public virtual void TestUsingHiddenDeltaBaseFails()
            byte[] delta = new byte[] { unchecked ((int)(0x1)), unchecked ((int)(0x1)), unchecked (
                                            (int)(0x1)), (byte)('c') };
            TestRepository <Repository> s = new TestRepository <Repository>(src);
            RevCommit N = s.Commit().Parent(B).Add("q", s.Blob(BinaryDelta.Apply(dst.Open(b).
                                                                                 GetCachedBytes(), delta))).Create();

            TemporaryBuffer.Heap pack = new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(1024);
            PackHeader(pack, 3);
            Copy(pack, src.Open(N));
            Copy(pack, src.Open(s.ParseBody(N).Tree));
            pack.Write((Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA) << 4 | 4);
            Deflate(pack, delta);
            TemporaryBuffer.Heap inBuf     = new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(1024);
            PacketLineOut        inPckLine = new PacketLineOut(inBuf);

            inPckLine.WriteString(ObjectId.ZeroId.Name + ' ' + N.Name + ' ' + "refs/heads/s"
                                  + '\0' + BasePackPushConnection.CAPABILITY_REPORT_STATUS);
            pack.WriteTo(inBuf, PM);
            TemporaryBuffer.Heap outBuf = new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(1024);
            ReceivePack          rp     = new ReceivePack(dst);

            rp.SetAdvertiseRefsHook(new ReceivePackAdvertiseRefsHookTest.HidePrivateHook());
                Receive(rp, inBuf, outBuf);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Expected UnpackException");
            catch (UnpackException failed)
                Exception err = failed.InnerException;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(err is MissingObjectException);
                MissingObjectException moe = (MissingObjectException)err;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(b, moe.GetObjectId());
            PacketLineIn r      = AsPacketLineIn(outBuf);
            string       master = r.ReadString();
            int          nul    = master.IndexOf('\0');

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(nul > 0, "has capability list");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(B.Name + ' ' + R_MASTER, Sharpen.Runtime.Substring
                                                (master, 0, nul));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(PacketLineIn.END, r.ReadString());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("unpack error Missing blob " + b.Name, r.ReadString
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("ng refs/heads/s n/a (unpacker error)", r.ReadString
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(PacketLineIn.END, r.ReadString());
 public override long GetSize()
     if (size == SIZE_UNKNOWN)
         WindowCursor wc = new WindowCursor(db);
             byte[] b = pack.GetDeltaHeader(wc, objectOffset + headerLength);
             size = BinaryDelta.GetResultSize(b);
         catch (SharpZipBaseException)
         catch (IOException)
             // The zlib stream for the delta is corrupt. We probably
             // cannot access the object. Keep the size negative and
             // report that bogus result to the caller.
             // If the pack file cannot be pinned into the cursor, it
             // probably was repacked recently. Go find the object
             // again and get the size from that location instead.
                 size = wc.Open(GetObjectId()).GetSize();
             catch (IOException)
             // "He's dead, Jim." We just can't discover the size
             // and the interface isn't supposed to be lazy here.
             // Report an invalid type code instead, callers will
             // wind up bailing out with an error at some point.
Beispiel #3
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal virtual ObjectLoader Load(WindowCursor curs, long pos)
                byte[]         ib     = curs.tempId;
                PackFile.Delta delta  = null;
                byte[]         data   = null;
                int            type   = Constants.OBJ_BAD;
                bool           cached = false;
                for (; ;)
                    ReadFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs);
                    int  c        = ib[0] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                    int  typeCode = (c >> 4) & 7;
                    long sz       = c & 15;
                    int  shift    = 4;
                    int  p        = 1;
                    while ((c & unchecked ((int)(0x80))) != 0)
                        c      = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                        sz    += ((long)(c & unchecked ((int)(0x7f)))) << shift;
                        shift += 7;
                    switch (typeCode)
                    case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT:
                    case Constants.OBJ_TREE:
                    case Constants.OBJ_BLOB:
                    case Constants.OBJ_TAG:
                        if (sz < curs.GetStreamFileThreshold())
                            data = Decompress(pos + p, (int)sz, curs);
                        if (delta != null)
                            type = typeCode;
                            goto SEARCH_break;
                        if (data != null)
                            return(new ObjectLoader.SmallObject(typeCode, data));
                            return(new LargePackedWholeObject(typeCode, sz, pos, p, this, curs.db));
                        goto case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA;

                    case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA:
                        c = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                        long @base = c & 127;
                        while ((c & 128) != 0)
                            @base  += 1;
                            c       = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                            @base <<= 7;
                            @base  += (c & 127);
                        @base = pos - @base;
                        delta = new PackFile.Delta(delta, pos, (int)sz, p, @base);
                        if (sz != delta.deltaSize)
                            goto SEARCH_break;
                        DeltaBaseCache.Entry e = curs.GetDeltaBaseCache().Get(this, @base);
                        if (e != null)
                            type   = e.type;
                            data   =;
                            cached = true;
                            goto SEARCH_break;
                        pos = @base;
                        goto SEARCH_continue;

                    case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA:
                        ReadFully(pos + p, ib, 0, 20, curs);
                        long @base = FindDeltaBase(ObjectId.FromRaw(ib));
                        delta = new PackFile.Delta(delta, pos, (int)sz, p + 20, @base);
                        if (sz != delta.deltaSize)
                            goto SEARCH_break;
                        DeltaBaseCache.Entry e = curs.GetDeltaBaseCache().Get(this, @base);
                        if (e != null)
                            type   = e.type;
                            data   =;
                            cached = true;
                            goto SEARCH_break;
                        pos = @base;
                        goto SEARCH_continue;

                        throw new IOException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText.Get().unknownObjectType, Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf
                    SEARCH_continue :;
                SEARCH_break :;
                // At this point there is at least one delta to apply to data.
                // (Whole objects with no deltas to apply return early above.)
                if (data == null)
                    return(delta.Large(this, curs));
                    // Cache only the base immediately before desired object.
                    if (cached)
                        cached = false;
                        if ( == null)
                            curs.GetDeltaBaseCache().Store(this, delta.basePos, data, type);
                    pos = delta.deltaPos;
                    byte[] cmds = Decompress(pos + delta.hdrLen, delta.deltaSize, curs);
                    if (cmds == null)
                        data = null;
                        // Discard base in case of OutOfMemoryError
                        return(delta.Large(this, curs));
                    long sz = BinaryDelta.GetResultSize(cmds);
                    if (int.MaxValue <= sz)
                        return(delta.Large(this, curs));
                    byte[] result;
                        result = new byte[(int)sz];
                    catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                        data = null;
                        // Discard base in case of OutOfMemoryError
                        return(delta.Large(this, curs));
                    BinaryDelta.Apply(data, cmds, result);
                    data  = result;
                    delta =;
                }while (delta != null);
                return(new ObjectLoader.SmallObject(type, data));
            catch (SharpZipBaseException dfe)
                CorruptObjectException coe = new CorruptObjectException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText
                                                                                             .Get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream, Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(pos), GetPackFile())
                Sharpen.Extensions.InitCause(coe, dfe);
                throw coe;
Beispiel #4
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal virtual long GetObjectSize(WindowCursor curs, long pos)
            byte[] ib = curs.tempId;
            ReadFully(pos, ib, 0, 20, curs);
            int  c     = ib[0] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
            int  type  = (c >> 4) & 7;
            long sz    = c & 15;
            int  shift = 4;
            int  p     = 1;

            while ((c & unchecked ((int)(0x80))) != 0)
                c      = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                sz    += ((long)(c & unchecked ((int)(0x7f)))) << shift;
                shift += 7;
            long deltaAt;

            switch (type)
            case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT:
            case Constants.OBJ_TREE:
            case Constants.OBJ_BLOB:
            case Constants.OBJ_TAG:

            case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA:
                c = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                while ((c & 128) != 0)
                    c = ib[p++] & unchecked ((int)(0xff));
                deltaAt = pos + p;

            case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA:
                deltaAt = pos + p + 20;

                throw new IOException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText.Get().unknownObjectType, Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf
                return(BinaryDelta.GetResultSize(GetDeltaHeader(curs, deltaAt)));
            catch (SharpZipBaseException)
                throw new CorruptObjectException(MessageFormat.Format(JGitText.Get().objectAtHasBadZlibStream
                                                                      , Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(pos), GetPackFile()));
Beispiel #5
        private void ResolveDeltas(long pos, int oldCrc, int type, byte[] data, PackedObjectInfo oe)
            int  c        = ReadFromFile();
            int  typecode = (c >> 4) & 7;
            long sz       = c & 15;
            int  shift    = 4;

            while ((c & 0x80) != 0)
                c      = ReadFromFile();
                sz    += (c & 0x7f) << shift;
                shift += 7;

            switch (typecode)
            case Constants.OBJ_COMMIT:
            case Constants.OBJ_TREE:
            case Constants.OBJ_BLOB:
            case Constants.OBJ_TAG:
                type = typecode;
                data = InflateFromFile((int)sz);

            case Constants.OBJ_OFS_DELTA:
                c = ReadFromFile() & 0xff;
                while ((c & 128) != 0)
                    c = ReadFromFile() & 0xff;
                data = BinaryDelta.Apply(data, InflateFromFile((int)sz));

            case Constants.OBJ_REF_DELTA:
                _crc.Update(_buffer, FillFromFile(20), 20);
                data = BinaryDelta.Apply(data, InflateFromFile((int)sz));

                throw new IOException("Unknown object type " + typecode + ".");

            var crc32 = (int)_crc.Value;

            if (oldCrc != crc32)
                throw new IOException("Corruption detected re-reading at " + pos);

            if (oe == null)
                _objectDigest.Update((byte)' ');
                _tempObjectId.FromRaw(_objectDigest.Digest(), 0);

                VerifySafeObject(_tempObjectId, type, data);
                oe = new PackedObjectInfo(pos, crc32, _tempObjectId);

            ResolveChildDeltas(pos, type, data, oe);