public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, FactionDef factionType, ref List <BackstoryCategoryFilter> backstoryCategories)
            BackstoryExtension Ext = pawn.kindDef.GetModExtensionFast <BackstoryExtension>();

            if (Ext != null)
                string msg = pawn + "(" + pawn.KindLabel + ")" + " of " + factionType + " Childhood: " + pawn.story.childhood.identifier;
                if (pawn.story.adulthood != null)
                    msg += ", Adulthood: " + pawn.story.adulthood.identifier;
                //    Log.Message(msg);
        public static void Prefix(Pawn pawn, FactionDef factionType, ref List <BackstoryCategoryFilter> backstoryCategories)
            BackstoryExtension Ext = pawn.kindDef.GetModExtensionFast <BackstoryExtension>();

            if (Ext != null)
                List <BackstoryCategoryFilter> Categories = new List <BackstoryCategoryFilter>();
                if (Ext.AdultUseChildCatergory)
                    BackstoryCategoryFilter filter = backstoryCategories.RandomElementByWeight(x => x.commonality);
                    if (filter != null)
                        //    Log.Message(pawn + " of "+ factionType + " using "+filter.categories.ToCommaList());
                        backstoryCategories = Categories;