/// <summary>
        /// Randomly selects some fake opponents without repeats (if possible)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BattleTowerRecord4[] GenerateFakeOpponents(int count)
            // todo: allow more with repeats
            if (count > FAKE_OPPONENTS_COUNT)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            List <int> values = Enumerable.Range(0, FAKE_OPPONENTS_COUNT).ToList();

            BattleTowerRecord4[] result = new BattleTowerRecord4[count];

            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
                int index  = rand.Next(values.Count);
                int index2 = values[index];
                result[x] = GenerateFakeOpponent(index2);

        public static BattleTowerRecord4 GenerateFakeOpponent(int index)
            if (index >= FAKE_OPPONENTS_COUNT)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            BattleTowerRecord4 record = new BattleTowerRecord4();

            record.Party    = new BattleTowerPokemon4[3];
            record.Unknown3 = 7983;

            switch (index)
            case 0:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    9,              // Blastoise
                    234,            // Leftovers
                    new ushort[] {
                    57,             // Surf
                    58,             // Ice beam
                    252,            // Fake out
                    156             // Rest
                    0x01020304, 15, // Modest
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 20, 31, 31, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 0, 0, 252, 252, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 67,     // Torrent
                    255, new EncodedString4("Leonardo", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    389,            // Torterra
                    287,            // Choice scarf
                    new ushort[] {
                    452,            // Wood hammer
                    89,             // Earthquake
                    276,            // Superpower
                    242             // Crunch
                    0x01020304, 13, // Jolly
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 252, 0, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 65,     // Overgrow
                    255, new EncodedString4("Donatello", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    324,            // Torkoal
                    217,            // Quick claw
                    new ushort[] {
                    133,            // Amnesia
                    156,            // Rest
                    261,            // Will-o-wisp
                    90              // Fissure
                    0x01020304, 23, // Careful
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 31, 20, 10, 31),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 6, 0, 0, 252 },
                    0, Languages.English, 73,     // White smoke
                    255, new EncodedString4("Raphael", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Splnter", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x01020304,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(0, 16, 291, 7), // Ninjask! Squirtle power!
                    0, 14                             // Black belt

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(0, 16, 291, 7);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(1, 11, 766, 65535);
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 8, 1406, 65535);

            case 1:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    376,                      // Metagross
                    268,                      // Expert belt
                    new ushort[] {
                    89,                       // EQ
                    309,                      // Meteor mash
                    9,                        // Thunderpunch
                    153                       // Explosion
                    15562158, 2106656978,     // Actual TID/PV. Adamant, chained shiny
                    493780176,                // Actual IVs which are crap.
                    new byte[] { 252, 238, 0, 20, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 29, // Clear body
                    255, new EncodedString4("Goldfinger", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    282,                      // Gardevoir
                    297,                      // Choice specs
                    new ushort[] {
                    94,                       // Psychic
                    85,                       // Thunderbolt
                    247,                      // Shadow ball
                    271                       // Trick
                    15562158, 4094067015,     // Actual TID/PV. Modest, chained shiny
                    663420771,                // Actual IVs, should be decent
                    new byte[] { 254, 0, 56, 144, 56, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 36, // Trace
                    255, new EncodedString4("Curly", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    134,                 // Vaporeon
                    234,                 // Leftovers
                    new ushort[] {
                    57,                  // Surf
                    164,                 // Substitute
                    273,                 // Wish
                    226                  // Baton pass
                    15562158, 895218680, // Bold
                    new byte[] { 204, 0, 254, 0, 52, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 11,     // Water absorb
                    255, new EncodedString4("Seabiscuit", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Kate", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x02030405,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(3, 8, 1487, 65535), // There's only WI-FI left!
                    2, 33                                 // Lady

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 8, 1487, 65535);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 3, 1439, 65535); // This BATTLE TOWER is DIFFICULT, isn't it?
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 2, 1493, 1492);  // I love GTS! I love BATTLE TOWER too!

            case 2:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    392,            // Infernape
                    275,            // Focus sash
                    new ushort[] {
                    252,            // Fake out
                    283,            // Endeavour
                    183,            // Mach punch
                    7               // Fire punch
                    0x02030405, 13, // Jolly
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 252, 0, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 66,     // Blaze
                    255, new EncodedString4("FunkyMunky", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    235,            // Smeargle
                    210,            // Custap
                    new ushort[] {
                    147,            // Spore
                    169,            // Spider web
                    286,            // Imprison
                    144             // Transform
                    0x02030405, 10, // Timid
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 31, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 6, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 101,     // Technician
                    255, new EncodedString4("Yourself", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    365,     // Walrein
                    217,     // Quick claw
                    new ushort[] {
                    156,     // Rest
                    214,     // Sleep talk
                    104,     // Double team
                    329      // Sheer cold
                    5, 5,    // Bold
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 20, 31, 10, 31),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 0, 252, 0, 6 },
                    0, Languages.English, 47,     // Thick fat
                    255, new EncodedString4("Problem?", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Dennis", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x02030405,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(1, 12, 1147, 65535), // I get the happiest with MOTHER
                    0, 32                                  // Rich boy

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(1, 12, 1147, 65535);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 8, 1140, 65535); // You're WEAK, aren't you?
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 6, 1421, 65535); // ROFL! How awful!

            case 3:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    248,     // Tyranitar
                    189,     // Chople
                    new ushort[] {
                    446,     // Stealth rock
                    349,     // Dragon dance
                    89,      // EQ
                    444      // Stone edge
                    13, 13,  // Jolly
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 252, 0, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 45,     // Sand stream
                    255, new EncodedString4("Tyranitar", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    212,           // Scizor
                    270,           // Life orb
                    new ushort[] {
                    418,           // Bullet punch
                    450,           // Bug bite
                    14,            // Swords dance
                    355            // Roost
                    0x03040506, 3, // Adamant
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 252, 0, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 101,     // Technician
                    255, new EncodedString4("Scizor", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    485,           // Heatran
                    234,           // Leftovers
                    new ushort[] {
                    436,           // Lava plume
                    414,           // Earth power
                    156,           // Rest
                    214            // Sleep talk
                    0x03040506, 3, // Modest
                    // fixme: these IVs are unreasonably high for Soft Resetting.
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 20, 20, 31, 31),
                    new byte[] { 250, 0, 0, 0, 56, 204 },
                    0, Languages.English, 18,     // Flash fire
                    255, new EncodedString4("Heatran", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Dusty", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x03040506,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(3, 4, 1342, 65535), // I can do anything for TREASURE
                    0, 48                                 // Ruin Maniac

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 4, 1342, 65535);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 6, 1148, 1107);   // GRANDFATHER is the real NO.1
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 10, 1389, 65535); // I prefer VACATION after all

            case 4:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    460,                                                 // Abomasnow
                    287,                                                 // Scarf
                    new ushort[] {
                    59,                                                  // Blizzard
                    452,                                                 // Wood hammer
                    237,                                                 // Hidden power
                    89                                                   // EQ
                    0x04050607, 11,                                      // Hasty
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(19, 31, 18, 30, 28, 19), // HP:fire base 59
                    // Original EVs: 228Spe/164Atk/116SAtk
                    // Adjusted for Hidden Power IVs, sacrificing some Attack
                    new byte[] { 0, 148, 0, 234, 128, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 117,     // Snow warning
                    255, new EncodedString4("Abomasnow", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    471,     // Glaceon
                    246,     // Nevermeltice
                    new ushort[] {
                    59,      // Blizzard
                    247,     // Shadow ball
                    273,     // Wish
                    182      // Protect
                    15, 15,  // Modest, shiny
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 20, 31, 31, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 0, 0, 252, 252, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 81,     // Snow cloak
                    255, new EncodedString4("Glaceon", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    461,     // Weavile
                    275,     // Focus sash
                    new ushort[] {
                    14,      // Swords dance
                    400,     // Night slash
                    8,       // Ice punch
                    67       // Low kick
                    13, 13,  // Jolly
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 40, 252, 0, 218, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 46,     // Pressure
                    255, new EncodedString4("Weavile", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Frosty", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x04050607,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(3, 3, 677, 1438), // This POWDER SNOW is NICE, isn't it?
                    2, 35                               // Socialite

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(3, 3, 677, 1438);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(1, 14, 797, 65535); // This ICE BALL was really good
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 5, 752, 65535);  // Could it be? HEAT WAVE

            case 5:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    437,     // Bronzong
                    234,     // Leftovers
                    new ushort[] {
                    433,     // Trick room
                    360,     // Gyro ball
                    95,      // Hypnosis
                    153      // Explosion
                    22, 22,  // Sassy
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 20, 31, 0, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 252, 0, 0, 6 },
                    0, Languages.English, 26,     // Levitate
                    255, new EncodedString4("Bronzong", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    464,           // Rhyperior
                    270,           // Life orb
                    new ushort[] {
                    89,            // EQ
                    444,           // Stone edge
                    401,           // Aqua tail
                    224            // Megahorn
                    0x05060708, 2, // Brave
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 31, 10, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 248, 252, 10, 0, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 116,     // Solid rock
                    255, new EncodedString4("Rhyperior", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    462,            // Magnezone
                    268,            // Expert belt
                    new ushort[] {
                    237,            // Hidden power
                    430,            // Flash cannon
                    85,             // Thunderbolt
                    393             // Magnet rise
                    0x05060708, 17, // Quiet
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 31, 10, 31, 20),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 6, 0, 252, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 42,     // Magnet pull
                    255, new EncodedString4("Magnezone", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Cassie", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x05060708,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(2, 3, 1146, 65535), // I want to go home with YOU...
                    2, 85                                 // Idol

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 3, 1146, 65535);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(4, 10, 1245, 65535); // Let's GO AHEAD!
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(4, 11, 1348, 65535); // Want to DATE?

            case 6:
                record.Party[0] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    65,     // Alakazam
                    275,    // Focus sash
                    new ushort[] {
                    269,    // Taunt
                    94,     // Psychic
                    411,    // Focus blast
                    324     // Signal beam
                    15, 15, // Modest
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 20, 31, 31, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 0, 0, 252, 252, 6 },
                    0, Languages.English, 39,     // Inner focus
                    255, new EncodedString4("Alakazam", 22)

                record.Party[1] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    445,            // Garchomp
                    270,            // Life orb
                    new ushort[] {
                    14,             // Swords dance
                    89,             // EQ
                    200,            // Outrage
                    424             // Fire fang
                    0x06070809, 13, // Jolly
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 31, 20, 31, 10, 20),
                    new byte[] { 6, 252, 0, 252, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 8,     // Sand veil
                    255, new EncodedString4("Garchomp", 22)

                record.Party[2] = new BattleTowerPokemon4(
                    242,           // Blissey
                    234,           // Leftovers
                    new ushort[] {
                    135,           // Softboiled
                    104,           // Double team
                    92,            // Toxic
                    69             // Seismic toss
                    0x06070809, 5, // Bold
                    BattleTowerPokemon4.PackIVs(31, 10, 31, 31, 20, 20),
                    new byte[] { 252, 0, 252, 6, 0, 0 },
                    0, Languages.English, 30,     // Natural cure
                    255, new EncodedString4("Blissey", 22)

                record.Profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(
                    new EncodedString4("Evan", 16),
                    Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                    0, 0, 0x06070809,
                    new TrendyPhrase4(0, 2, 566, 65535), // I'll battle with STRENGTH!
                    0, 24                                // Ace trainer M

                record.PhraseChallenged = new TrendyPhrase4(0, 2, 566, 65535);
                record.PhraseWon        = new TrendyPhrase4(1, 1, 1418, 65535);  // I won! I won with SKILLFUL!
                record.PhraseLost       = new TrendyPhrase4(2, 17, 1428, 65535); // The way I lost... It's like RARE...

Beispiel #3
 public abstract ulong BattleTowerAddLeader4(BattleTowerRecord4 record);
Beispiel #4
 public abstract ulong BattleTowerUpdateRecord4(BattleTowerRecord4 record);
Beispiel #5
        public override void ProcessGamestatsRequest(byte[] data, MemoryStream response, string url, int pid, HttpContext context, GamestatsSession session)
            switch (url)

                // unrecognized page url
                ShowError(context, 404);

                #region Common
            // Called during startup. Seems to contain trainer profile stats.
            case "/pokemondpds/common/setProfile.asp":

                if (data.Length != 100)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

#if !DEBUG
                // todo: Figure out what fun stuff is contained in this blob!
                byte[] profileBinary = new byte[100];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, profileBinary, 0, 100);
                TrainerProfile4 profile = new TrainerProfile4(pid, profileBinary);
#if !DEBUG
                catch { }

                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
                               0, 8);
            } break;

                #region GTS
            // Called during startup. Unknown purpose.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/info.asp":

                // todo: find out the meaning of this request.
                // is it simply done to check whether the GTS is online?

                // todo: add a mostly null record to GtsProfiles4 if the
                // player is on D/P. We can still track last visit times
                // and gather trainer profile data from GTS activity.
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

            // Called during startup and when you check your pokemon's status.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/result.asp":

                /* After the above step(s) or performing any of
                 * the tasks below other than searching, the game
                 * makes a request to /pokemondpds/worldexchange/result.asp.
                 * If the game has had a Pokémon sent to it via a trade,
                 * the server responds with the entire encrypted Pokémon
                 * save struct. Otherwise, if there is a Pokémon deposited
                 * in the GTS, it responds with 0x0004; if not, it responds
                 * with 0x0005. */

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pid);

                if (record == null)
                    // No pokemon in the system
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x05, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // traded pokemon arriving!!!
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);
                    // my existing pokemon is in the system, untraded
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x04, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // other responses:
                // 0-2 causes a BSOD but it flashes siezure. Scary
                // 3 causes it to be "checking GTS's status" forever.
            } break;

            // Called after result.asp returns 4 when you check your pokemon's status
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/get.asp":

                // this is only called if result.asp returned 4.
                // todo: what does this do if the contained pokemon is traded??

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pid);

                if (record == null)
                    // No pokemon in the system
                    // what do here?
                    ShowError(context, 400);
                    // just write the record whether traded or not...
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);
            } break;

            // Called after result.asp returns an inbound pokemon record to delete it
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/delete.asp":

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pid);
                if (record == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // delete the arrived pokemon from the system
                    // todo: add transactions
                    // todo: log the successful trade?
                    // (either here or when the trade is done)
                    bool success = Database.Instance.GtsDeletePokemon4(pid);
                    if (success)
#if !DEBUG
                        Database.Instance.GtsLogTrade4(record, DateTime.UtcNow);
#if !DEBUG
                    catch { }
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    // own pokemon is there, fail. Use return.asp instead.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // called to delete your own pokemon after taking it back
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/return.asp":

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pid);
                if (record == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // a traded pokemon is there, fail. Use delete.asp instead.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    // delete own pokemon
                    // todo: add transactions
                    bool success = Database.Instance.GtsDeletePokemon4(pid);
                    if (success)
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // Called when you deposit a pokemon into the system.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post.asp":
                if (data.Length != 292)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // todo: add transaction
                if (Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pid) != null)
                    // there's already a pokemon inside
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // keep the record in memory while we wait for post_finish.asp request
                byte[] recordBinary = new byte[292];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, recordBinary, 0, 292);
                GtsRecord4 record = new GtsRecord4(recordBinary);
                if (!record.Validate())
                    // hack check failed
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x0c, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // the following two fields are blank in the uploaded record.
                // The server must provide them instead.
                record.TimeDeposited = DateTime.UtcNow;
                record.TimeExchanged = null;
                record.IsExchanged   = 0;
                record.PID           = pid;

                session.Tag = record;
                // todo: delete any other post.asp sessions registered under this PID

                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post_finish.asp":

                if (data.Length != 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // todo: these _finish requests seem to come with a magic number of 4 bytes
                // at offset 0. Find out what this is supposed to do and how to validate it.

                // find a matching session which contains our record
                GamestatsSession prevSession = SessionManager.FindSession(pid, "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post.asp");
                if (prevSession == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                if (prevSession.Tag == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                AssertHelper.Assert(prevSession.Tag is GtsRecord4);
                GtsRecord4 record = (GtsRecord4)prevSession.Tag;

                if (Database.Instance.GtsDepositPokemon4(record))
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // the search request has a funny bit string request of search terms
            // and just returns a chunk of records end to end.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/search.asp":

                if (data.Length < 7 || data.Length > 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0);
                if (species < 1)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                int resultsCount = (int)data[6];
                if (resultsCount < 1)
                    break;                       // optimize away requests for no rows
                Genders gender   = (Genders)data[2];
                byte    minLevel = data[3];
                byte    maxLevel = data[4];
                // byte 5 unknown
                byte country = 0;
                if (data.Length > 7)
                    country = data[7];

                if (resultsCount > 7)
                    resultsCount = 7;                       // stop DDOS
                GtsRecord4[] records = Database.Instance.GtsSearch4(pid, species, gender, minLevel, maxLevel, country, resultsCount);
                foreach (GtsRecord4 record in records)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);
            } break;

            // the exchange request uploads a record of the exchangee pokemon
            // plus the desired PID to trade for at the very end.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange.asp":
                if (data.Length != 296)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                byte[] uploadData = new byte[292];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, uploadData, 0, 292);
                GtsRecord4 upload = new GtsRecord4(uploadData);
                upload.IsExchanged = 0;
                int        targetPid = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 292);
                GtsRecord4 result    = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(targetPid);

                if (result == null || result.IsExchanged != 0)
                    // Pokémon is traded (or was never here to begin with)
                    // todo: I only checked this on GenV. Check that this
                    // is the correct response on GenIV.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // enforce request requirements server side
                if (!upload.Validate() || !upload.CanTrade(result))
                    // todo: find the correct codes for these
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x0c, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                object[] tag = new GtsRecord4[2];
                tag[0]      = upload;
                tag[1]      = result;
                session.Tag = tag;

                GtsRecord4 tradedResult = result.Clone();
                tradedResult.FlagTraded(upload);     // only real purpose is to generate a proper response

                // todo: we need a mechanism to "reserve" a pokemon being traded at this
                // point in the process, but be able to relinquish it if exchange_finish
                // never happens.
                // Currently, if two people try to take the same pokemon, it will appear
                // to work for both but then fail for the second after they've saved
                // their game. This causes a hard crash and a "save file is corrupt,
                // "previous will be loaded" error when restarting.
                // the reservation can be done in application state and has no reason
                // to touch the database. (exchange_finish won't work anyway if application
                // state is lost.)

                // I also have a hunch that failure to send the exchange_finish request
                // is what causes the notorious GTS glitch where a pokemon is listed
                // under the wrong species and you can't trade it

                response.Write(result.Save(), 0, 292);
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange_finish.asp":

                if (data.Length != 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // find a matching session which contains our record
                GamestatsSession prevSession = SessionManager.FindSession(pid, "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange.asp");
                if (prevSession == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                if (prevSession.Tag == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                AssertHelper.Assert(prevSession.Tag is GtsRecord4[]);
                GtsRecord4[] tag = (GtsRecord4[])prevSession.Tag;
                AssertHelper.Assert(tag.Length == 2);
                AssertHelper.Assert(tag[0] is GtsRecord4);
                AssertHelper.Assert(tag[0] is GtsRecord4);

                GtsRecord4 upload = (GtsRecord4)tag[0];
                GtsRecord4 result = (GtsRecord4)tag[1];

                if (Database.Instance.GtsTradePokemon4(upload, result))
#if !DEBUG
                    Database.Instance.GtsLogTrade4(result, null);
#if !DEBUG
                catch { }
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

                #region Battle Tower
            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/info.asp":

                // Probably an availability/status code.
                // todo: See how the game reacts to various values.
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/roomnum.asp":

                //byte rank = data[0x00];
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x32, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/download.asp":

                if (data.Length != 2)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                byte rank    = data[0x00];
                byte roomNum = data[0x01];

                if (rank > 9 || roomNum > 49)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                BattleTowerRecord4[]  opponents     = Database.Instance.BattleTowerGetOpponents4(pid, rank, roomNum);
                BattleTowerProfile4[] leaders       = Database.Instance.BattleTowerGetLeaders4(rank, roomNum);
                BattleTowerRecord4[]  fakeOpponents = FakeOpponentGenerator4.GenerateFakeOpponents(7 - opponents.Length);

                foreach (BattleTowerRecord4 record in fakeOpponents)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 228);

                foreach (BattleTowerRecord4 record in opponents)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 228);

                foreach (BattleTowerProfile4 leader in leaders)
                    response.Write(leader.Save(), 0, 34);

                // This is completely insane. The game crashes when you
                // use Check Leaders if the response arrives too fast,
                // so we artificially delay it.
                // todo: This is slower than it needs to be if the
                // database is slow to respond. We should sleep for a
                // variable time based on when the request was received.
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/upload.asp":

                if (data.Length != 239)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                BattleTowerRecord4 record = new BattleTowerRecord4(data, 0);

                record.Rank       = data[0xe4];
                record.RoomNum    = data[0xe5];
                record.BattlesWon = data[0xe6];
                record.Unknown5   = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0xe7);

                // todo: Do we want to store their record anyway if they lost the first round?
                if (record.BattlesWon > 0)
                if (record.BattlesWon == 7)

                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: towerRestorer4 <path>");
                Console.WriteLine("Attempts to insert files in <path>");
                Console.WriteLine("into the database in app configuration.");
                Console.WriteLine("Only inserts files whose names match the naming pattern:");
                Console.WriteLine("Rank and room number are taken from the filename.");

            Database db = Database.Instance;

            String[] filenames            = Directory.GetFiles(args[0]);
            int      successCount         = 0;
            int      failureCount         = 0;
            int      opponentSuccessCount = 0;
            int      opponentFailureCount = 0;
            int      leaderSuccessCount   = 0;
            int      leaderFailureCount   = 0;

            Pokedex pokedex = new Pokedex(db, false);

            foreach (String s in filenames)
                String filename = s;

                int slashIndex = filename.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                if (slashIndex >= 0)
                    filename = filename.Substring(slashIndex + 1);

                int dotIndex = filename.LastIndexOf('.');
                if (dotIndex >= 0)
                    filename = filename.Substring(0, dotIndex);

                String[] split = filename.Split('_');

                byte rank, room;

                if (split.Length != 4 ||
                    (split[0] != "g4" && split[0] != "g5") ||
                    split[2].Substring(0, 4) != "rank" ||
                    !Byte.TryParse(split[2].Substring(4), out rank) ||
                    split[3].Substring(0, 4) != "room" ||
                    !Byte.TryParse(split[3].Substring(4), out room)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: Filename pattern does not match, skipped.", filename);

                int gen = Convert.ToInt32(split[0].Substring(1));


                switch (gen)
                case 4:
                    FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(s);
                    if (fs.Length != 0xa38)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: file size is wrong, skipped.", filename);

                    byte[] data = new byte[0xa38];
                    fs.ReadBlock(data, 0, 0xa38);

                    // battletower/download.asp response: 2616 bytes
                    // 00-63b: BattleTowerRecord objects x7
                    // 63c-a37: BattleTowerTrainerProfile objects x30
                    for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                            BattleTowerRecord4 record = new BattleTowerRecord4(pokedex, data, 0xe4 * x);
                            record.PID        = 0;
                            record.Rank       = rank;
                            record.RoomNum    = room;
                            record.BattlesWon = 7;
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
                            BattleTowerProfile4 profile = new BattleTowerProfile4(data, 0x63c + 0x22 * x);
                            BattleTowerRecord4  record  = new BattleTowerRecord4(pokedex);
                            record.Profile = profile;
                            record.PID     = 0;
                            record.Rank    = rank;
                            record.RoomNum = room;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                } break;

                case 5:
                    FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(s);
                    if (fs.Length != 0xab4)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: file size is wrong, skipped.", filename);

                    byte[] data = new byte[0xab4];
                    fs.ReadBlock(data, 0, 0xab4);

                    //web/battletower/download.asp response: 2700 bytes
                    //00-68f: BattleSubwayRecord objects x7
                    //690-a8b: BattleSubwayTrainerProfile objects x30
                    for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                            BattleSubwayRecord5 record = new BattleSubwayRecord5(pokedex, data, 0xf0 * x);
                            record.PID        = 0;
                            record.Rank       = rank;
                            record.RoomNum    = room;
                            record.BattlesWon = 7;
                            record.Unknown4   = new byte[5];
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
                            BattleSubwayProfile5 profile = new BattleSubwayProfile5(data, 0x690 + 0x22 * x);
                            BattleSubwayRecord5  record  = new BattleSubwayRecord5(pokedex);
                            record.Profile = profile;
                            record.PID     = 0;
                            record.Rank    = rank;
                            record.RoomNum = room;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                } break;

                Console.WriteLine("{0} complete", s);

            Console.WriteLine("Added {0} files, {1} opponents, {2} leaders.", successCount, opponentSuccessCount, leaderSuccessCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Failed: {0} files, {1} opponents, {2} leaders.", failureCount, opponentFailureCount, leaderFailureCount);
Beispiel #7
        public override void ProcessGamestatsRequest(byte[] data, MemoryStream response, string url, int pid, HttpContext context, GamestatsSession session)
                BanStatus ban = BanHelper.GetBanStatus(pid, IpAddressHelper.GetIpAddress(context.Request), Generations.Generation4);
                if (ban != null && ban.Level > BanLevels.Restricted)
                    ShowError(context, 403);
            Pokedex.Pokedex pokedex = AppStateHelper.Pokedex(context.Application);

            switch (url)

                // unrecognized page url
                ShowError(context, 404);

                #region Common
            // Called during startup. Seems to contain trainer profile stats.
            case "/pokemondpds/common/setProfile.asp":

                if (data.Length != 100)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

#if !DEBUG
                byte[] profileBinary = new byte[100];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, profileBinary, 0, 100);
                TrainerProfile4 profile = new TrainerProfile4(pid, profileBinary, IpAddressHelper.GetIpAddress(context.Request));
#if !DEBUG
                catch { }
                short clientSecret = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 96);
                short mailSecret   = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 98);

                // response:
                // 4 bytes of response code A
                // 4 bytes of response code B
                // Response code A values:
                // 0: Continues normally.
                // 1: The data was corrupted. It could not be sent.
                // 2: The server is undergoing maintenance. Please connect again later.
                // 3: BSOD
                if (mailSecret == -1)
                    // Register wii mail
                    // Response code B values:
                    // 0: There was a communication error.
                    // 1: The Registration Code has been sent to your Wii console. Please enter the Registration Code.
                    // 2: There was an error while attempting to send an authentication Wii message.
                    // 3: There was a communication error.
                    // 4: BSOD
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
                                   0, 8);
                else if (mailSecret != 0 || clientSecret != 0)
                    // Send wii mail confirmation code OR GTS when mail is configured (we can't tell them apart T__T)
                    // (todo: We could use database to tell them apart.
                    // If the previously stored profile has mailSecret == -1 then this is a wii mail confirmation.
                    // If the previously stored profile has mailSecret == this mailSecret then this is GTS.)
                    // Response code B values:
                    // 0: Your Wii Number has been registered.
                    // 1: There was a communication error.
                    // 2: There was a communication error.
                    // 3: Incorrect Registration Code.
                    // 4: BSOD
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
                                   0, 8);
                    // GTS
                    // Response code B values:
                    // 0: Continues normally
                    // 1: There was a communication error.
                    // 2: There was a communication error.
                    // 3: There was a Wii message authentication error.
                    // 4: BSOD
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
                                   0, 8);

                #region GTS
            // Called during startup. Unknown purpose.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/info.asp":

                // todo: find out the meaning of this request.
                // is it simply done to check whether the GTS is online?

                var ip = IpAddressHelper.GetIpAddress(context.Request);
                Database.Instance.GamestatsBumpProfile4(pid, ip);

                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // Called during startup and when you check your pokemon's status.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/result.asp":

                /* After the above step(s) or performing any of
                 * the tasks below other than searching, the game
                 * makes a request to /pokemondpds/worldexchange/result.asp.
                 * If the game has had a Pokémon sent to it via a trade,
                 * the server responds with the entire encrypted Pokémon
                 * save struct. Otherwise, if there is a Pokémon deposited
                 * in the GTS, it responds with 0x0004; if not, it responds
                 * with 0x0005. */

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, pid);

                if (record == null)
                    // No pokemon in the system
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x05, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // traded pokemon arriving!!!
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);
                    // my existing pokemon is in the system, untraded
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x04, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // other responses:
                // 0-2 causes a BSOD but it flashes siezure. Scary
                // 3 causes it to be "checking GTS's status" forever.
                // 6 is also the flashy BSOD. So probably all invalid values do that.
            } break;

            // Called after result.asp returns 4 when you check your pokemon's status
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/get.asp":

                // this is only called if result.asp returned 4.
                // todo: what does this do if the contained pokemon is traded??

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, pid);

                if (record == null)
                    // No pokemon in the system
                    // what do here?
                    ShowError(context, 403);
                    // just write the record whether traded or not...
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);
            } break;

            // Called after result.asp returns an inbound pokemon record to delete it
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/delete.asp":

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, pid);
                if (record == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // delete the arrived pokemon from the system
                    // todo: add transactions
                    // todo: log the successful trade?
                    // (either here or when the trade is done)
                    bool success = Database.Instance.GtsDeletePokemon4(pid);
                    if (success)
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    // own pokemon is there, fail. Use return.asp instead.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // called to delete your own pokemon after taking it back
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/return.asp":

                GtsRecord4 record = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, pid);
                if (record == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                else if (record.IsExchanged > 0)
                    // a traded pokemon is there, fail. Use delete.asp instead.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    // delete own pokemon
                    // todo: add transactions
                    bool success = Database.Instance.GtsDeletePokemon4(pid);
                    if (success)
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // Called when you deposit a pokemon into the system.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post.asp":
                if (data.Length != 292)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // todo: add transaction
                if (Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, pid) != null)
                    // there's already a pokemon inside.
                    // Force the player out so they'll recheck its status.
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x0e, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // keep the record in memory while we wait for post_finish.asp request
                byte[] recordBinary = new byte[292];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, recordBinary, 0, 292);
                GtsRecord4 record = new GtsRecord4(pokedex, recordBinary);
                record.IsExchanged = 0;
                if (!record.Validate())
                    // hack check failed

                    // responses:
                    // 0x00: Appears to start depositing? todo: test if this code leads to a normal deposit.
                    // 0x01: successful deposit
                    // 0x02-0x03: Communication error...
                    // 0x04-0x06: bsod
                    // 0x07: The GTS is very crowded now. Please try again later. (and it boots you!)
                    // 0x08-0x0d: That Pokémon may not be offered for trade!
                    // 0x0e: You were disconnected from the GTS. Returning to the reception counter.
                    // 0x0f: Blue screen of death
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x0c, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // the following two fields are blank in the uploaded record.
                // The server must provide them instead.
                record.TimeDeposited = DateTime.UtcNow;
                record.TimeExchanged = null;
                record.PID           = pid;

                session.Tag = record;
                // todo: delete any other post.asp sessions registered under this PID

                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post_finish.asp":

                if (data.Length != 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // todo: these _finish requests seem to come with a magic number of 4 bytes
                // at offset 0. Find out what this is supposed to do and how to validate it.

                // find a matching session which contains our record
                GamestatsSession prevSession = SessionManager.FindSession(pid, "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/post.asp");
                if (prevSession == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                if (prevSession.Tag == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                AssertHelper.Assert(prevSession.Tag is GtsRecord4);
                GtsRecord4 record = (GtsRecord4)prevSession.Tag;

                if (Database.Instance.GtsDepositPokemon4(record))
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

            // the search request has a funny bit string request of search terms
            // and just returns a chunk of records end to end.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/search.asp":

                if (data.Length < 7 || data.Length > 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0);
                if (species < 1)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                int resultsCount = (int)data[6];
                if (resultsCount < 1)
                    break;                       // optimize away requests for no rows
                Genders gender   = (Genders)data[2];
                byte    minLevel = data[3];
                byte    maxLevel = data[4];
                // byte 5 unknown
                byte country = 0;
                if (data.Length > 7)
                    country = data[7];

                if (resultsCount > 7)
                    resultsCount = 7;                       // stop DDOS
                GtsRecord4[] records = Database.Instance.GtsSearch4(pokedex, pid, species, gender, minLevel, maxLevel, country, resultsCount);
                foreach (GtsRecord4 record in records)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 292);

            } break;

            // the exchange request uploads a record of the exchangee pokemon
            // plus the desired PID to trade for at the very end.
            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange.asp":
                if (data.Length != 296)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                byte[] uploadData = new byte[292];
                Array.Copy(data, 0, uploadData, 0, 292);
                GtsRecord4 upload = new GtsRecord4(pokedex, uploadData);
                upload.IsExchanged = 0;
                int        targetPid  = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 292);
                GtsRecord4 result     = Database.Instance.GtsDataForUser4(pokedex, targetPid);
                DateTime?  searchTime = Database.Instance.GtsGetLastSearch4(pid);

                if (result == null || searchTime == null ||
                    result.TimeDeposited > (DateTime)searchTime ||     // If this condition is met, it means the pokemon in the system is DIFFERENT from the one the user is trying to trade for, ie. it was deposited AFTER the user did their search. The one the user wants was either taken back or traded.
                    result.IsExchanged != 0)
                    // Pokémon is traded (or was never here to begin with)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // enforce request requirements server side
                if (!upload.Validate() || !upload.CanTrade(result))
                    // todo: find the correct codes for these

                    // responses:
                    // 0x00-0x01: bsod
                    // 0x02: Unfortunately, it was traded to another Trainer.
                    // 0x03-0x07: bsod
                    // 0x08-0x0d: That Pokémon may not be offered for trade!
                    // 0x0e: You were disconnected from the GTS. Returning to the reception counter.
                    // 0x0f: bsod
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x0c, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // uncomment these two lines if you're replaying gamestats requests and need to skip the random token
                //session = new GamestatsSession(this.GameId, this.Salt, pid, "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange.asp");

                object[] tag = new GtsRecord4[2];
                tag[0]      = upload;
                tag[1]      = result;
                session.Tag = tag;

                GtsRecord4 tradedResult = result.Clone();
                tradedResult.FlagTraded(upload);     // only real purpose is to generate a proper response

                // todo: we need a mechanism to "reserve" a pokemon being traded at this
                // point in the process, but be able to relinquish it if exchange_finish
                // never happens.
                // Currently, if two people try to take the same pokemon, it will appear
                // to work for both but then fail for the second after they've saved
                // their game. This causes a hard crash and a "save file is corrupt,
                // "previous will be loaded" error when restarting.
                // the reservation can be done in application state and has no reason
                // to touch the database. (exchange_finish won't work anyway if application
                // state is lost.)

                // I also have a hunch that failure to send the exchange_finish request
                // is what causes the notorious GTS glitch where a pokemon is listed
                // under the wrong species and you can't trade it

                response.Write(result.Save(), 0, 292);
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange_finish.asp":
                //if (session != null)

                if (data.Length != 8)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                // find a matching session which contains our record
                GamestatsSession prevSession = SessionManager.FindSession(pid, "/pokemondpds/worldexchange/exchange.asp");
                if (prevSession == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                if (prevSession.Tag == null)
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                AssertHelper.Assert(prevSession.Tag is GtsRecord4[]);
                GtsRecord4[] tag = (GtsRecord4[])prevSession.Tag;
                AssertHelper.Assert(tag.Length == 2);

                GtsRecord4 upload = tag[0];
                GtsRecord4 result = tag[1];

                if (Database.Instance.GtsTradePokemon4(upload, result, pid))
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
                    response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;

                #region Battle Tower
            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/info.asp":

                // Probably an availability/status code.
                Database.Instance.GamestatsBumpProfile4(pid, IpAddressHelper.GetIpAddress(context.Request));

                // Response codes:
                // 0x00: BSOD
                // 0x01: Continues normally
                // 0x02: BSOD
                // 0x03: The Wi-Fi Battle Tower is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.
                // 0x04: The Wi-Fi Battle Tower is very crowded. Please try again later.
                // 0x05: Unable to connect to the Wi-Fi Battle Tower. Returning to the reception counter.
                // 0x06: BSOD
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/roomnum.asp":

                //byte rank = data[0x00];
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x32, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/download.asp":

                if (data.Length != 2)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                byte rank    = data[0x00];
                byte roomNum = data[0x01];

                if (rank > 9 || roomNum > 49)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                BattleTowerRecord4[]  opponents     = Database.Instance.BattleTowerGetOpponents4(pokedex, pid, rank, roomNum);
                BattleTowerProfile4[] leaders       = Database.Instance.BattleTowerGetLeaders4(pokedex, rank, roomNum);
                BattleTowerRecord4[]  fakeOpponents = FakeOpponentGenerator4.GenerateFakeOpponents(7 - opponents.Length);

                foreach (BattleTowerRecord4 record in fakeOpponents)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 228);

                foreach (BattleTowerRecord4 record in opponents)
                    response.Write(record.Save(), 0, 228);

                foreach (BattleTowerProfile4 leader in leaders)
                    response.Write(leader.Save(), 0, 34);

                if (leaders.Length < 30)
                    byte[] fakeLeader = new BattleTowerProfile4
                        new EncodedString4("-----", 16),
                        Versions.Platinum, Languages.English,
                        0, 0, 0x00000000, new TrendyPhrase4(5, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0

                    for (int x = leaders.Length; x < 30; x++)
                        response.Write(fakeLeader, 0, 34);

                // This is completely insane. The game crashes when you
                // use Check Leaders if the response arrives too fast,
                // so we artificially delay it.
                // todo: This is slower than it needs to be if the
                // database is slow to respond. We should sleep for a
                // variable time based on when the request was received.
            } break;

            case "/pokemondpds/battletower/upload.asp":

                if (data.Length != 239)
                    ShowError(context, 400);

                BattleTowerRecord4 record = new BattleTowerRecord4(pokedex, data, 0);

                record.Rank       = data[0xe4];
                record.RoomNum    = data[0xe5];
                record.BattlesWon = data[0xe6];
                record.Unknown5   = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0xe7);
                record.PID        = pid;

                foreach (var p in record.Party)
                    if (!p.Validate().IsValid)
                        // Tell the client it was successful so they don't keep retrying.
                        response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);

                // todo: Do we want to store their record anyway if they lost the first round?
                if (record.BattlesWon > 0)
                if (record.BattlesWon == 7)

                // List of responses:
                // 0x00: BSOD
                // 0x01: Uploads successfully
                // 0x02: That number cannot be specified for the Wi-Fi Battle Tower.
                // 0x03: BSOD
                // 0x04: The Wi-Fi Battle Tower is very crowded. Please try again later.
                // 0x05: Unable to connect to the Wi-Fi Battle Tower. Returning to the reception counter.
                // 0x06: BSOD
                // 0x07: BSOD
                // 0x08: BSOD
                response.Write(new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }, 0, 2);
            } break;
