public async Task GetLocationQuotasAsync()
            using (MockContext context = StartMockContextAndInitializeClients(GetType()))
                BatchLocationQuota quotas = await BatchManagementClient.Location.GetQuotasAsync(Location);

                Assert.True(quotas.AccountQuota.Value > 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Batch service quotas for the specified subscription at the given region.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">The desired region for the quotas.</param>
        /// <returns>A PSBatchLocationQuotas object containing the quotas.</returns>
        public virtual PSBatchLocationQuotas GetLocationQuotas(string location)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            WriteVerbose(string.Format(Resources.GettingLocationQuotas, location));

            BatchLocationQuota response = this.BatchManagementClient.Location.GetQuotas(location);

            return(new PSBatchLocationQuotas(location, response));
        public PSBatchLocationQuotas(string location, BatchLocationQuota locationQuotasResponse)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            if (locationQuotasResponse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locationQuotasResponse");

            this.Location     = location;
            this.AccountQuota = locationQuotasResponse.AccountQuota.GetValueOrDefault();
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs various Batch account operations using the Batch Management library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessToken">The access token to use for authentication.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptionId">The subscription id to use for creating the Batch management client</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location where the Batch account will be created.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> object that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        private static async Task PerformBatchAccountOperationsAsync(string accessToken, string subscriptionId, string location)
            using (BatchManagementClient batchManagementClient = new BatchManagementClient(new TokenCredentials(accessToken)))
                batchManagementClient.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;

                // Get the account quota for the subscription
                BatchLocationQuota quotaResponse = await batchManagementClient.Location.GetQuotasAsync(location);

                Console.WriteLine("Your subscription can create {0} account(s) in the {1} region.", quotaResponse.AccountQuota, location);

                // Create account
                string accountName = PromptUserForAccountName();
                Console.WriteLine("Creating account {0}...", accountName);
                await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.CreateAsync(ResourceGroupName, accountName, new BatchAccountCreateParameters()
                    Location = location

                Console.WriteLine("Account {0} created", accountName);

                // Get account
                Console.WriteLine("Getting account {0}...", accountName);
                BatchAccount account = await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.GetAsync(ResourceGroupName, accountName);

                Console.WriteLine("Got account {0}:", account.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("  Account location: {0}", account.Location);
                Console.WriteLine("  Account resource type: {0}", account.Type);
                Console.WriteLine("  Account id: {0}", account.Id);

                // Print account quotas
                Console.WriteLine("Quotas for account {0}:", account.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("  Dedicated core quota: {0}", account.DedicatedCoreQuota);
                Console.WriteLine("  Low priority core quota: {0}", account.LowPriorityCoreQuota);
                Console.WriteLine("  Pool quota: {0}", account.PoolQuota);
                Console.WriteLine("  Active job and job schedule quota: {0}", account.ActiveJobAndJobScheduleQuota);

                // Get account keys
                Console.WriteLine("Getting account keys of account {0}...", account.Name);
                BatchAccountKeys accountKeys = await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.GetKeysAsync(ResourceGroupName, account.Name);

                Console.WriteLine("  Primary key of account {0}:   {1}", account.Name, accountKeys.Primary);
                Console.WriteLine("  Secondary key of account {0}: {1}", account.Name, accountKeys.Secondary);

                // Regenerate primary account key
                Console.WriteLine("Regenerating the primary key of account {0}...", account.Name);
                BatchAccountKeys newKeys = await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.RegenerateKeyAsync(
                    ResourceGroupName, account.Name,

                Console.WriteLine("  New primary key of account {0}: {1}", account.Name, newKeys.Primary);
                Console.WriteLine("  Secondary key of account {0}:   {1}", account.Name, newKeys.Secondary);

                // List total number of accounts under the subscription id
                IPage <BatchAccount> listResponse = await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.ListAsync();

                var accounts = new List <BatchAccount>();

                var nextLink = listResponse.NextPageLink;
                while (nextLink != null)
                    listResponse = await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.ListNextAsync(nextLink);

                    nextLink = listResponse.NextPageLink;

                Console.WriteLine("Total number of Batch accounts under subscription id {0}:  {1}", batchManagementClient.SubscriptionId, accounts.Count());

                // Determine how many additional accounts can be created in the target region
                int numAccountsInRegion = accounts.Count(o => o.Location == account.Location);
                Console.WriteLine("Accounts in {0}: {1}", account.Location, numAccountsInRegion);
                Console.WriteLine("You can create {0} more accounts in the {1} region.", quotaResponse.AccountQuota - numAccountsInRegion, account.Location);

                // List accounts in the subscription
                Console.WriteLine("Listing all Batch accounts under subscription id {0}...", batchManagementClient.SubscriptionId);
                foreach (BatchAccount acct in accounts)
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0} - {1} | Location: {2}", accounts.IndexOf(acct) + 1, acct.Name, acct.Location);

                // Delete account
                Console.Write("Hit ENTER to delete account {0}: ", account.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting account {0}...", account.Name);

                    await batchManagementClient.BatchAccount.DeleteAsync(ResourceGroupName, account.Name);
                catch (CloudException ex)
                    /*  Account deletion is a long running operation. This .DeleteAsync() method will submit the account deletion request and
                     *  poll for the status of the long running operation until the account is deleted. Currently, querying for the operation
                     *  status after the account is deleted will return a 404 error, so we have to add this catch statement. This behavior will
                     *  be fixed in a future service release.
                    if (ex.Response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NotFound)

                Console.WriteLine("Account {0} deleted", account.Name);