Beispiel #1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> getHotelInformation(HotelInfo hotelInfo)
            BaseDL bdl = new BaseDL();

            NpgsqlParameter[] Sqlprms = new NpgsqlParameter[1];
            Sqlprms[0] = new NpgsqlParameter("@hotel_code", hotelInfo.HotelNo);
            string    cmdText = "Select hotel_name,logo_data from mst_hotel where hotel_code=@hotel_code";
            DataTable dt      = await bdl.SelectDataTable(cmdText, Sqlprms);

Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> searchGuestData(SearchGuestInfo searchGuestInfo)
            var       Status       = new object();
            int       roomno_count = 0;
            string    filltext     = string.Empty;
            DataTable dt           = new DataTable();
            DataTable dtinfo       = GetRoomNo_Info(searchGuestInfo.HotelCode);

            if (dtinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                roomno_count = Convert.ToInt32(dtinfo.Rows[0]["hotel_roomno_count"].ToString());
                filltext     = dtinfo.Rows[0]["roomno_fill_text"].ToString();

                if (roomno_count >= searchGuestInfo.RoomNo.Length)
                    BaseDL            bdl       = new BaseDL();
                    NpgsqlParameter[] Sqlprms   = new NpgsqlParameter[0];
                    string            condition = string.Empty;

                    condition = " and h.hotel_code='" + searchGuestInfo.HotelCode + "'";
                    if (!(searchGuestInfo.ArrivalFromDate == DateTime.MinValue && searchGuestInfo.ArrivalToDate == DateTime.MinValue))
                        condition += " and Cast(arrivaldate_hotel as Date) between Cast('" + searchGuestInfo.ArrivalFromDate + "' as Date) and Cast('" + searchGuestInfo.ArrivalToDate + "' as Date)";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchGuestInfo.RoomNo))
                        condition += " and lpad(roomno, " + roomno_count + ",'" + filltext + "')='" + searchGuestInfo.RoomNo + "'";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchGuestInfo.GuestName))
                        condition += " and (guestname_hotel like '%" + searchGuestInfo.GuestName + "%' or kananame_hotel like '%" + searchGuestInfo.GuestName + "%')";

                    string sql_cmd = "select arrivaldate_hotel,departuredate_hotel,Case when roomno_fill_text isnull then roomno else lpad(roomno,hotel_roomno_count,roomno_fill_text) end as roomno,";
                    sql_cmd += " guestname_text,kananame_text,trim(concat_ws(' ', address1_text, address2_text),' ') as address,h.hotel_code,imagedata from trn_guestinformation guest inner join mst_hotel h";
                    sql_cmd += " on guest.hotel_code=h.hotel_code where complete_flag=1" + condition + " order by arrivaldate_hotel,roomno,kananame_text";
                    dt       = await bdl.SelectDataTable(sql_cmd, Sqlprms);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CheckRoomNo(HotelInfo hotelInfo)
            BaseDL bdl          = new BaseDL();
            int    roomno_count = 0;
            string filltext     = string.Empty;
            string result       = hotelInfo.RoomNo;

            NpgsqlParameter[] Sqlprms = new NpgsqlParameter[1];
            Sqlprms[0] = new NpgsqlParameter("@hotel_code", hotelInfo.HotelNo);
            string    cmdText = "Select hotel_code,hotel_roomno_count,roomno_fill_text from mst_hotel where hotel_code=@hotel_code";
            DataTable dt      = await bdl.SelectDataTable(cmdText, Sqlprms);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dt.Rows[0]["hotel_roomno_count"].ToString()))
                    roomno_count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["hotel_roomno_count"].ToString());
                    if (result.Length <= roomno_count)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["roomno_fill_text"].ToString()))
                            filltext = dt.Rows[0]["roomno_fill_text"].ToString();
                            result   = result.PadLeft(Convert.ToInt32(roomno_count), Convert.ToChar(filltext));
                            result = hotelInfo.RoomNo;
                        result = "Error";
                result = hotelInfo.RoomNo;
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> checkLogin(LoginInfo loginInfo)
            var    loginStatus = new object();
            BaseDL bdl         = new BaseDL();

            NpgsqlParameter[] para = new NpgsqlParameter[3];
            para[0] = new NpgsqlParameter("@hotelcode", loginInfo.HotelCode);
            para[1] = new NpgsqlParameter("@usercode", loginInfo.UserCode);
            para[2] = new NpgsqlParameter("@password", loginInfo.Password);
            string    sql1 = "select hotel_code,usercode,username from mst_hoteluser where hotel_code = @hotelcode and usercode=@usercode and password=@password and status='1'";
            DataTable dt   = await bdl.SelectDataTable(sql1, para);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                NpgsqlParameter[] para1 = new NpgsqlParameter[1];
                para1[0] = new NpgsqlParameter("@hotelcode", loginInfo.HotelCode);
                string    sql2        = "select hotel_code from mst_hotel where hotel_code = @hotelcode";
                DataTable dthotelcode = await bdl.SelectDataTable(sql2, para1);

                if (dthotelcode.Rows.Count == 0)
                    loginStatus = new { Result = 0 }
                ;                                         //invalid hotel code
                    NpgsqlParameter[] para2 = new NpgsqlParameter[2];
                    para2[0] = new NpgsqlParameter("@hotelcode", loginInfo.HotelCode);
                    para2[1] = new NpgsqlParameter("@usercode", loginInfo.UserCode);
                    string    sql3       = "select usercode from mst_hoteluser where hotel_code=@hotelcode and usercode=@usercode";
                    DataTable dtusercode = await bdl.SelectDataTable(sql3, para2);

                    if (dtusercode.Rows.Count == 0)
                        loginStatus = new { Result = 1 }
                    ;                                         // invalid user code
                        loginStatus = new { Result = 2 }
                    };                                        // invalid  password
                if (!checkStayLogin(loginInfo.HotelCode, loginInfo.UserCode))
                    loginInfo.SessionFlag = false;
                    await setHotelLoginTime(loginInfo);

                    loginStatus = new { Result = dt };
                    loginStatus = new { Result = 3 }
