Beispiel #1
        protected override BattleContext CreateContext(GameEventOwner owner, Character ownerChar, BattleContext context)
            Character target = (AffectTarget ? context.Target : context.User);
            int       damage = context.GetContextStateInt <DamageDealt>(0);

            if (damage > 0 && ownerChar != context.User)
                //the attack needs to face the foe, and *auto-target*
                Dir8 attackDir = DirExt.GetDir(ownerChar.CharLoc, target.CharLoc);
                ownerChar.CharDir = attackDir;
                Loc frontLoc = ownerChar.CharLoc + attackDir.GetLoc() * FrontOffset;

                SkillData entry = DataManager.Instance.GetSkill(InvokedMove);

                DungeonScene.Instance.LogMsg(String.Format(Msg.ToLocal(), ownerChar.GetDisplayName(false), context.User.GetDisplayName(false)));

                BattleContext newContext = new BattleContext(BattleActionType.Skill);
                newContext.User      = ownerChar;
                newContext.UsageSlot = BattleContext.FORCED_SLOT;

                newContext.StartDir = newContext.User.CharDir;

                //fill effects
                newContext.Data         = new BattleData(entry.Data);
                newContext.Data.ID      = InvokedMove;
                newContext.Explosion    = new ExplosionData(entry.Explosion);
                newContext.HitboxAction = entry.HitboxAction.Clone();
                //make the attack *autotarget*; set the offset to the space between the front loc and the target
                newContext.HitboxAction.HitOffset = target.CharLoc - frontLoc;
                newContext.Strikes = entry.Strikes;
                newContext.Item    = new InvItem();
                //don't set move message, just directly give the message of what the move turned into

                //add a tag that will allow the moves themselves to switch to their offensive versions
                newContext.ContextStates.Set(new FollowUp());

