/// <summary>
        /// Parse a new SampleConstraint from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto containing a representation of the SampleConstraint.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the SampleConstraint is returned.</returns>
        public static SamplerConstraint FromProto(RawProto rp)
            string            strVal;
            SamplerConstraint p = new SamplerConstraint();

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("min_jaccard_overlap")) != null)
                p.min_jaccard_overlap = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);
            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_jaccard_overlap")) != null)
                p.max_jaccard_overlap = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("min_sample_coverage")) != null)
                p.min_sample_coverage = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);
            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_sample_coverage")) != null)
                p.max_sample_coverage = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("min_object_coverage")) != null)
                p.min_object_coverage = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);
            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_object_coverage")) != null)
                p.max_object_coverage = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

Beispiel #2
        private void load(StreamReader sr, InnerProductLayer <T> layer)
            for (int i = 0; i < layer.blobs.Count; i++)
                List <float> rgf     = new List <float>();
                string       strLine = sr.ReadLine();
                string[]     rgstr   = strLine.Split(',');

                for (int j = 0; j < rgstr.Length; j++)

                layer.blobs[i].mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgf.ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < layer.internal_blobs.Count; i++)
                List <float> rgf     = new List <float>();
                string       strLine = sr.ReadLine();
                string[]     rgstr   = strLine.Split(',');

                for (int j = 0; j < rgstr.Length; j++)

                layer.internal_blobs[i].mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgf.ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new NonMaximumSuppressionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            NonMaximumSuppressionParameter p = new NonMaximumSuppressionParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("nms_threshold")) != null)
                p.nms_threshold = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("top_k")) != null)
                p.top_k = int.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("eta")) != null)
                p.eta = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a new Sample from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto containing a representation of the Sample.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the Sample is returned.</returns>
        public static Sampler FromProto(RawProto rp)
            string  strVal;
            Sampler p = new Sampler();

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("min_scale")) != null)
                p.min_scale = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);
            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_scale")) != null)
                p.max_scale = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("min_aspect_ratio")) != null)
                p.min_aspect_ratio = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);
            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_aspect_ratio")) != null)
                p.max_aspect_ratio = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new SaltPepperParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            SaltPepperParameter p = new SaltPepperParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("fraction")) != null)
                p.fraction = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            p.value = new List <float>();
            RawProtoCollection col = rp.FindChildren("value");

            foreach (RawProto rp1 in col)
                if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("value")) != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new EmitConstraint FromProto(RawProto rp)
            EmitConstraint p = new EmitConstraint(false);
            string         strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("emit_type")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "CENTER":
                    p.emit_type = EmitType.CENTER;

                case "MIN_OVERLAP":
                    p.emit_type = EmitType.MIN_OVERLAP;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown emit_type '" + strVal + "'!");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("emit_overlap")) != null)
                p.emit_overlap = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new ExpansionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            ExpansionParameter p = new ExpansionParameter(false);
            string             strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_expand_ratio")) != null)
                p.max_expand_ratio = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static DetectionEvaluateParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            DetectionEvaluateParameter p = new DetectionEvaluateParameter();
            string strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("num_classes")) != null)
                p.num_classes = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("background_label_id")) != null)
                p.background_label_id = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("overlap_threshold")) != null)
                p.overlap_threshold = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("evaluate_difficult_gt")) != null)
                p.evaulte_difficult_gt = bool.Parse(strVal);

            p.name_size_file = rp.FindValue("name_size_file");

            RawProto rpResize = rp.FindChild("resize_param");

            if (rpResize != null)
                p.resize_param = ResizeParameter.FromProto(rpResize);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new NoiseParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            NoiseParameter p = new NoiseParameter(false);
            string         strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("hist_eq")) != null)
                p.hist_eq = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("inverse")) != null)
                p.inverse = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("decolorize")) != null)
                p.decolorize = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("gauss_blur")) != null)
                p.gauss_blur = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("jpeg")) != null)
                p.jpeg = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("posterize")) != null)
                p.posterize = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("erode")) != null)
                p.erode = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saltpepper")) != null)
                p.saltpepper = bool.Parse(strVal);

            RawProto rp1 = rp.FindChild("saltpepper_param");

            if (rp1 != null)
                p.saltpepper_param = SaltPepperParameter.FromProto(rp1);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("clahe")) != null)
                p.clahe = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("convert_to_hsv")) != null)
                p.convert_to_hsv = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("convert_to_lab")) != null)
                p.convert_to_lab = bool.Parse(strVal);

Beispiel #10
        private bool loadXmlAnnotationFile(Log log, string strFile, SimpleDatum datum, Dictionary <string, int> rgNameToLabel)
            XDocument doc  = XDocument.Load(strFile);
            XElement  size = doc.Descendants("size").First();
            XElement  val;

            val = size.Descendants("width").First();
            int nWidth = int.Parse(val.Value);

            val = size.Descendants("height").First();
            int nHeight = int.Parse(val.Value);

            val = size.Descendants("depth").First();
            int nChannels = int.Parse(val.Value);

            if (datum.Height != nHeight || datum.Width != nWidth || datum.Channels != nChannels)
                log.FAIL("Inconsistent image size, expected (" + datum.Channels.ToString() + "," + datum.Height.ToString() + "," + datum.Width.ToString() + ") but annotation has size (" + nChannels.ToString() + "," + nHeight.ToString() + "," + nWidth.ToString() + ").");

            int nInstanceId = 0;

            List <XElement> objects = doc.Descendants("object").ToList();

            foreach (XElement obj in objects)
                val = obj.Descendants("name").First();
                string strName = val.Value;

                val = obj.Descendants("difficult").First();
                bool bDifficult = (val.Value == "0") ? false : true;

                XElement bndbox = obj.Descendants("bndbox").First();

                val = bndbox.Descendants("xmin").First();
                float fxmin = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(val.Value);
                if (fxmin > nWidth || fxmin < 0)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: '" + strFile + "' bounding box exceeds image boundary.");

                val = bndbox.Descendants("ymin").First();
                float fymin = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(val.Value);
                if (fymin > nHeight || fymin < 0)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: '" + strFile + "' bounding box exceeds image boundary.");

                val = bndbox.Descendants("xmax").First();
                float fxmax = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(val.Value);
                if (fxmax > nWidth || fxmax < 0)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: '" + strFile + "' bounding box exceeds image boundary.");

                val = bndbox.Descendants("ymax").First();
                float fymax = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(val.Value);
                if (fymax > nHeight || fymax < 0)
                    log.WriteLine("WARNING: '" + strFile + "' bounding box exceeds image boundary.");

                if (!rgNameToLabel.ContainsKey(strName))
                    log.FAIL("Could not find the label '" + strName + "' in the label mapping!");

                int            nLabel = rgNameToLabel[strName];
                NormalizedBBox bbox   = new NormalizedBBox(fxmin / nWidth, fymin / nHeight, fxmax / nWidth, fymax / nHeight, nLabel, bDifficult);

                foreach (AnnotationGroup g in datum.annotation_group)
                    if (nLabel == g.group_label)
                        if (g.annotations.Count == 0)
                            nInstanceId = 0;
                            nInstanceId = g.annotations[g.annotations.Count - 1].instance_id + 1;

                        g.annotations.Add(new Annotation(bbox, nInstanceId));
                        bbox = null;

                if (bbox != null)
                    nInstanceId = 0;
                    AnnotationGroup grp = new AnnotationGroup(null, nLabel);
                    grp.annotations.Add(new Annotation(bbox, nInstanceId));
                    bbox = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new ResizeParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            ResizeParameter p = new ResizeParameter(false);
            string          strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("active")) != null)
                p.Active = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("resize_mode")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "WARP":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.WARP;

                case "FIT_SMALL_SIZE":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.FIT_SMALL_SIZE;

                case "FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown resize_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("height")) != null)
                p.height = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("width")) != null)
                p.width = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("height_scale")) != null)
                p.height_scale = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("width_scale")) != null)
                p.width_scale = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("pad_mode")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "CONSTANT":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.CONSTANT;

                case "MIRRORED":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.MIRRORED;

                case "REPEAT_NEAREST":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.REPEAT_NEAREST;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown pad_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

            p.pad_value = new List <float>();
            RawProtoCollection col = rp.FindChildren("pad_value");

            foreach (RawProto rp1 in col)
                if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("pad_value")) != null)

            p.interp_mode = new List <InterpMode>();
            RawProtoCollection col1 = rp.FindChildren("interp_mode");

            foreach (RawProto pr1 in col1)
                strVal = pr1.Value;

                switch (strVal)
                case "LINEAR":

                case "AREA":

                case "NEAREST":

                case "CUBIC":

                case "LANCZOS4":

                    throw new Exception("Unknown interp_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new DistortionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            DistortionParameter p = new DistortionParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("active")) != null)
                p.Active = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("brightness_prob")) != null)
                p.brightness_prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("brightness_delta")) != null)
                p.brightness_delta = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_prob")) != null)
                p.contrast_prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_lower")) != null)
                p.contrast_lower = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_upper")) != null)
                p.contrast_upper = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_prob")) != null)
                p.saturation_prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_lower")) != null)
                p.saturation_lower = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_upper")) != null)
                p.saturation_upper = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("random_order_prob")) != null)
                p.random_order_prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("use_gpu")) != null)
                p.use_gpu = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("random_seed")) != null)
                p.random_seed = long.Parse(strVal);
