public override EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[] GenerateTargetsForBeat(BeatInfo info, float timePerBeat, KeyInfoComponent _keyInfoComponent) { if (_lastBeatNumberGenerated + _minDistanceBetweenBeets > info.BeatNo) { return(new EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[0]); } var generatorVal = (int)(Random.value * 2f); if (generatorVal != 0) { return(new EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[0]); } _lastBeatNumberGenerated = info.BeatNo; var key = _keyInfoComponent.RelevantKeys[(int)(Random.value * _keyInfoComponent.RelevantKeys.Length)]; return(new[] { new EvtNextBeatKeyAdded { Id = Time.frameCount, Key = key, BeatNo = info.BeatNo + BeatDistance, PlannedBeatTime = info.BeatTime + (timePerBeat * BeatDistance), } }); }
public void DrawChordAt(BeatInfo leftBeat, BeatInfo rightBeat) { int leftPos = TL.Time2Pos(leftBeat.Time); int rightPos = TL.Time2Pos(rightBeat.Time); if (leftBeat.ChordTag != null) { string chordName = leftBeat.ChordTag.ToString(leftBeat.Tonalty); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(ColorSchema.GetTransparentColorByChordName(chordName)); Color chordTextColor = ColorSchema.GetColorByChordName(chordName); if (TL.RelativeLabel) { TL.G.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(leftPos, TL.HorizonHeight - 30, rightPos - leftPos, 30)); TL.G.DrawString(chordName, chordFont, new SolidBrush(chordTextColor), leftPos, TL.HorizonHeight - 30f); } else { TL.G.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(leftPos, TL.HorizonHeight - 30, rightPos - leftPos, 30)); TL.G.DrawString(leftBeat.ChordTag.ToString(), chordFont, new SolidBrush(chordTextColor), leftPos, TL.HorizonHeight - 30f); } int[] notes = leftBeat.ChordTag.ToNotes(); foreach (int note in notes) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(leftPos, TL.ChromaVisualizer.ChromaStart + (11 - note) * TL.ChromaVisualizer.ChromaHeight, rightPos - leftPos, TL.ChromaVisualizer.ChromaHeight); TL.G.FillRectangle(brush, rect); TL.G.DrawRectangle(new Pen(chordTextColor), rect); } } }
public override EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[] GenerateTargetsForBeat(BeatInfo info, float timePerBeat, KeyInfoComponent _keyInfoComponent) { if (info.BeatNo % 6 != 0) { return(new EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[0]); } if (Random.value < 0.1) { return(new EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[0]); // pause } var list = new List <EvtNextBeatKeyAdded>(); var generation = Random.Range(0, 4); switch (generation) { case 0: list = GenerateRandomKeys(info, timePerBeat, _keyInfoComponent); break; case 1: list = GenerateRandomFast(info, timePerBeat, _keyInfoComponent); break; case 2: list = GenerateFirst(info, timePerBeat, _keyInfoComponent); break; case 3: list = GenerateSecond(info, timePerBeat, _keyInfoComponent); break; } return(list.ToArray()); }
public async Task SendBeatTest() { BeatInfo beatInfo = new BeatInfo(); beatInfo.Port = 5000; beatInfo.Ip = ""; beatInfo.Weight = 1; beatInfo.ServiceName = "tms_order_v1"; beatInfo.Cluster = "tms"; beatInfo.MetaData.Add("k1", "v1"); beatInfo.Scheduled = true; beatInfo.PerId = 1000; beatInfo.Stopped = false; var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler(); var request = mockHttp.When(HttpMethod.Put, _config.ServerAddr[0] + UtilAndComs.NACOS_URL_BASE + "/instance/beat") .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.BEAT_KEY, beatInfo.ToString()) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.NAMESPACE_ID_KEY, _config.Namespace) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.SERVICE_NAME_KEY, beatInfo.ServiceName) .Respond("application/json", "ok"); var proxy = CreateProxy(mockHttp); var response = await proxy.SendBeat(beatInfo); Assert.Equal(1, mockHttp.GetMatchCount(request)); Assert.Equal(0, response); }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { var go = Instantiate(meteorPrefab).GetComponent <CMeteor>(); go.musicSpeedFactor = musicSpeedFactor; // random x, y auf Einheitskreis float x, y; do { x = Random.value * 2 - 1; y = Random.value * 2 - 1; }while(Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y) > 1); go.transform.position = refTransform.position + Vector3.right * x * spread + Vector3.up * y * spread; if (--count == 0) { clipController.SetActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private void InitBeatInfo() { if (_beatInfo == null) { _beatInfo = GlobalSystem._Instance._LoadingBeatInfo; if (_beatInfo == null && _TestInfo != null) { // 목록으로부터 음악이 선택되지 않았다면 테스트용 정보 이용 _beatInfo = _TestInfo._BeatInfo; } if (_beatInfo == null) { Debug.LogError("[GameSystem] Invalid BeatInfo"); } } if (_logic == null) { _logic = Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type.GetType("Game." + _beatInfo._namespace + ".GameLogic")) as Game.BaseGameLogic; if (_logic == null) { Debug.LogError("[GameSystem] Invalid namespcae:" + _beatInfo._namespace); } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加心跳 /// </summary> public void AddBeatInfo(string serviceName, BeatInfo beatInfo) { _logger.Info($"[BEAT] adding beat: {beatInfo} to beat map."); string key = BuildKey(serviceName, beatInfo.Ip, beatInfo.Port); _dom2beat.AddOrUpdate(key, beatInfo, (x, s) => beatInfo); Timer t = new Timer(async x => { var state = x as Tuple <BeatInfo, string>; Timer child = null; if (state.Item1.Stopped) { return; } long result = await _serverProxy.SendBeat(state.Item1); long nextTime = result > 0 ? result : state.Item1.PerId; if (_beatTimer.TryGetValue(BuildKey(state.Item2, state.Item1.Ip, state.Item1.Port), out child)) { child.Change(nextTime, Timeout.Infinite); } }, Tuple.Create(beatInfo, serviceName), Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); _beatTimer.AddOrUpdate(key, t, (x, s) => t); t.Change(0, Timeout.Infinite); }
// sort beats by spawn time public void SortBeats() { List <BeatInfo> newBeats = new List <BeatInfo>(); foreach (BeatInfo beatInfo in beats.OrderBy(b => b.spawnTime)) { bool addNewBeat = true; // if 2 beats are at the same position, // only add new one if if has priority if (newBeats.Any(b => b.beat == beatInfo.beat)) { if (beatInfo.hasPriority) { // remove old one BeatInfo beatToRemove = newBeats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.beat == beatInfo.beat); newBeats.Remove(beatToRemove); } else { // don't add new one addNewBeat = false; } } if (addNewBeat) { newBeats.Add(beatInfo); } } beats = newBeats; }
public async Task RegisterServiceAsync(string serviceName, string groupName, Instance instance) { _logger?.LogInformation("[REGISTER-SERVICE] {0} registering service {1} with instance: {2}", namespaceId, serviceName, instance); string groupedServiceName = NamingUtils.GetGroupedName(serviceName, groupName); if (instance.Ephemeral) { BeatInfo beatInfo = beatReactor.BuildBeatInfo(groupedServiceName, instance); beatReactor.AddBeatInfo(groupedServiceName, beatInfo); } var paramters = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { CommonParams.NAMESPACE_ID, namespaceId }, { CommonParams.SERVICE_NAME, groupedServiceName }, { CommonParams.GROUP_NAME, groupName }, { CommonParams.CLUSTER_NAME, instance.ClusterName }, { "ip", instance.Ip }, { "port", instance.Port.ToString() }, { "weight", instance.Weight.ToString() }, { "enable", instance.Enabled.ToString() }, { "healthy", instance.Healthy.ToString() }, { "ephemeral", instance.Ephemeral.ToString() }, { "metadata", instance.Metadata.ToJsonString() }, }; await ReqApi(UtilAndComs.NacosUrlInstance, paramters, HttpMethod.Post); }
public async Task RegisterServiceAsync(string serviceName, string groupName, Instance instance) { _logger?.LogInformation("[REGISTER-SERVICE] {0} registering service {1} with instance: {2}", namespaceId, serviceName, instance); string groupedServiceName = NamingUtils.GetGroupedName(serviceName, groupName); if (instance.Ephemeral) { BeatInfo beatInfo = beatReactor.BuildBeatInfo(groupedServiceName, instance); beatReactor.AddBeatInfo(groupedServiceName, beatInfo); } var paramters = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { CommonParams.NAMESPACE_ID, namespaceId }, { CommonParams.SERVICE_NAME, groupedServiceName }, { CommonParams.GROUP_NAME, groupName }, { CommonParams.CLUSTER_NAME, instance.ClusterName }, { CommonParams.IP_PARAM, instance.Ip }, { CommonParams.PORT_PARAM, instance.Port.ToString() }, { CommonParams.WEIGHT_PARAM, instance.Weight.ToString() }, { CommonParams.ENABLE_PARAM, instance.Enabled.ToString() }, { CommonParams.HEALTHY_PARAM, instance.Healthy.ToString() }, { CommonParams.EPHEMERAL_PARAM, instance.Ephemeral.ToString() }, { CommonParams.META_PARAM, instance.Metadata.ToJsonString() }, }; await ReqApi(UtilAndComs.NacosUrlInstance, paramters, HttpMethod.Post).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public static HitTarget Create(BeatInfo beatinfo) { GameObject newTargetObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Hit Target")) as GameObject; HitTarget newTarget = newTargetObj.GetComponent <HitTarget>(); newTarget.SetBeatInfo(beatinfo); return(newTarget); }
private static void CreateBeatInfo() { string path = "Assets/Resources/" + BeatInfo._resourcePath + "/NewBeatInfo.asset"; BeatInfo info = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BeatInfo>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(info, path); Debug.Log("[BeatInfo] BeatInfo is created in " + path); }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { if (--count == 0) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public void SetData(BeatInfo beatInfo, bool cleared, int score, int highScore, bool isNewRecord) { _beatInfo = beatInfo; _result.text = cleared ? _resultClear : _resultGameOver; _songTitle.text = _beatInfo._title; _score.text = score.ToString(); _highScore.text = highScore.ToString(); _newRecord.SetActive(isNewRecord); _leaderboard.interactable = (EGSocial._IsAuthenticated); // 로그인 되었을 때만 사용가능 }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //set sorting layer sprite = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (sprite) { sprite.sortingLayerName = TARGET_LAYER; } else { Debug.Log("Error retrieving sprite layer."); } BeatInfo myBeatInfo = GetBeatInfo(); Lane myLane = myBeatInfo.GetLane(); switch (myLane) { case Lane.D: SetLane(GameObject.Find("d").GetComponent <InputReaction>()); break; case Lane.F: SetLane(GameObject.Find("f").GetComponent <InputReaction>()); break; case Lane.Space: SetLane(GameObject.Find("space").GetComponent <InputReaction>()); break; case Lane.J: SetLane(GameObject.Find("j").GetComponent <InputReaction>()); break; case Lane.K: SetLane(GameObject.Find("k").GetComponent <InputReaction>()); break; default: break; } if (GetLane() != null) { SetXPos(GetLane().transform.position.x); GetLane().Enqueue(this); } else { Debug.Log("Couldn't find correct lane"); } transform.position = new Vector3(GetXPos(), OFFSCREEN_Y, 0); }
public void Animate(ScoreComponent score, BeatInfo beat) { if (beat.BeatNo % 2 != 0) { return; } var hue = Random.value; _currentAnimation = (_currentAnimation + 1) % _animationCount; _animations[_currentAnimation](hue); }
public void Animate(ScoreComponent score, BeatInfo beat) { if (beat.BeatNo % 2 != 0) { return; } var hue = Random.value; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (j % 2 == 0 && i % 2 == 0) { continue; } if (j % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 1) { continue; } MessageBroker.Default.Publish(new ActLightUp { X = i, Y = j, FallOff = 1f, Delay = 0, BlinkColor = Color.HSVToRGB(hue, 1, 1), }); } } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (j % 2 == 0 && i % 2 == 1) { continue; } if (j % 2 == 1 && i % 2 == 0) { continue; } MessageBroker.Default.Publish(new ActLightUp { X = i, Y = j, FallOff = 1f, Delay = 0.5f, BlinkColor = Color.HSVToRGB(hue, 1, 1), }); } } }
/// <summary> /// 음악 리더보드 ID 구하기 /// </summary> private static string GetSongLeaderboardID(BeatInfo beatInfo) { string key = ("leaderboard" + beatInfo._namespace); if (SocialSystem._Instance != null) { return(SocialSystem._Instance.GetGameID(key)); } else { return(null); } }
public void Animate(ScoreComponent score, BeatInfo beat) { var hue = Random.value; MessageBroker.Default.Publish(new ActLightUp { X = Random.Range(0, 7), Y = Random.Range(0, 7), FallOff = 1.5f, Delay = 0, BlinkColor = Color.HSVToRGB(hue, 1, 1), }); }
private void OnBeat(BeatInfo beatInfo, CameraColorComponent component) { if (beatInfo.BeatNo % 2 != 0) { return; } Color.RGBToHSV(component.TargetColor, out var h, out var s, out var v); h *= 360f; h = (h + 481f) % 360f; h /= 360f; component.TargetColor = Color.HSVToRGB(h, 0.75f, 0.75f); }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { if (_type == GrowShrinkType.Alternate) { _currentType = _evenBeatCount ? GrowShrinkType.Grow : GrowShrinkType.Shrink; } else { _currentType = _type; } timer = 0f; _evenBeatCount = !_evenBeatCount; }
public void NoteHit(BeatType beatType) { if (!gameRunning) { return; } float songPos = AudioSource.time; BeatInfo beatInfo = GetCurrentBeat(); Accuracy acc = Accuracy.Miss; // guilty until proven innocent // 1. FIND TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEAT TIME AND ACTUAL TIME float timingDifference = Mathf.Abs(beatInfo.beat - songPos); // 2. CHECK IF NEXT BEAT IS CLOSE ENOUGH TO BOTHER CHECKING FOR ACCURACY if (timingDifference >= attemptWindow) { return; } // 3. FIGURE OUT IF CORRECT BUTTON WAS HIT if (beatType == beatInfo.beatType) { // 4. GET ACCURACY BASED ON TIME DIFFERENCE if (timingDifference <= accuracyOk && timingDifference > accuracyGreat) { acc = Accuracy.Ok; } else if (timingDifference <= accuracyGreat) { acc = Accuracy.Great; } //Debug.Log("current time: " + songPos + "; timing diff: " + timingDifference + "; accuracy: " + acc); } // 4. DISPLAY RESULTS UI.ShowAccuracy(acc); NoteController.NoteHit(beatInfo.beat); Score.NoteHit(acc); // animate dumpling if we hit the note! if (acc != Accuracy.Miss) { DumplingAnimator.IncrementFrame(); NoteHitAudioSource.PlayOneShot(NoteHitClip, 1); } IncrementBeat(); }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { // next loop started // _baseLine.AudioSource.time = 0; _currentLoopCounter++; if (_currentLoopCounter > _maxLoop) { _currentLoopCounter = 0; } foreach (ClipController clipController in _clipList) { clipController.OnLoop(_currentLoopCounter); } }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { var go = Instantiate(meteorPrefab).GetComponent <CMeteor>(); go.musicSpeedFactor = musicSpeedFactor; go.transform.position = beatBoxTransform.position + beatBoxTransform.transform.up * Random.Range(1f, 5f); if (--count == 0) { clipController.SetActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public void OnBeat(int c, BeatInfo beatInfo) { if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { if (--_count <= 0) { _clipController.SetActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(false); } var go = Instantiate(_lasorPrefab).GetComponent <Lasor>(); go.musicSpeedFactor = _musicSpeedFactor; go.transform.position = _beatBoxTransform.position; go.transform.rotation = _beatBoxTransform.rotation; } }
private void OnBeat(BeatInfo beatInfo, float timePerBeat) { if (_waitForBeatsCount-- > 0) { return; } EvtNextBeatKeyAdded[] keys = _currentGenerator .GenerateTargetsForBeat(beatInfo, timePerBeat, _keyInfoComponent.Value); foreach (var beatKeyAdded in keys) { MessageBroker.Default.Publish(beatKeyAdded); } }
public Task UpdateBeatInfo(List <Instance> modifiedInstances) { foreach (var instance in modifiedInstances) { string key = beatReactor.BuildKey(instance.ServiceName, instance.Ip, instance.Port); if (beatReactor.Dom2Beat.ContainsKey(key) && instance.Ephemeral) { BeatInfo beatInfo = beatReactor.BuildBeatInfo(instance); beatReactor.AddBeatInfo(instance.ServiceName, beatInfo); } } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void DrawChords() { double tempLeftMostTime = TL.LeftMostTime, tempRightMostTime = TL.RightMostTime; int left = BeatEditor.GetPreviousBeatID(tempLeftMostTime) - 1, right = BeatEditor.GetNextBeatID(tempRightMostTime); // Get the previous of previous beat of the left bound and the next beat of the right bound. if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (right >= { right = - 1; } BeatInfo leftSameChord =[left]; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { BeatInfo beat =[i]; if (beat.ChordTag?.ToString() != leftSameChord.ChordTag?.ToString() || i == right) { DrawChordAt(leftSameChord,[i]); leftSameChord = beat; } } //Play chord parts if (AutoPlayMidi) { double curTime = TL.CurrentTime; pointLeftBeatID = BeatEditor.GetPreviousBeatID(curTime); if (pointLeftBeatID == -1) { CurrentChord = null; } else { Chord newChord =[pointLeftBeatID].ChordTag; if (CurrentChord?.ToString() != newChord?.ToString()) { CurrentChord = newChord; if (TL.Playing) { Program.MidiManager.PlayChordNotes(CurrentChord); } } } } }
public BeatReactorTest() { _config = new NamingConfig { EndPoint = "http://localhost:8848", ServerAddr = new List <string>() { "http://localhost:8848" }, Namespace = "vip56" }; _mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler(); _orderBeatInfo = new BeatInfo(); _orderBeatInfo.Port = 5000; _orderBeatInfo.Ip = ""; _orderBeatInfo.Weight = 1; _orderBeatInfo.ServiceName = "tms_order_v1"; _orderBeatInfo.Cluster = "tms"; _orderBeatInfo.MetaData.Add("k1", "v1"); _orderBeatInfo.Scheduled = true; _orderBeatInfo.PerId = 500; _orderBeatInfo.Stopped = false; _orderMockedRequest = _mockHttp.When(HttpMethod.Put, _config.ServerAddr[0] + UtilAndComs.NACOS_URL_BASE + "/instance/beat") .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.BEAT_KEY, _orderBeatInfo.ToString()) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.NAMESPACE_ID_KEY, _config.Namespace) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.SERVICE_NAME_KEY, _orderBeatInfo.ServiceName) .Respond("application/json", "ok"); _inquiryBeatInfo = new BeatInfo(); _inquiryBeatInfo.Port = 5000; _inquiryBeatInfo.Ip = ""; _inquiryBeatInfo.Weight = 1; _inquiryBeatInfo.ServiceName = "tms_inquiry_v1"; _inquiryBeatInfo.Cluster = "tms"; _inquiryBeatInfo.MetaData.Add("k2", "v2"); _inquiryBeatInfo.Scheduled = true; _inquiryBeatInfo.PerId = 500; _inquiryBeatInfo.Stopped = false; _inquiryMockedRequest = _mockHttp.When(HttpMethod.Put, _config.ServerAddr[0] + UtilAndComs.NACOS_URL_BASE + "/instance/beat") .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.BEAT_KEY, _inquiryBeatInfo.ToString()) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.NAMESPACE_ID_KEY, _config.Namespace) .WithQueryString(NamingProxy.SERVICE_NAME_KEY, _inquiryBeatInfo.ServiceName) .Respond("application/json", "ok"); }
public void DrawBeatLine() { double tempLeftMostTime = TL.LeftMostTime, tempRightMostTime = TL.RightMostTime; int left = GetNextBeatID(tempLeftMostTime), right = GetPreviousBeatID(tempRightMostTime); //foreach (BeatInfo beat in for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { BeatInfo beat =[i]; if (beat.Time >= tempLeftMostTime && beat.Time <= tempRightMostTime) { int pos = TL.Time2Pos(beat.Time); TL.G.DrawLine(whitePen, new Point(pos, TL.HorizonHeight), new Point(pos, TL.HorizonHeight - (beat.BarStart ? 10 : 7))); } } }