Beispiel #1
        //Sets the quaternion rotation value of all characters in the database
        public static void SetAllRotations(Quaternion Rotation)
            //Define the SQL query for applying the new rotation values to the database
            string RotationQuery = "UPDATE characters SET " +
                                   "XRotation='" + Rotation.X + "', " +
                                   "YRotation='" + Rotation.Y + "', " +
                                   "ZRotation='" + Rotation.Z + "', " +
                                   "WRotation='" + Rotation.W + "'";

            //Pass the query on to be executed in a new SQL command
            CommandManager.ExecuteNonQuery(RotationQuery, "Setting the rotation of all characters in the database to " + Rotation.ToString() + ".");
Beispiel #2
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a setallcharactersrotations
        private void TrySetAllCharactersRotations(string[] Input)
            //Seperate the command arguments
            Quaternion Rotation = new Quaternion(float.Parse(Input[1]), float.Parse(Input[2]), float.Parse(Input[3]), float.Parse(Input[4]));

            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Setting the rotation of all characters in the database to " + Rotation.ToString());

            //Apply the new rotation to all characters in the database
Beispiel #3
        //Backs up a characters world rotation value into the database
        private static void SetCharacterRotation(string CharacterName, Quaternion CharacterRotation)
            string UpdateQuery = "UPDATE characters SET XRotation='" + CharacterRotation.X + "', YRotation='" + CharacterRotation.Y + "', ZRotation='" + CharacterRotation.Z + "', WRotation='" + CharacterRotation.W + "' WHERE CharacterName='" + CharacterName + "'";

            CommandManager.ExecuteNonQuery(UpdateQuery, "Setting " + CharacterName + "s rotation in the database to " + CharacterRotation.ToString());