public ActionResult ProductEdit(string id)
            var product = svc.GetProduct(id);
            var model   = new ProductEditVM()
                Product = product
            Regex           reg     = new Regex(@"^_");
            List <BaseFile> proImgs = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.Id) && !reg.IsMatch(product.Id))
                var bfService = new BaseFileService();
                proImgs = bfService.GetBaseFiles(product.Id);

            ViewBag.ProductImgs = proImgs;
        public ActionResult UploadImgs(string productId)
            OpResult result = null;

            productId = ReplaceProductId(productId);
            var files = Request.Files;
            //var maxFile = 1024 * 1024;
            var dir     = "/Files/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "/";
            var dirPath = Server.MapPath(dir);

            if (Directory.Exists(dirPath) == false)
            if (files.Count > 0)
                var entities  = new List <BaseFile>();
                var bfService = new BaseFileService();
                foreach (var fileKey in files.AllKeys)
                    var      index  = fileKey.Split('_')[1].ToInt32();
                    var      file   = files[fileKey];
                    BaseFile entity = null;
                    if (file != null)
                        // Verify that the user selected a file
                        if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                            entity = new BaseFile();
                            // extract only the fielname
                            entity.OldName    = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                            entity.SuffixName = GetSuffix(entity.OldName);
                            entity.NewName    = DataHelper.GetSystemID() + "." + entity.SuffixName;
                            entity.Url        = dir + entity.NewName;
                            entity.Sorting    = index;
                            string filePath       = dirPath + entity.NewName;
                            var    minFilePath    = filePath + "_min" + ".jpg";
                            var    middleFilePath = filePath + "_middle" + ".jpg";
                            // TODO: need to define destination
                            //var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Files"), fileName);
                            PictureHelper.MakeThumbnail(filePath, minFilePath, 200, 200, "Cut");
                            PictureHelper.MakeThumbnail(filePath, middleFilePath, 280, 280, "Cut");
                var result1 = bfService.SaveBaseFiles(entities, productId, UserCache.CurrentUser.Id);
                if (result1 != null)
                    result = OpResult.Success("上传成功", "", result1);
                    result = OpResult.Fail("上传失败");
                result = OpResult.Fail("没有可上传的文件");