/// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            #region Controls
            var defBtnSizeBig = new Size(100, 23);
            var defBtnSize    = new Size(70, 23);

            constFullLbl     = new BaseLabel(_res, "constFullLbl", 6, new Point(233, 315), new Size(178, 18), "Constructed Full Address:", autoSize: true);
            genAddLbl        = new BaseLabel(_res, "genAddLbl", 3, new Point(3, 315), new Size(131, 18), "Generate Address:", autoSize: true);
            macVendorsLbl    = new BaseLabel(_res, "macVendorsLbl", 1, new Point(3, 40), new Size(100, 18), "Mac Vendors:", autoSize: true);
            savedAddysLbl    = new BaseLabel(_res, "savedAddysLbl", 3, new Point(5, 40), new Size(123, 17), "Saved Addresses:", padding: new Padding(5, 40, 3, 0), autoSize: true);
            generateRndmBtn  = new BaseButton(_res, "generateRndmBtn", 9, point: new Point(236, 237), size: new Size(120, 23), text: "Generate Random", visStyleBackColor: true);
            applyFullAddBtn  = new BaseButton(_res, "applyFullAddBtn", 8, point: new Point(236, 387), size: defBtnSizeBig, text: "Apply Full Address", visStyleBackColor: true);
            saveToFileBtn    = new BaseButton(_res, "saveToFileBtn", 0, point: new Point(236, 433), size: new Size(70, 23), margin: new Padding(20, 20, 3, 3), text: "Save", visStyleBackColor: true);
            generateAddrBtn  = new BaseButton(_res, "generateAddrBtn", 5, point: new Point(6, 387), size: defBtnSizeBig, text: "Generate New", visStyleBackColor: true);
            addVendorBtn     = new BaseButton(_res, "addVendorBtn", 4, point: new Point(6, 237), size: new Size(100, 23), text: "Add Selected", visStyleBackColor: true);
            applySelectBtn   = new BaseButton(_res, "applySelectBtn", 1, point: new Point(35, 151), size: defBtnSize, margin: new Padding(35, 60, 3, 3), text: "Apply", visStyleBackColor: true);
            removeSelectBtn  = new BaseButton(_res, "removeSelectBtn", 2, point: new Point(35, 192), size: defBtnSize, margin: new Padding(35, 15, 3, 3), text: "Remove", visStyleBackColor: true);
            macAddHelpBtn    = new BaseButton(_res, "macAddHelpBtn", 5, point: new Point(80, 233), size: new Size(40, 23), margin: new Padding(80, 15, 3, 3), text: "Help!", visStyleBackColor: true);
            fullMacTxtBox    = new BaseTextBox(_res, "fullMacTxtBox", 7, new Point(236, 349), new Size(160, 20));
            generatedTxtBox  = new BaseTextBox(_res, "generatedTxtBox", 2, new Point(6, 349), new Size(120, 20));
            macVendorsLstBox = new BaseListBox(_res, "macVendorsLstBox", 0, true, point: new Point(6, 67), size: new Size(350, 147));
            savedMacsCmboBox = new BaseComboBox(_res, "savedMacsCmboBox", 3, new Point(5, 67), new Size(121, 21), new Padding(5, 10, 3, 3));


            #region Panels
            macDetailsPnl = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "macDetailsPnl", 0, new Control[] { generateRndmBtn, applyFullAddBtn, saveToFileBtn, fullMacTxtBox, constFullLbl, generateAddrBtn, addVendorBtn, genAddLbl, generatedTxtBox, macVendorsLbl, macVendorsLstBox },
                                              new Point(12, 12), new Size(434, 491));
            savedAddrsPnl = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "svedAddrsPnl", 1, new Control[] { savedAddysLbl, savedMacsCmboBox, applySelectBtn, removeSelectBtn, macAddHelpBtn },
                                              new Point(461, 12), new Size(140, 490), borderStyle: BorderStyle.Fixed3D);

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            #region Controls
            var defBigButtonSize  = new Size(120, 23);
            var defButtonPadding  = new Padding(85, 10, 85, 5);
            var defControlPadding = new Padding(5, 10, 5, 5);

            removeCurrBtn       = new BaseButton(_res, "removeCurrBtn", 2, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 79), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Remove Selected");
            setSelectedBtn      = new BaseButton(_res, "setSelectedBtn", 11, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 117), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Set Selected");
            setAsDefBtn         = new BaseButton(_res, "setAsDefBtn", 6, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 155), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Set as Default");
            setToDefBtn         = new BaseButton(_res, "setToDefBtn", 3, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 193), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Set to Default");
            checkGeoDataBtn     = new BaseButton(_res, "checkGeoData", 5, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 231), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Check Geo-Data");
            addCustomBtn        = new BaseButton(_res, "addCustomBtn", 9, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 337), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Add Custom");
            addNSetCustBtn      = new BaseButton(_res, "addNSetCustBtn", 12, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 375), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Add and Set Custom");
            removeSimilarBtn    = new BaseButton(_res, "removeSimilarBtn", 10, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(85, 413), margin: defButtonPadding, size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Remove Similar");
            currHelpBtn         = new BaseButton(_res, "currHelpBtn", 4, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(190, 461), margin: new Padding(0, 20, 25, 5), size: new Size(75, 23), text: "Help!", dock: DockStyle.Right);
            addNewBtn           = new BaseButton(_res, "addNewBtn", 0, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(84, 15), margin: new Padding(84, 15, 3, 3), size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Add New");
            addnSetNewBtn       = new BaseButton(_res, "addnSetNewBtn", 1, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(84, 56), margin: new Padding(84, 15, 3, 3), size: defBigButtonSize, text: "Add and Set New");
            helpNewBtn          = new BaseButton(_res, "helpNewBtn", 2, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(183, 107), margin: new Padding(183, 25, 15, 3), size: new Size(80, 23), text: "Help!", dock: DockStyle.Right);
            customTagInpBox     = new BaseTextBox(_res, "customTagInpBox", 8, new Point(5, 302), new Size(270, 20), padding: defControlPadding);
            langTagListBox      = new BaseListBox(_res, "langTagListBox", 18, formatting: true, scrollAlwaysVisible: true, backColor: SystemColors.MenuText, foreColor: Color.OliveDrab, point: new Point(317, 12), size: new Size(288, 346), selMode: SelectionMode.MultiSimple);
            customInpLbl        = new BaseLabel(_res, "customInpLbl", 7, new Point(5, 269), new Size(96, 18), "Custom Input", padding: defControlPadding, autoSize: true);
            currentInstLangsLbl = new BaseLabel(_res, "currentInstLangsLbl", 1, new Point(5, 10), new Size(186, 18), "Current Installed Languages:", autoSize: true, padding: defControlPadding);
            currentLangsCmboBox = new BaseComboBox(_res, "currentLangsCmboBox", point: new Point(5, 43), size: new Size(270, 21), padding: defControlPadding);

            #region Panels
            currLangOpPanel = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "currLangOpPanel", 1, controls: new Control[] { currentInstLangsLbl, currentLangsCmboBox, removeCurrBtn, setSelectedBtn, setAsDefBtn, setToDefBtn, checkGeoDataBtn, customInpLbl, customTagInpBox, addCustomBtn, addNSetCustBtn, removeSimilarBtn, currHelpBtn },
                                                new Point(12, 12), new Size(290, 498), borderStyle: BorderStyle.Fixed3D, flow: FlowDirection.TopDown);
            newLangListPanel = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "newLangListPanel", 2, controls: new Control[] { addNewBtn, addnSetNewBtn, helpNewBtn }, new Point(317, 364), new Size(288, 146), borderStyle: BorderStyle.Fixed3D, flow: FlowDirection.TopDown);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            #region Controls
            var defTxtBoxSize = new Size(100, 20);

            adapterIpsListBox           = new BaseListBox(_res, "adaptersIpsListBox", 2, true, backColor: SystemColors.MenuText, foreColor: Color.YellowGreen, point: new Point(13, 358), size: new Size(591, 148), itemHeight: 16);
            selectedAdapterDataRchTxtBx = new BaseRichTextBox(_res, "selectedAdapterDataRchTxtBx", 7, SystemColors.MenuText, Color.YellowGreen, new Point(3, 95), new Size(259, 131));
            gatewayTxtBox     = new BaseTextBox(_res, "gatewayTxtBox", 9, new Point(7, 171), defTxtBoxSize);
            ipAddTxtBox       = new BaseTextBox(_res, "ipAddTxtBox", 8, new Point(7, 95), defTxtBoxSize);
            maskTxtBox        = new BaseTextBox(_res, "maskTxtBox", 7, new Point(158, 95), defTxtBoxSize);
            dnsTxtBox         = new BaseTextBox(_res, "dnsTxtBox", 6, new Point(158, 171), defTxtBoxSize);
            dnsLbl            = new BaseLabel(_res, "dnsLbl", 4, new Point(155, 151), new Size(41, 17), "DNS:", autoSize: true);
            gatewayLbl        = new BaseLabel(_res, "gatewayLbl", 3, new Point(4, 151), new Size(67, 17), "Gateway:", autoSize: true);
            maskLbl           = new BaseLabel(_res, "maskLbl", 2, new Point(155, 75), new Size(4, 17), "Mask", autoSize: true);
            ipaddressLbl      = new BaseLabel(_res, "ipAddressLbl", 1, new Point(4, 75), new Size(80, 17), "IP Address:", autoSize: true);
            staticAddLbl      = new BaseLabel(_res, "staticAddLbl", point: new Point(3, 11), size: new Size(113, 20), text: "Static Address", autoSize: true);
            currNetAdDataLbl  = new BaseLabel(_res, "currNetAdDataLbl", 8, new Point(4, 75), new Size(169, 17), "Current NetAdapter Data:", autoSize: true);
            dynamicAddLbl     = new BaseLabel(_res, "dynamicAddLbl", 1, new Point(3, 11), new Size(133, 20), "Dynamic Address", autoSize: true);
            adaptersListLbl   = new BaseLabel(_res, "adaptersListLbl", 9, point: new Point(12, 329), new Size(112, 17), autoSize: true, text: "Adapters and IPs:");
            ipAddressesHlpBtn = new BaseButton(_res, "ipAddressesHlpBtn", 10, visStyleBackColor: true, point: new Point(564, 329), size: new Size(40, 23), text: "Help!");
            setDynamicIPBtn   = new BaseButton(_res, "setDynamicIPBtn", 6, point: new Point(7, 244), size: new Size(75, 23), visStyleBackColor: true, text: "Do Magic");
            setStaticIPBtn    = new BaseButton(_res, "setStaticIPBtn", 5, point: new Point(7, 244), size: new Size(75, 23), text: "Set Address:", visStyleBackColor: true);

            #region Panels
            staticPnl = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "staticPnl", controls: new Control[] { gatewayTxtBox, ipAddTxtBox, maskTxtBox, dnsTxtBox, setStaticIPBtn, dnsLbl, gatewayLbl, maskLbl, ipaddressLbl, staticAddLbl },
                                          point: new Point(13, 17), size: new Size(282, 289), borderStyle: BorderStyle.Fixed3D);
            dynamicPnl = new BaseFlowPanel(_res, "dynamicPnl", 1, new Control[] { currNetAdDataLbl, selectedAdapterDataRchTxtBx, setDynamicIPBtn, dynamicAddLbl }, new Point(322, 17), new Size(282, 289), BorderStyle.Fixed3D);
