for doc " + i + ": " + s + " does not equal: " + UnicodeStrings[i]);

            int nTerms = termsIndex.ValueCount;

            TermsEnum tenum = termsIndex.GetTermsEnum();
            BytesRef  val   = new BytesRef();
            for (int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++)
                BytesRef val1 = tenum.Next();
                termsIndex.LookupOrd(i, val);
                // System.out.println("i="+i);
                Assert.AreEqual(val, val1);

            // seek the enum around (note this isn't a great test here)
            int num = AtLeast(100);
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                int k = Random().Next(nTerms);
                termsIndex.LookupOrd(k, val);
                Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND, tenum.SeekCeil(val));
                Assert.AreEqual(val, tenum.Term);

            for (int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++)
                termsIndex.LookupOrd(i, val);
                Assert.AreEqual(TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND, tenum.SeekCeil(val));
                Assert.AreEqual(val, tenum.Term);

            // test bad field
            termsIndex = cache.GetTermsIndex(Reader, "bogusfield");

            // getTerms
            BinaryDocValues terms = cache.GetTerms(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString", true);
            Assert.AreSame(terms, cache.GetTerms(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString", true), "Second request to cache return same array");
            IBits bits = cache.GetDocsWithField(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeString");
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                terms.Get(i, br);
                BytesRef term;
                if (!bits.Get(i))
                    term = null;
                    term = br;
                string s = term == null ? null : term.Utf8ToString();
                Assert.IsTrue(UnicodeStrings[i] == null || UnicodeStrings[i].Equals(s, StringComparison.Ordinal), "for doc " + i + ": " + s + " does not equal: " + UnicodeStrings[i]);

            // test bad field
            terms = cache.GetTerms(Reader, "bogusfield", false);

            // getDocTermOrds
            SortedSetDocValues termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField");
            int numEntries = cache.GetCacheEntries().Length;
            // ask for it again, and check that we didnt create any additional entries:
            termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "theRandomUnicodeMultiValuedField");
            Assert.AreEqual(numEntries, cache.GetCacheEntries().Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DOCS; i++)
                // this will remove identical terms. A DocTermOrds doesn't return duplicate ords for a docId
                IList <BytesRef> values = new List <BytesRef>(new /*Linked*/ HashSet <BytesRef>(Arrays.AsList(MultiValued[i])));
                foreach (BytesRef v in values)
                    if (v == null)
                        // why does this test use null values... instead of an empty list: confusing
                    long ord = termOrds.NextOrd();
                    Debug.Assert(ord != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS);
                    BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
                    termOrds.LookupOrd(ord, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(v, scratch);
                Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, termOrds.NextOrd());

            // test bad field
            termOrds = cache.GetDocTermOrds(Reader, "bogusfield");
            Assert.IsTrue(termOrds.ValueCount == 0);

Beispiel #21
 public virtual void SetNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context)
     terms   = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(context.AtomicReader, toField, false);
     docBase = context.DocBase;
Beispiel #22
        public virtual void TestDocValuesIntegration()
            AssumeTrue("3.x does not support docvalues", DefaultCodecSupportsDocValues());
            Directory         dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, null);
            RandomIndexWriter iw  = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, iwc);
            Document          doc = new Document();

            doc.Add(new BinaryDocValuesField("binary", new BytesRef("binary value")));
            doc.Add(new SortedDocValuesField("sorted", new BytesRef("sorted value")));
            doc.Add(new NumericDocValuesField("numeric", 42));
            if (DefaultCodecSupportsSortedSet())
                doc.Add(new SortedSetDocValuesField("sortedset", new BytesRef("sortedset value1")));
                doc.Add(new SortedSetDocValuesField("sortedset", new BytesRef("sortedset value2")));
            DirectoryReader ir = iw.Reader;

            AtomicReader ar = GetOnlySegmentReader(ir);

            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();

            // Binary type: can be retrieved via getTerms()
                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(ar, "binary", false);
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

            BinaryDocValues binary = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(ar, "binary", true);
            binary.Get(0, scratch);
            Assert.AreEqual("binary value", scratch.Utf8ToString());

                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTermsIndex(ar, "binary");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(ar, "binary");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                new DocTermOrds(ar, null, "binary");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

            IBits bits = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(ar, "binary");

            // Sorted type: can be retrieved via getTerms(), getTermsIndex(), getDocTermOrds()
                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(ar, "sorted", false);
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                new DocTermOrds(ar, null, "sorted");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

            binary = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(ar, "sorted", true);
            binary.Get(0, scratch);
            Assert.AreEqual("sorted value", scratch.Utf8ToString());

            SortedDocValues sorted = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTermsIndex(ar, "sorted");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted.GetOrd(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted.ValueCount);
            sorted.Get(0, scratch);
            Assert.AreEqual("sorted value", scratch.Utf8ToString());

            SortedSetDocValues sortedSet = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(ar, "sorted");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sortedSet.NextOrd());
            Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, sortedSet.NextOrd());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sortedSet.ValueCount);

            bits = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(ar, "sorted");

            // Numeric type: can be retrieved via getInts() and so on
            Int32s numeric = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(ar, "numeric", false);
            Assert.AreEqual(42, numeric.Get(0));

                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(ar, "numeric", true);
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTermsIndex(ar, "numeric");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(ar, "numeric");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                new DocTermOrds(ar, null, "numeric");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

            bits = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(ar, "numeric");

            // SortedSet type: can be retrieved via getDocTermOrds()
            if (DefaultCodecSupportsSortedSet())
                    FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetInt32s(ar, "sortedset", false);
#pragma warning disable 168
                catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                    FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(ar, "sortedset", true);
#pragma warning disable 168
                catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                    FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTermsIndex(ar, "sortedset");
#pragma warning disable 168
                catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                    new DocTermOrds(ar, null, "sortedset");
#pragma warning disable 168
                catch (InvalidOperationException expected)
#pragma warning restore 168

                sortedSet = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(ar, "sortedset");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, sortedSet.NextOrd());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, sortedSet.NextOrd());
                Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, sortedSet.NextOrd());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, sortedSet.ValueCount);

                bits = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(ar, "sortedset");

 internal SortingBinaryDocValues(BinaryDocValues @in, Sorter.DocMap docMap)
     this.@in = @in;
       this.docMap = docMap;
 internal SortingBinaryDocValues(BinaryDocValues input, Sorter.DocMap docMap)
     this.@in    = input;
     this.docMap = docMap;