Beispiel #1
        // UpdateViewportCanvas will render the 3D scene with 2D polygons with transforming all 3D points to 2D coordinates
        // It will render all children of ObjectsRootVisual3D (to render all children of Viewport3D, use MainViewport.Children)
        // The method is static so it can be easily copied to some other location for some other testing
        private static void UpdateViewportCanvas(Visual3DCollection visuals, BaseCamera camera, Canvas viewportCanvas, bool fillPolygon)
            // Get camera's view and projection matrixes
            Matrix3D viewMatrix, projectionMatrix;

            camera.GetCameraMatrixes(out viewMatrix, out projectionMatrix);

            // Calculate combined viewProjection matrix
            Matrix3D viewProjectionMatrix3D = viewMatrix * projectionMatrix;

            // Read target canvas size and its center point (half the size)
            double viewportCanvasWidth  = viewportCanvas.ActualWidth;
            double viewportCanvasHeight = viewportCanvas.ActualHeight;

            double viewportCanvasCenterX = viewportCanvasWidth * 0.5;
            double viewportCanvasCenterY = viewportCanvasHeight * 0.5;

            // Clear all existing Polygons

            // IterateGeometryModel3DObjects will traverse the Visual3D and Model3DGroup objects
            // and will call the callback delegate for each GeometryModel3D.
            // The callback delegate also receives the transformation that were applied to the parents of the GeometryModel3D.
            // If you want to be called for each ModelVisual3D, use the IterateModelVisualsObjects method
            Ab3d.Utilities.ModelIterator.IterateGeometryModel3DObjects(visuals : visuals,
                                                                       parentTransform3D : null, // optionally we can specify the initial transformation
                                                                       callback : delegate(GeometryModel3D geometryModel3D, Transform3D parentTransform3D)
                // This is called for each GeometryModel3D in the hierarchy
                var meshGeometry3D = geometryModel3D.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;

                if (meshGeometry3D == null)

                var positions       = meshGeometry3D.Positions;
                var triangleIndices = meshGeometry3D.TriangleIndices;

                if (positions == null || positions.Count == 0 || triangleIndices == null || triangleIndices.Count == 0)

                // Get fill brush from material
                var materialBrush = GetMaterialBrush(geometryModel3D.Material);

                // If this geometryModel3D has any transformation, combine it with the parentTransform3D - this will be the world transformation for this geometryModel3D
                var worldTransform = CombineTransform(parentTransform3D, geometryModel3D.Transform);

                Matrix3D worldViewProjectionMatrix3D;

                // Get final worldViewProjectionMatrix3D
                if (worldTransform == null || worldTransform.Value.IsIdentity)
                    worldViewProjectionMatrix3D = viewProjectionMatrix3D;
                    worldViewProjectionMatrix3D = worldTransform.Value * viewProjectionMatrix3D;

                var triangleIndicesCount = triangleIndices.Count;

                // Go through all triangles
                for (int i = 0; i < triangleIndicesCount; i += 3)
                    // Read positions for one triangle
                    Point3D p1 = positions[triangleIndices[i]];
                    Point3D p2 = positions[triangleIndices[i + 1]];
                    Point3D p3 = positions[triangleIndices[i + 2]];

                    // Transform to homogeneous coordinates (to get final x and y we need to divide them by w)
                    Point4D h1 = worldViewProjectionMatrix3D.Transform(new Point4D(p1.X, p1.Y, p1.Z, 1));
                    Point4D h2 = worldViewProjectionMatrix3D.Transform(new Point4D(p2.X, p2.Y, p2.Z, 1));
                    Point4D h3 = worldViewProjectionMatrix3D.Transform(new Point4D(p3.X, p3.Y, p3.Z, 1));

                    // Do a simple clip test - if any position is behind the camera we will not render this triangle
                    if (h1.Z < 0 || h2.Z < 0 || h3.Z < 0)

                    // Convert to screen coordinates by dividing by w and then adjust to the size of canvas (we also invert y)
                    Point canvas1 = new Point((h1.X * viewportCanvasWidth) / (2 * h1.W) + viewportCanvasCenterX,
                                              viewportCanvasHeight - ((h1.Y * viewportCanvasHeight) / (2 * h1.W) + viewportCanvasCenterY));  // invert y

                    Point canvas2 = new Point((h2.X * viewportCanvasWidth) / (2 * h2.W) + viewportCanvasCenterX,
                                              viewportCanvasHeight - ((h2.Y * viewportCanvasHeight) / (2 * h2.W) + viewportCanvasCenterY));

                    Point canvas3 = new Point((h3.X * viewportCanvasWidth) / (2 * h3.W) + viewportCanvasCenterX,
                                              viewportCanvasHeight - ((h3.Y * viewportCanvasHeight) / (2 * h3.W) + viewportCanvasCenterY));

                    // Create triangle
                    // TODO: This creates many Polyline objects on each change of camera - to improve performance it would be possible to reuse the existing Polylines and just change the position's coordinates

                    var points = new PointCollection(3);

                    var polyline = new Polygon()
                        Points           = points,
                        StrokeThickness  = 1,
                        StrokeMiterLimit = 1

                    if (fillPolygon)
                        polyline.Fill   = materialBrush;
                        polyline.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
                        polyline.Fill   = null;
                        polyline.Stroke = materialBrush;
