Beispiel #1
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584);                       // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInnocentTo(m_Thief, (Mobile)root) && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596);                       // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (SuspendOnMurder && root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInGuild(m_Thief) && m_Thief.Kills > 0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502706);                       // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                       // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                       // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                       // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                       // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                #region Sigils
                else if (toSteal is Sigil)
                    PlayerState pl      = PlayerState.Find(m_Thief);
                    Faction     faction = (pl == null ? null : pl.Faction);

                    Sigil sig = (Sigil)toSteal;

                    if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);    // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                    else if (root != null)                       // not on the ground
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);    // You can't steal that!
                    else if (faction != null)
                        if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(IncognitoSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010581);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil when you are incognito
                        else if (DisguiseGump.IsDisguised(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010583);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil while disguised
                        else if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(PolymorphSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010582);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil while polymorphed
                        else if (TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1061622);                               // You cannot steal the sigil while in that form.
                        else if (pl.IsLeaving)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005589);                               // You are currently quitting a faction and cannot steal the town sigil
                        else if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted && sig.LastMonolith.Faction == faction)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005590);                               //	You cannot steal your own sigil
                        else if (sig.IsPurifying)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005592);                               // You cannot steal this sigil until it has been purified
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, 80.0, 80.0))
                            if (Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Thief))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010258);                                   //	The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                            else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, sig, false, true))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259);                                   //	The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full
                                if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted)
                                    sig.GraceStart = DateTime.Now;                                     // begin grace period
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010586);                                 // YOU STOLE THE SIGIL!!!   (woah, call down now)

                                if (sig.LastMonolith != null)
                                    sig.LastMonolith.Sigil = null;

                                sig.LastStolen = DateTime.Now;

                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005594);                               //	You do not have enough skill to steal the sigil
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005588);                           //	You must join a faction to do that
                // allow stealing of rares on the ground or in containers
                else if ((toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable || toSteal.LootType == LootType.Newbied || toSteal.CheckBlessed(root)) && !ItemFlags.GetStealable(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                // allow stealing of containers
                else if (Core.AOS && toSteal is Container && !ItemFlags.GetStealable(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                       // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);                       // You cannot steal items which are equiped.
                else if (root == m_Thief)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                       // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    if (w > 10)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");
                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            // fix for zero-weight stackables
                            int maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;
                            if (toSteal.Weight > 0)
                                maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, maxAmount);

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen          = toSteal.Dupe(amount);
                                    toSteal.Amount -= amount;
                            int iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            // ARTEGORDONMOD
                            // Begin mod for ArtifactRarity difficulty scaling
                            // add in an additional difficulty factor for objects with ArtifactRarity
                            // with rarity=1 requiring a minimum of 100 stealing, and rarity 12 requiring a minimum of 118
                            // Note, this is completely independent of weight
                            Type   ptype;
                            string value = BaseXmlSpawner.GetBasicPropertyValue(toSteal, "ArtifactRarity", out ptype);

                            if (ptype == typeof(int) && value != null)
                                int rarity = 0;
                                    rarity = int.Parse(value);
                                } catch {}

                                // rarity difficulty scaling
                                if (rarity > 0)
                                    iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(120 + rarity * 1.5);
                            // End mod for ArtifactRarity difficulty scaling

                            if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        if (stolen != null)
                            // ARTEGORDONMOD
                            // Begin mod for stealable rares and other locked down items

                            // set the taken flag to trigger release from any controlling spawner
                            ItemFlags.SetTaken(stolen, true);
                            // clear the stealable flag so that the item can only be stolen once if it is later locked down.
                            ItemFlags.SetStealable(stolen, false);
                            // release it if it was locked down
                            stolen.Movable = true;

                            // End mod for stealable rares and other locked down items

                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724);                               // You succesfully steal the item.
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                               // You fail to steal the item.
                        caught = (m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < Utility.Random(150));
