Beispiel #1
        static public string GetLogicalCondition(BaseUtils.StringParser sp, string delimchars, out LogicalCondition value)
            value = LogicalCondition.Or;

            string condi = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);       // next is the inner condition..

            if (condi == null)
                return("Condition operator missing");

            condi = condi.Replace(" ", "");

            if (Enum.TryParse <ConditionEntry.LogicalCondition>(condi.Replace(" ", ""), true, out value))
                return("Condition operator " + condi + " is not recognised");
Beispiel #2
        private Dictionary <string, string> ReadFromString(BaseUtils.StringParser p, FromMode fm, Dictionary <string, string> altops = null)
            Dictionary <string, string> newvars = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (!p.IsEOL)
                string varname = p.NextQuotedWord("= ");

                if (varname == null)

                if (altops != null)         // with extended ops, the ops are returned in the altops function, one per variable found
                {                           // used only with let and set..
                    if (varname.EndsWith("$+"))
                        varname         = varname.Substring(0, varname.Length - 2);
                        altops[varname] = "$+=";
                    else if (varname.EndsWith("$"))
                        varname         = varname.Substring(0, varname.Length - 1);
                        altops[varname] = "$=";
                    else if (varname.EndsWith("+"))
                        varname         = varname.Substring(0, varname.Length - 1);
                        altops[varname] = "+=";
                        altops[varname] = "=";             // varname is good, it ended with a = or space, default is =

                        bool dollar = p.IsCharMoveOn('$'); // check for varname space $+
                        bool add    = p.IsCharMoveOn('+');

                        if (dollar && add)
                            altops[varname] = "$+=";
                        else if (dollar)
                            altops[varname] = "$=";
                        else if (add)
                            altops[varname] = "+=";

                if (!p.IsCharMoveOn('='))

                string value = (fm == FromMode.OnePerLine) ? p.NextQuotedWordOrLine() : p.NextQuotedWord((fm == FromMode.MultiEntryComma) ? ", " : ",) ");

                if (value == null)

                newvars[varname] = value;

                if (fm == FromMode.MultiEntryCommaBracketEnds && p.PeekChar() == ')')        // bracket, stop don't remove.. outer bit wants to check its there..
                else if (fm == FromMode.OnePerLine && !p.IsEOL)        // single entry, must be eol now
                else if (!p.IsEOL && !p.IsCharMoveOn(','))   // if not EOL, but not comma, incorrectly formed list

Beispiel #3
        // if includeevent is set, it must be there..
        // demlimchars is normally space, but can be ") " if its inside a multi.

        public string Read(BaseUtils.StringParser sp, bool includeevent = false, string delimchars = " ")
            Fields         = new List <ConditionEntry>();
            InnerCondition = OuterCondition = LogicalCondition.Or;
            EventName      = ""; Action = "";
            ActionVars     = new Variables();

            if (includeevent)
                string actionvarsstr;
                if ((EventName = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(',') ||
                    (Action = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(',') ||
                    (actionvarsstr = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(','))
                    return("Incorrect format of EVENT data associated with condition");

                if (actionvarsstr.HasChars())
                    ActionVars = new Variables(actionvarsstr, Variables.FromMode.MultiEntryComma);

            LogicalCondition?ic = null;

            while (true)
                string var = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);             // always has para cond
                if (var == null)
                    return("Missing parameter (left side) of condition");

                string cond = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);
                if (cond == null)
                    return("Missing condition operator");

                ConditionEntry.MatchType mt;
                if (!ConditionEntry.MatchTypeFromString(cond, out mt))
                    return("Condition operator " + cond + " is not recognised");

                string value = "";

                if (ConditionEntry.IsNullOperation(mt)) // null operators (Always..)
                    if (!var.Equals("Condition", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        return("Condition must preceed fixed result operator");
                    var = "Condition";                         // fix case..
                else if (!ConditionEntry.IsUnaryOperation(mt)) // not unary, require right side
                    value = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);
                    if (value == null)
                        return("Missing value part (right side) of condition");

                ConditionEntry ce = new ConditionEntry()
                    ItemName = var, MatchCondition = mt, MatchString = value

                if (sp.IsEOL || sp.PeekChar() == ')')           // end is either ) or EOL
                    InnerCondition = (ic == null) ? LogicalCondition.Or : ic.Value;
                    LogicalCondition nic;
                    string           err = GetLogicalCondition(sp, delimchars, out nic);
                    if (err.Length > 0)
                        return(err + " for inner condition");

                    if (ic == null)
                        ic = nic;
                    else if (ic.Value != nic)
                        return("Cannot specify different inner conditions between expressions");
Beispiel #4
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string res;

            if (ap.Functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != BaseUtils.Functions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                BaseUtils.StringParser sp = new BaseUtils.StringParser(res);

                string nextcmd = sp.NextWordLCInvariant(" ");

                if (nextcmd == null)
                    ap.ReportError("Missing command in ProgramWindow");
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("tab") || nextcmd.Equals("opentab") || nextcmd.Equals("closetab"))
                    string tabname = sp.NextQuotedWord(lowercase: System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, replaceescape: true);

                    if (!(ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.SelectTabPage(tabname, nextcmd.Equals("opentab"), nextcmd.Equals("closetab")))
                        ap.ReportError("Tab page name " + tabname + " not found");
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("topmost"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.TopMost = true;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("normalz"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.TopMost = false;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("showintaskbar"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.ShowInTaskbar = true;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("notshowintaskbar"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.ShowInTaskbar = false;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("minimize"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("normal"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("maximize"))
                    (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("location"))
                    int?x = sp.NextWordComma().InvariantParseIntNull();
                    int?y = sp.NextWordComma().InvariantParseIntNull();
                    int?w = sp.NextWordComma().InvariantParseIntNull();
                    int?h = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseIntNull();

                    if (x.HasValue && y.HasValue && w.HasValue && h.HasValue)
                        (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.Location = new Point(x.Value, y.Value);
                        (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.Size     = new Size(w.Value, h.Value);
                        ap.ReportError("Location needs x,y,w,h in Popout");
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("position"))
                    int?x = sp.NextWordComma().InvariantParseIntNull();
                    int?y = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseIntNull();

                    if (x.HasValue && y.HasValue)
                        (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.Location = new Point(x.Value, y.Value);
                        ap.ReportError("Position needs x,y in Popout");
                else if (nextcmd.Equals("size"))
                    int?w = sp.NextWordComma().InvariantParseIntNull();
                    int?h = sp.NextWord().InvariantParseIntNull();

                    if (w.HasValue && h.HasValue)
                        (ap.ActionController as ActionController).DiscoveryForm.Size = new Size(w.Value, h.Value);
                        ap.ReportError("Size needs x,y,w,h in Popout");
                    ap.ReportError("Unknown command " + nextcmd + " in Popout");

Beispiel #5
        public string Read(BaseUtils.StringParser sp, bool includeevent = false, string delimchars = " ") // if includeevent is set, it must be there..
        {                                                                                                 // demlimchars is normally space, but can be ") " if its inside a multi.
            fields         = new List <ConditionEntry>();
            innercondition = outercondition = ConditionEntry.LogicalCondition.Or;
            eventname      = ""; action = ""; actiondata = "";

            if (includeevent)
                if ((eventname = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(',') ||
                    (action = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(',') ||
                    (actiondata = sp.NextQuotedWord(", ")) == null || !sp.IsCharMoveOn(','))
                    return("Incorrect format of EVENT data associated with condition");

            ConditionEntry.LogicalCondition?ic = null;

            while (true)
                string var = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);             // always has para cond
                if (var == null)
                    return("Missing parameter (left side) of condition");

                string cond = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);
                if (cond == null)
                    return("Missing condition operator");

                ConditionEntry.MatchType mt;
                if (!ConditionEntry.MatchTypeFromString(cond, out mt))
                    return("Condition operator " + cond + " is not recognised");

                string value = "";

                if (ConditionEntry.IsNullOperation(mt)) // null operators (Always..)
                    if (!var.Equals("Condition", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        return("Condition must preceed fixed result operator");
                    var = "Condition";                         // fix case..
                else if (!ConditionEntry.IsUnaryOperation(mt)) // not unary, require right side
                    value = sp.NextQuotedWord(delimchars);
                    if (value == null)
                        return("Missing value part (right side) of condition");

                ConditionEntry ce = new ConditionEntry()
                    itemname = var, matchtype = mt, matchstring = value

                if (sp.IsEOL || sp.PeekChar() == ')')           // end is either ) or EOL
                    innercondition = (ic == null) ? ConditionEntry.LogicalCondition.Or : ic.Value;
                    ConditionEntry.LogicalCondition nic;
                    string err = ConditionEntry.GetLogicalCondition(sp, delimchars, out nic);
                    if (err.Length > 0)
                        return(err + " for inner condition");

                    if (ic == null)
                        ic = nic;
                    else if (ic.Value != nic)
                        return("Cannot specify different inner conditions between expressions");