Beispiel #1
    void Start()
        its       = new InfoTextSpecifications("Canvas_Right", "Merih", "Merih_Asansör_hub1", "Kapı ve punch makinasının bağlı olduğu hub ile ilgili sensör bilgilerini içermektedir.", new Vector2(320f, 320f), new Vector3(-180f, 0, 0));
        its_child = new InfoTextSpecifications("MainMenu", "Canvas_Right", "fam", "fam", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit FAM FAM", new Vector2(100f, 100f), new Vector3(189f, 56f, 0));
        ms_right  = new MenuSpecifications("Canvas_Left", "MainMenu", "menunameee", new string[] { "Show Analysis", "Show Analysis 2" }, 2, new Vector2(200, 200), ffb2, new Vector3(250, 0, 0));

        IT = FindObjectOfType(typeof(InfoText)) as InfoText;
        MS       = new MenuSpecifications("Canvas_Right", menuName, bNames, noOfButtons, size, ffb, menuPosition);
        ms_child = new MenuSpecifications("Canvas_Left", "Canvas_Right", "SubMenu1", new string[] { "Graph Chart 1", "Bar Chart 2" }, 2, new Vector2(200, 200), ffb2, new Vector3(250, 0, 0));
        bcs      = new BarChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(400, 400), "Month Breakdown", 48.77f, 23.77f, 13, 13, 13, true, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left", new string[] { "Jan", "Feb", "March" }, new float[] { 5f, 3f, 10f });
        bcs2     = new BarChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(317, 317), "Region Breakdown", 38.77f, 33.77f, 16, 16, 16, true, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left", new string[] { "Jan", "Feb", "March" }, new float[] { 5f, 3f, 10f });
        gcs      = new GraphChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(600, 400), "Merih kapı2 sıcaklık", 2f, 13, AxisFormat.Time, 1f, 12, 2.569, 11.19, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left");
        gcs1     = new GraphChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(600, 400), "Merih kapı1 titreşim", 2f, 13, AxisFormat.Time, 1f, 12, 2.569, 11.19, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left");
        gcs2     = new GraphChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(600, 400), "Merih punch1 sıcaklık", 2f, 13, AxisFormat.Time, 1f, 12, 2.569, 11.19, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left");
        gcs3     = new GraphChartSpecifications(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(600, 400), "Merih Kapı2 sıcaklık1", 2f, 13, AxisFormat.Time, 1f, 12, 2.569, 11.19, "Canvas_Right", "Canvas_Left_Left");
        Uicont   = FindObjectOfType(typeof(UIController)) as UIController;
        BC       = FindObjectOfType(typeof(BarChartClass)) as BarChartClass;
        SBM      = FindObjectOfType(typeof(ScrollBarMenu)) as ScrollBarMenu;
        LC       = FindObjectOfType(typeof(LineChart)) as LineChart;

        //   Uicont.CreateScrollBarMenu(MS);
        OnVRTriggerPressed(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        //   SBM.CreateScrollBarMenu(MS);
        //  SBM.CreateScrollBarMenu(MS);
        GameObject.Find("Month Breakdown").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.Invoke();
Beispiel #2
    public void CreateBarChart(BarChartSpecifications bcs)
        if (bcs.Parent != null)
            //    if (!Toggle.ContainsKey(
            //    {
            //        string pressedButtonName =;
            //       Toggle[pressedButtonName] = false;
            //    }
            //    if (!Toggle[])
            //    {
            var panel  = GameObject.Find(bcs.canvas);
            var panel2 = GameObject.Find(bcs.Parent);

            DashboardElementBackground = (GameObject)Instantiate(DashboardElementBackgroundPrefab);
   = bcs.BarChartName + "Background";
            DashboardElementBackground.transform.localPosition = bcs.Position;
            DashboardElementBackground.transform.rotation      = panel.transform.rotation;
            RectTransform rt_back = DashboardElementBackground.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rt_back.sizeDelta = bcs.Size + new Vector2(bcs.Size.x * 0.28f, bcs.Size.y * 0.25f);

            barChart = (GameObject)Instantiate(BarChartPrefab);
            RectTransform rt = barChart.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rt.sizeDelta  = bcs.Size;
   = bcs.BarChartName;

            barChart.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetParent(DashboardElementBackground.transform);
            // if (panel2.transform.parent != panel.transform)
            //  {
            //      DashboardElementBackground.transform.localPosition = bcs.Position;
            //    barChart.GetComponent<RectTransform>().SetPositionAndRotation(panel2.transform.localPosition + bcs.Position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
            //  }
            //  else
            //  {
            //     DashboardElementBackground.transform.localPosition = bcs.Position + panel2.transform.localPosition;
            //  barChart.GetComponent<RectTransform>().SetPositionAndRotation(panel2.transform.localPosition + panel.transform.localPosition + bcs.Position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
            // }
            // barChart.transform.localPosition = bcs.Position;
            barChart.transform.rotation = panel.transform.rotation;

            barChart.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().AxisSeperation = 100f;
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().BarSeperation  = bcs.BarSeperation;
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().BarSize        = bcs.BarSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <ItemLabels>().FontSize           = bcs.ItemLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <CategoryLabels>().FontSize       = bcs.CategoryLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <GroupLabels>().FontSize          = bcs.GroupLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarAnimation>().enabled          = bcs.BarAnimation;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarFeed>().categories            = bcs.categories;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarFeed>().values = bcs.values;

            onScreen[bcs.BarChartName] = barChart;
            onScreen[] = DashboardElementBackground;
            //        Toggle[] = true;
            //     }

            //     else
            //    {
            //Destroy the object
            //        Destroy(onScreen[bcs.BarChartName]);
            //Also destroy the background
            //        Destroy(onScreen[bcs.BarChartName + "Background"]);
            //Remove the destroyed objects from the Onscreen dictionary
            //        onScreen.Remove(bcs.BarChartName);
            //        onScreen.Remove(bcs.BarChartName + "Background");
            //Set the buttons state to false indicating that it is not pressed yet
            //       Toggle[] = false;
            //    }
            var panel = GameObject.Find(bcs.canvas);

            DashboardElementBackground = (GameObject)Instantiate(DashboardElementBackgroundPrefab);
   = bcs.BarChartName + "Background";
            DashboardElementBackground.transform.localPosition = bcs.Position;
            DashboardElementBackground.transform.rotation      = panel.transform.rotation;

            RectTransform rt_back = DashboardElementBackground.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rt_back.sizeDelta = bcs.Size + new Vector2(bcs.Size.x * 0.28f, bcs.Size.y * 0.25f);

            barChart = (GameObject)Instantiate(BarChartPrefab);
            RectTransform rt = barChart.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rt.sizeDelta  = bcs.Size;
   = bcs.BarChartName;

            barChart.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetParent(DashboardElementBackground.transform);
            barChart.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            barChart.transform.rotation      = panel.transform.rotation;
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().AxisSeperation = 100f;
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().BarSeperation  = bcs.BarSeperation;
            barChart.GetComponent <CanvasBarChart>().BarSize        = bcs.BarSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <ItemLabels>().FontSize           = bcs.ItemLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <CategoryLabels>().FontSize       = bcs.CategoryLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <GroupLabels>().FontSize          = bcs.GroupLabelsFontSize;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarAnimation>().enabled          = bcs.BarAnimation;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarFeed>().categories            = bcs.categories;
            barChart.GetComponent <BarFeed>().values = bcs.values;