IEnumerator KickToGoal()
        int delay   = 0;
        int waitFor = 5;

        while (delay < waitFor)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

            delay += 1;
            print("Kicking to " + isOpponent + name + " goal in:" + (waitFor - delay));

        int index;

        index = (isOpponent ? 0 : 1);

        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, Random.Range(10f, 35f) * (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 ? -1 : 1), Random.Range(0, 30f));

        BallMoveBehavior ballMono = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();



    public void MoveBall(int x, int y)
        //ball.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(ball.transform.position, FieldController.instance.GetAbsolutePosition(x,y), step);
        BallMoveBehavior e = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball").GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        e.setTarget(FieldController.instance.GetPlayerAt(x, y).transform);
    public void KickBallTowards(int x, int y)
        PlayerScript     target   = FieldController.instance.GetPlayerAt(x, y);
        BallMoveBehavior ballMono = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

    public void IfIncorrectOption(int[] option)
        isCorrect = false;
        GameObject ball = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball");

        if (tries > 1)
            //increase opponent's score
            scoreScript.SetOpponentPlayerScore(scoreScript.GetOpponentPlayerScore() + 1);

            //reset counters
            tries = 0;
            pass  = 0;

            //Call this after some animation - delay - Opponent Goal animation
            ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior> ().lastPass = "******";

            ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>().ballOwner.PassToLastPlayerAndScore(true);
            BallMoveBehavior ballMono = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();
            ballMono.setTarget(FieldController.instance.GetPlayerAt(option[0], option[1]).transform);

        BallMoveBehavior script = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        script.message = "Whoops! You gave the ball to opponent. You passed to";
        script.result  = option;
        script.printed = false;

        //VectorRepresentationScript.instance.convertResultToVector("Whoops! You gave the ball to opponent. You passed to:", option);
    public void IfCorrectOption(int[] option)
        isCorrect = true;
        tries = 0;

        //function to display vector notation
        GameObject       ball   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball");
        BallMoveBehavior script = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        script.message = "Hurray! That was an awesome pass. You passed to:";
        script.result  = option;
        // VectorRepresentationScript.instance.convertResultToVector("Hurray! That was an awesome pass. You passed to:", option);
        script.printed = false;
    public void OnSubmit()
        float timeTaken = TimerScript.instance.secsPassed;


        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            isOptioni [i].interactable = false;

        // remove highlight

        //Check the selected option with correct option
        string option = ActiveOption();

        string positionIndices = Regex.Match(option, "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))").Value;

        string[] coordinates = positionIndices.Split(',');

        int x = int.Parse(coordinates[0]);
        int y = int.Parse(coordinates[1]);

        chosenPositions [0] = x;
        chosenPositions [1] = y;

        BallMoveBehavior e = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball").GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        e.tubeOptions [index, 0] = chosenPositions [0];
        e.tubeOptions [index, 1] = chosenPositions [1];

        if (x == targetPositions [0] && y == targetPositions [1])
            startPositions [0] = targetPositions [0];
            startPositions [1] = targetPositions [1];

        Analytics.SelectedAnswer(x, y, targetPositions[0], targetPositions[1], level, flow + 1, pass, isCorrect, timeTaken);
        MoveBall(x, y);
    void OnTimeOut()
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            isOptioni [i].interactable = false;

        BallMoveBehavior e = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball").GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        tries += 1;
        Analytics.SelectedAnswer(0, 0, targetPositions[0], targetPositions[1], level, flow + 1, pass, isCorrect, TimerScript.instance.secsPassed);
        Vector2 ballOwnerCoords = FieldController.instance.GetXYOfPlayer(e.ballOwner);

        chosenPositions [0] = (int)ballOwnerCoords.x;
        chosenPositions [1] = (int)ballOwnerCoords.y;
        isCorrect           = false;
        //ResetField ();
    public void ChargeTowardsBall(float percent, Vector3 targetPosition)
        idleLerpCounter = 0;
        if (percent < stopAtPercent)
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(idlePosition, targetPosition + new Vector3(0, 0, 5.5f), (percent - chargePercent) * (1 / (1 - chargePercent)));
            //print( + " " + (percent - chargePercent) * (1 / (1 - chargePercent)) + targetPosition);
            lastPosition       = transform.position;
            playerAnimator.v   = 1;
   = 0.18f;
            if (playerAnimator.v != 0)
                BallMoveBehavior bmb = ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();
       = transform;
                PlayerScript ps = null;

                while (ps == null || ps == this)
                    ps = FieldController.instance.GetRandomOpponent();

                Vector2 coordinates = FieldController.instance.GetXYOfPlayer(ps);

                if (chooseOptionsScript.tries < 1)
                    KickBallTowards(Mathf.RoundToInt(coordinates.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(coordinates.y));
                    print("pass to:" + coordinates);
                    print("pass to LAST player");
            playerAnimator.v   = 0;
   = 0;
    public void LoadNextQuestion()
        print("Load next question " + flow + " " + pass + " " + level);

        if (ball.GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>()"Goal") || IsInvoking("LoadNextQuestion") ||
            tries > 1 || pass >= MaxPassesInFlow)
            print("Ignore load next");

        if (isCorrect)
            targetPositions = findPlayerScript.find_teammate(level, startPositions, pass, flow);

        BallMoveBehavior e = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball").GetComponent <BallMoveBehavior>();

        if (null != e.tb)
        //Make toggles clickable
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            isOptioni [i].interactable = true;

        //Clear all toggles

        targetPlayer = FieldController.instance.GetPlayerAt(targetPositions [0], targetPositions [1]);

        //highlight player

        //Set the question in the text box
        questionText.text = "Pass the ball to the hightlighted player";

        string[] options = new string[4];
        int[,] optionValues = new int[4, 2];

        //Choose a random position to set correct option in
        int correctIndex = Random.Range(0, 3);

        optionValues [correctIndex, 0] = targetPositions[0] - chosenPositions[0];
        optionValues [correctIndex, 1] = targetPositions[1] - chosenPositions[1];
        options [correctIndex]         = "(" + targetPositions[0].ToString() + "," + targetPositions [1].ToString() + ")";

        //Load random opponents
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            if (correctIndex != i)
                PlayerScript ps = FieldController.instance.GetRandomOpponent();
                string       positionIndices = Regex.Match(, "(?<=\\[).+?(?=\\])").Value;
                optionValues [i, 0] = int.Parse(positionIndices.Split(',')[0]) - startPositions[0];
                optionValues [i, 1] = int.Parse(positionIndices.Split(',')[1]) - startPositions[1];

                options [i] = "(" + positionIndices + ")";

            isOptioni[i].transform.FindChild("Answer").GetComponent <Text>().text = options[i];
        if (level == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                Text optionText = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
                optionText.text = string.Format("{0} \n{1}", optionValues [i, 0], optionValues [i, 1]);
        else if (level == 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                int multiplier = Random.Range(2, 5);
                optionValues [i, 0] *= multiplier;
                optionValues [i, 1] *= multiplier;

                Text optionText = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
                optionText.text = string.Format("{0} \n{1}", optionValues [i, 0], optionValues [i, 1]);

                Text multiplierText = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue1").transform.FindChild("Multiplier1").GetComponent <Text>();
                multiplierText.text = string.Format("{0}\n---\n{1}", 1, multiplier);

                GameObject multiplierObj = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue1").transform.FindChild("Multiplier1").gameObject;
        else if (level == 3)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                int x = Random.Range(-2, optionValues [i, 0] - 1);
                int y = Random.Range(-2, optionValues [i, 1] - 1);

                Text optionText1 = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue1").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
                optionText1.text = string.Format("{0} \n{1}", x, y);

                Text optionText2 = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue2").transform.FindChild("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
                optionText2.text = string.Format("{0} \n{1}", optionValues [i, 0] - x, optionValues [i, 1] - y);

                GameObject optionObj2 = isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("VectorValue2").transform.gameObject;

                isOptioni [i].transform.FindChild("Addition").gameObject.SetActive(true);

        //start timer