Beispiel #1
    public void Activate(Transform src, Transform tgt, float duration, Material mat, float beamWidth, Color col, BeamParticles bp = null)
        // make the particles a child of this
        if (bp != null && beamParticles == null)
            beamParticles = Instantiate(bp);

        if (lineRenderer == null)
            lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        lineRenderer.enabled = (mat != null);
        timer  = duration;
        source = src;
        target = tgt.gameObject;

        if (mat != null)
            lineRenderer.material = mat;

            // set the color and width of the linerenderer
            lineRenderer.startColor = lineRenderer.endColor = col;
            lineRenderer.startWidth = lineRenderer.endWidth = beamWidth;

            // set UV titling to match distance
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(src.position, tgt.position);
            lineRenderer.material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(2 * distance, 1));
Beispiel #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (timer > 0)
            timer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (timer < 0)
                lineRenderer.enabled = false;
                if (beamParticles)
                    Debug.Log("Beam Particles finished");
                    beamParticles = null;

            // set UV titling to match distance
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(source.position, target.transform.position);

            if (lineRenderer.enabled)
                // repeat the texture once per metre, so the beam doesn't distort with length
                lineRenderer.material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(2 * distance, 1));

                // scroll the beam according to our speed
                lineRenderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(timer * uvSpeed, 0));

                // fade out at last 0.2 secs
                Color col = lineRenderer.startColor;
                col.a = timer * 5.0f;
                lineRenderer.startColor = lineRenderer.endColor = col;
                if (target)
                    pts[0] = source.position;
                    pts[1] = target.transform.position;
                    Debug.Log("Beam has no target?");

            // update any particles on the beam
            if (beamParticles)