Beispiel #1
        public void BaseStationMessageHelper_ConvertToBaseStationTransmissionType_Converts_Text_Correctly()
            foreach (BaseStationTransmissionType transmissionType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BaseStationTransmissionType)))
                string text = null;
                switch (transmissionType)
                case BaseStationTransmissionType.AirbornePosition:              text = "3"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.AirborneVelocity:              text = "4"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.AirToAir:                      text = "7"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.AllCallReply:                  text = "8"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.IdentificationAndCategory:     text = "1"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.None:                          continue;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.SurfacePosition:               text = "2"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.SurveillanceAlt:               text = "5"; break;

                case BaseStationTransmissionType.SurveillanceId:                text = "6"; break;

                default:                                                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                Assert.AreEqual(transmissionType, BaseStationMessageHelper.ConvertToBaseStationTransmissionType(text), transmissionType.ToString());
Beispiel #2
 public void BaseStationMessageHelper_ConvertToBaseStationTransmissionType_Converts_Unknown_Text_Correctly()
     foreach (string text in new string[] { null, "", "0", "9", "10", "AA" })
         Assert.AreEqual(BaseStationTransmissionType.None, BaseStationMessageHelper.ConvertToBaseStationTransmissionType(text));
        /// <summary>
        /// See interface docs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="signalLevel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BaseStationMessage Translate(string text, int?signalLevel)
            var result = new BaseStationMessage()
                SignalLevel = signalLevel

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                var      isMlat = false;
                string[] parts  = text.Split(',');
                for (int c = 0; c < parts.Length; c++)
                    string chunk = parts[c];
                    try {
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(chunk))
                            switch (c)
                            case 0:     result.MessageType = BaseStationMessageHelper.ConvertToBaseStationMessageType(chunk, ref isMlat); break;

                            case 1:     result.TransmissionType = result.MessageType == BaseStationMessageType.Transmission ? BaseStationMessageHelper.ConvertToBaseStationTransmissionType(chunk) : BaseStationTransmissionType.None; break;

                            case 2:     result.SessionId = ParseInt(chunk); break;

                            case 3:     result.AircraftId = ParseInt(chunk); break;

                            case 4:     result.Icao24 = chunk == null ? null : chunk.ToUpperInvariant(); break;

                            case 5:     result.FlightId = ParseInt(chunk); break;

                            case 6:     result.MessageGenerated = ParseDate(chunk); break;

                            case 7:     result.MessageGenerated = ParseTime(result.MessageGenerated, chunk); break;

                            case 8:     result.MessageLogged = ParseDate(chunk); break;

                            case 9:     result.MessageLogged = ParseTime(result.MessageLogged, chunk); break;

                            case 10:    if (result.MessageType == BaseStationMessageType.StatusChange)
                                    result.StatusCode = BaseStationMessageHelper.ConvertToBaseStationStatusCode(chunk);
                                    result.Callsign = chunk.Replace("@", "").Trim();
                                } break;

                            case 11:    result.Altitude = ParseInt(chunk); break;

                            case 12:    result.GroundSpeed = ParseFloat(chunk); break;

                            case 13:    result.Track = ParseFloat(chunk); break;

                            case 14:    result.Latitude = ParseDouble(chunk); break;

                            case 15:    result.Longitude = ParseDouble(chunk); break;

                            case 16:    result.VerticalRate = ParseInt(chunk); break;

                            case 17:    result.Squawk = ParseInt(chunk); if (result.Squawk == 0)
                                    result.Squawk = null;

                            case 18:    result.SquawkHasChanged = ParseBool(chunk); break;

                            case 19:    result.Emergency = ParseBool(chunk); break;

                            case 20:    result.IdentActive = ParseBool(chunk); break;

                            case 21:    result.OnGround = ParseBool(chunk); break;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("BaseStationMessageTranslator.Translate caught exception: {0}", ex.ToString()));

                        // I would prefer to pass ex as the inner exception to this. However Microsoft's Application.ThreadException unhandled exception handler
                        // strips off all outer exceptions and only shows the bottom-most exception - i.e., in our case, the exception from a Parse method. This
                        // is not useful in isolation, we need to know what was being translated, the context in which the exception was thrown. So I have ended
                        // up with this, which is not very nice but shows enough information in the unhandled exception handler to allow diagnosis of the problem.
                        throw new BaseStationTranslatorException($"{ex.Message} while translating \"{chunk}\" (chunk {c}) in \"{text}\"");

                result.IsMlat = isMlat;
