Beispiel #1
        public static async Task <FunctionResponse> UploadMemberCode(BarCodeTransfer barCodeTransfer)
                FunctionResponse functionResponse = new FunctionResponse();

                var    JsonObject  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(barCodeTransfer);
                string ContentType = "application/json"; // or application/xml

                String url = GenerateCheckMemberCodeURL();

                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    var response = await client.PostAsync(url, new StringContent(JsonObject.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, ContentType));

                    var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FunctionResponse>(json);

            catch (Exception e)
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = "Cannot connect to Server"
        public FunctionResponse ValidateStaffOrStamp(BarCodeTransfer barCodeTransfer)
            ParkingOut POUT = barCodeTransfer.POUT;
            ParkingIn  PIN  = barCodeTransfer.PIN;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.DataConnectionString))
                    if (POUT.STAFF_BARCODE != "STAMP")
                        POUT.STAFF_BARCODE = conn.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT BARCODE FROM tblStaff WHERE STATUS = 0 AND BCODE = '" + POUT.STAFF_BARCODE + "'");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(POUT.STAFF_BARCODE))
                            return(new FunctionResponse()
                                status = "error", Message = "Invalid Barcode. Please Try Again."
                        if (GlobalClass.AllowMultiVehicleForStaff == 0)
                            if (conn.ExecuteScalar <int>
                                        @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
                                JOIN ParkingOutDetails POD ON PID.PID =POD.PID AND PID.FYID = POD.FYID WHERE POD.STAFF_BARCODE = '{0}'
                            ) A WHERE (INTIME < '{1}' AND OUTTIME > '{1}') OR (INTIME > '{1}' AND OUTTIME > '{1}')", POUT.STAFF_BARCODE, PIN.InDate.Add(DateTime.Parse(PIN.InTime).TimeOfDay)
                                ) > 0)
                                return(new FunctionResponse()
                                    status = "error", Message = "Staff already parked one vehicle during current vehile's parked period. Staff are not allowed to park multiple vehicle at a time"
                POUT.CashAmount = 0;

                //if (StaffBarcode != null)
                //    StaffBarcode.Close();
            catch (Exception ex)
                POUT.STAFF_BARCODE = null;
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = ex.Message
Beispiel #3
        public async void ExecuteFinishCommand()
                if (PIN == null || POUT == null)
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("No Vehicle to exit");
                if (POUT.PID == 0 || PIN.PID == 0)
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("No vehicle entered to exit.");
                var ans = await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Confirm", "Are you sure to Exit Vehicle?", "Yes", "No");

                if (!ans)

                IsLoading = true;
                var transferData = new BarCodeTransfer()
                    barcode = Barcode, Vouchers = Vouchers, mDiscount = mDiscount, PIN = PIN, POUT = POUT, Session = GlobalClass.User.Session
                var res = await ParkingDetailsConnection.SavePOUT(transferData);

                if (res.status == "ok")
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Vehicle exited Successfully");
                    POUT      = new ParkingOut();
                    PIN       = new ParkingIn();
                    Vouchers  = new List <Voucher>();
                    mDiscount = new MemberDiscount();
                else if (res.status == "error")
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(res.Message);
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Error: Server Connection Problem");
                IsLoading = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsLoading = false;
                DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(ex.Message);
Beispiel #4
 public HomePageVM()
     Test             = "Test";
     IsLoading        = false;
     LoadingMessage   = "Loading!! Please wait.....";
     Barcode          = "";
     LoadCommand      = new Command(ExecuteLoad);
     FinishCommand    = new Command(ExecuteFinishCommand);
     StampCommand     = new Command(ExecuteStampCommand);
     StaffCommand     = new Command(ExecuteStaffCommand);
     BackCommand      = new Command(ExecuteBackCommand);
     ViewStaffBarcode = new Command(ExecuteViewStaffBarcode);
     PIN            = new ParkingIn();
     POUT           = new ParkingOut();
     ParkingDetails = new BarCodeTransfer();
     Vouchers       = new List <Voucher>();
     mDiscount      = new MemberDiscount();
     StaffBarcode   = "";
Beispiel #5
        public async void ExecuteStaffCommand()
                //IsStaffBarcode = false;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StaffBarcode))
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Invalid Barcode. Please Try Again");

                POUT.SESSION_ID    = GlobalClass.User.Session;
                POUT.STAFF_BARCODE = StaffBarcode;
                var transferData = new BarCodeTransfer()
                    barcode = Barcode, Vouchers = Vouchers, mDiscount = mDiscount, PIN = PIN, POUT = POUT, Session = GlobalClass.User.Session
                var res = await ParkingDetailsConnection.SaveStaffOrStampPOUT(transferData);

                if (res.status == "ok")
                    IsStaffBarcode = false;
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Vehicle exited Successfully");
                    POUT      = new ParkingOut();
                    PIN       = new ParkingIn();
                    Vouchers  = new List <Voucher>();
                    mDiscount = new MemberDiscount();
                else if (res.status == "error")
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(res.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(ex.Message);
        public FunctionResponse CheckParkingSlip(BarCodeTransfer transferData)
                string     barcode = transferData.barcode;
                ParkingOut POUT    = new ParkingOut();

                decimal ChargedHours  = 0;
                decimal ChargedAmount = 0;
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionDbInfo.ConnectionString))
                        if (transferData.POUT != null && (transferData.POUT.PID) != 0)
                    catch { }

                    var PINS = conn.Query <ParkingIn>(@"SELECT PID, VehicleType, InDate, InMiti, InTime, PlateNo, Barcode, UID FROM ParkingInDetails 
WHERE((BARCODE <> '' AND  BARCODE = @barcode) OR(ISNULL(PLATENO, '') <> '' AND ISNULL(PlateNo, '') = @barcode))
AND FYID = @fyid", new { barcode, fyid = GlobalClass.FYID });
                    if (PINS.Count() <= 0)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Invalid barcode readings."
                    ParkingIn PIN = PINS.First();
                    PIN.VType = conn.Query <VehicleType>(string.Format("SELECT VTypeId, Description FROM VehicleType WHERE VTypeId = {0}", PIN.VehicleType)).First();
                    var POUTS = conn.Query <ParkingOut>(string.Format("SELECT * FROM ParkingOutDetails WHERE PID = {0} AND FYID = {1}", PIN.PID, GlobalClass.FYID));
                    if (POUTS.Count() > 0)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Entity already exited"
                    POUT.Rate_ID = (int)conn.ExecuteScalar("SELECT RATE_ID FROM RATEMASTER WHERE IsDefault = 1");

                    DateTime ServerTime = conn.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT GETDATE()");
                    POUT.OutDate  = ServerTime.Date;
                    POUT.OutTime  = ServerTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
                    POUT.OutMiti  = conn.ExecuteScalar <String>("SELECT MITI FROM DATEMITI WHERE AD = @AD", new { AD = ServerTime.Date });
                    POUT.Interval = GetInterval(PIN.InDate, POUT.OutDate, PIN.InTime, POUT.OutTime);
                    POUT.PID      = PIN.PID;

                    CalculateParkingCharge(conn, PIN.InDate.Add(DateTime.Parse(PIN.InTime).TimeOfDay), POUT.OutDate.Add(DateTime.Parse(POUT.OutTime).TimeOfDay), POUT.Rate_ID, PIN.VehicleType, ref ChargedAmount, ref ChargedHours);
                    POUT.ChargedHours  = ChargedHours;
                    POUT.ChargedAmount = ChargedAmount;
                    POUT.CashAmount    = POUT.ChargedAmount;
                    PIN.Barcode        = string.Empty;
                    bool IsHoliday = conn.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Holiday WHERE HolidayDate = @HolidayDate", new { HolidayDate = POUT.OutDate }) > 0;
                    return(new FunctionResponse()
                        status = "ok", result = new BarCodeTransfer()
                            barcode = barcode, Vouchers = new List <Voucher>(), mDiscount = new MemberDiscount(), POUT = POUT, PIN = PIN, IsHoliday = IsHoliday
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = ex.Message
        public FunctionResponse ValidateMember(BarCodeTransfer obj)
                string         barcode   = obj.barcode;
                List <Voucher> Vouchers  = obj.Vouchers;
                MemberDiscount mDiscount = obj.mDiscount;
                ParkingIn      PIN       = obj.PIN;
                ParkingOut     POUT      = obj.POUT;

                if (mDiscount != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDiscount.MemberId))
                    return new FunctionResponse()
                               status = "error", Message = "Member already accepted."
                TimeSpan InTime         = DateTime.Parse(PIN.InTime).TimeOfDay;
                TimeSpan OutTime        = DateTime.Parse(POUT.OutTime).TimeOfDay;
                decimal  DiscountAmount = 0;
                decimal  DiscountHour   = 0;
                int      Interval;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.DataConnectionString))
                    Member m = conn.Query <Member>("SELECT MemberId, MemberName, SchemeId, ExpiryDate, ActivationDate, Barcode, Address FROM Members WHERE Barcode = @MemberId ", new { MemberId = barcode.ToString() }).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (m == null)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "The member does not exists."
                    else if (m.ActivationDate > POUT.OutDate || m.ExpiryDate < POUT.OutDate)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "The membership is expired or not yet activated."
                    MembershipScheme scheme = conn.Query <MembershipScheme>("SELECT * FROM MembershipScheme WHERE SchemeId = @SchemeId", m).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (scheme == null)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Membership scheme does not exists."
                    else if (!scheme.ValidOnWeekends && POUT.OutDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "The Membership is not valid on Weekends"
                    else if (!scheme.ValidOnHolidays && conn.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Holiday WHERE HolidayDate = @HolidayDate", new { HolidayDate = POUT.OutDate }) > 0)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "The Membership is not valid on Public Holidays"
                    List <dynamic> TimeSpentInEachSession = GetTimeSpentInEachSession(InTime, OutTime, scheme, PIN);

                    Interval = conn.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT ISNULL(SUM(MDD.Interval - MDD.SkipInterval),0) Interval FROM MemberDiscountDetail MDD JOIN ParkingOutDetails POD ON MDD.PID = POD.PID WHERE MemberId = @MemberId AND POD.OutDate = @OutDate", new { MemberId = m.MemberId, OutDate = POUT.OutDate });
                    if (Interval >= scheme.Limit && !TimeSpentInEachSession.Any(x => x.SkipValidityPeriod && x.TimeSpent > 0))
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Free Entrance for the Member has exceeded for day."

                    mDiscount = new MemberDiscount
                        MemberId = m.MemberId,
                        SchemeId = m.SchemeId,
                        FYID     = POUT.FYID,
                        PID      = PIN.PID,
                    POUT.BILLTO    = m.MemberName;
                    POUT.BILLTOADD = m.Address;

                    if (TimeSpentInEachSession.Any(x => x.SkipValidityPeriod))
                        mDiscount.SkipInterval = TimeSpentInEachSession.Where(x => x.SkipValidityPeriod).Sum(x => x.TimeSpent);

                    int DiscountInterval = scheme.Limit - Interval + mDiscount.SkipInterval;
                    foreach (dynamic session in TimeSpentInEachSession.Where(x => x.TimeSpent > 0))
                        if (session.IgnoreLimit)
                            CalculateParkingCharge(conn, session.Start, session.End, POUT.Rate_ID, PIN.VehicleType, ref DiscountAmount, ref DiscountHour);
                            DiscountInterval -= session.TimeSpent;
                            CalculateParkingCharge(conn, session.Start, (DiscountInterval < session.TimeSpent) ? session.Start.AddMinutes(DiscountInterval) : session.End, POUT.Rate_ID, PIN.VehicleType, ref DiscountAmount, ref DiscountHour);
                            DiscountInterval -= (DiscountInterval < session.TimeSpent) ? DiscountInterval : session.TimeSpent;
                        mDiscount.Interval       += DiscountHour * 60;
                        mDiscount.DiscountAmount += DiscountAmount * scheme.Discount / 100;
                        DiscountHour              = 0;
                        DiscountAmount            = 0;
                    POUT.CashAmount = POUT.ChargedAmount = POUT.ChargedAmount - mDiscount.DiscountAmount;
                    obj.mDiscount   = mDiscount;

                    return(new FunctionResponse()
                        status = "ok", result = obj

                //if (POUT.CashAmount == 0)
                //    ExecuteSave(null);
                //PoleDisplay.WriteToDisplay(POUT.CashAmount, PoleDisplayType.AMOUNT);
            }catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = ex.Message
        public FunctionResponse ValidateVoucher(BarCodeTransfer obj)
                string         barcode   = obj.barcode;
                List <Voucher> Vouchers  = obj.Vouchers;
                MemberDiscount mDiscount = obj.mDiscount;
                ParkingIn      PIN       = obj.PIN;
                ParkingOut     POUT      = obj.POUT;

                if (Vouchers.Any(x => x.Barcode.ToUpper() == barcode.ToUpper().ToString()))
                    return new FunctionResponse()
                               status = "error", Message = "Voucher already accepted."

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GlobalClass.DataConnectionString))
                    Voucher v = conn.Query <Voucher>("SELECT VoucherNo, Barcode, VoucherId, Value, ExpDate, ValidStart, ValidEnd, ScannedTime FROM ParkingVouchers WHERE Barcode = @Barcode", new { Barcode = barcode.ToString() }).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (v == null)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "InValid Voucher"
                    else if (v.ScannedTime == null)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Voucher already redeemed."
                    else if (!VoucherTypes.Any(x => x.VoucherId == v.VoucherId && x.VehicleType == PIN.VehicleType))
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "The Voucher is not valid for current Entrance Type."
                    else if (v.ExpDate < CurDate)
                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "error", Message = "Voucher has expired."
                        TimeSpan outTime = Convert.ToDateTime(POUT.OutTime).TimeOfDay;
                        if (v.ValidStart < v.ValidEnd)
                            if (outTime < v.ValidStart || outTime > v.ValidEnd)
                                return(new FunctionResponse()
                                    status = "error", Message = "Voucher is not valid for current Shift."
                            if (outTime < v.ValidStart && outTime > v.ValidEnd)
                                return(new FunctionResponse()
                                    status = "error", Message = "Voucher is not valid for current Shift."
                        v.Value         = (POUT.ChargedAmount > v.Value) ? v.Value : POUT.ChargedAmount;
                        POUT.CashAmount = POUT.CashAmount - v.Value;
                        //PIN.Barcode = string.Empty;

                        return(new FunctionResponse()
                            status = "ok", result = obj

                        //if (POUT.CashAmount == 0)
                        //    ExecuteSave(null);
                        //PoleDisplay.WriteToDisplay(POUT.CashAmount, PoleDisplayType.AMOUNT);
            }catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = ex.Message
        public FunctionResponse ExecuteSave(BarCodeTransfer obj)
            int            Session   = obj.Session;
            List <Voucher> Vouchers  = obj.Vouchers;
            string         barcode   = obj.barcode;
            MemberDiscount mDiscount = obj.mDiscount;
            ParkingOut     POUT      = obj.POUT;


            string  strSQL;
            decimal Taxable, VAT, Amount, Discount = 0, NonTaxable, Rate, Quantity;
            string  BillNo = string.Empty;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionDbInfo.ConnectionString))
                    using (SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        POUT.SESSION_ID = Session;
                        POUT.FYID       = GlobalClass.FYID;
                        if (POUT.CashAmount > 0)
                            BillNo   = InvoicePrefix + GlobalClass.GetInvoiceNo(InvoicePrefix, tran);
                            Quantity = POUT.ChargedHours;
                            if (Vouchers.Count > 0)
                                Discount = Vouchers.Sum(x => x.Value);
                            else if (mDiscount != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDiscount.MemberId))
                                Discount = mDiscount.DiscountAmount;
                            else if (POUT.CashAmount < POUT.ChargedAmount)
                                Discount = POUT.ChargedAmount - POUT.CashAmount;
                            Amount     = POUT.ChargedAmount / (1 + (GlobalClass.VAT / 100));
                            Discount   = Discount / (1 + (GlobalClass.VAT / 100));
                            Rate       = Amount / Quantity;
                            NonTaxable = 0;
                            Taxable    = Amount - (NonTaxable + Discount);
                            VAT        = Taxable * GlobalClass.VAT / 100;

                            TParkingSales PSales = new TParkingSales
                                BillNo      = BillNo,
                                TDate       = POUT.OutDate,
                                TMiti       = POUT.OutMiti,
                                TTime       = POUT.OutTime,
                                BillTo      = POUT.BILLTO,
                                BILLTOADD   = POUT.BILLTOADD,
                                BILLTOPAN   = POUT.BILLTOPAN,
                                Amount      = Amount,
                                Discount    = Discount,
                                NonTaxable  = NonTaxable,
                                Taxable     = Taxable,
                                VAT         = VAT,
                                GrossAmount = POUT.CashAmount,
                                PID         = POUT.PID,
                                UID         = POUT.UID,
                                SESSION_ID  = POUT.SESSION_ID,
                                FYID        = GlobalClass.FYID,
                                TaxInvoice  = TaxInvoice
                            TParkingSalesDetails PSalesDetails = new TParkingSalesDetails
                                BillNo      = BillNo,
                                PType       = 'P',
                                Description = "Parking Charge",
                                FYID        = GlobalClass.FYID,
                                Quantity    = Quantity,
                                Rate        = Rate,
                                Amount      = Amount,
                                Discount    = Discount,
                                NonTaxable  = NonTaxable,
                                Taxable     = Taxable,
                                VAT         = VAT,
                                NetAmount   = POUT.CashAmount,

                            conn.Execute("UPDATE tblSequence SET CurNo = CurNo + 1 WHERE VNAME = @VNAME AND FYID = @FYID", new { VNAME = InvoicePrefix, FYID = GlobalClass.FYID }, transaction: tran);

                            GlobalClass.SetUserActivityLog(tran, "Exit", "New", VCRHNO: BillNo, WorkDetail: "Bill No : " + BillNo);
                            //SyncFunctions.LogSyncStatus(tran, BillNo, GlobalClass.FYNAME);
                        if (Vouchers.Count > 0)
                            strSQL = "INSERT INTO VoucherDiscountDetail (BillNo, FYID, VoucherNo, DiscountAmount, UID) VALUES (@BillNo, @FYID, @VoucherNo, @DiscountAmount, @UID)";
                            foreach (Voucher v in Vouchers)
                                conn.Execute(strSQL, new
                                    BillNo         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(BillNo) ? "CS1" : BillNo,
                                    FYID           = GlobalClass.FYID,
                                    VoucherNo      = v.VoucherNo,
                                    DiscountAmount = v.Value,
                                    UID            = POUT.UID
                                }, transaction: tran);
                                conn.Execute("UPDATE ParkingVouchers SET ScannedTime = GETDATE() WHERE VoucherNo = @VoucherNo", v, tran);
                        else if (mDiscount != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDiscount.MemberId))
                            mDiscount.BillNo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(BillNo) ? "MS1" : BillNo;
                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SyncFunctions.username) && POUT.CashAmount > 0)
                        //    SyncFunctions.SyncSalesData(SyncFunctions.getBillObject(BillNo), 1);
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BillNo))
                    //    RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(GlobalClass.PrinterName, ((char)27).ToString() + ((char)112).ToString() + ((char)0).ToString() + ((char)64).ToString() + ((char)240).ToString(), "Receipt");   //Open Cash Drawer
                    //    PrintBill(BillNo.ToString(), conn, (TaxInvoice) ? "TAX INVOICE" : "ABBREVIATED TAX INVOCE");
                    //    if (TaxInvoice)
                    //    {
                    //        PrintBill(BillNo.ToString(), conn, "INVOICE");
                    //    }

                    return(new FunctionResponse()
                        status = "ok", Message = "Saved Successfully"
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FunctionResponse()
                    status = "error", Message = ex.Message
Beispiel #10
 public FunctionResponse SaveStaffOrStampPOUT([FromBody] BarCodeTransfer obj)
     return(new ParkingOutMethods().ValidateStaffOrStamp(obj));
Beispiel #11
 public FunctionResponse SavePOUT([FromBody] BarCodeTransfer obj)
     return(new ParkingOutMethods().ExecuteSave(obj));
Beispiel #12
 public FunctionResponse CheckMemberCode([FromBody] BarCodeTransfer obj)
     return(new ParkingOutMethods().ValidateMember(obj));
Beispiel #13
 public FunctionResponse CheckParkingSlip([FromBody] BarCodeTransfer obj)
     return(new ParkingOutMethods().CheckParkingSlip(obj));
Beispiel #14
        public async void ExecuteLoad()
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Barcode))
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Enter Correct barcode ");
                IsLoading = true;
                var res = new FunctionResponse();
                if (Barcode.ToString().StartsWith("#"))
                    if (POUT.PID == 0)
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Voucher cannot be accepted. No Vehicle barcode scanned.");
                        IsLoading = false;
                    if (Vouchers.Any(x => x.Barcode.ToUpper() == Barcode.ToUpper().ToString()))
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Voucher already Accepted.");
                        IsLoading = false;
                    var transferData = new BarCodeTransfer()
                        barcode = Barcode.ToUpper(), Vouchers = Vouchers, mDiscount = mDiscount, PIN = PIN, POUT = POUT
                    res = await ParkingDetailsConnection.UploadVoucherCode(transferData);

                    if (res.status == "ok")
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Voucher Discount applied Successfully");
                else if (Barcode.ToUpper().ToString().StartsWith(GlobalClass.MemberBarcodePrefix))
                    if (POUT.PID == 0)
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().LongAlert("MemberCard cannot be accepted. No Vehicle barcode scanned.");
                        IsLoading = false;
                    if (mDiscount != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mDiscount.MemberId))
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Member already Accepted.");
                        IsLoading = false;
                    var transferData = new BarCodeTransfer()
                        barcode = Barcode.ToUpper(), Vouchers = Vouchers, mDiscount = mDiscount, PIN = PIN, POUT = POUT
                    res = await ParkingDetailsConnection.UploadMemberCode(transferData);

                    if (res.status == "ok")
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Member Discount applied successfully");
                    var transferData = new BarCodeTransfer()
                        barcode = Barcode.ToUpper(), PIN = PIN, POUT = POUT

                    res = await ParkingDetailsConnection.LoadParkingOutAsync(transferData);

                    if (res.status == "error")
                        PIN       = new ParkingIn();
                        POUT      = new ParkingOut();
                        Vouchers  = new List <Voucher>();
                        mDiscount = new MemberDiscount();
                    if (res.status == "ok")
                        DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert("Details Loaded Successfully");
                if (res.status == "ok")
                    ParkingDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BarCodeTransfer>(res.result.ToString());
                    if (ParkingDetails != null)
                        PIN             = ParkingDetails.PIN;
                        POUT            = ParkingDetails.POUT;
                        POUT.UID        = GlobalClass.User.UID;
                        POUT.SESSION_ID = GlobalClass.User.Session;
                        Vouchers        = ParkingDetails.Vouchers;
                        mDiscount       = ParkingDetails.mDiscount;
                        Barcode         = "";
                    DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(res.Message);
                IsLoading = false;
            }catch (Exception ex)
                IsLoading = false;
                DependencyService.Get <IMessage>().ShortAlert(ex.Message);