Beispiel #1
        private void Prepare(ref DateTime period, ref int clientId)
            if (dsReport != null)

            lblRoom.Visible  = false;
            lblTool.Visible  = false;
            lblStore.Visible = false;

            dsReport = new DataSet("IndSumUsage");

            // get account, resource and item info info
            .Param("Action", "All")
            .FillDataSet(dsReport, "dbo.Account_Select", "Account");

            dsReport.Tables["Account"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["Account"].Columns["AccountID"] };

            .Param("Action", "All")
            .FillDataSet(dsReport, "dbo.Room_Select", "Room");

            dsReport.Tables["Room"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["Room"].Columns["RoomID"] };

            .Param("Action", "AllResources")
            .FillDataSet(dsReport, "dbo.sselScheduler_Select", "Resource");

            dsReport.Tables["Resource"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["Resource"].Columns["ResourceID"] };

            .Param("Action", "Item")
            .FillDataSet(dsReport, "dbo.sselMAS_Select", "Item");

            dsReport.Tables["Item"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["Item"].Columns["ItemID"] };

            //2007-05-30 Adding billing type to data grid
            //2011-06-23 GetBillingTypes was only returning active billing types. This caused problems when
            //   looking at historical data (null reference when the billing type is not active). I added
            //   a second GetBillingTypes method that takes either DBNull or a Boolean. If True then only
            //   IsActive=1, if False then only IsActive=0, if DBNull then both are returned. If no parameter
            //   is passed to GetBillingTypes the results are the same as they always were - only IsActive=1
            //   are returned.
            dsReport.Tables[4].TableName = "BillingType";

            dsReport.Tables["BillingType"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["BillingType"].Columns["BillingTypeID"] };

            //2009-02-17 Adding org name because users might have different orgs
            dsReport.Tables[5].TableName = "Org";

            dsReport.Tables["Org"].PrimaryKey = new[] { dsReport.Tables["Org"].Columns["OrgID"] };


            //2007-02-01 Add report button
            //So have to move the ddlUser populated code here
            if (CurrentUser.HasPriv(ClientPrivilege.Administrator | ClientPrivilege.Staff | ClientPrivilege.Executive))
                DateTime sDate = period;
                DateTime eDate = sDate.AddMonths(1);

                var command = DataCommand()
                              .Param("sDate", sDate)
                              .Param("eDate", eDate)
                              .Param("ClientID", clientId);

                //Depending on the user prives, we need to retrieve different set of data
                if (CurrentUser.HasPriv(ClientPrivilege.Administrator | ClientPrivilege.Staff))
                    .Param("Privs", (int)(ClientPrivilege.LabUser | ClientPrivilege.Staff | ClientPrivilege.StoreUser))
                    .Param("Action", "All");
                else if (CurrentUser.HasPriv(ClientPrivilege.Executive))
                    //for executive-only person, we only show the people he/she manages
                    command.Param("Action", "ByMgr");

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader("dbo.Client_Select"))
                    ddlUser.DataSource     = reader;
                    ddlUser.DataTextField  = "DisplayName";
                    ddlUser.DataValueField = "ClientID";

            //2007-2-02 Two possible scenario
            //- if the current user is user himself, we have to add the empty ddlUser with only one entry
            //else, it's a good habit to include the user him/herself as well, since the above ddlUser data code return only a group of people
            //but sometimes the user him/herself is not belong to this group of people
            //ddlUser.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(CacheManager.Current.CurrentUser.DisplayName, CacheManager.Current.ClientID.ToString()));
            //ddlUser.SelectedValue = CacheManager.Current.ClientID.ToString();

            string urlData = Request.QueryString["URLdata"]; // iiiiyyyymm

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlData))
                    //wtf is going on here?
                    clientId = Convert.ToInt32(urlData.Substring(0, 4));
                    int month = (Convert.ToInt32(urlData.Substring(8)) - (clientId % 10)) / 3;
                    int year  = (Convert.ToInt32(urlData.Substring(4, 4)) / 2) - clientId;
                    SelectedPeriod = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                    period         = SelectedPeriod;
                    Response.Redirect(ServiceProvider.Current.LoginUrl() + "?Action=Exit");
Beispiel #2
        private int CalculateMonthlyFeePerUser(int clientId, DateTime period, int currentBillingTypeId, DataTable dtAccount, ref decimal totalRoomSum, ref decimal totalRoomPerUseSum, ref decimal totalToolSum)
            int billingTypeId = currentBillingTypeId;

            Compile compile      = new Compile();
            decimal tempMonthSum = 0;

            //************* Room ************
            DataTable dtRawRoomCost = compile.CalcCost2("Room", "", "", 0, period, 0, clientId, Compile.AggType.CliAcctType);

            //dtRoomCost columns

            //create the real table that will filter out accounts that are not in this specific org
            DataTable dtRoomCost = dtRawRoomCost.Clone();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtRawRoomCost.Rows)
                DataRow[] drs = dtAccount.Select(string.Format("AccountID = {0}", dr["AccountID"]));
                if (drs.Length >= 1)
                    DataRow ndr = dtRoomCost.NewRow();
                    ndr["ClientID"]      = dr["ClientID"];
                    ndr["AccountID"]     = dr["AccountID"];
                    ndr["RoomID"]        = dr["RoomID"];
                    ndr["BillingType"]   = dr["BillingType"];
                    ndr["TotalCalcCost"] = dr["TotalCalcCost"];
                    ndr["TotalEntries"]  = dr["TotalEntries"];
                    ndr["TotalHours"]    = dr["TotalHours"];


            //at this moment, dtRoomCost has the clean data with only record belong to this org (and this manager)
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("LineCost", typeof(double)); //this will hold the current cost that users really pay to the lab

            if (dtRoomCost.Rows.Count > 0)
                billingTypeId = dtRoomCost.Rows[0].Field <int>("BillingType");

                if (billingTypeId != BillingTypes.Other)
                    //first, we have to get the total hours for people who are not pay by hours - we will use the "total hours" to find out the correct apportion for each account
                    decimal totalCleanRoomHours = 0; //this stores the total clean room hours for this user at this month
                    decimal totalChemRoomHours  = 0; //this stores the total chem room hours

                    int[] specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason = { BillingTypes.ExtAc_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Ga };
                    if (specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason.Contains(billingTypeId))
                            //2008-06-12 it's possible that user access only chem room and no clean room at all, so it will return DBNull if no clean room hours
                            totalCleanRoomHours = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(TotalHours)", "RoomID = 6"));
                            totalCleanRoomHours = 0;

                            //2008-06-12 it's possible that user access only chem room and no clean room at all, so it will return DB Null if no clean room hours
                            totalChemRoomHours = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(TotalHours)", "RoomID = 25"));
                            totalChemRoomHours = 0;

                    decimal tempTotalHours = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtRoomCost.Rows)
                        var room = Rooms.GetRoom(dr.Field <int>("RoomID"));
                        if (room == LabRoom.CleanRoom)
                            tempTotalHours = totalCleanRoomHours;
                        else if (room == LabRoom.ChemRoom)
                            tempTotalHours = totalChemRoomHours;

                        //if the current user is not using the Hourly rate, we have to calcuate it
                        int[] billingTypesThatDoNotUseHourlyRate = { BillingTypes.ExtAc_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Tools, BillingTypes.Int_Tools };
                        if (billingTypesThatDoNotUseHourlyRate.Contains(billingTypeId))
                            dr["LineCost"] = BillingTypeManager.GetTotalCostByBillingType(billingTypeId, dr.Field <decimal>("TotalHours"), dr.Field <decimal>("TotalEntries"), room, dr.Field <decimal>("TotalCalcCost"), tempTotalHours);
                        else if (billingTypeId == BillingTypes.Other)
                            dr["LineCost"] = 0;

                        //for some reasons, the TotalCalcCost column is never filled for DC lab and Chem room, so we have to add it manually here
                        if (room != LabRoom.CleanRoom)
                            if (billingTypeId == BillingTypes.Other)
                                dr["TotalCalcCost"] = 0;

                    //Get total cost for this table
                    //First, we have to collect the per use amount no matter which billing type the user has
                    tempMonthSum = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Empty));
                    //we add the "ideal" cost to the totalRoomPerUseSum
                    totalRoomPerUseSum = tempMonthSum;

                    //if it's non-per usage type, we must also calculate it's current cost
                    int[] billingTypesThatAreNotPerUse = { BillingTypes.ExtAc_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Tools, BillingTypes.Int_Tools };
                    if (billingTypesThatAreNotPerUse.Contains(billingTypeId))
                        tempMonthSum = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(LineCost)", string.Empty));

                    ///we add the "real" cost to the totalRoomSum
                    totalRoomSum = tempMonthSum;

            //***************Tool ****************
            //Get tool usage tables and the sum of the fee, then add to the total
            DataTable dtRawToolCost = compile.CalcCost2("Tool", string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, period, 0, clientId, Compile.AggType.CliAcctType);

            //again, filter out accoutns that are not assoicated with the org
            DataTable dtToolCost = dtRawToolCost.Clone();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtRawToolCost.Rows)
                DataRow[] drs = dtAccount.Select(string.Format("AccountID = {0}", dr["AccountID"]));
                if (drs.Length >= 1)
                    DataRow ndr = dtToolCost.NewRow();
                    ndr[0] = dr[0];
                    ndr[1] = dr[1];
                    ndr[2] = dr[2];
                    ndr[3] = dr[3];
                    ndr[4] = dr[4];
                    ndr[5] = dr[5];
                    ndr[6] = dr[6];

            if (billingTypeId != BillingTypes.Other)
                //at this moment, dtToolCost has clean records
                if (dtToolCost.Rows.Count > 0)
                    tempMonthSum = Convert.ToDecimal(dtToolCost.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Empty));
                    totalToolSum = tempMonthSum;

            //show billing type ONLY when calculating for one person
            if (ddlUser.SelectedValue != "0")
                lblBillingType.Text = "Billing type = " + DataSession.Single <BillingType>(billingTypeId).BillingTypeName;
                lblBillingType.Text = "All users are selected";

Beispiel #3
        private void GetDataForAllDataGrids(DateTime period, int clientId)
            // empty datagrids
            dgRoom.DataSource = null;

            gvTool.DataSource = null;

            dgStore.DataSource = null;

            lblRoom.Visible  = true;
            lblTool.Visible  = true;
            lblStore.Visible = true;

            object  sumCost;
            Compile compile = new Compile();

            //Room realted

            //dtRoomCost has the following columns
            //0	"ClientID"
            //1	"AccountID"
            //2	"RoomID"
            //3	"BillingType"
            //4	"TotalCalcCost"
            //5	"TotalEntries"
            //6	"TotalHours"

            DataTable dtRoomCost = compile.CalcCost("Room", string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, period, 0, clientId, Compile.AggType.CliAcctType);

            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("Room", typeof(string));
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("BillingTypeName", typeof(string));
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("OrgName", typeof(string));
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("LineCost", typeof(double));
            dtRoomCost.Columns.Add("ShortCode", typeof(string));

            //Create the list to contain all summary total for each organization
            //List<UsageSummaryTotal> mylist = new List<UsageSummaryTotal>();

            DataTable SummaryTable = new DataTable();

            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("OrgID", typeof(int));
            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("OrgName", typeof(string));
            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("BillingTypeID", typeof(int));
            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("RoomTotal", typeof(double));
            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("ToolTotal", typeof(double));
            SummaryTable.Columns.Add("StoreTotal", typeof(double));

            //It's possible that the above code makes the table row count to 0.
            //If it's the case, we have to skip the code below, but why delete the only row?
            if (dtRoomCost.Rows.Count > 0)
                //we have to get the total lab hours for monthly users because we have to find out the appropriate proportion of monthly fee distribution
                int     currentBillingTypeId = dtRoomCost.Rows[0].Field <int>("BillingTypeID");
                decimal totalCleanRoomHours  = 0; //this stores the total clean room hours for this user at this month
                decimal totalChemRoomHours   = 0; //this stores the total chem room hours
                int[]   specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason = { BillingTypes.ExtAc_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Ga };
                if (specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason.Contains(currentBillingTypeId))
                        //2008-06-12 it's possible that user access only chem room and no clean room at all, so it will return DB Null if no clean room hours
                        totalCleanRoomHours = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(TotalHours)", "RoomID = 6"));
                        totalCleanRoomHours = 0;

                        //2008-06-12 it's possible that user access only chem room and no clean room at all, so it will return DB Null if no clean room hours
                        totalChemRoomHours = Convert.ToDecimal(dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(TotalHours)", "RoomID = 25"));
                        totalChemRoomHours = 0;

                int previousOrgId = dtRoomCost.Rows[0].Field <int>("OrgID");

                DataRow nr = SummaryTable.NewRow();
                nr["OrgID"]         = previousOrgId;
                nr["OrgName"]       = dsReport.Tables["Org"].Rows.Find(previousOrgId)["OrgName"];
                nr["BillingTypeID"] = dtRoomCost.Rows[0]["BillingType"];
                nr["RoomTotal"]     = 0;
                nr["ToolTotal"]     = 0;
                nr["StoreTotal"]    = 0;


                //**************** NAP room handling ******************
                //Get all active NAP Rooms with their costs, all chargetypes are returned
                //This is a temporary table, it's used to derive the really useful table below
                DataTable dtNAPRoomForAllChargeType = AppCode.BLL.RoomManager.GetAllNAPRoomsWithCosts(period);

                //filter out the chargetype so that we only have Internal costs with each NAP room
                //2009-04-05 the chartype id is difficult to get here, so we assume everyone is interanl.  This is okay, because we need to find out the percentage, not the actual cost
                DataRow[] drsNAPRoomForInternal = dtNAPRoomForAllChargeType.Select("ChargeTypeID = 5");

                //Loop through each room and find out this specified month's apportionment data.
                foreach (DataRow dr1 in drsNAPRoomForInternal)
                    DataTable dtApportionData = RoomApportionDataManager.GetNAPRoomApportionDataByPeriod(period, dr1.Field <int>("RoomID"));

                    foreach (DataRow dr2 in dtApportionData.Rows)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtRoomCost.Select(string.Format("ClientID = {0} AND AccountID = {1} AND RoomID = {2}", dr2["ClientID"], dr2["AccountID"], dr2["RoomID"]));

                        if (drs.Length == 1)
                            drs[0].SetField("TotalCalcCost", dr2.Field <double>("Percentage") * dr1.Field <double>("RoomCost") / 100D);

                    ////We now have the data of each room on this specific month, next we loop through the accounts
                    //foreach (DataRow dr2 in dtRoom.Rows)
                    //    if (dr2.Field<int>("RoomID") == dr1.Field<int>("RoomID"))
                    //    {
                    //        dr2.SetField("TotalCalcCost", (drs[0].Field<double>("Percentage") * dr1.Field<double>("RoomCost")) / 100D);
                    //        DataRow[] drs = dtApportionData.Select();
                    //    }

                //**************** main loop to do the fee calculation ******
                decimal tempTotalHours = 0;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtRoomCost.Rows)
                    dr["Room"]      = dsReport.Tables["Room"].Rows.Find(dr["RoomID"])["Room"];
                    dr["Name"]      = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["Name"];
                    dr["ShortCode"] = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["ShortCode"];
                    DataRow drBillingType = dsReport.Tables["BillingType"].Rows.Find(dr["BillingType"]);
                    if (drBillingType != null)
                        dr["BillingTypeName"] = drBillingType["BillingTypeName"];
                        dr["BillingTypeName"] = "[nothing]";

                    dr["OrgName"] = dsReport.Tables["Org"].Rows.Find(dr["OrgID"])["OrgName"];

                    if (dr.Field <int>("RoomID") == 6)
                        tempTotalHours = totalCleanRoomHours;
                    else if (dr.Field <int>("RoomID") == 25)
                        tempTotalHours = totalChemRoomHours;

                    dr["LineCost"] = BillingTypeManager.GetTotalCostByBillingType(dr.Field <int>("BillingType"), dr.Field <decimal>("TotalHours"), dr.Field <decimal>("TotalEntries"), dr.Field <LabRoom>("RoomID"), dr.Field <decimal>("TotalCalcCost"), tempTotalHours);

                    int currentOrgId = dr.Field <int>("OrgID");
                    if (previousOrgId != currentOrgId)
                        nr                  = SummaryTable.NewRow();
                        nr["OrgID"]         = currentOrgId;
                        nr["OrgName"]       = dr["OrgName"];
                        nr["BillingTypeID"] = dr["BillingType"];

                        previousOrgId = currentOrgId;

                foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                    r["RoomTotal"] = dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(LineCost)", string.Format("OrgID = {0}", r["OrgID"]));

                //Get total cost for this table
                sumCost           = dtRoomCost.Compute("SUM(LineCost)", string.Empty);
                lblRoom.Text      = string.Format("Total room usage fees: {0:C}", sumCost);
                lblRoom.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                dgRoom.DataSource = dtRoomCost;
                lblRoom.Text      = "No room usage during period";
                lblRoom.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                    r["RoomTotal"] = 0;

            //***************** Tool related *******************************
            //2007-02-23 Must handle the exception here because if the user doesn't exist on that period, a error occur inside the CalcCost function
            DataTable dtToolCost;

            //0 ClientID
            //1 AccountID
            //2 ResourceID
            //3 IsStarted
            //4 TotalCalcCost
            //5 TotalUses
            //6 TotalActDuration

                dtToolCost = compile.CalcCost("Tool", string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, period, 0, clientId, Compile.AggType.CliAcctType);
                dtToolCost = null;

            if (dtToolCost.Rows.Count > 0)
                dtToolCost.Columns.Add("ResourceName", typeof(string));
                dtToolCost.Columns.Add("AccountName", typeof(string));
                dtToolCost.Columns.Add("OrgName", typeof(string));
                dtToolCost.Columns.Add("ShortCode", typeof(string));

                //Populate the two new columns, ResourceName and AccountName
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtToolCost.Rows)
                    dr["ResourceName"] = dsReport.Tables["Resource"].Rows.Find(dr["ResourceID"])["ResourceName"];
                    dr["AccountName"]  = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["Name"];
                    dr["ShortCode"]    = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["ShortCode"];
                    dr["OrgName"]      = dsReport.Tables["Org"].Rows.Find(dr["OrgID"])["OrgName"];

                DataTable dtCloneActivated = dtToolCost.Clone();
                DataTable dtCloneCancelled = dtToolCost.Clone();
                DataTable dtCloneForgiven  = dtToolCost.Clone();

                DataRow nr;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtToolCost.Rows)
                    if (dr.Field <int>("IsStarted") == 1)
                        if (dr.Field <int>("ToolChargeMultiplierMul") == 1)
                            nr = dtCloneActivated.NewRow();
                            nr["ResourceName"]     = dr["ResourceName"];
                            nr["TotalUses"]        = dr["TotalUses"];
                            nr["TotalActDuration"] = dr["TotalActDuration"];
                            nr["TotalCalcCost"]    = dr["TotalCalcCost"];
                            nr["AccountName"]      = dr["AccountName"];
                            nr["OrgName"]          = dr["OrgName"];
                            nr["OrgID"]            = dr["OrgID"];
                            //all forgiven records are collected here
                            nr = dtCloneForgiven.NewRow();
                            nr["ResourceName"]     = dr["ResourceName"];
                            nr["TotalUses"]        = dr["TotalUses"];
                            nr["TotalActDuration"] = dr["TotalActDuration"];
                            nr["TotalCalcCost"]    = dr["TotalCalcCost"];
                            nr["AccountName"]      = dr["AccountName"];
                            nr["OrgName"]          = dr["OrgName"];
                            nr["OrgID"]            = dr["OrgID"];
                        nr = dtCloneCancelled.NewRow();
                        nr["ResourceName"]     = dr["ResourceName"];
                        nr["TotalUses"]        = dr["TotalUses"];
                        nr["TotalActDuration"] = dr["TotalActDuration"];
                        nr["TotalCalcCost"]    = dr["TotalCalcCost"];
                        nr["AccountName"]      = dr["AccountName"];
                        nr["OrgName"]          = dr["OrgName"];
                        nr["OrgID"]            = dr["OrgID"];

                //We claculate the total for each tables accordingly
                double totalToolCost = 0;

                if (dtCloneActivated.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //to calculate the sum for activated too usage fee
                    sumCost                  = dtCloneActivated.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Empty);
                    totalToolCost            = Convert.ToDouble(sumCost);
                    lblActivatedToolFee.Text = string.Format("Sub Total: {0:C}", sumCost);

                    foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                        r["ToolTotal"] = dtCloneActivated.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Format("OrgID = {0}", r["OrgID"]));
                    lblActivatedToolFee.Text = "Sub Total: $0";

                if (dtCloneCancelled.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //to calculate the sum for cancelled too usage fee
                    sumCost                  = dtCloneCancelled.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Empty);
                    totalToolCost           += Convert.ToDouble(sumCost);
                    lblCancelledToolFee.Text = string.Format("Sub Total: {0:C}", sumCost);

                    foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                        object obj = dtCloneCancelled.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Format("OrgID = {0}", r["OrgID"]));

                        if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)
                            r["ToolTotal"] = r.Field <double>("ToolTotal") + Convert.ToDouble(obj);
                    lblCancelledToolFee.Text = "Sub Total: $0";

                if (dtCloneForgiven.Rows.Count > 0)
                    sumCost = dtCloneForgiven.Compute("SUM(TotalCalcCost)", string.Empty);
                    lblForgivenToolFee.Text = string.Format("Sub Total: {0:$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)}", sumCost);
                    lblForgivenToolFee.Text = "Sub Total: $0";

                gvTool.DataSource = dtCloneActivated;

                gvToolCancelled.DataSource = dtCloneCancelled;

                gvToolForgiven.DataSource = dtCloneForgiven;

                lblTool.Text = string.Format("Total tool usage fees: {0:C}", totalToolCost);
                //lblTool.Text += " (This doesn't include the fees that have been forgiven by tool engineers)";
                lblTool.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                divTool.Visible   = true;
                lblTool.Text      = "No tool usage during period";
                lblTool.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                divTool.Visible   = false;

                foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                    r["ToolTotal"] = 0;

            //********************* Store related ***************************
            DataTable dtStoreCost = compile.CalcCost("StoreInv", string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, period, 0, clientId, Compile.AggType.None);

            dtStoreCost.Columns.Add("Item", typeof(string));
            dtStoreCost.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dtStoreCost.Columns.Add("OrgName", typeof(string));
            dtStoreCost.Columns.Add("ShortCode", typeof(string));

            if (dtStoreCost.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtStoreCost.Rows)
                    dr["Item"]      = dsReport.Tables["Item"].Rows.Find(dr["ItemID"])["Item"];
                    dr["Name"]      = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["Name"];
                    dr["ShortCode"] = dsReport.Tables["Account"].Rows.Find(dr["AccountID"])["ShortCode"];
                    dr["OrgName"]   = dsReport.Tables["Org"].Rows.Find(dr["OrgID"])["OrgName"];
                sumCost       = dtStoreCost.Compute("SUM(CalcCost)", string.Empty);
                lblStore.Text = string.Format("Total store usage fees: {0:C}", sumCost);

                foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                    r["StoreTotal"] = dtStoreCost.Compute("SUM(CalcCost)", string.Format("OrgID = {0}", r["OrgID"]));

                    if (r["StoreTotal"] == null || r["StoreTotal"] == DBNull.Value)
                        r["StoreTotal"] = 0.0;

                dgStore.DataSource = dtStoreCost;

                lblStore.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblStore.Text      = "No store usage during period";
                lblStore.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                    r["StoreTotal"] = 0.0;

            dtStore2 = dtStoreCost;

            foreach (DataRow r in SummaryTable.Rows)
                int   billingTypeId = r.Field <int>("BillingTypeID");
                int[] specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason = { BillingTypes.NonAc, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Ga, BillingTypes.ExtAc_Si, BillingTypes.Int_Ga, BillingTypes.Int_Si, BillingTypes.Other };
                if (specialBillingTypesForSomeUnknownReason.Contains(billingTypeId))
                    r["ToolTotal"] = 0.0;

            dlSummary.DataSource = SummaryTable;