Beispiel #1
        public void IncomingFormDataValuesCheck_IsNotValid_WhenActionType_IsUnknown()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValueWithNoType = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            IncomingFormDataValuesCheck check = new();

            // Act & Assert
            var result = check.Validate(schema);

            Assert.Collection <string>(result.Messages, message => Assert.StartsWith(IntegrityChecksConstants.FAILURE, message));
Beispiel #2
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_BehaviourSubmit_WhenMix_OfMultipleEqualAndCheckbox_WithinSameBehaviour()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "apple", QuestionId = "test"
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                CheckboxContains = "berry", QuestionId = "data"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                { "test", "pear" },
                { "data", "berry" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.SubmitForm, result.BehaviourType);
Beispiel #3
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_CorrectBehaviour_When_MixedConditions_Submit_And_EqualTo()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "apple", QuestionId = "test"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                { "test", "apple" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.GoToPage, result.BehaviourType);
        public void RenderConditionsValidCheck_IsNotValid_If_TwoOrMorePagesWithTheSameSlug_HaveEmptyRenderConditions()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var page2 = new PageBuilder()

            page.RenderConditions  = new List <Condition>();
            page2.RenderConditions = new List <Condition>();

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            // Act
            var check  = new RenderConditionsValidCheck();
            var result = check.Validate(schema);

            // Assert
            Assert.Contains($"FAILURE - Render Conditions Valid Check, More than one {page.PageSlug} page has no render conditions", result.Messages);
        public async Task PaymentConfigurationCheck_IsNotValid_WhenConfigFound_ForForm_ButStaticAmountAndCalculationSlugsAreNotSet()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(_ => _.Get <List <PaymentInformation> >())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <PaymentInformation>
                new PaymentInformation {
                    FormName = "test-name", PaymentProvider = "testProvider", Settings = new Settings()

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            // Act
            var check = new PaymentConfigurationCheck(_mockHostingEnv.Object, _mockPaymentProviders.Object, _mockPaymentConfigProvider.Object);

            // Assert
            var result = await check.ValidateAsync(schema);

        public async Task PaymentConfigurationCheck_IsNotValid_WhenNoConfigFound_ForForm()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(_ => _.Get <List <PaymentInformation> >())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <PaymentInformation>());

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            var check = new PaymentConfigurationCheck(_mockHostingEnv.Object,

            // Assert
            var result = await check.ValidateAsync(schema);

            Assert.Collection <string>(result.Messages, message => Assert.StartsWith(IntegrityChecksConstants.FAILURE, message));
Beispiel #7
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_SubmitBehaviour_WhenMultipleSubmitForms()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "apple", QuestionId = "test"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                CheckboxContains = "pear", QuestionId = "test"

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                { "test", "pear" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.SubmitForm, result.BehaviourType);
            Assert.Equal("submit-two", result.PageSlug);
Beispiel #8
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_Behaviour_WhenCheckboxContains_Condition_True()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                CheckboxContains = "value", QuestionId = "test"

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                { "test", "value" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.GoToPage, result.BehaviourType);
Beispiel #9
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Get_ShouldThrowException_WhenIncomingValueIsNull()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var queryData = new QueryCollection();

            // Act & Assert
            var result = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, queryData, new FormAnswers()));

            Assert.Equal("IncomingDataHelper::AddIncomingFormDataValues, FormData does not contain testName required value", result.Message);
        public async Task Index_ShouldThrowApplicationException_ShouldRunDefaultBehaviour()
            // Arrange
            var element = new ElementBuilder()

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            _pageService.Setup(_ => _.ProcessRequest(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <CustomFormFile> >(), It.IsAny <bool>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new ProcessRequestEntity {
                Page = page
            _pageService.Setup(_ => _.GetBehaviour(It.IsAny <ProcessRequestEntity>())).Returns(new Behaviour {
                BehaviourType = EBehaviourType.Unknown

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

            // Act & Assert
            var result = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ApplicationException>(() => _homeController.Index("form", "page-one", viewModel, null));

            Assert.Equal($"The provided behaviour type 'Unknown' is not valid", result.Message);
Beispiel #11
        public void CheckPageMeetsConditions_ShouldReturnFalse_If_RenderConditionsAreNotValid()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()
                       .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId      = "testRadio",
                ConditionType   = ECondition.EqualTo,
                ComparisonValue = "yes"

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>();

            // Act
            var result = page.CheckPageMeetsConditions(viewModel);

            // Assert
Beispiel #12
        public void GetPage_ShouldReturnPageImmediately_IfOnlyOnePageFound()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var formSchema = new FormSchemaBuilder()
                             .WithName("form name")

            // Act
            formSchema.GetPage(_mockPageHelper.Object, "success");

            // Assert
            _mockPageHelper.Verify(_ => _.CheckRenderConditionsValid(It.IsAny <List <Page> >()), Times.Never);
Beispiel #13
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_Behaviour_WhenIsNullOrEmpty_Condition_False()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                IsNullOrEmpty = false, QuestionId = "test", ConditionType = ECondition.IsNullOrEmpty

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                { "test", "value" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.GoToPage, result.BehaviourType);
Beispiel #14
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Post_ShouldReturnSingleObject_WithOptionalTrue()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var formData = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>();

            // Act
            var result = _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, formData);

            // Assert
Beispiel #15
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Get_ShouldDecodeData_WhenBase64Encoded_IsTrue()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var queryData = new Dictionary <string, StringValues>
                { "baseEncodeTest", new StringValues("MTIzNDU2VGVzdA==") }

            var formData = new QueryCollection(queryData);

            // Act
            var result = _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, formData, new FormAnswers());

            // Assert
Beispiel #16
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldThrowException_WhenNoConditions_Match_WithCorrect_Confition_Log()
            // Arrange
            var pageSlug  = "est-page";
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "apple", QuestionId = "otherquestion"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "peach", QuestionId = "otherquestiontwo"

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                { "otherquestion", "pear" }

            // Act
            var result = Assert.Throws <ApplicationException>(() => page.GetNextPage(viewModel));

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal($"Page::GetNextPage, There was a problem whilst processing behaviors for page '{pageSlug}', Behaviour Answers and conditions: QuestionId: otherquestiontwo with answer 'null' QuestionId: otherquestion with answer pear", result.Message);
Beispiel #17
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Get_ShouldReturn_EmptyObjectt_WhenOptional_AndValueNotSupplied()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            // Act
            var result = _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, new QueryCollection(), new FormAnswers());

            // Assert
        public async Task Index_ShouldCallActionsWorkflow_IfPageHasActions()
            // Arrange
            var element = new ElementBuilder()

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var pageActions = new ActionBuilder()
                              .WithPageActionSlug(new PageActionSlug
                URL         = "",
                Environment = "local",
                AuthToken   = string.Empty

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new ViewModelBuilder()
                            .WithEntry("Guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                            .WithEntry($"test", "test")

            _pageService.Setup(_ => _.ProcessRequest(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <CustomFormFile> >(), It.IsAny <bool>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new ProcessRequestEntity {
                Page = page
            _pageService.Setup(_ => _.GetBehaviour(It.IsAny <ProcessRequestEntity>())).Returns(new Behaviour {
                BehaviourType = EBehaviourType.SubmitAndPay
            _paymentWorkflow.Setup(_ => _.Submit(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))

            // Act
            await _homeController.Index("form", "page-one", viewModel, null);

            // Assert
            _mockActionsWorkflow.Verify(_ => _.Process(page.PageActions, It.IsAny <FormSchema>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once);
Beispiel #19
        public void GetPage_ShouldReturnPageWithMatchingConditions()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()
                       .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId      = "testRadio",
                ConditionType   = ECondition.EqualTo,
                ComparisonValue = "yes"

            var page2 = new PageBuilder()
                        .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId      = "testRadio",
                ConditionType   = ECondition.EqualTo,
                ComparisonValue = "no"
                        .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId     = "testInput",
                ConditionType  = ECondition.EqualTo,
                ComparisonDate = "test"

            var formSchema = new FormSchemaBuilder()
                             .WithName("form name")

            _mockPageHelper.Setup(_ => _.GetPageWithMatchingRenderConditions(It.IsAny <List <Page> >())).Returns(page);

            // Act
            var result = formSchema.GetPage(_mockPageHelper.Object, "success");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(page, result);
        public async Task ProcessSubmission_ShouldCallGateway_WithFormData()
            // Arrange
            var questionId    = "testQuestion";
            var callbackValue = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary <string, object>;

            var element = new ElementBuilder()

            var submitSlug = new SubmitSlug()
                AuthToken = "AuthToken", Environment = "local", URL = ""

            var formData = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            _mockGateway.Setup(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK
            .Callback <string, object>((x, y) => callbackValue = (ExpandoObject)y);

            .Setup(_ => _.GetPageWithMatchingRenderConditions(It.IsAny <List <Page> >()))

            // Act
            await _service.ProcessSubmission(new MappingEntity { Data = new ExpandoObject(), BaseForm = schema, FormAnswers = new FormAnswers {
                                                                     Path = "page-one"
                                                                 } }, "form", "123454");

            // Assert
            _mockGateway.Verify(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()), Times.Once);

Beispiel #21
        public void GetSubmitFormEndpoint_ShouldReturnCorrectSubmitActionUrl_WhenMultipleSubmits()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithSubmitSlug(new SubmitSlug {
                Environment = "test"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "test", QuestionId = "test"
                             .WithSubmitSlug(new SubmitSlug {
                Environment = "test", URL = "page-two"

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            // Act
            var result = page.GetSubmitFormEndpoint(new FormAnswers
                Path  = "page-one",
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>
                    new PageAnswers
                        PageSlug = "page-one",
                        Answers  = new List <Answers>
                            new Answers
                                QuestionId = "test",
                                Response   = "test"
            }, "test");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("page-two", result.URL);
        public async Task CheckForPaymentConfiguration_Should_ThrowException_WhenCalculateCostUrl_DoesNot_StartWithHttps()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(_ => _.Get <List <PaymentInformation> >())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <PaymentInformation>
                new PaymentInformation
                    FormName        = "test-name",
                    PaymentProvider = "testProvider",
                    Settings        = new Settings
                        CalculationSlug = new SubmitSlug
                            URL         = "http://",
                            Environment = "non-local",
                            AuthToken   = "token"

            _mockHostingEnv.Setup(_ => _.EnvironmentName)

            var pages = new List <Page>();

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            // Act
            var check = new PaymentConfigurationCheck(_mockHostingEnv.Object, _mockPaymentProviders.Object, _mockPaymentConfigProvider.Object);

            // Assert
            var result = await check.ValidateAsync(schema);

            Assert.Collection <string>(result.Messages, message => Assert.StartsWith(IntegrityChecksConstants.FAILURE, message));
        public async Task ProcessSubmission__Application_ShoudlThrowApplicationException_WhenGatewayResponse_IsNotOk()
            // Arrange
            var element = new ElementBuilder()

            var submitSlug = new SubmitSlug()
                AuthToken = "AuthToken", Environment = "local", URL = ""

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            _mockGateway.Setup(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError

            .Setup(_ => _.GetPageWithMatchingRenderConditions(It.IsAny <List <Page> >()))

            // Act
            var result = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ApplicationException>(() => _service.ProcessSubmission(new MappingEntity {
                BaseForm = schema, FormAnswers = new FormAnswers {
                    Path = "page-one"
            }, "form", ""));

            // Assert
            Assert.StartsWith("SubmitService::ProcessSubmission, An exception has occurred while attempting to call ", result.Message);
            _mockGateway.Verify(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()), Times.Once);
        public void RenderConditionsValidCheck_IsValid_If_TwoOrMorePagesWithTheSameSlugHaveRenderConditions_And_TheLastPageHasNoRenderConditions()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()
                       .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId = "test",
                EqualTo    = "yes"

            var page2 = new PageBuilder()
                        .WithRenderConditions(new Condition
                QuestionId = "test",
                EqualTo    = "no"

            var page3 = new PageBuilder()

            page3.RenderConditions = new List <Condition>();

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            // Act
            var check  = new RenderConditionsValidCheck();
            var result = check.Validate(schema);

            // Assert
Beispiel #25
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Get_ShouldReturnMultipleValuesObject()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var incomingValue2 = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var queryData = new Dictionary <string, StringValues>
                { "nameTest", new StringValues("45.23645") },
                { "nameTest2", new StringValues("-2.345") },

            var formData = new QueryCollection(queryData);

            // Act
            var result = _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, formData, new FormAnswers());

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);
        public async Task PaymentConfigurationCheck_Should_VerifyCalculationSlugs_StartWithHttps()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(_ => _.Get <List <PaymentInformation> >())
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <PaymentInformation>
                new PaymentInformation
                    FormName        = "test-name",
                    PaymentProvider = "testProvider",
                    Settings        = new Settings
                        CalculationSlug = new SubmitSlug
                            URL       = "https://",
                            AuthToken = "token"

            _mockHostingEnv.Setup(_ => _.EnvironmentName)

            var pages = new List <Page>();

            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            // Act
            var check = new PaymentConfigurationCheck(_mockHostingEnv.Object, _mockPaymentProviders.Object, _mockPaymentConfigProvider.Object);

            // Assert
            var result = await check.ValidateAsync(schema);

Beispiel #27
        public void GetSubmitFormEndpoint_ShouldReturnNull_WhenNoFormSubmitAction()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            // Act & Assert
            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => page.GetSubmitFormEndpoint(new FormAnswers(), null));
Beispiel #28
        public void GetNextPage_ShouldReturn_CorrectBehaviour_When_MixedConditions_ForEqualTo()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()
                            .WithCondition(new Condition {
                CheckboxContains = "apple", QuestionId = "test"

            var behaviour2 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                CheckboxContains = "pear", QuestionId = "test"

            var behaviour3 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "mango", QuestionId = "test"

            var behaviour4 = new BehaviourBuilder()
                             .WithCondition(new Condition {
                EqualTo = "berry", QuestionId = "test"

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                { "test", "berry" }

            // Act
            var result = page.GetNextPage(viewModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(EBehaviourType.SubmitForm, result.BehaviourType);
        public async Task PaymentSubmission_ShouldCallGateway_AndReturn_Reference()
            // Arrange
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            var submitSlug = new SubmitSlug {
                AuthToken = "AuthToken", Environment = "local", URL = ""

            var formData = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var schema = new FormSchemaBuilder()

            _mockGateway.Setup(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                Content    = new StringContent("\"1234456\"")

            .Setup(_ => _.GetPageWithMatchingRenderConditions(It.IsAny <List <Page> >()))

            // Act
            var result = await _service.PaymentSubmission((new MappingEntity {
                BaseForm = schema, FormAnswers = new FormAnswers {
                    Path = "page-one"
            }), "form", guid.ToString());

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <string>(result);

            _mockGateway.Verify(_ => _.PostAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>()));
Beispiel #30
        public void AddIncomingFormDataValues_Post_ShouldCall_RecursiveCheckAndCreate_AndReturnCorrectObject()
            // Arrange
            var behaviour = new BehaviourBuilder()

            var incomingValue = new IncomingValuesBuilder()

            var incomingValue2 = new IncomingValuesBuilder()


            var page = new PageBuilder()

            var formData = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                { "nameTest", "45.23645" },
                { "questionIdTest2.nameTest2", "-2.345" }

            // Act
            var result = _helper.AddIncomingFormDataValues(page, formData);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);