Beispiel #1
            Values <Bam.Core.LocationArray> values,
            string format,
            string proFilePath,
            bool verbose,
            bool useContinuation,
            bool escaped,
            System.IO.StreamWriter writer)
            var intersect = new Bam.Core.LocationArray(values.Debug.Intersect(values.Release));

            WriteLocationArray(intersect, format, proFilePath, verbose, useContinuation, escaped, writer);

            // see the following for an explanation of this syntax
            if (intersect.Count != values.Debug.Count)
                var debugOnly = new Bam.Core.LocationArray(values.Debug.Complement(intersect));
                WriteLocationArray(debugOnly, "CONFIG(debug,debug|release):" + format, proFilePath, verbose, useContinuation, escaped, writer);
            if (intersect.Count != values.Release.Count)
                var releaseOnly = new Bam.Core.LocationArray(values.Release.Complement(intersect));
                WriteLocationArray(releaseOnly, "CONFIG(release,debug|release):" + format, proFilePath, verbose, useContinuation, escaped, writer);
Beispiel #2
     Bam.Core.LocationArray locArray,
     string format,
     string proFilePath,
     System.IO.StreamWriter writer)
     WriteLocationArray(locArray, format, proFilePath, false, true, false, writer);
Beispiel #3
        public object Build(
            CodeGenTest2.CodeGenModule moduleToBuild,
            out bool success)
            var codeGenModuleModule = moduleToBuild as Bam.Core.BaseModule;
            var node = codeGenModuleModule.OwningNode;
            var target = node.Target;
            var codeGenModuleOptions = codeGenModuleModule.Options;
            var toolOptions = codeGenModuleOptions as CodeGenTest2.CodeGenOptionCollection;
            var tool = target.Toolset.Tool(typeof(CodeGenTest2.ICodeGenTool));

            // dependency checking
                var inputLocations = new Bam.Core.LocationArray(
                    Bam.Core.FileLocation.Get(tool.Executable((Bam.Core.BaseTarget)target), Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist)
                var outputLocations = moduleToBuild.Locations.FilterByType(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.File, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);
                if (!RequiresBuilding(outputLocations, inputLocations))
                    Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("'{0}' is up-to-date", node.UniqueModuleName);
                    success = true;
                    return null;

            // at this point, we know the node outputs need building

            // create all directories required
            var dirsToCreate = moduleToBuild.Locations.FilterByType(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.Directory, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);
            foreach (var dir in dirsToCreate)
                var dirPath = dir.GetSinglePath();

            var commandLineBuilder = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            if (toolOptions is CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport)
                var commandLineOption = toolOptions as CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport;
                commandLineOption.ToCommandLineArguments(commandLineBuilder, target, null);
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("CodeGen options does not support command line translation");

            string hostApplication = null;
            if (target.HasPlatform(Bam.Core.EPlatform.OSX))
                hostApplication = "mono";
            var exitCode = CommandLineProcessor.Processor.Execute(node, tool, commandLineBuilder, hostApplication);
            success = (0 == exitCode);

            return null;
Beispiel #4
     Bam.Core.LocationArray locArray,
     string format,
     string proFilePath,
     bool verbose,
     bool useContinuation,
     bool escaped,
     System.IO.StreamWriter writer)
     if (0 == locArray.Count)
     else if (1 == locArray.Count)
         WriteString(locArray[0].GetSinglePath(), format, proFilePath, verbose, writer);
         var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
         if (useContinuation)
             foreach (var value in locArray)
                 if (escaped)
                 builder.AppendFormat("\\\n\t{0}", FormatPath(value.GetSinglePath(), proFilePath, verbose));
             foreach (var value in locArray)
                 builder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", format, FormatPath(value.GetSinglePath(), proFilePath, verbose));
                 if (escaped)
Beispiel #5
        public object Build(
            CSharp.Assembly moduleToBuild,
            out System.Boolean success)
            var assemblyModule = moduleToBuild as Bam.Core.BaseModule;
            var node = assemblyModule.OwningNode;
            var target = node.Target;
            var assemblyOptions = assemblyModule.Options;
            var options = assemblyOptions as CSharp.OptionCollection;

            var inputVariables = new MakeFileVariableDictionary();
            if (node.ExternalDependents != null)
                foreach (var dependentNode in node.ExternalDependents)
                    if (null != dependentNode.Data)

                    var keyFilters = new Bam.Core.Array<Bam.Core.LocationKey>(
                    var assemblyLocations = new Bam.Core.LocationArray();
                    dependentNode.FilterOutputLocations(keyFilters, assemblyLocations);
                    var data = dependentNode.Data as MakeFileData;
                    var csharpOptions = options as CSharp.IOptions;
                    foreach (var loc in assemblyLocations)
                        inputVariables.Add(CSharp.Assembly.OutputFile, data.VariableDictionary[CSharp.Assembly.OutputDir]);

            var sourceFiles = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            var fields = moduleToBuild.GetType().GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (var field in fields)
                // C# files
                    var sourceFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Bam.Core.SourceFilesAttribute), false);
                    if (null != sourceFileAttributes && sourceFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Source file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (Bam.Core.Location location in sourceCollection)
                                var absolutePath = location.GetSinglePath();
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Source file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

                // WPF application definition .xaml file
                    var xamlFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CSharp.ApplicationDefinitionAttribute), false);
                    if (null != xamlFileAttributes && xamlFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Application definition file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to application definition file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            if (sourceCollection.Count != 1)
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There can be only one application definition");

                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (string absolutePath in sourceCollection)
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Application definition file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                                var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to application definition file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

                // WPF page .xaml files
                    var xamlFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CSharp.PagesAttribute), false);
                    if (null != xamlFileAttributes && xamlFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Page file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to page file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            if (sourceCollection.Count != 1)
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There can be only one page file");

                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (string absolutePath in sourceCollection)
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Page file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                                var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to page file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

            if (0 == sourceFiles.Count)
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There were no source files specified for the module '{0}'", node.ModuleName);

            // at this point, we know the node outputs need building

            // create all directories required
            var dirsToCreate = moduleToBuild.Locations.FilterByType(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.Directory, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);

            var commandLineBuilder = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            if (options is CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport)
                var commandLineOption = options as CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport;
                commandLineOption.ToCommandLineArguments(commandLineBuilder, target, null);
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Compiler options does not support command line translation");

            foreach (var source in sourceFiles)
                if (source.Contains(" "))
                    commandLineBuilder.Add(System.String.Format("\"{0}\"", source));

            var compilerInstance = target.Toolset.Tool(typeof(CSharp.ICSharpCompilerTool));
            var executablePath = compilerInstance.Executable((Bam.Core.BaseTarget)target);

            var recipes = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            if (executablePath.Contains(" "))
                recipes.Add(System.String.Format("\"{0}\" {1}", executablePath, commandLineBuilder.ToString(' ')));
                recipes.Add(System.String.Format("{0} {1}", executablePath, commandLineBuilder.ToString(' ')));

            var makeFile = new MakeFile(node, this.topLevelMakeFilePath);

            var rule = new MakeFileRule(

            var toolOutputLocKeys = compilerInstance.OutputLocationKeys(moduleToBuild);
            var outputFileLocations = moduleToBuild.Locations.Keys(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.File, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);
            var outputFileLocationsOfInterest = outputFileLocations.Intersect(toolOutputLocKeys);
            rule.OutputLocationKeys = outputFileLocationsOfInterest;

            var makeFilePath = MakeFileBuilder.GetMakeFilePathName(node);
            Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("Makefile : '{0}'", makeFilePath);

            using (System.IO.TextWriter makeFileWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(makeFilePath))

            success = true;
            var compilerTool = compilerInstance as Bam.Core.ITool;
            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Bam.Core.StringArray> environment = null;
            if (compilerTool is Bam.Core.IToolEnvironmentVariables)
                environment = (compilerTool as Bam.Core.IToolEnvironmentVariables).Variables((Bam.Core.BaseTarget)target);
            var returnData = new MakeFileData(makeFilePath, makeFile.ExportedTargets, makeFile.ExportedVariables, environment);
            return returnData;
Beispiel #6
        public object Build(
            CSharp.Assembly moduleToBuild,
            out System.Boolean success)
            var assemblyModule = moduleToBuild as Bam.Core.BaseModule;
            var node = assemblyModule.OwningNode;
            var target = node.Target;
            var assemblyOptions = assemblyModule.Options;
            var options = assemblyOptions as CSharp.IOptions;

            if (node.ExternalDependents != null)
                var keyFilters = new Bam.Core.Array<Bam.Core.LocationKey>(
                var dependentAssemblies = new Bam.Core.LocationArray();
                node.ExternalDependents.FilterOutputLocations(keyFilters, dependentAssemblies);

                foreach (var loc in dependentAssemblies)

            var sourceFiles = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            var fields = moduleToBuild.GetType().GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (var field in fields)
                // C# files
                    var sourceFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Bam.Core.SourceFilesAttribute), false);
                    if (null != sourceFileAttributes && sourceFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Source file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (Bam.Core.Location location in sourceCollection)
                                var absolutePath = location.AbsolutePath;
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Source file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

                // WPF application definition .xaml file
                    var xamlFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CSharp.ApplicationDefinitionAttribute), false);
                    if (null != xamlFileAttributes && xamlFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Application definition file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to application definition file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            if (sourceCollection.Count != 1)
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There can be only one application definition");

                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (string absolutePath in sourceCollection)
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Application definition file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                                var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to application definition file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

                // WPF page .xaml files
                    var xamlFileAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CSharp.PagesAttribute), false);
                    if (null != xamlFileAttributes && xamlFileAttributes.Length > 0)
                        var sourceField = field.GetValue(moduleToBuild);
                        if (sourceField is Bam.Core.Location)
                            var file = sourceField as Bam.Core.Location;
                            var absolutePath = file.GetSinglePath();
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Page file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                            var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to page file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                        else if (sourceField is Bam.Core.FileCollection)
                            var sourceCollection = sourceField as Bam.Core.FileCollection;
                            if (sourceCollection.Count != 1)
                                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There can be only one page file");

                            // TODO: convert to var
                            foreach (string absolutePath in sourceCollection)
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Page file '{0}' does not exist", absolutePath);

                                var csPath = absolutePath + ".cs";
                                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csPath))
                                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Associated source file '{0}' to page file '{1}' does not exist", csPath, absolutePath);

                            throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Field '{0}' of '{1}' should be of type Bam.Core.File or Bam.Core.FileCollection, not '{2}'", field.Name, node.ModuleName, sourceField.GetType().ToString());

            if (0 == sourceFiles.Count)
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("There were no source files specified for the module '{0}'", node.ModuleName);

            // dependency checking
                var inputLocations = new Bam.Core.LocationArray();
                foreach (var source in sourceFiles)
                var outputLocations = moduleToBuild.Locations.FilterByType(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.File, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);
                if (!RequiresBuilding(outputLocations, inputLocations))
                    Bam.Core.Log.DebugMessage("'{0}' is up-to-date", node.UniqueModuleName);
                    success = true;
                    return null;

            // at this point, we know the node outputs need building

            // create all directories required
            var dirsToCreate = moduleToBuild.Locations.FilterByType(Bam.Core.ScaffoldLocation.ETypeHint.Directory, Bam.Core.Location.EExists.WillExist);
            foreach (var dir in dirsToCreate)
                var dirPath = dir.GetSinglePath();

            var commandLineBuilder = new Bam.Core.StringArray();
            if (options is CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport)
                var commandLineOption = options as CommandLineProcessor.ICommandLineSupport;
                commandLineOption.ToCommandLineArguments(commandLineBuilder, target, null);
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Compiler options does not support command line translation");

            foreach (var source in sourceFiles)
                if (source.Contains(" "))
                    commandLineBuilder.Add(System.String.Format("\"{0}\"", source));

            var compilerTool = target.Toolset.Tool(typeof(CSharp.ICSharpCompilerTool));

            var exitCode = CommandLineProcessor.Processor.Execute(node, compilerTool, commandLineBuilder);
            success = (0 == exitCode);

            return null;