Beispiel #1
 private static void TrackProgress(ProgressListener progressListener, BaseResponseInterpretor interpretor)
     while (interpretor.Progress < 100)
Beispiel #2
        public static IBaseResponseBody ParseResponseBody(Request request, StringStringKeyValuePairContainer responseHeaders, Stream inputStream)
            if (request.HasProperty(RequestProperty.NoDecode))
                return(new StringResponseBody("Body decoding is turned off for this request"));
            string contentEncoding = responseHeaders.GetValue(HeaderKeys.ContentEncoding);             //The content encoding of the response, will be null when it's plain text
            string contentLength   = responseHeaders.GetValue(HeaderKeys.ContentLength);
            string contentType     = responseHeaders.GetValue(HeaderKeys.ContentType);
            string chunkedValue    = responseHeaders.GetValue(HeaderKeys.TransferEncoding);
            bool   chunked         = chunkedValue != null && contentLength == null &&
                                     chunkedValue.Equals(HeaderValues.TransferEncodingChunked, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            long bodySize = 0;

            if (contentLength != null)
                if (!MathUtil.IsInteger(contentLength))
                    throw new Exception("Content length for " + request.Url + " is not a valid integer: " + contentLength);
                bodySize = MathUtil.ParseInt(contentLength, true, 0);
            if (!chunked && contentLength == null)
                logger.Warning("Response for " + request.Url + " is not chunked but has no Content-Length header.");
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing server response body for [" + request.Url + "] with properties [Content-Encoding: " + contentEncoding
                              + ", Transfer-Encoding: " + chunkedValue + ", Content-Length: " + bodySize + ", Content-Type: " + contentType + "]");                   //TODO

            bool download = request.SavePath != null && contentType != null;

            if (chunked)                                                   //Read the chunks if the response is chunked
                if (responseHeaders.GetValue(HeaderKeys.Location) != null) //When it's a redirect we don't need to read any body
                    return(new StringResponseBody(""));
                logger.Debug("Reading response body chunks");

                inputStream = ReadChunks(inputStream);

                if (inputStream is null)
                    logger.Error("Failed to read chunks on " + request.Url);

                    if (HttpConfig.DebugMode)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to read chunks on " + request.Url);
                    return(download ? new FileResponseBody(null) : (IBaseResponseBody) new StringResponseBody("Failed to read chunks"));
                if (bodySize > 0 && bodySize != inputStream.Length)
                    logger.Warning("Unexpected body size for " + request.Url + ", received " + inputStream.Length + " instead of " + bodySize);
                bodySize = inputStream.Length;
            if (contentLength != null && contentLength.Equals("0", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                logger.Debug("Content length is zero for " + request.Url + ", no body to parse");
                return(new StringResponseBody(""));
            BaseResponseInterpretor interpretor = download ? new FileInterpretor(bodySize, request.SavePath)
                                        : (BaseResponseInterpretor) new StringInterpretor(bodySize, contentEncoding, contentType);

            if (request.HasProgressListener)
                Task.Run(() => TrackProgress(request.ProgressListener, interpretor));
            IBaseResponseBody respBody;

            if (download)
                FileInterpretor fi = interpretor as FileInterpretor;
                respBody = fi.Interpret(inputStream);
                StringInterpretor si = interpretor as StringInterpretor;
                respBody = si.Interpret(inputStream);