public void Attack_Fails_When_Coordinates_OutOfBound()
            var board = new Board(10);

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            List <string> players = new List <string> {
                "Alice", "Bob"

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers())
            .Returns(() => players);

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetOpponentsBoard(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => board);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "Bob";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(11, 2);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position));

            Assert.Equal("Coordinate provided are out of range", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Ship_Placement_Success()
            var board = new Board(10);
            var block = board.Blocks[1, 1];

            block.Occupant = new Ship(2);
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = board

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.UpdateBoard(It.IsAny <string>(), board))
            .Returns(() => true);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(5);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 3);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var result = battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement);

        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Ship_OutOfBounds()
            var board = new Board(10);

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = board

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(5);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 7);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Cannot add battleship at this position as the ship will go out of the board ", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Ship_Position_Not_Empty()
            var board = new Board(10);
            var block = board.Blocks[1, 1];

            block.Occupant = new Ship(2);
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = board

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(5);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 1);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Cannot add battleship as the position is already occupied", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Attack_Started()
            var board = new Board(10)
                AttackHasStarted = true

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = board

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(2);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 2);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Attack has already started, you cannot add battleships now.", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Ship_length_OutOfBounds()
            var board = new Board(10);

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = board

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(11);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Ship length is not valid, minimum ship length is 1 and maximum ship length is 10", exception.Message);
        public void Attack_Fails_When_Coordinates_Has_Already_Been_Attacked()
            var board = new Board(10);
            var block = board.Blocks[1, 1];

            block.HasBeenAttacked = true;

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            List <string> players = new List <string> {
                "Alice", "Bob"

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers())
            .Returns(() => players);

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetOpponentsBoard(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => board);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "Bob";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(1, 1);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position));

            Assert.Equal("Provided coordinates has already been attacked once.", exception.Message);
        public void Attack_Returns_Hit()
            var board = new Board(10);
            var block = board.Blocks[1, 1];

            block.Occupant = new Ship(2);

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            List <string> players = new List <string> {
                "Alice", "Bob"

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers())
            .Returns(() => players);

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetOpponentsBoard(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => board);

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.UpdateBoard(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Board>()))
            .Returns(() => true);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "Bob";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(1, 1);

            var result = battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position);

            Assert.Equal(ShipState.Hit, result);
        public void Attack_Fails_When_OpponentBoard_Not_Present()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            List <string> players = new List <string> {
                "Alice", "Bob"

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers())
            .Returns(() => players);

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetOpponentsBoard(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => null);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "Bob";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(1, 2);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position));

            Assert.Equal("Opponent does not have a game Board.", exception.Message);
        public BattleshipGameServiceTests()
            var shipCollectionService = new Mock <IShipCollectionService>();
            var boardServicePrinter   = new Mock <IBoardPrinterService>();

            _boardServiceMock = new Mock <IBoardService>();

            _battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(shipCollectionService.Object,
        public void Attack_Fails_When_PlayerName_empty()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(1, 2);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position));

            Assert.Equal("player is a required field.", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Ship_isnull()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = null;
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 2);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Ship is a required field.", exception.Message);
        public void CreateBoard_Fails_When_BoardExists()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice")
                Board = new Board(10)

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            var player    = "Alice";
            int boardSize = 10;

            Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.CreateBoard(player, boardSize));
        public void CreatePlayer_Succeeds()
            List <string> players = new List <string> {

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers()).Returns(players);
            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.AddPlayer(It.IsAny <Player>()));

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            var player = "Bob";

        public void CreateBoard_Returns_False_When_BoardCreationFailed()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice"));

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.UpdateBoard(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Board>()))
            .Returns(() => false);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            var player    = "Alice";
            int boardSize = 10;
            var result    = battleshipGameService.CreateBoard(player, boardSize);

        public void CreatePlayer_Fails_When_SameNameExists()
            List <string> players = new List <string> {

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers()).Returns(players);
            //mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.AddPlayer(It.IsAny<Player>()));

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            var player = "Alice";

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.CreatePlayer(player));

            Assert.Equal("Player with this name is already registered for this game. Please try after some time.", exception.Message);
        public void CreatePlayer_Fails_When_2PlayersExists()
            List <string> players = new List <string> {
                "Alice", "Bob"

            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers()).Returns(players);
            //mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.AddPlayer(It.IsAny<Player>()));

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            var player = "John";

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.CreatePlayer(player));

            Assert.Equal("It seems game is in progress as 2 players have already signed in. Please try after some time.", exception.Message);
        public void AddBattleship_Fails_When_Board_isnull()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayer(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Player("Alice"));

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string        player        = "Alice";
            Ship          ship          = new Ship(2);
            Coordinates   startPosition = new Coordinates(1, 2);
            ShipPlacement shipPlacement = ShipPlacement.Row;

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.AddBattleship(player, ship, startPosition, shipPlacement));

            Assert.Equal("Alice does not have a game Board.", exception.Message);
        public void Attack_Fails_When_Opponent_Not_Present()
            var mockDataStore = new Mock <IInMemoryDataStore>();

            List <string> players = new List <string> {

            mockDataStore.Setup(x => x.GetPlayers())
            .Returns(() => players);

            var battleshipGameService = new BattleshipGameService(mockDataStore.Object);

            string      player   = "Bob";
            Coordinates position = new Coordinates(1, 2);

            var exception = Assert.Throws <BattleshipGameException>(() => battleshipGameService.Attack(player, position));

            Assert.Equal("Opponent is not ready! Wait for opponent to setup his board", exception.Message);