Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Beispiel #1
 public rfFolders()
     dt = BasicFunctions.GetData("Select Distinct Ordtask.Folderno from ordtask,preptasks,Folders where ordtask.ordno = preptasks.ordno and ordtask.testcode = preptasks.testcode and ordtask.Folderno = Folders.Folderno and preptasks.prepts='Need Prep' and preptasks.dept = 'KELSO' and preptasks.preprunno=-1 and folders.fldsts <> 'Draft' and APPRSTS = 'N/A' and folders.qcfolder = 'N' and ordtask.ts = 'Hold' and (ordtask.sp_Code <> 379 and ordtask.sp_Code <> 378) and preptasks.preptmname is not null and preptasks.sampweight IS NULL  Order by Ordtask.Folderno");
     rlvFolders.DataSource    = dt;
     rlvFolders.DisplayMember = "FOLDERNO";
 /// <summary>
 /// Fill the target and the source registeries or memory that the user can choose
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="function">The function that we want to restrict some registery or memory access</param>
 /// <param name="editCollection">If true will update the edit collections</param>
 protected void FillTargetAndSourceRegisteries(BasicFunctions function)
     UpdateListOnFunctionChange(ref mTargetRegisteries, ref mSourceRegisteries, ref mCanChooseSource02, function);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Config"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Config()

            IrssLog.Info("Load plugins from " + Application.StartupPath + "...");

                _transceivers = BasicFunctions.AvailablePlugins();
            catch (Exception ex)

                _transceivers = null;

            if (_transceivers == null || _transceivers.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "No IR Server Plugins found!", "IR Server Configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retreives a list of detected Blaster plugins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>String array of plugin names.</returns>
        public static string[] DetectBlasters()
            IrssLog.Info("Detect Blasters ...");

            PluginBase[] plugins = BasicFunctions.AvailablePlugins();
            if (plugins == null || plugins.Length == 0)

            List <string> blasters = new List <string>();

            foreach (PluginBase plugin in plugins)
                    if (plugin is ITransmitIR && plugin.Detect() == PluginBase.DetectionResult.DevicePresent)
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (blasters.Count > 0)

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retreives a list of detected Receiver plugins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>String array of plugin names.</returns>
        public static string[] DetectReceivers()
            IrssLog.Info("Detect Receivers ...");

            PluginBase[] plugins = BasicFunctions.AvailablePlugins();
            if (plugins == null || plugins.Length == 0)

            List <string> receivers = new List <string>();

            foreach (PluginBase plugin in plugins)
                    if ((plugin is IRemoteReceiver || plugin is IKeyboardReceiver || plugin is IMouseReceiver) && plugin.Detect() == PluginBase.DetectionResult.DevicePresent)
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (receivers.Count > 0)

        private void AddFile()
            string filePath = testMode ?
                              Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"../../../File Examples/file_example_1.mp3")) :

            if (filePath != null && File.Exists(filePath) && !BasicFunctions.FileInUse(filePath))
                // check if File is already in list
                bool FileIsInList = false;
                foreach (MusicFileTag FileInList in MusicFileTags)
                    if (FileInList.FilePath == filePath)
                        FileIsInList = true;
                        MessageBox.Show("This file is already in the list");
                if (!FileIsInList)
                    MusicFileTag newFile = TaggingLogic.AddFile(filePath);
                if (BasicFunctions.FileInUse(filePath))
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, this file cannot be opened. " +
                                    "Either it is currently in use or this program does not have the necessary rights to read the file.");
        public static ServusMessage createServusMessage(Modulename mod, BasicFunctions func)
            ServusMessage internalServusMsg = new ServusMessage
                Modul     = mod,
                Basicfunc = func

 public IEither <string, TOutput> Parse(IEnumerable <TInput> input)
         ((from parseResult in Out
           from allDone in ParserState <TInput> .IsEoF()
           from _ in BasicFunctions.EIf(allDone, () => parseResult, () => "Parser didn't parse all available input").ToStateEither <ParserState <TInput>, string, TOutput>()
           select _)
          .Run(new ParserState <TInput>(input.ToArray()))
Beispiel #9
        public float CalculateValue()
            if (ValueCalculated)

            RawValue        = isInput ? inputValue : weights.Sum(weight => weight.Key.CalculateValue() * weight.Value) + bias;
            Value           = isInput ? inputValue : BasicFunctions.Sigmoid(RawValue);
            desiredValue    = Value;
            ValueCalculated = true;

Beispiel #10
        public void Train(float[][] trainingInputs, float[][] trainingOutputs)
            for (var i = 0; i < trainingInputs.Length; i++)

                for (var j = 0; j < desiredValues[desiredValues.Length - 1].Length; j++)
                    desiredValues[desiredValues.Length - 1][j] = trainingOutputs[i][j];

                for (var j = values.Length - 1; j >= 1; j--)
                    for (var k = 0; k < values[j].Length; k++)
                        var biasSmudge = BasicFunctions.SigmoidDerivative(values[j][k]) *
                                         (desiredValues[j][k] - values[j][k]);
                        biasesSmudge[j][k] += biasSmudge;

                        for (var l = 0; l < values[j - 1].Length; l++)
                            var weightSmudge = values[j - 1][l] * biasSmudge;
                            weightsSmudge[j - 1][k][l] += weightSmudge;

                            var valueSmudge = weights[j - 1][k][l] * biasSmudge;
                            desiredValues[j - 1][l] += valueSmudge;

            for (var i = values.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                for (var j = 0; j < values[i].Length; j++)
                    biases[i][j]      += biasesSmudge[i][j];
                    biases[i][j]      *= 1 - WeightDecay;
                    biasesSmudge[i][j] = 0;

                    for (var k = 0; k < values[i - 1].Length; k++)
                        weights[i - 1][j][k]      += weightsSmudge[i - 1][j][k];
                        weights[i - 1][j][k]      *= 1 - WeightDecay;
                        weightsSmudge[i - 1][j][k] = 0;

                    desiredValues[i][j] = 0;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Конвертация радиальной базисной функции из model в радиальную базисную функцию view.
        /// </summary>
        private static VBasicFunctions ConvertBasicFunctionsToVBasicFunctions(BasicFunctions basicFunctions)
            switch (basicFunctions)
            case BasicFunctions.MultiLog: return(VBasicFunctions.MultiLog);

            case BasicFunctions.MultiQuadric: return(VBasicFunctions.MultiQuadric);

            case BasicFunctions.InverseMultiQuadric: return(VBasicFunctions.InverseMultiQuadric);

            case BasicFunctions.NaturalCubicSpline: return(VBasicFunctions.NaturalCubicSpline);

            case BasicFunctions.ThinPlateSpline: return(VBasicFunctions.ThinPlateSpline);

            default: return(VBasicFunctions.MultiLog);
Beispiel #12
        public float[] Test(float[] newInput)
            for (var i = 0; i < values[0].Length; i++)
                values[0][i] = newInput[i];

            for (var i = 1; i < values.Length; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < values[i].Length; j++)
                    values[i][j]        = BasicFunctions.Sigmoid(Sum(values[i - 1], weights[i - 1][j]) + biases[i][j]);
                    desiredValues[i][j] = values[i][j];

            return(values[values.Length - 1]);
        private void Awake()
            if (feedingScript == null)
                feedingScript = GetComponentInParent <GirlFeeding>();

            // Setting up trigger events
            FeedingRoom    feedingRoom    = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponentInChildren <FeedingRoom>();
            BasicFunctions basicFunctions = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <BasicFunctions>();

            onMouthEvent.AddListener(() =>
        private void LoadPlaylist()
            string playlistPath = testMode ? @"../../../File Examples/My Playlist.m3u" : GetFilePath_OpenDialog("m3u");

            if (playlistPath != null && !BasicFunctions.FileInUse(playlistPath))
                MusicFileTags = Logic.LoadPlaylist(playlistPath);
                if (BasicFunctions.FileInUse(playlistPath))
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, this file cannot be opened. " +
                                    "Either it is currently in use or this program does not have the necessary rights to read the file.");

            NumberOfFiles = MusicFileTags.Count;
Beispiel #15
        // Function to get an Operation result
        public async Task <string> GetVideoAnnotateOperation(String op_name)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey) || BasicFunctions.isEmpty(op_name))

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/operations/" + $"{op_name}?key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(request_query);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

    public void Switch_Gravity(Vector3 new_Gravity, Vector3 hitpoint)
        if (networkView.isMine || BasicFunctions.playOffline)
            /*if (new_Gravity != Gravity_Direction) {
             *                                      before_shift = transform.rotation;
             *                                      Gravity_Direction = new_Gravity;
             *                                      Vector3 New_Player_Forward_tmp = BasicFunctions.ProjectVectorOnPlane (Gravity_Direction, transform.forward);
             *                                      after_shift = Quaternion.LookRotation (New_Player_Forward_tmp, Gravity_Direction * -1f);
             *                                      Gravity_Shift_Counter = Gravity_Shift_Time;
             *                      }*/

            if (new_Gravity != Gravity_Direction)
                before_shift     = transform.rotation;
                before_shift_cam = Main_Camera.rotationY;
                before_shift_vel = rigidbody.velocity;
                if (new_Gravity == Gravity_Direction * -1f)
                    //180 Graden draaien heeft aparte behandeling nodig
                    after_shift     = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward, new_Gravity * -1f);
                    after_shift_cam = before_shift_cam * -1f;
                    //Debug.Log("180 graden draai");
                    //berekenen wat voor extra hoek erij moet.
                    Vector3 player2point = hitpoint - transform.position;
                    //berekenen wat voor extra hoek erij moet.
                    Vector3 extra_tmp = BasicFunctions.ProjectVectorOnPlane(new_Gravity, BasicFunctions.ProjectVectorOnPlane(Gravity_Direction, player2point));
                    after_shift     = Quaternion.LookRotation(Gravity_Direction * -1f + extra_tmp, new_Gravity * -1f);
                    after_shift_cam = 0f;
                Gravity_Shift_Counter = Gravity_Shift_Time;
                Gravity_Direction     = new_Gravity;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Retreives a plugin instance given the plugin name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pluginName">Name of plugin to instantiate.</param>
        /// <returns>Plugin instance.</returns>
        internal static PluginBase GetPlugin(string pluginName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pluginName");

            PluginBase[] serverPlugins = BasicFunctions.AvailablePlugins();
            if (serverPlugins == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("No available plugins found");

            foreach (PluginBase plugin in serverPlugins)
                if (plugin.Name.Equals(pluginName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Plugin not found ({0})", pluginName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the lists sent to it based on the value of the function that is sent to it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetRegistries"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceRegistries"></param>
        /// <param name="canChooseSource02"></param>
        /// <param name="function"></param>
        protected void UpdateListOnFunctionChange(
            ref ObservableCollection <string> targetRegistries,
            ref ObservableCollection <string> sourceRegistries,
            ref bool canChooseSource02,
            BasicFunctions function)
            targetRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>();
            sourceRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            //If it is a load opperation
            if (function == BasicFunctions.LD)
                //You can only load to registers
                targetRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Registeries)));
                //And the source is only a registery
                sourceRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Memmories)));
            //If the operation is a store
            else if (function == BasicFunctions.SD)
                //You can only store in memeory
                targetRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Memmories)));
                //And get the data from the registeries
                sourceRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Registeries)));
                //If anything else the target can be any
                targetRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Memmories)));
                //But only sorce from the registers
                sourceRegistries = new ObservableCollection <string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Registeries)));

            CanChooseSource02 = !(function == BasicFunctions.LD || function == BasicFunctions.SD);
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "CalculationID,CalculationName,CalculationFormula,PhysicalUnit,DataStatus,DescriptionEN,DescriptionDE,CreatedOn,CreatedBy,ModifiedOn,ModifiedBy,DataFormatID")] Calculation calculation)

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (db.Calculation.Any(x => x.CalculationName.Equals(calculation.CalculationName)))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("CalculationName", "Calculation Name already exists");
                        ViewBag.set = db.TcSet.Where(x => x.TcSetID != 0 && x.DataFormat.FormatType.Equals("Number"));
                        ViewBag.DataFormatID = new SelectList(db.DataFormat.OrderBy(x => x.FormatName), "DataFormatID", "FormatName", calculation.DataFormatID);
                        return View(calculation);
                    var FunctionList = new BasicFunctions();
                    var delimstringlist = new string[] { "Min", "Max", "Abs" ,"Pow","+","-","*","/","(",")","²","³","Length"," ","\r","\n",",","[","]","Sqrt","Cubrt","^"};
                    string[] formulaSplit = calculation.CalculationFormula.Split(delimstringlist,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    double constant = 0;
                    foreach(var s in formulaSplit)
                        if(!db.TcSet.Any(x=>x.SetName==s && x.DataFormat.FormatType=="Number")&&!double.TryParse(s,out constant))
                            ModelState.AddModelError("CalculationFormula", "Formula contains unidentified property names");
                            ViewBag.set = db.TcSet.Where(x => x.TcSetID != 0 && x.DataFormat.FormatType.Equals("Number"));
                            ViewBag.DataFormatID = new SelectList(db.DataFormat.OrderBy(x => x.FormatName), "DataFormatID", "FormatName", calculation.DataFormatID);
                            return View(calculation);

                    calculation.CreatedBy = User.Identity.Name;
                    calculation.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    calculation.ModifiedBy = User.Identity.Name;
                    calculation.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
                ViewBag.set = db.TcSet.Where(x => x.TcSetID != 0);
                ViewBag.DataFormatID = new SelectList(db.DataFormat.OrderBy(x => x.FormatName), "DataFormatID", "FormatName", calculation.DataFormatID);
                return View(calculation);
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.Error = e.Message;
                return View("Error");
         * Method: GetPlacesDetail
         * Description: This method can be used to query the Places API for details regarding places with a
         *   specific place_id. The place_id is usually obtained from the response of a Place Search function.
         * Parameters:
         *   - place_id (String): A String identifier that uniquely identifies a place. This is returned as part
         *       of the response from the Place Search functions. For more details about place_id:
         *   - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *       creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. The first is an object of PlacesDetailResponse
         *   which contains all available details for the place. The second element is a ResponseStatus object
         *   indicating the status of the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. The tuple wrapped in a Task<>
         *   because the method makes Asynchronous HTTP requests to the Places API.
        public async Task <Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus> > GetPlaceDetails(String place_id)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(place_id))
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_PLACE_ID));

            // Creating the HTTP query url
            String HTTP_query = $"details/json?placeid={place_id}&key={APIKey}";

            // Setting up the request header to indicate that the request body will be in json
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // Making an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the Places API and collecting the output
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(HTTP_query);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


             * Here we do a two-step hop again to achieve the appropriate return value:
             *   We use the response string (response_str) from above and attempt to convert it back from json to
             *   NearbySearchResultList, the expected return object for a successful query. This produces one of
             *   two possibilities:
             *   1. If the response string is not a json of the NearbySearchResultList class, then we either get
             *      a JsonSerializationException or an empty list. In this case we print out the response and
             *      return null (Will improve this to return an appropriate error code).
             *   2. If the response string is as expected a json of NearbySearchResultList, then things go
             *      smoothly and we return that.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                try {
                    PlacesDetailResponse resultList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlacesDetailResponse>(response_str);
                    if (!resultList.Status.Equals("OK"))
                        // If the response status from the API is not OK, then we try to return the most appropriate Error
                        ResponseStatus status = PlacesStatus.ProcessErrorMessage(resultList.Status, resultList.Error_message);
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, status));
                    else if (resultList.Result == null)
                        // If the response provides an empty response set, then we return the ZERO_RESULTS (204) error
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.ZERO_RESULTS));
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(resultList, PlacesStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    // If the deserialization of the response fails, then we return an error
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.StackTrace);
                    return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                // If the response status from the API is not a success, then we return an error using the data returned
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));
         * Method: GetPlacesDetailWithOptions
         * Description: This method can be used to query the Places API for details regarding places with a
         *   specific place_id. The optional parameters can be used to determine the language of the response
         *   as well as what infromation is returned. If no fields are provided, then the query returns all
         *   available fields.
         * Parameters:
         *   - place_id (String): A String identifier that uniquely identifies a place. This is returned as part
         *       of the response from the Place Search functions. For more details about place_id:
         *   - region_code (String): This is an OPTIONAL parameter, that indicates the region code, specified as a
         *       ccTLD format. This is used to influence the query's results but relevant results outside the
         *       region may also be included.
         *   - fields (List<PlacesDetailFields>): OPTIONAL parameter. This is a list of details you wish to get
         *       about the places that match the query. If the list is empty or null, then the Places API will
         *       return all available details by default.
         *   - language_code (String): OPTIONAL parameter indicating the language in which results will be returned.
         *       By default this is set to English. List of supported languages and their codes:
         *   - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *       creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. The first is an object of PlacesDetailResponse
         *   which contains all available details for the place. The second element is a ResponseStatus object
         *   indicating the status of the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. The tuple wrapped in a Task<>
         *   because the method makes Asynchronous HTTP requests to the Places API.
        public async Task <Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus> > GetPlaceDetailsWithOptions(String place_id,
                                                                                                     String region_code = "", String language_code = "", String session_token = "", List <PlacesDetailFields> fields = null)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(place_id))
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_PLACE_ID));

            // Creating the HTTP query url
            String HTTP_query = $"details/json?placeid={place_id}";

            // Appending any optional fields that are set
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(region_code))
                HTTP_query += $"&region={region_code}";
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(language_code))
                HTTP_query += $"&language={language_code}";
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(session_token))
                HTTP_query += $"&sessiontoken={session_token}";
            if (fields != null && fields.Count != 0)
                HTTP_query += $"&fields={BasicFunctions.getPlacesDetailFieldsListString(fields)}";
            HTTP_query += $"&key={APIKey}";

            // Setting up the request header to indicate that the request body will be in json
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // Making an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the Places API and collecting the output
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(HTTP_query);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Similar two-step hop as in prior functions
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                try {
                    PlacesDetailResponse resultList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlacesDetailResponse>(response_str);
                    if (!resultList.Status.Equals("OK"))
                        // If the response status from the API is not OK, then we try to return the most appropriate Error
                        ResponseStatus status = PlacesStatus.ProcessErrorMessage(resultList.Status, resultList.Error_message);
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, status));
                    else if (resultList.Result == null)
                        // If the response provides an empty response set, then we return the ZERO_RESULTS (204) error
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.ZERO_RESULTS));
                        return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(resultList, PlacesStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    // If the deserialization of the response fails, then we return an error
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.StackTrace);
                    return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                // If the response status from the API is not a success, then we return an error using the data returned
                return(new Tuple <PlacesDetailResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));
         * Method: GetPlacesPhotos
         * Description: This method can be used to get a photo based on a photo reference returned as part of a
         *   PlacesSearch or PlacesDetail response. If the photo exists, then the method will save the photo at
         *   the desired directory address.
         * Parameters:
         *   - photoReference (String): A String identifier that uniquely identifies a photo. This is returned as
         *       part of the response for a PlacesSearch or PlacesDetail queries.
         *   - fileDestination (String): An absolute or relative path address of the desired location where the
         *       photo should be stored.
         *  One of the following two parameters is required:
         *   - maxHeight (int): This is an OPTIONAL parameter which indicates the maximum height of the image.
         *   - maxWidth (int): This is an OPTIONAL parameter which indicates the maximum width of the image.
         *   - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *       creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. The first is a String. If the query is successful
         *   then the string returns the directory location where the photo was stored. If the query fails for any
         *   reason then, the string is returned as null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating
         *   the status of the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. The tuple wrapped in a Task<> because
         *   the method makes Asynchronous HTTP requests to the Places API.
        public async Task <Tuple <String, ResponseStatus> > GetPlacesPhotos(String photoReference,
                                                                            String fileDestination, int maxHeight = 0, int maxWidth = 0)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <String, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(photoReference))
                return(new Tuple <String, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_PHOTO_REFERENCE));
            if (maxHeight <= 0 && maxWidth <= 0)
                return(new Tuple <string, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_HEIGHT_WIDTH));
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(fileDestination))
                return(new Tuple <string, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.MISSING_FILE_DESTINATION));

            // Creating the HTTP query url
            String HTTP_query = $"photo?photoreference={photoReference}";

            if (maxHeight > 0)
                HTTP_query += $"&maxheight={maxHeight}";
            if (maxWidth > 0)
                HTTP_query += $"&maxwidth={maxWidth}";
            HTTP_query += $"&key={APIKey}";

            // Setting up the request header to indicate that the request body will be in json
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // Making an asynchronous HTTP GET request to the Places API and collecting the output
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(HTTP_query);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // The following block of code is borrowed from

                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) {
                    Byte[] lnByte = reader.ReadBytes(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 10);
                    try {
                        using (FileStream lxFS = new FileStream(fileDestination, FileMode.Create)) {
                            lxFS.Write(lnByte, 0, lnByte.Length);

                            // End of borrowed code
                    } catch (ArgumentException e) {
                        // If we get an exception, then the directory path provided is likely invalid and we return that error
                        return(new Tuple <String, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.INVALID_FILE_LOCATION));
                    } catch (IOException e) {

                        if (e.Message.ToLower().Contains("could not find a part of the path"))
                            return(new Tuple <string, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.INVALID_FILE_LOCATION));
                        return(new Tuple <String, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
                return(new Tuple <string, ResponseStatus>(null, PlacesStatus.ProcessErrorMessage(response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ReasonPhrase)));

            // If there are no errors, then we return the directory address where the photo was stored
            return(new Tuple <string, ResponseStatus>(fileDestination, PlacesStatus.OK));
Beispiel #23
        public static void TrainNetwork(NeuralNetwork network, List <float[]> inputs, List <float[]> desiredOutputs)
            foreach (var desiredOutput in desiredOutputs.Where(desiredOutput =>
                                                               network.Structure[network.Structure.Length - 1] != desiredOutput.Length))
                Debug.Log("Expected " + network.Structure[network.Structure.Length - 1] + " outputs, got " +

            var doneTraining = true;

            for (var i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                var input = inputs[i];
                TestNetwork(network, input);

                for (var j = 0; j < network.Layers[network.Layers.Length - 1].Nodes.Length; j++)
                    network.Layers[network.Layers.Length - 1].Nodes[j].SetDesiredValue(desiredOutputs[i][j]);

                for (var j = network.Layers.Length - 1; j >= 1; j--)
                    foreach (var node in network.Layers[j].Nodes)
                        var biasSmudge = BasicFunctions.SigmoidDerivative(node.Value) *
                                         network.ClassificationOverPrecision *
                                         node.CalculateCostDelta(network.ClassificationOverPrecision, network.MaxError);
                        node.TrainingBiasSmudge += biasSmudge;

                        if (!node.isAcceptableValue)
                            doneTraining = false;

                        foreach (var connectedNode in node.GetConnectedNodes())
                            var weightSmudge = connectedNode.Value * biasSmudge;
                            node.TrainingWeightsSmudge[connectedNode] += weightSmudge;

                            var valueSmudge = node.GetWeight(connectedNode) * biasSmudge;

            if (doneTraining)
                network.Done = true;

            for (var i = network.Layers.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                foreach (var node in network.Layers[i].Nodes)
                    node.SetBias(node.GetBias() * (1 - network.WeightDecay));
                    node.TrainingBiasSmudge *= network.Momentum;

                    foreach (var connectedNode in node.GetConnectedNodes())
                        node.SmudgeWeight(connectedNode, node.TrainingWeightsSmudge[connectedNode]);
                        node.TrainingWeightsSmudge[connectedNode] *= network.Momentum;

                        node.SetWeight(connectedNode, node.GetWeight(connectedNode) * (1 - network.WeightDecay));

Beispiel #24
         * Method: AnnotateImages
         * Description: This method can be used to query the Google Cloud Image Intelligence API with a batch of
         *   images and run image detection and annotation on these images.
         * Parameters:
         *  - imageRequests (AnnotateImageRequestList): List of all the individual AnnotateImageRequests that will
         *      be sent to the Image Intelligence API.
         *  - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *      creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: If the query is successful, then the method will return a tuple of two items. The first is an
         *   AnnotateImageResponseList object with image identification and annotation corresponding to each image
         *   request from the request list. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query and the indentification are both
         *   performed asynchronously, the return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus> > AnnotateImages(AnnotateImageRequestList imageRequests, String input = "")
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (imageRequests == null || imageRequests.Requests.Count == 0)
                return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.MISSING_REQUEST_LIST));

            // Preparing the header to accept the JSON request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // The API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/images:annotate?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, imageRequests);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

             * Similar two-step hop as we have seen before. We try to deserialize the response string, expecting
             * an object of AnnotateImageResponseList If the response is not an AnnotateImageResponseList object,
             * then we will encounter a JSONSerialization error and return null. If it is as we expect, then we
             * just return the AnnotateImageResponseList object.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                AnnotateImageResponseList imageResponseList;

                try {
                    imageResponseList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnnotateImageResponseList>(response_str);

                    if (imageResponseList == null || imageResponseList.Responses.Count == 0)
                        return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.ZERO_RESULTS));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(imageResponseList, ImageAnnotationStatus.OK));
                // If the query is not successful, then we try to extract details about the error from the response
                AnnotateImageResponseList annotateResponse;

                try {
                    annotateResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnnotateImageResponseList>(response_str);

                    if (annotateResponse == null)
                        return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
                    if (annotateResponse.Error == null)
                        return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.ProcessErrorMessage(response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ReasonPhrase)));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, ImageAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                ResponseStatus status = ImageAnnotationStatus.ProcessErrorMessage(annotateResponse.Error.Code.ToString(), annotateResponse.Error.Message);
                return(new Tuple <AnnotateImageResponseList, ResponseStatus>(null, status));
Beispiel #25
         * Method: AnalyzeEntities
         * Description: This method can be used to find entities in a document or text. If you only wish to run
         *   sentiment analysis on each entity, simultaneously, then please use the AnalyzeEntitySentiment()
         *   method.
         * Parameters:
         *  - document (Document): The document/text from which you want Natural Language API to identify and
         *      analyze entities.
         *  - encodingType (EncodingType): The encoding type to help the API determine offsets. Acceptable values
         *      are NONE, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32. If NONE is specified, then encoding-specific information is not set.
         *  - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *      creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, which conatins a list of all the entities identified and
         *   the language of the document. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned, then the method
         *   returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of the query along
         *   with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the return object is
         *   wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus> > AnalyzeEntities(Document document, EncodingType encodingType)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (document == null)
                return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.MISSING_DOCUMENT));

            AnalyzeEntitiesRequest entitiesRequest = new AnalyzeEntitiesRequest(document, encodingType);

            if (entitiesRequest == null)
                return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

            // Preparing the header to send a JSON request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/documents:analyzeEntities?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, entitiesRequest);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

             * Similar two-step hop as we have seen before. We try to deserialize the response string, expecting
             * an object of AnalyzeEntitiesResponse. If the response is not an AnalyzeEntitiesResponse object,
             * then we will encounter a JSONSerialization error and return null. If it is as we expect, then we
             * just return the AnalyzeEntitiesResponse object, so long as it is not empty or null.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                AnalyzeEntitiesResponse entitiesResponse;

                try {
                    entitiesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse>(response_str);

                    if (entitiesResponse == null || entitiesResponse.Entities.Count == 0)
                        return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.ZERO_RESULTS));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(entitiesResponse, NaturalLanguageStatus.OK));
                // If the query is not successful, then we try to extract details about the error from the response
                AnalyzeEntitiesResponse entitiesResponse;

                try {
                    entitiesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                // If no error details are available, then we use the information from the response to determine
                // the appropriate error code
                if (entitiesResponse.Error == null)
                    return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null,
                                                                               NaturalLanguageStatus.processErrorMessage(response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ReasonPhrase)));
                    // If we do have an Error object, then we use it to identify the appropriate error code and message
                    return(new Tuple <AnalyzeEntitiesResponse, ResponseStatus>(null,
                                                                               NaturalLanguageStatus.processErrorMessage(entitiesResponse.Error.Code.ToString(), entitiesResponse.Error.Message)));
Beispiel #26
         * Method: ClassifyText
         * Description: This method can be used to classify the document into categories. Each category is
         *   identified by a name and associated with a confidence number indicating how confident the API is
         *   about the classification.
         * Parameters:
         *  - document (Document): The document/text on which you want Natural Language API to perform analysis.
         *  - APIKey (String): Implicity required paramter which should be set through the constructor when
         *      creating an object of this class. For more details about the Google API Key please see:
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type ClassifyTextResponse. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned,
         *   then the method returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the
         *   return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus> > ClassifyText(Document document)
            if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(APIKey))
                return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.MISSING_API_KEY));
            if (document == null)
                return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.MISSING_DOCUMENT));

            ClassifyTextRequest classifyTextRequest = new ClassifyTextRequest(document);

            if (classifyTextRequest == null)
                return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

            // Preparing the header to send a JSON request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/documents:classifyText?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, classifyTextRequest);

            Stream stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Similar two-step hop as we have seen in prior methods
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                ClassifyTextResponse classifyTextResponse;

                try {
                    classifyTextResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClassifyTextResponse>(response_str);

                    if (classifyTextResponse == null || classifyTextResponse.Categories.Count == 0)
                        return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.ZERO_RESULTS));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(classifyTextResponse, NaturalLanguageStatus.OK));
                // If the query is not successful, then we try to extract details about the error from the response
                ClassifyTextResponse classifyTextResponse;

                try {
                    classifyTextResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClassifyTextResponse>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, NaturalLanguageStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                 * If no error details are available, then we use the information from the response to determine
                 * the appropriate error code.
                 * If we do have an Error object, then we use it to identify the appropriate error code and message
                if (classifyTextResponse.Error == null)
                    return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null,
                                                                            NaturalLanguageStatus.processErrorMessage(response.StatusCode.ToString(), response.ReasonPhrase)));
                    return(new Tuple <ClassifyTextResponse, ResponseStatus>(null,
                                                                            NaturalLanguageStatus.processErrorMessage(classifyTextResponse.Error.Code.ToString(), classifyTextResponse.Error.Message)));
Beispiel #27
         * Method: AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections
         * Description: This method can be used to detect adult content in a video using the Google Cloud
         *   Video Intelligence API. If you wish to run multiple annotations at once, please use the
         *   AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections() method.
         * Parameters:
         * Only one of the following two parameters should be provided. If none or both are provided, then an
         * error will be returned:
         *  - inputUri (String): This string is the URI location of the video. Currently, only Google Cloud
         *      Storage URIs are supported. If this is set, then inputContent should not be set.
         *  - inputContent (String): Bytes format string for the video data. This should be set only if inputUri
         *      is not set.
         * At least one of the following three parameters must be set to true:
         *  - labelDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run label detection on the video
         *  - shotChangeDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run shot change detection on the video
         *  - explicitContentDetection (Boolean): Set to true if you want to run explicit content detection on the
         *      video
         *  - context (VideoContext): Additional context for the video or parameters specific to Label Annotation.
         *      This is an OPTIONAL parameter.
         *  - outputUri (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud Storage URI where the resulting JSON will be stored.
         *  - cloudRegionId (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud region id where the video annotation should take place.
         *      If no region is specified then one will be chosen based on the file's location.
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type VideoAnnotationResponse. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned,
         *   then the method returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the
         *   return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus> > AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections(
            String inputUri             = null, String inputContent = null, VideoContext context = null,
            String outputUri            = "", String cloudRegionId  = "", Boolean labelDetection = false,
            Boolean shotChangeDetection = false, Boolean explicitContentDetection = false)
            // One and only one of inputUri and inputContent can be set
            if ((BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent)))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_FEW_PARAMETERS));
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && !BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS));

            if (shotChangeDetection == false && explicitContentDetection == false && labelDetection == false)
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.MISSING_ANNOTATION_FIELD));

            List <String> videoFeatures = new List <String>();

            if (labelDetection)
            if (shotChangeDetection)
            if (explicitContentDetection)

            AnnotateVideoRequest annotateVideoRequest = new AnnotateVideoRequest(inputUri, inputContent, videoFeatures, context, outputUri, cloudRegionId);

            // Setting up the header for the request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/videos:annotate?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, annotateVideoRequest);

            Stream       stream       = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Similar two-step hop as we have seen in prior functions
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Operation operation;
                try {
                    operation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Operation>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                int ctr = 1;

                // We get the operation details for the annotation
                String operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                try {
                    VideoAnnotationResponse annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    // We run a loop that sleeps for 10 seconds and then rechecks to see if the annotation is complete.
                    // For every iteration of the loop, we increase
                    while (!annotationResponse.Done)
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000 * ctr);
                        operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                        annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(annotationResponse, VideoAnnotationStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));
Beispiel #28
 public void SetItems(BasicFunctions Items)
     this.Items = Items;
Beispiel #29
         * Method: AnnotateVideoWithLabelDetection
         * Description: This method can be used to annotate the desired video with labels using the Google Cloud
         *   Video Intelligence API. If you wish to run multiple annotations at once, please use the
         *   AnnotateVideoWithMultipleDetections() method.
         * Parameters:
         * Only one of the following two parameters should be provided. If none or both are provided, then an
         * error will be returned:
         *  - inputUri (String): This string is the URI location of the video. Currently, only Google Cloud
         *      Storage URIs are supported. If this is set, then inputContent should not be set.
         *  - inputContent (String): Bytes format string for the video data. This should be set only if inputUri
         *      is not set.
         *  - context (VideoContext): Additional context for the video or parameters specific to Label Annotation.
         *      This is an OPTIONAL parameter.
         *  - outputUri (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud Storage URI where the resulting JSON will be stored.
         *  - cloudRegionId (String): OPTIONAL Google Cloud region id where the video annotation should take place.
         *      If no region is specified then one will be chosen based on the file's location.
         * Return: The method returns a tuple of two items. If the query is successful, then the first item will
         *   be an object of type VideoAnnotationResponse. If the query is unsuccessful and an error is returned,
         *   then the method returns null. The second element is a ResponseStatus object indicating the status of
         *   the query along with the appropiate HTTP code. Since the HTTP query is performed asynchronously, the
         *   return object is wrapped in Task<>.
        public async Task <Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus> > AnnotateVideoWithLabelDetection(String inputUri     = "",
                                                                                                             String inputContent = "", VideoContext context = null, String outputUri = "", String cloudRegionId = "")
            // One and only one of inputUri and inputContent can be set
            if ((BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent)))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_FEW_PARAMETERS));
            if (!BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputUri) && !BasicFunctions.isEmpty(inputContent))
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS));

            // Create the features list and the annotation request object
            List <String> videoFeatures = new List <String> {

            AnnotateVideoRequest annotateVideoRequest = new AnnotateVideoRequest(inputUri, inputContent, videoFeatures, context, outputUri, cloudRegionId);

            // Setting up the header for the request body
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            // API address to which we will make the HTTP POST query
            String request_query         = "v1/videos:annotate?" + $"key={APIKey}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(request_query, annotateVideoRequest);

            Stream       stream       = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            String       response_str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

             * Similar two-step hop as we have seen before. We try to deserialize the response string, expecting
             * an object of Operation. If the response is not an Operation object, then we will encounter a
             * JSONSerialization error and return null. If it is as we expect, then we just return the
             * Operation object.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Operation operation;
                try {
                    operation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Operation>(response_str);
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));

                // We get the operation details for the annotation
                String operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(operation_json))
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

                try {
                    VideoAnnotationResponse annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    // We run a loop that sleeps for 10 seconds and then rechecks to see if the annotation is complete
                    while (!annotationResponse.Done)

                        operation_json = await GetVideoAnnotateOperation(operation.Name);

                        if (BasicFunctions.isEmpty(operation_json))
                            return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));

                        annotationResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VideoAnnotationResponse>(operation_json);

                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(annotationResponse, VideoAnnotationStatus.OK));
                } catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
                    return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, VideoAnnotationStatus.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR));
                return(new Tuple <VideoAnnotationResponse, ResponseStatus>(null, new ResponseStatus((int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase)));
Beispiel #30
        static int Main(string[] args)
            #region SWE Fundamentals 1
            #region Program Arguments
            Directions directionArgument;
            bool       booleanArgument;
            int        integerArgument;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                foreach (var arg in args)
                    if (arg == "/?")

                var sbArguments = new StringBuilder();
                sbArguments.Append("\nThe arguemts passed to the program were: ");

                bool success = Enum.TryParse(args[0], true, out directionArgument);
                if (success)
                    sbArguments.Append($"{directionArgument}, ");
                    success = bool.TryParse(args[1].ToLower(), out booleanArgument);
                    if (success)
                        sbArguments.Append($"{booleanArgument}, ");
                        success = int.TryParse(args[2], out integerArgument);
                        if (success)
                            sbArguments.Append($"{integerArgument}, ");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nCould not properly identify the second passed value");
                        Console.WriteLine("Expected a True or False (Note: not case sensitive)");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nCould not properly identify the first passed value");
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected a Direction such as: Up, Down, Left, Right (Note: not case sensitive)");

                var argString = string.Join(", ", args);
                Console.WriteLine($"You entered {argString}");

            #region HelloWorld
            Console.WriteLine("\nHello World!");

            #region Comments

            //This is a single line comment

             * multin
             * line
             * commentes*/

            /// <summary>
            /// This is an XML documentation comment
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args"></param>

            #region Variables
            bool   thisIsABool   = false;
            int    thisIsAnInt   = 1;
            double thisIsADouble = 2.0;
            char   thisIsAChar   = 'C';
            string thisIsAString = "This is a string, how about that!";

            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine("\nExample of C# Variable Types:");
            sb.AppendLine($"This is a bool: {thisIsABool}");
            sb.AppendLine($"This is an int: {thisIsAnInt}");
            sb.AppendLine($"This is an double: {thisIsADouble}");
            sb.AppendLine($"This is an char: {thisIsAChar}");
            sb.AppendLine($"This is an string: {thisIsAString}");


            #region Min / Max Values
            //maxInt produces an overflow exception error when incrementd by 1
            //var maxInt = int.MaxValue + 1;


            #region Implicit Types
            var thisIsAnImplicitBool   = false;
            var thisIsAnImplicitInt    = 1;
            var thisIsAnImplicitDouble = 2.0;
            var thisIsAnImplicitChar   = 'C';
            var thisIsAnImplicitString = "This is a string";

            #region Operators

            #region Assignmnet and Increment/Decrement
            var x = 1;
            var y = 5;

            //x++ will assign the value of x to z1 then will increment x
            var z1 = x++;
            //++y will increment y then assign the new value to z2;
            var z2 = ++y;

            var sbIncrement = new StringBuilder();
            sbIncrement.AppendLine("Incrementing Values");
            sbIncrement.AppendLine($"Value of x: {x}");
            sbIncrement.AppendLine($"Value of y: {y}");
            sbIncrement.AppendLine($"Value of z1: {z1}");
            sbIncrement.AppendLine($"Value of z2: {z2}");



            #region Math
            var z = 10;

            var a = x + y * z;
            var b = z / y + x;
            var c = z - x + y;

            var isEven = z % 2 == 0 ? true : false;

            var isDivisibleByThree = y % 3 == 0 ? true : false;

            var roundToThreeDecimalUsingTruncate     = Math.Truncate(x / (double)y);
            var roundToThreeDecimalUsingStringFormat = (x / (double)y).ToString("#.000");



            #region Type Conversions

            int    xConversion, yConversion, zConversion;
            double aConversion, bConversion, cConversion;

            xConversion = 1;
            yConversion = 3;
            zConversion = 6;

            aConversion = 2.0;
            bConversion = 6.0;
            cConversion = 12.0;

            int placeHolder;

            var sbTypeConvbersion = new StringBuilder();
            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine("Type Conversions:");

            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"int x: {xConversion} double a: {aConversion.ToString("#.00")} ");
            placeHolder = xConversion;
            xConversion = (int)aConversion;
            aConversion = (double)placeHolder;
            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"conversion = int a: {xConversion} and double x: {aConversion.ToString("#.00")}");

            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"int y: {yConversion} double b: {bConversion.ToString("#.00")} ");
            placeHolder = yConversion;
            yConversion = (int)bConversion;
            bConversion = (double)placeHolder;
            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"conversion = int b: {yConversion} and double y: {bConversion.ToString("#.00")}");

            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"int z: {zConversion} double c: {cConversion.ToString("#.00")} ");
            placeHolder = xConversion;
            zConversion = (int)cConversion;
            cConversion = (double)placeHolder;
            sbTypeConvbersion.AppendLine($"conversion = int c: {zConversion} and double z: {cConversion.ToString("#.00")}");



            #region Strings

            #region Escape and literals
            Console.WriteLine("\nThis is a string with \ttabs and \nnewlines\n");
            Console.WriteLine(@"This is a string litteral esacpe sequences like \t (tab) and \n (new line) do not work ");

            #region Concatenation
            var firstString  = "\nThis is the first part of my message";
            var secondString = "This is the second part of my message";

            Console.WriteLine(firstString + " " + secondString);

            #region String Legnth
            var testingStringLength = "\nThis string is how long I wonder?";

            Console.WriteLine($"{testingStringLength} Accoring to string.legth property = {testingStringLength.Length}");

            #region Indexing
            string stringWithOddNumberOfCharacters = "This string has an odd number of characters";


            #region ChangingCase
            string toChangeCase = "Get it done!";


            #region GettingPartsOfStrings
            string getPartsOfThisString = "This will be my test string";
            Console.WriteLine("\nGetting parts of strings:");
            Console.WriteLine("\"" + getPartsOfThisString + "\"");
            Console.WriteLine("Using string.Substring property:" + getPartsOfThisString.Substring(1, getPartsOfThisString.Length - 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Using string.trim property:" + getPartsOfThisString.Trim(getPartsOfThisString[0]).Trim(getPartsOfThisString[getPartsOfThisString.Length - 1]));


            #region Searching
            string sentenceToSearch = "It was the best of time, it was the worst of times.";
            char   searchCharacter  = 'i';

            Console.WriteLine($"Is \"{searchCharacter}\" in \"{sentenceToSearch}\"");
            Searching.FindCharInString(sentenceToSearch, searchCharacter);

            string filePath = @"c:\foo\bar.txt";


            #region Splitting
            string testingSplit = "This is a string with spaces";
            // splitting the string with .split will create an array of strings
            var splitString = testingSplit.Split(' ');

            #region Formatting


            #region PrintingAndParsing


            #region Enums
            var testingEnums = MyEnum.Friday;
            Console.WriteLine($"The Name of the Variable: {testingEnums} and the value: {(int)testingEnums}");


            #region Structs
            var xStruct = new Car();
            var yStruct = new Car();

            xStruct.Make  = "Hyundai";
            xStruct.Owner = "Jonah";
            xStruct.Price = 999.99;

            yStruct.Make  = "Tesla";
            yStruct.Owner = "Bob";
            yStruct.Price = 35000.00;

            Console.WriteLine($"Struct x: "
                              + $"\nOwner: {xStruct.Owner}"
                              + $"\nMake: {xStruct.Make}"
                              + $"\nPrice: {xStruct.Price}");

            Console.WriteLine($"\nStruct y: "
                              + $"\nOwner: {yStruct.Owner}"
                              + $"\nMake: {yStruct.Make}"
                              + $"\nPrice: {yStruct.Price}");

            xStruct.Make  = yStruct.Make;
            xStruct.Owner = yStruct.Owner;
            xStruct.Price = yStruct.Price;

            Console.WriteLine($"\nStruct x after copying values from Struct y: "
                              + $"\nOwner: {xStruct.Owner}"
                              + $"\nMake: {xStruct.Make}"
                              + $"\nPrice: {xStruct.Price}");

            #region Console I/O

            #region Command Line Arguments


            #region SWE Fundamental 2
            #region Conditionals

            Console.WriteLine("\nConditionals: ");

            #region If / Else
            Console.WriteLine("\nIf / Else: ");

            //Console.WriteLine("What value of x would you like to test");
            //var valueToCheck = Console.ReadLine();
            //int check;
            //var success = int.TryParse(valueToCheck, out check);

            //if (success)
            //    Conditionals.Conditions(check);



            #region Switch
            Console.WriteLine("\nPracticing with switch statements:");
            string season = "Winter";
            Console.Write($"{season} ");

            #region Order Of Operations
            Console.WriteLine("\nOrder of Operations:");


            #region Nest Conditionals
            Console.WriteLine("\nNest Conditionals:");



            #region Loops

            #region While
            Console.WriteLine("\nWhile Loops:");


            #region Do While Loops
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nDo While Loops:");



            #region For Loops
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nFor Loops:");


            #region Foreach Loop
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nForeach Loops:");


            #region Nest Loops
            Console.WriteLine("\nNested Loops:");


            #region Loop Flow Contorl
            Console.WriteLine("\nLoop Flow Control:");




            #region Arrays

            #region Single Dimensional Arrays
            Console.WriteLine("\nSingle Dimensional Arrays:");

            #region Multi Dimensional Arrays
            Console.WriteLine("\nMulti Dimensional Arrays:");


            #region Functions

            #region Basic Functions
            Console.WriteLine("\nBasic Functions:");

            var basicString1 = "This will ";
            var basicString2 = "print when passed ";
            var basicString3 = "to my basic function";

            var arrayToModify = new int[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            var indexToModify = 3;
            var valueToInsert = 10;

            var printingEveryOtherWord = "To be or not to be";

            BasicFunctions.ConcatenateThreeStrings(basicString1, basicString2, basicString3);
            BasicFunctions.UpdateArray(arrayToModify, indexToModify, valueToInsert);
            Console.WriteLine(BasicFunctions.CreateSubstring(basicString3, 4));

            #region Reference Type Equality
            Console.WriteLine("\nReference Type Equality:");

            var arrayOne = new int[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            var arrayTwo = new int[5] {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 7

            Console.WriteLine(ReferenceTypeEquality.AreArraysEqual(arrayOne, arrayTwo));


            #region Output Parameters
            Console.WriteLine("\nOutput Parameters:");

            int one = 21;
            int two = 7;
            int sum, difference, product, quotient;
            OutputParameters.mathOutput(one, two, out sum, out difference, out product, out quotient);

            Console.WriteLine($"The Sum of {one} and {two} =  {sum}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The Difference of {one} and {two} =  {difference}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The Product of {one} and {two} =  {product}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The Quotient of {one} and {two} =  {quotient}");

            #region Reference Parameters
            Console.WriteLine("\nReference Parameters:");

            int    indexToFind    = 3;
            string stringToSearch = "This is a sting operation, you are under arrest";
            Console.WriteLine($"Function will return the character at index location {indexToFind}");
            Console.WriteLine("The charater is: " + ReferenceParameters.ReturnSelectedIndex(stringToSearch, ref indexToFind));
            Console.WriteLine($"the value of the index has been changed to: {indexToFind}");



            #region File I/O


            #region Algorithms


Beispiel #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            PackageCore packageCore = new PackageCore();

            string AppFolder = "./UAP";

            switch (SystemEnvironment.currentSystem)
            case SystemType.Windows:
                AppFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "UAP");

            case SystemType.Linux:
                AppFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "UAP");

            case SystemType.MacOS:

            Host.ReadLine      = Console.ReadLine;
            Host.WriteLine     = Console.WriteLine;
            Host.Write         = Console.Write;
            Host.ResetColor    = Console.ResetColor;
            Host.SetForeground = (ConsoleColor c) => { Console.ForegroundColor = c; };
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                switch (args[i].ToUpper())
                case "INSTALL":
                        var package = packageCore.LoadPackage(args[i]);
                        var pkginfo = package.GetInfomation();
                        Console.WriteLine("Install from:" + args[i]);
                        if (package is ManifestPackage)
                            Console.Write("Package Type:");
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                        double p = 0;
                        var result = package.Install(ref p);
                        if (result.Status != UniversalAutomaticPackage.PackageSystem.InstallationStatus.Fail)
                            DirectoryInfo AppsFolder = new DirectoryInfo(AppFolder);
                            var pkg = Path.Combine(AppsFolder.FullName, pkginfo.PackageID.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Moveing from TemporaryFolder to assigned folder");
                            BasicFunctions.CopyFolder(result.BinFolder.FullName, pkg);
                            Console.WriteLine("Creating shortcut.");
                            ShortcutCreator.Create(Path.Combine(pkg, package.MainExecutable.fileName), package.MainExecutable.targetDisplayName);
                            Console.WriteLine("Registering Package.");
                            InstalledPackage.RegisterPackage(pkginfo.FriendlyName, pkg);
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                            //Directory.Move(result.BinFolder.FullName, pkg);
                            Console.WriteLine("" + result.DetailedMessage);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error:" + e.Message);

                case "REMOVE":

                case "VERSION":
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                case "INIT":
                    if (!Directory.Exists(AppFolder))

            if (args.Length == 0)