Beispiel #1
        public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
            if (clipState != ClipState.AfterClip)
            //if (!Visible) return;
            if (!Hud.Input.IsKeyDown(Keys.V))

            var s = Hud.Window.Size;

            var text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}x{1}\nX: {2,4}\nY: {3,4}",
                                     s.Width, s.Height,
                                     string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} px | % : {1}f", Hud.Window.CursorX, Hud.Window.CursorX / (float)s.Width),
                                     string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} px | % : {1}f", Hud.Window.CursorY, Hud.Window.CursorY / (float)s.Height)

            var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
            var h      = layout.Metrics.Height;
            var w      = layout.Metrics.Width;

            var offsetX = Hud.Window.CursorX + (int)(s.Width / 2 > Hud.Window.CursorX ? Offset : -w - Offset);
            var offsetY = Hud.Window.CursorY + (int)(s.Height / 2 > Hud.Window.CursorY ? Offset : -h - Offset);

            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(offsetX - Padding, offsetY - Padding, w + Padding * 2, h + Padding * 2);
            TextFont.DrawText(layout, offsetX, offsetY);
Beispiel #2
        private float DrawPluginsBlock2(IEnumerable <IPlugin> plugins, float rowHeaderX, float x, float _y, float _w, float h, string format = "{0} ({1}):")
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(rowHeaderX - rowHeaderSpacer, _y, rowHeaderSpacer + _w, h * plugins.Count());

            foreach (var plugin in plugins)
                var layout = UsageLowFont.GetTextLayout(string.Format(format, plugin.GetType().Name.Replace("Plugin", ""), plugin.ToString().Split('.')[2]));
                //layout = UsageLowFont.GetTextLayout(string.Format("{0} :", plugin.ToString()));
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(rowHeaderX - rowHeaderSpacer - layout.Metrics.Width, _y, layout.Metrics.Width, layout.Metrics.Height);
                UsageLowFont.DrawText(layout, rowHeaderX - layout.Metrics.Width - rowHeaderSpacer, _y);

                var _x = x;
                foreach (var counter in Columns.Select(counterKey => plugin.PerformanceCounters.Where(c => c.Key == counterKey).Select(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault()))
                    if (counter != null && counter.LastValue > 0)
                        //var text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.##}/{1:0.##}", counter.LastValue, counter.LastCount);
                        var text = counter.LastValue.ToString("0.##", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        (counter.LastValue <= HighUsageThreshold ? UsageLowFont : UsageHighFont).DrawText(text, _x, _y);

                    _x -= columnWidth;

                _y += layout.Metrics.Height;

            if (plugins.Any())
                _y += h / 2;

Beispiel #3
        private void PaintBuff(BuffPaintInfo info, float x, float y, float w, float h, IBrush brush)
            if (Opacity == 0)
            //Draw backbround bar
            BackgroundBrush.Opacity = Opacity;
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
            //Draw cooldown Bar
            brush.Opacity = Opacity;
            brush.DrawRectangle(x, y, (float)(w * info.TimeLeft / (info.TimeLeft + info.Elapsed)), h);
            //Draw time left number
            if (ShowTimeLeftNumbers)
                var text = "";
                if (info.TimeLeft > 1)
                    text = info.TimeLeft.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    text = info.TimeLeft.ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var layout = TimeLeftFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                TimeLeftFont.Opacity = Opacity;
                TimeLeftFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - (float)Math.Ceiling(layout.Metrics.Width)) / 2.0f, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);
        private void DrawHealthBar(WorldLayer layer, IMonster m, ref float yref)
            var    w      = m.CurHealth * w2 / m.MaxHealth;
            var    per    = LightFont.GetTextLayout((m.CurHealth * 100 / m.MaxHealth).ToString(PercentageDescriptor) + "%");
            var    y      = YPos + py * 8 * yref;
            IBrush cBrush = null;
            IFont  cFont  = null;

            //Brush selection
            switch (m.Rarity)
            case ActorRarity.Boss:
                cBrush = BossBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Champion:
                cBrush = ChampionBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Rare:
                cBrush = RareBrush;

            case ActorRarity.RareMinion:
                cBrush = RareMinionBrush;

                cBrush = BackgroundBrush;

            //Jugger Highlight
            if (JuggernautHighlight && m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare && HasAffix(m, MonsterAffix.Juggernaut))
                cFont  = RedFont;
                cBrush = RareJuggerBrush;
                cFont = NameFont;

            //Draw Rectangles
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            cBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, (float)w, h);
            LightFont.DrawText(per, XPos + 8 + w2, y - py);

            //Draw MonsterType
            if (ShowMonsterType)
                var name = cFont.GetTextLayout(m.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
                cFont.DrawText(name, XPos + 3, y - py);

            //increase linecount
            yref += 1.0f;
Beispiel #5
        public void PaintExpandedHint(float x, float y, float w, float h, HorizontalAlign align)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (ExpandedHintFont == null)

            var hint = HintFunc != null?HintFunc.Invoke() : null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hint))

            if (BackgroundTexture1 != null)
                BackgroundTexture1.Draw(x, y, w, h, BackgroundTextureOpacity1);

            if (BackgroundTexture2 != null)
                BackgroundTexture2.Draw(x, y, w, h, BackgroundTextureOpacity2);

            if (BackgroundBrush != null)
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);

            var layout = ExpandedHintFont.GetTextLayout(hint);

            switch (align)
            case HorizontalAlign.Left:
                ExpandedHintFont.DrawText(layout, x, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            case HorizontalAlign.Center:
                ExpandedHintFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - layout.Metrics.Width) / 2, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            case HorizontalAlign.Right:
                ExpandedHintFont.DrawText(layout, x + w - layout.Metrics.Width, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            if (BorderBrush != null)
                BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
Beispiel #6
        public void Paint(float x, float y, float w, float h, string text, string title = null, string hint = null)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (TextFont == null)

            var displaySize         = Hud.Window.Size;
            var screenBorderPadding = 0.0f;

            if (BorderBrush != null)
                screenBorderPadding += BorderBrush.RealStrokeWidth;

            var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);

            var rect = new RectangleF(x, y, w, h);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hint) && Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, w, h))

            if (BackgroundBrush != null)

            var realY = y;

            if ((TitleFont != null) && (BorderBrush != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                var titleLayout = TitleFont.GetTextLayout(title);
                var pad         = 3 * Hud.Window.Size.Height / 1200.0f;
                realY = y + pad + titleLayout.Metrics.Height + pad;
                BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, realY, x + w, realY);
                TitleFont.DrawText(titleLayout, x + (w - titleLayout.Metrics.Width) / 2, y + pad);

            TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - layout.Metrics.Width) / 2, realY + (h - (realY - y) - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            if (BorderBrush != null)
        private void DrawHeaderLine(float x, float y, float columnHeaderWidth, IEnumerable <IItem> items)
            var width = columnHeaderWidth;
            var rect  = new RectangleF(x - width, y, width, width * 2);

            foreach (var location in ItemLocations)
                var item = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Location == location);
                if (item != null)
                    var bgTex = Hud.Texture.GetItemBackgroundTexture(item);

                    if (bgTex.Width == bgTex.Height)
                        rect.Y      = y + width;
                        rect.Height = width;
                        rect.Y      = y;
                        rect.Height = width * 2;

                    ItemRenderer.RenderItem(item, rect);
                    var ancientRank = item.AncientRank;
                    if (ancientRank >= 1)
                        var ancientRankText = ancientRank == 1 ? "A" : "P";
                        var font            = ancientRank == 1 ? AncientRankFont : PrimalRankFont;

                        var textRank   = ancientRankText + (item.CaldesannRank > 0 ? ("+" + item.CaldesannRank.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) : "");
                        var textLayout = font.GetTextLayout(textRank);
                        font.DrawText(textLayout, rect.Right - textLayout.Metrics.Width - 4, rect.Bottom - textLayout.Metrics.Height - 2);

                    var text       = string.Format("{0:0.#} %", item.Perfection);
                    var layout     = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                    var brushIndex = (int)Math.Round(item.Perfection / 100 * (float)(gradientBrushes.Count - 1));
                    if (brushIndex >= 0 && brushIndex < gradientBrushes.Count)
                        gradientBrushes[brushIndex].DrawRectangle(rect.X, rect.Y - layout.Metrics.Height, columnHeaderWidth, layout.Metrics.Height);

                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, rect.X + columnHeaderWidth / 2 - layout.Metrics.Width / 2, rect.Y - layout.Metrics.Height);

                rect.X -= width + 1;
        public void Paint(float x, float y)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (BarBrush == null)
            if (data.Count == 0)

            using (var pg = Hud.Render.CreateGeometry())
                using (var gs = pg.Open())
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, Width, Height);

                    var max        = Equals(ForcedMax, 0) ? data.Max() : ForcedMax;
                    var startPoint = new Vector2(x, y);
                    gs.BeginFigure(startPoint, FigureBegin.Filled);

                    var vect = new Vector2(x, y + Height);

                    for (var xx = 0; xx < data.Count; xx++)
                        var yy = Height * GetHeight(data[xx], max);

                        if (yy < 0)
                            yy = 0;

                        vect = new Vector2(x + xx, y + Height - yy);

                    gs.AddLine(new Vector2(x + data.Count - 1, y + Height));
                    gs.AddLine(new Vector2(x, y + Height));

        public void Paint(IEnumerable <ISnoPower> powers, float x, float y, int textLenght = 25)
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Hud.Window.Size.Width, Hud.Window.Size.Height);

            foreach (var power in powers)
                Paint(power, x, y, textLenght);

                y += StandardIconSize + StandardIconSpacing;

                if (!(y > Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.98f))

                y  = 0;
                x += Hud.Window.Size.Width * ColumnWidthRatio;
Beispiel #10
        public void Paint(float x, float y, float w, float h, string text, HorizontalAlign align = HorizontalAlign.Center)
            if (TextFont == null)

            if (BackgroundBrush != null)
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                var layout     = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                var layoutChar = TextFont.GetTextLayout(":");
                switch (align)
                case HorizontalAlign.Left:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + layoutChar.Metrics.Width, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

                case HorizontalAlign.Center:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - layout.Metrics.Width) / 2, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

                case HorizontalAlign.Right:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + w - layout.Metrics.Width - layoutChar.Metrics.Width, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            if (BorderBrush != null)
                BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
        public void Paint(ISnoPower power, float x, float y, int textLenght = 25)
            var name  = string.Empty;
            var items = power.GetItemSnos();

            if (items.Any(xx => xx != 0) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(power.NameEnglish))
                //name = Hud.Inventory.GetSnoItem(items.First()).NameEnglish;
                var item = Hud.Inventory.GetSnoItem(items.First());
                name = item == null?power.Sno.ToString() : item.NameEnglish;
                name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(power.NameEnglish) ? power.Sno.ToString() : power.NameEnglish;

            if (name.Length > textLenght)
                name = name.Substring(0, textLenght);

            var layout       = TextFont.GetTextLayout(string.Format("{0,25} Ic:", name));
            var layoutSpacer = TextFont.GetTextLayout(":");

            TextFont.DrawText(layout, x, y);

            if (Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, layout.Metrics.Width, layout.Metrics.Height))
                Hud.Render.SetHint(power.Sno + " : " + power.Code + " : " + power.DescriptionEnglish);

            x += layout.Metrics.Width + layoutSpacer.Metrics.Width * 2;

            if (power.NormalIconTextureId != 0)
                var texture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(power.NormalIconTextureId);

                if (texture != null)
                    texture.Draw(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);

                if (Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize))
                    Hud.Render.SetHint("TextureId : " + power.NormalIconTextureId);
                x += StandardIconSize + StandardIconSpacing;

            foreach (var icon in power.Icons.Where(xxx => xxx.Exists && xxx.TextureId != 0 && xxx.TextureId != power.NormalIconTextureId).Select(xxx => xxx.TextureId).Distinct())
                var texture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(icon);

                if (texture != null)
                    texture.Draw(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);

                if (Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize))
                    Hud.Render.SetHint("TextureId : " + icon);

                x += StandardIconSize + StandardIconSpacing;

            layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(" It:");
            TextFont.DrawText(layout, x, y);
            x += layout.Metrics.Width + layoutSpacer.Metrics.Width;

            foreach (var sno in items)
                if (sno == 0)

                var item = Hud.Inventory.GetSnoItem(sno);
                if (item == null)

                var brush = item.SetItemBonusesSno == uint.MaxValue
                    ? LegendaryBackgroundBrush
                    : SetBackgroundBrush;

                brush.DrawRectangle(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);

                var texture = Hud.Texture.GetItemTexture(item);

                if (texture != null)
                    texture.Draw(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize);

                if (Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, StandardIconSize, StandardIconSize))
                    Hud.Render.SetHint(item.NameEnglish + " : " + item.Sno + " : i" + item.Level + " : " + item.SetItemBonusesSno);

                x += StandardIconSize + StandardIconSpacing;
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            var             h             = 17;
            var             w1            = 30;
            var             textLocust    = "L";
            var             layoutLocust  = TextFontLocust.GetTextLayout(textLocust);
            var             textHaunt     = "H";
            var             layoutHaunt   = TextFontHaunt.GetTextLayout(textHaunt);
            var             py            = Hud.Window.Size.Height / 600;
            var             monsters      = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(x => x.IsAlive);
            List <IMonster> monstersElite = new List <IMonster>();

            foreach (var monster in monsters)
                if (monster.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0)
                    if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
            foreach (var monster in monstersElite)
                var hptext   = ValueToString(monster.CurHealth * 100 / monster.MaxHealth, ValueFormat.NormalNumberNoDecimal);
                var layout   = TextFont.GetTextLayout(hptext);
                var w        = monster.CurHealth * w1 / monster.MaxHealth;
                var monsterX = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X - w1 / 2;
                var monsterY = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y + py * 12;
                var locustX  = monsterX - w1 / 2;
                var hauntX   = monsterX + w1 + 5;
                var buffY    = monsterY - 1;
                var hpX      = monsterX + 7;

                BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, w1, h);
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, w1, h);
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                    ChampionBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, (float)w, h);
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    bool flagJ = false;
                    foreach (var snoMonsterAffix in monster.AffixSnoList)
                        if (snoMonsterAffix.Affix == MonsterAffix.Juggernaut)
                            flagJ = true;
                    if (flagJ)
                        RareJBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, (float)w, h);
                        RareBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, (float)w, h);
                if (monster.Locust)
                    TextFontLocust.DrawText(layoutLocust, locustX, buffY);
                if (monster.Haunted)
                    TextFontHaunt.DrawText(layoutHaunt, hauntX, buffY);
                TextFont.DrawText(layout, hpX, buffY);
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            var monsters = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters;
            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup = new Dictionary <IMonster, string>();

            foreach (var monster in monsters)
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    eliteGroup.Add(monster, String.Join(", ", monster.AffixSnoList));
            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup1 = eliteGroup.OrderBy(p => p.Value).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, o => o.Value);

            var    px     = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.00125f;
            var    py     = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.001667f;
            var    h      = py * 5;
            var    w2     = py * 50;
            var    count  = 0;
            string preStr = null;

            //remove clone
            foreach (var elite in eliteGroup1)
                bool illusionist = false;
                if (elite.Key.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0)
                    illusionist = false;
                    illusionist = true;
                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                    if (illusionist == false)
                        var x      = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f;
                        var w      = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;
                        var text   = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";
                        var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                        if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)
                        var y = py * 8 * count;
                        if (elite.Key.Invulnerable)
                            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + px + w2, y - py);
                        ChampionBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, (float)w, h);
                        preStr = elite.Value;
                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    if (illusionist == false)
                        var x      = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f;
                        var w      = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;
                        var text   = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";
                        var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                        if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)
                        var y = py * 8 * count;
                        if (elite.Key.Invulnerable)
                            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + px + w2, y - py);
                        RareBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, (float)w, h);
                        preStr = elite.Value;
Beispiel #14
        public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
            if (Hud.Render.UiHidden)
            float x          = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.42f;
            float y          = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.11f;
            float sizex      = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.16f;
            float sizey      = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.02f;
            float textx      = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.498f;
            float texty      = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.111f;
            float MeteorOcux = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.505f;
            float MeteorOcuy = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.131f;
            float Meteorx    = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.421f;
            float Meteory    = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.131f;


            var ATleft = (ArchonLeft - Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick) / 60.0d;

            WizIngame = false;
            foreach (var player in Hud.Game.Players)
                if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass == HeroClass.Wizard)
                    WizIngame = true;
                    foreach (var i in _skillOrder)
                        var skill = player.Powers.SkillSlots[i];
                        if (skill == null || skill.SnoPower.Sno != 134872)
                            continue;                                                //Archon
                        Cooldown = (skill.CooldownFinishTick - Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick) / 60.0d;

                        var buff = player.Powers.GetBuff(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_Archon.Sno);
                        if (buff != null)
                            ArchonTimeLeft = buff.TimeLeftSeconds[2];
                            if (player.HasValidActor && buff.TimeLeftSeconds[2] > 0.0)
                                ArchonLeft = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick + ArchonTimeLeft * 60.0d;
                        ATleft = (ArchonLeft - Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick) / 60.0d;
                        if (ATleft > 0)
                            textBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:0}", ATleft);
                            textBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:0}", 12.0 + ATleft);
                        // DEBUG

                         * textBuilder.AppendLine();
                         * textBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}", ATleft);
                         * textBuilder.AppendLine();
                         * textBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}", ArchonLeft);*/

            if (WizIngame)
                if (ATleft <= 0.0)       //outside
                    if (ATleft >= -12.0) //not bugged
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex, sizey);
                        TimerOutsideBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex * (float)((12.0 + ATleft) / 12.0), sizey);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x + sizex, y, 0.6f);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x + sizex, y, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y + sizey, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + sizey, 0.6f);

                        Hud.Texture.GetTexture(Hud.Sno.GetSnoPower(69190).NormalIconTextureId).Draw(MeteorOcux, MeteorOcuy, 28.0f, 28.0f); //Wizard_Meteor { get; } // 69190
                        Hud.Texture.GetTexture(Hud.Sno.GetSnoPower(69190).NormalIconTextureId).Draw(Meteorx, Meteory, 28.0f, 28.0f);       //Wizard_Meteor { get; } // 69190
                    var layout = RedFont.GetTextLayout(textBuilder.ToString());
                    RedFont.DrawText(layout, textx, texty);
                else//in archon
                    if (ATleft <= 20)//not bugged
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex, sizey);
                        if (ATleft >= 5.0)
                            TimerArchonBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex * (float)(ATleft / 20.0), sizey);
                            TimerArchonWarningBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex * (float)(ATleft / 20.0), sizey);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x + sizex, y, 0.6f);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x + sizex, y, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y + sizey, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                        BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + sizey, 0.6f);
                    var layout = GreenFont.GetTextLayout(textBuilder.ToString());
                    GreenFont.DrawText(layout, textx, texty);
Beispiel #15
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            var monsters = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters;
            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup = new Dictionary <IMonster, string>();

            foreach (var monster in monsters)
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    if (eliteGroup.ContainsKey(monster))
                        eliteGroup[monster] = monster.SnoMonster.Priority.ToString() + monster.SnoMonster.Sno + monster.SnoMonster.NameEnglish + String.Join(", ", monster.AffixSnoList);
                        eliteGroup.Add(monster, monster.SnoMonster.Priority.ToString() + monster.SnoMonster.Sno + monster.SnoMonster.NameEnglish + String.Join(", ", monster.AffixSnoList));
            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup1 = eliteGroup.OrderBy(p => p.Value).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, o => o.Value);
            var    px     = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.00125f;
            var    py     = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.001667f;
            var    h      = py * 5;
            var    w2     = py * 50;
            var    count  = 0;
            string preStr = null;

            //remove clone
            foreach (var elite in eliteGroup1)
                if (elite.Key.Illusion)
                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                    var x         = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f;
                    var w         = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;
                    var affixlist = "";
                    foreach (var Affix in elite.Key.AffixSnoList)
                        affixlist = affixlist + " " + Affix.NameLocalized;
                    var text   = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f1") + "% " + elite.Key.SnoMonster.NameLocalized + affixlist;
                    var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                    if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)
                    var y = py * 8 * count;
                    if (elite.Key.Invulnerable)
                        BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + px + w2, y - py);
                    ChampionBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, (float)w, h);
                    preStr = elite.Value;
                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    var x         = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f;
                    var w         = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;
                    var affixlist = "";
                    foreach (var Affix in elite.Key.AffixSnoList)
                        affixlist = affixlist + " " + Affix.NameLocalized;
                    var text   = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f1") + "% " + elite.Key.SnoMonster.NameLocalized + affixlist;
                    var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                    if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)
                    var y = py * 8 * count;
                    if (elite.Key.Invulnerable)
                        BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w2, h);
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + px + w2, y - py);
                    RareBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, (float)w, h);
                    preStr = elite.Value;
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            var players = Hud.Game.Players.Where(player => !player.IsMe && player.CoordinateKnown && (player.HeadStone == null));

            foreach (var player in players)
                if (player == null)
                var ScreenWidth      = Hud.Window.Size.Width;
                var ScreenHeight     = Hud.Window.Size.Height;
                var HeroTexture      = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(890155253);
                var HPbarWidth       = (float)(ScreenWidth / 13);
                var HPbarHeight      = (float)(ScreenHeight / 130);
                var ResbarWidth      = (float)(ScreenWidth / 13);
                var ResbarHeight     = (float)(ScreenHeight / 200);
                var CurRes           = 0f;
                var CurRes2          = 0f;
                var ScreenCoordinate = player.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate();
                var PlayerX          = ScreenCoordinate.X;
                var PlayerY          = ScreenCoordinate.Y;
                if (HPbar == true)
                    var CurHealth = player.Defense.HealthCur / player.Defense.HealthMax;
                    BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)HPbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 16) / 2, HPbarWidth, HPbarHeight);
                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)HPbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 16) / 2, HPbarWidth, HPbarHeight);
                    HPbarBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)HPbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 16) / 2, HPbarWidth * CurHealth, HPbarHeight);

                if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "Barbarian")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurFury / player.Stats.ResourceMaxFury;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        FuryBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);

                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3921484788);                    // male/female can't be determined, let's keep it for later...
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(1030273087);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "Crusader")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurWrath / player.Stats.ResourceMaxWrath;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        WrathBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3742271755);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3435775766);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "DemonHunter")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes  = player.Stats.ResourceCurHatred / player.Stats.ResourceMaxHatred;
                        CurRes2 = player.Stats.ResourceCurDiscipline / player.Stats.ResourceMaxDiscipline;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        HatreBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 40) / 1.45f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        DisciplineBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 40) / 1.45f, ResbarWidth * CurRes2, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3785199803);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(2939779782);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "Monk")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurSpirit / player.Stats.ResourceMaxSpirit;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        SpiritBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(2227317895);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(2918463890);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "Necromancer")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurEssence / player.Stats.ResourceMaxEssence;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        EssenceBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3285997023);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(473831658);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "WitchDoctor")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurMana / player.Stats.ResourceMaxMana;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        ManaBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3925954876);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(1603231623);
                else if (player.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass.ToString() == "Wizard")
                    if (Resbar == true)
                        CurRes = player.Stats.ResourceCurArcane / player.Stats.ResourceMaxArcane;
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth, ResbarHeight);
                        ArcaneBrush.DrawRectangle(PlayerX - (float)ResbarWidth / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 28) / 1.6f, ResbarWidth * CurRes, ResbarHeight);
                    if (player.HeroIsMale)
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(44435619);
                        HeroTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(876580014);

                if (Tag == true)
                    string battleTag = player.BattleTagAbovePortrait;
                    if (battleTag == null)
                    TagDecorator.TextFunc = () => battleTag.ToString();
                    var BattleTagTexture = Hud.Texture.GetTexture(3098562643);
                    BattleTagTexture.Draw(PlayerX - (float)(ScreenWidth / 10) / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 7.8f) / 2, (float)(ScreenWidth / 10), (float)(ScreenHeight / 28), 0.7843f);
                    HeroTexture.Draw(PlayerX - (float)(Hud.Window.Size.Height / 31) / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 6.1f) / 2, (float)(ScreenHeight / 31), (float)(Hud.Window.Size.Height / 31), 1f);
                    TagDecorator.Paint(PlayerX - (float)(ScreenWidth / 11.5) / 2, PlayerY - (float)(ScreenHeight / 9.23f) / 2, (float)(ScreenWidth / 11.5), (float)(ScreenHeight / 45), HorizontalAlign.Center);
Beispiel #17
        public override void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)

            var monsters = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters;

            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup = new Dictionary <IMonster, string>();

            foreach (var monster in monsters)

                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)

                    eliteGroup.Add(monster, String.Join(", ", monster.AffixSnoList));

            Dictionary <IMonster, string> eliteGroup1 = eliteGroup.OrderBy(p => p.Value).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, o => o.Value);

            var px = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.00125f;

            var py = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.001667f;

            var h = py * 6;

            var w2 = py * 80;

            var count = 0;

            string preStr = null;

            //remove clone

            foreach (var elite in eliteGroup1)

                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)

                    var eliteCurMaxHealth = 0.0d;

                    var eliteMaxHealth = 0.0d;

                    bool illusionist = false;

                    int same = 0;

                    eliteCurMaxHealth = elite.Key.MaxHealth;

                    same = 0;

                    foreach (var monster2 in monsters)

                        if (eliteMaxHealth < monster2.MaxHealth && monster2.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                            eliteMaxHealth = monster2.MaxHealth;

                    foreach (var monster1 in monsters)

                        if (monster1.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)

                            if (eliteCurMaxHealth == monster1.MaxHealth)

                            if (same == 2)

                                illusionist = true;


                    if (illusionist == false)

                        var w = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;

                        var text = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";

                        var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);

                        if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)

                        var y = py * 8 * count;

                        //BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, 70, h);

                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f, y, w2, h);

                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f + px + w2, y - py);

                        ChampionBrush.DrawRectangle(Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f, y, (float)w, h);

                        preStr = elite.Value;


                if (elite.Key.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)

                    var eliteCurMaxHealth = 0.0d;

                    var eliteMaxHealth = 0.0d;

                    bool illusionist = false;

                    int same = 0;

                    eliteCurMaxHealth = elite.Key.MaxHealth;

                    same = 0;

                    foreach (var monster2 in monsters)

                        if (eliteMaxHealth < monster2.MaxHealth && monster2.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                            eliteMaxHealth = monster2.MaxHealth;

                    foreach (var monster1 in monsters)

                        if (monster1.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)

                            if (eliteCurMaxHealth == monster1.MaxHealth)

                            if (same == 2)

                                illusionist = true;


                    if (illusionist == false)

                        var w = elite.Key.CurHealth * w2 / elite.Key.MaxHealth;

                        var text = (elite.Key.CurHealth * 100 / elite.Key.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";

                        var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);

                        if (preStr != elite.Value || preStr == null)

                        var y = py * 8 * count;

                        //BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, 70, h);

                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f, y, w2, h);

                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f + px + w2, y - py);

                        RareBrush.DrawRectangle(Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.125f, y, (float)w, h);

                        preStr = elite.Value;


        private void DrawHealthBar(WorldLayer layer, IMonster m, ref float yref)
            if (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.RareMinion && !ShowRareMinions)
                return;                                                             //no minions
            if (m.SummonerAcdDynamicId != 0)
                return;                                                             //no clones
            var wint = m.CurHealth / m.MaxHealth; string whptext;

            if ((wint < 0) || (wint > 1))
                wint = 1; whptext = "bug";
                whptext = (wint * 100).ToString(PercentageDescriptor) + "%";
            var w   = wint * w2;
            var per = LightFont.GetTextLayout(whptext);

            var y = YPos + py * 8 * yref;

//            IBrush cBrush = null;
//            IFont cFont = null;
            cBrush = null;
            cFont  = null;

            //Brush selection
            switch (m.Rarity)
            case ActorRarity.Boss:
                cBrush = BossBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Champion:
                cBrush = ChampionBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Rare:
                cBrush = RareBrush;

            case ActorRarity.RareMinion:
                cBrush = RareMinionBrush;

                cBrush = BackgroundBrush;

            //Jugger Highlight
            if (JuggernautHighlight && m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare && HasAffix(m, MonsterAffix.Juggernaut))
                cFont  = RedFont;
                cBrush = RareJuggerBrush;
                cFont = NameFont;

            //Missing Highlight
            if (MissingHighlight && (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare) && !m.IsOnScreen)
                var missing = RedFont.GetTextLayout("\u26A0");
                RedFont.DrawText(missing, XPos - 17, y - py);

            //Circle Non-Clones and Boss
            if (CircleNonIllusion && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0 && HasAffix(m, MonsterAffix.Illusionist) || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Boss && ShowBossHitBox)
                HitBoxDecorator.Paint(layer, m, m.FloorCoordinate, string.Empty);

            string d = string.Empty;

            //Show Debuffs on Monster
            if (ShowDebuffAndCC)
                string textDebuff = null;
                if (m.Locust)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Locust";
                if (m.Palmed)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Palm";
                if (m.Haunted)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Haunt";
                if (m.MarkedForDeath)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Mark";
                //if (m.Strongarmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Strongarm"; // No funciona, reemplazado por otro código
                if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 318772) == 1) //318772  2   power: ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_590_x1
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Strongarm";
                string textCC = null;
                if (m.Frozen)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Frozen";
                if (m.Chilled)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Chill";
                if (m.Slow)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Slow";
                if (m.Stunned)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Stun";
                if (m.Invulnerable)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Invulnerable";
                if (m.Blind)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Blind";
                if (textDebuff != null)
                    d = textDebuff;
                if (textCC != null)
                    d += ((d != string.Empty)? " | ":"") + textCC;
            if (ShowCurses)
                string Curses = null;
                if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471845) == 1)     //471845 1 power: Frailty
                    Curses += (Curses == null ? "" : " ") + "F";
                if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471869) == 1)      //471869 1 power: Leech
                    Curses += (Curses == null ? "" : " ") + "L";
                if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471738) == 1)     //471738 1 power: Decrepify
                    Curses += (Curses == null ? "" : " ") + "D";
                if (Curses != null)
                    d += ((d != string.Empty)? " | ":"") + Curses;
            if (d != string.Empty)
                LightFont.DrawText(LightFont.GetTextLayout(d), XPos + 65 + w2, y - py);

            //Draw Rectangles
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            cBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, (float)w, h);
            LightFont.DrawText(per, XPos + 8 + w2, y - py);

            //Draw MonsterType
            if (ShowMonsterType)
                var name = cFont.GetTextLayout(m.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
                cFont.DrawText(name, XPos + 3, y - py);

            //increase linecount
            yref += 0.95f;
Beispiel #19
        public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
            if (clipState != ClipState.AfterClip)
            if (!_showList)

            var lines             = GetBuffLines();
            var lineWithMaxLength = lines.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Length == lines.Max(ll => ll.Length));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineWithMaxLength))

            var layout = Font.GetTextLayout(lineWithMaxLength);
            var h      = layout.Metrics.Height;
            var w      = layout.Metrics.Width;
            var x      = StartX;
            var y      = StartY;

            //var lineCount = (int)((Hud.Window.GroundRectangle.Top + Hud.Window.GroundRectangle.Height - StartX) / h);
            //lineCount /= 2;
            //var columns = new List<List<string>>()
            //    new List<string>()
            //var currentColumnIndex = 0;
            //while (currentColumnIndex * lineCount < lines.Count)
            //    var column = lines.Skip(currentColumnIndex * lineCount).Take(lineCount);
            //    columns[currentColumnIndex].AddRange(column);
            //    currentColumnIndex++;

            var lineCount      = (int)((Hud.Window.GroundRectangle.Top + Hud.Window.GroundRectangle.Height - StartX) / h);
            var estimatedWidth = w * ((lines.Count / lineCount) + 1);

            if (BackgroundBrush != null)
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(StartX - h / 2f, StartY - h / 2f, estimatedWidth + h, h * Math.Min(lineCount, lines.Count) + h);

            foreach (var line in GetBuffLines())
                Font.DrawText(line, x, y);

                if (y >= Hud.Window.GroundRectangle.Bottom - (h * 2))
                    x += w;
                    y  = StartY;
                    y += h;
Beispiel #20
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            if (Hud.Game.IsInTown)

            var             h             = 17;
            var             w1            = 35;
            var             py            = Hud.Window.Size.Height / 600;
            var             monsters      = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(x => x.IsAlive);
            List <IMonster> monstersElite = new List <IMonster>();

            foreach (var monster in monsters)
                if (monster.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0)
                    if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.RareMinion)
                        if (IlluSpawners.Contains(monster.SnoMonster.NameEnglish))
                            foreach (var snoMonsterAffix in monster.AffixSnoList)
                                if (snoMonsterAffix.Affix == MonsterAffix.Illusionist)

            foreach (var monster in monstersElite)
                var wint   = monster.CurHealth / monster.MaxHealth;
                var hptext = "";
                if ((wint < 0) || (wint > 1))
                    wint = 1; hptext = "bug";
                    hptext = ValueToString(wint * 100, ValueFormat.NormalNumberNoDecimal);
                var w        = wint * w1;
                var layout   = TextFont.GetTextLayout(hptext);
                var monsterX = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X - w1 / 2;
                var monsterY = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y - py * 8;
                if (monsterY < 0)
                    monsterY = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y;
                monsterY -= 15.0f;
                var ShieldingX = monsterX - w1 / 2;
                var hauntX     = monsterX + w1 + 5;
                var buffY      = monsterY - 1;
                var hpX        = monsterX + 7;

                BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, w1, h);
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, w1, h);

                RareBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX, monsterY, (float)w, h);
                TextFont.DrawText(layout, hpX, buffY);
        public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer)
            var w1           = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.00333f * b;
            var textLocust   = "虫群"; //"L"
            var layoutLocust = TextFontLocust.GetTextLayout(textLocust);
            var textHaunt    = "蚀魂"; //"H"
            var layoutHaunt  = TextFontHaunt.GetTextLayout(textHaunt);
            var h2           = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.017f;
            var x2           = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.001667f * b;
            var x3           = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.02f;

            var monsters = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters;

            foreach (var monster in monsters)
                bool illusionist = false;
                if (monster.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0)
                    illusionist = false;
                    illusionist = true;
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                    if (illusionist == false)
                        var hptext   = (monster.CurHealth * 100 / monster.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";
                        var layout   = TextFont.GetTextLayout(hptext);
                        var h        = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.00034f * 35;
                        var w        = monster.CurHealth * w1 / monster.MaxHealth;
                        var monsterX = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X; // - w1 / 2;
                        var monsterY = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y; // + py * 14;
                        var locustX  = monsterX + x3 * 0.1f;
                        var hauntX   = monsterX - x3;
                        var buffY    = monsterY - h2 * 2f;
                        var hpX      = monsterX - 1.5f;
                        if (monster.Invulnerable)
                            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, w1, h);
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, w1, h);
                        if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion)
                            ChampionBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, (float)w, h);
                        if (monster.Locust)
                            TextFontLocust.DrawText(layoutLocust, locustX, buffY);
                        if (monster.Haunted)
                            TextFontHaunt.DrawText(layoutHaunt, hauntX, buffY);
                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, hpX, monsterY + h2 / 1.2f);
                if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                    if (illusionist == false)
                        var hptext   = (monster.CurHealth * 100 / monster.MaxHealth).ToString("f0") + "%";
                        var layout   = TextFont.GetTextLayout(hptext);
                        var h        = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.00034f * 35;
                        var w        = monster.CurHealth * w1 / monster.MaxHealth;
                        var monsterX = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X; // - w1 / 2;
                        var monsterY = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y; // + py * 14;
                        var locustX  = monsterX + x3 * 0.1f;
                        var hauntX   = monsterX - x3;
                        var buffY    = monsterY - h2 * 2f;
                        var hpX      = monsterX - 1.5f;
                        if (monster.Invulnerable)
                            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, w1, h);
                        BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, w1, h);
                        if (monster.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
                            RareBrush.DrawRectangle(monsterX - x2, monsterY + h2, (float)w, h);
                        if (monster.Locust)
                            TextFontLocust.DrawText(layoutLocust, locustX, buffY);
                        if (monster.Haunted)
                            TextFontHaunt.DrawText(layoutHaunt, hauntX, buffY);
                        TextFont.DrawText(layout, hpX, monsterY + h2 / 1.2f);
Beispiel #22
        public void Paint(float x, float y, float w, float h, HorizontalAlign align)
            if (!Enabled)
            if (TextFont == null)

            var text = TextFunc != null?TextFunc.Invoke() : null;

            var hint = HintFunc != null?HintFunc.Invoke() : null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && HideBackgroundWhenTextIsEmpty)

            if (Hud.Window.CursorInsideRect(x, y, w, h))
                var expanded = false;
                if (ExpandUpLabels != null && ExpandUpLabels.Count > 0)
                    var ly = y - h;
                    foreach (var label in ExpandUpLabels)
                        label.Paint(x, ly, w, h, align);
                        label.PaintExpandedHint(x + w, ly, w * label.ExpandedHintWidthMultiplier, h, HorizontalAlign.Center);
                        ly      -= h;
                        expanded = true;
                    this.PaintExpandedHint(x + w, y, w * 3, h, HorizontalAlign.Center);
                if (ExpandDownLabels != null && ExpandDownLabels.Count > 0)
                    var ly = y + h;
                    foreach (var label in ExpandDownLabels)
                        label.Paint(x, ly, w, h, align);
                        label.PaintExpandedHint(x + w, ly, w * label.ExpandedHintWidthMultiplier, h, HorizontalAlign.Center);
                        ly      += h;
                        expanded = true;
                    this.PaintExpandedHint(x + w, y, w * 3, h, HorizontalAlign.Center);
                if (ExpandRightLabels != null && ExpandRightLabels.Count > 0)
                    var lx = x + w;
                    foreach (var label in ExpandRightLabels)
                        label.Paint(lx, y, w, h, align);
                        lx      += h;
                        expanded = true;
                if (ExpandLeftLabels != null && ExpandLeftLabels.Count > 0)
                    var lx = x - w;
                    foreach (var label in ExpandLeftLabels)
                        label.Paint(lx, y, w, h, align);
                        lx      -= h;
                        expanded = true;

                if (!expanded)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hint))

            if (BackgroundTexture1 != null)
                BackgroundTexture1.Draw(x, y, w, h, BackgroundTextureOpacity1);

            if (BackgroundTexture2 != null)
                BackgroundTexture2.Draw(x, y, w, h, BackgroundTextureOpacity2);

            if (BackgroundBrush != null)
                BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                var layout = TextFont.GetTextLayout(text);
                switch (align)
                case HorizontalAlign.Left:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

                case HorizontalAlign.Center:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - layout.Metrics.Width) / 2, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

                case HorizontalAlign.Right:
                    TextFont.DrawText(layout, x + w - layout.Metrics.Width, y + (h - layout.Metrics.Height) / 2);

            if (BorderBrush != null)
                BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h);
Beispiel #23
        private void DrawHealthBar(WorldLayer layer, IMonster m, ref float yref)
            if (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.RareMinion && !ShowRareMinions)
                return;                                                             //no minions
            if (m.SummonerAcdDynamicId != 0)
                return;                                                             //no clones
            var    w      = m.CurHealth * w2 / m.MaxHealth;
            var    per    = LightFont.GetTextLayout((m.CurHealth * 100 / m.MaxHealth).ToString(PercentageDescriptor) + "%");
            var    y      = YPos + py * 8 * yref;
            IBrush cBrush = null;
            IFont  cFont  = null;

            //Brush selection
            switch (m.Rarity)
            case ActorRarity.Boss:
                cBrush = BossBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Champion:
                cBrush = ChampionBrush;

            case ActorRarity.Rare:
                cBrush = RareBrush;

            case ActorRarity.RareMinion:
                cBrush = RareMinionBrush;

                cBrush = BackgroundBrush;

            //Jugger Highlight
            if (JuggernautHighlight && m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare && HasAffix(m, MonsterAffix.Juggernaut))
                cFont  = RedFont;
                cBrush = RareJuggerBrush;
                cFont = NameFont;

            //Missing Highlight
            if (MissingHighlight && (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare) && !m.IsOnScreen)
                var missing = RedFont.GetTextLayout("⚠");
                RedFont.DrawText(missing, XPos - 17, y - py);

            //Circle Non-Clones and Boss
            //if (CircleNonIllusion && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0 && HasAffix(m, MonsterAffix.Illusionist) || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Boss && ShowBossHitBox)
            //        HitBoxDecorator.Paint(layer, m, m.FloorCoordinate, string.Empty);

            //Show Debuffs on Monster
            if (ShowDebuffAndCC)
                string textDebuff = null;
                if (m.Locust)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Locust";
                //if (m.Palmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Palm";
                if (m.Haunted)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Haunt";
                if (m.MarkedForDeath)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Mark";
                if (m.Strongarmed)
                    textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "" : ", ") + "Strongarm";
                string textCC = null;
                //if (m.Frozen) textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Frozen";
                //if (m.Chilled) textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Chill";
                //if (m.Slow) textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Slow";
                //if (m.Stunned) textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Stun";
                if (m.Invulnerable)
                    textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Invulnerable";
                //if (m.Blind) textCC += (textCC == null ? "" : ", ") + "Blind";
                var d = LightFont.GetTextLayout(textDebuff + (textDebuff != null && textCC != null ? " | " : "") + textCC);
                LightFont.DrawText(d, XPos + 65 + w2, y - py);

            //Draw Rectangles
            BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            BorderBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, w2, h);
            cBrush.DrawRectangle(XPos, y, (float)w, h);
            LightFont.DrawText(per, XPos + 8 + w2, y - py);

            //Draw MonsterType
            if (ShowMonsterType)
                var name = cFont.GetTextLayout(m.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
                cFont.DrawText(name, XPos + 3, y - py);

            //increase linecount
            yref += 1.0f;
Beispiel #24
        public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
            if (Hud.Render.UiHidden)
            if (Hud.Game.SpecialArea != SpecialArea.GreaterRift)
            var  bosses      = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(m => m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Boss);
            bool BossSpawned = false;

            foreach (IMonster m in bosses)
                BossSpawned = true;
                foreach (var bosstimer in BossTimers)
                    if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Ember")
                        var healthpercent = (m.CurHealth / m.MaxHealth);
                        if (healthpercent > 0.5)
                            bosstimer.Duration = 7.5;
                            bosstimer.Duration = 4.0;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Stonesinger")
                        if (bosstimer.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._sandmonsterblack_attack_03_sandwall)
                            var healthpercent = (m.CurHealth / m.MaxHealth);
                            bosstimer.Duration = 12.0 * healthpercent + 5.5 * (1 - healthpercent);
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Bone Warlock")
                        if (bosstimer.Name == "Wormhole")
                            bosstimer.Duration = 16.0;
                            var wormhole = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._x1_monsteraffix_teleportmines); // 337109
                            if (wormhole.Count() > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 7)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Orlash")
                        if (m.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._terrordemon_generic_cast && bosstimer.Name == "Orlash Summon")
                            var Clones = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._x1_lr_boss_terrordemon_a_breathminion); // 337109
                            if (Clones.Count() <= 1)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 8)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                        else if (m.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._terrordemon_attack_firebreath && bosstimer.Name == "Lightning Breath")
                            var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                            if (TimeElapsed > 6)
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Bloodmaw")
                        if (m.Animation == bosstimer.Animation && bosstimer.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._x1_westmarchbrute_attack_02_out)
                            var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                            if (TimeElapsed > 7)
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                            bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                        if (m.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._x1_westmarchbrute_taunt && bosstimer.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._x1_westmarchbrute_attack_02_out)
                            var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                            if (TimeElapsed > 7)
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                            bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;

                        /*if (m.Animation == bosstimer.Animation && bosstimer.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._x1_westmarchbrute_taunt)
                         * {
                         *  var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                         *  if (TimeElapsed > 4)
                         *  {
                         *      DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                         *      DebugtextBuilder.AppendLine();
                         *      bosstimer.LastTimer = bosstimer.Timer;
                         *      bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                         *  }
                         * }*/
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Rime")
                        if (bosstimer.Name == "Small Fields")
                            var Circles = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._x1_unique_monster_generic_aoe_dot_cold_10foot); // 337109
                            if (Circles.Count() > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 7)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Perendi")
                        if (bosstimer.Animation == 0 && bosstimer.Name == "Cave In")
                            var Circles = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._x1_lr_boss_malletdemon_fallingrocks);
                            if (Circles.Count() > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 5)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Blighter")
                        if (bosstimer.Animation == 0 && bosstimer.Name == "Good Attack")
                            var Attack = m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_5_Visual_Effect_None, 429291);
                            if (Attack > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 10)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                        else if (bosstimer.Animation == 0 && bosstimer.Name == "Bad Attack")
                            var Attack = m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_5_Visual_Effect_None, 309921);
                            if (Attack > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 10)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                        else if (bosstimer.Animation == 0 && bosstimer.Name == "Line Attack")
                            var Attack = m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_5_Visual_Effect_None, 429077);
                            if (Attack > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 10)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Man Carver")
                        if (bosstimer.Name == "Ground Effect")
                            var Circles = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._x1_unique_monster_generic_aoe_dot_fire_10foot);
                            if (Circles.Count() > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 15)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                        else if (bosstimer.Name == "Heavy Smash")
                            if (m.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._butcher_attack_05_telegraph)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 6)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.LastTimer = bosstimer.Timer;
                                    bosstimer.Timer     = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Erethon")
                        if (bosstimer.Name == "Poison Circle")
                            var Circles = Hud.Game.Actors.Where(x => x.SnoActor.Sno == ActorSnoEnum._generic_proxy);
                            if (Circles.Count() > 0)
                                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                                if (TimeElapsed > 7)
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                                    //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                                    bosstimer.Timer = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
                    else if (m.SnoMonster.NameEnglish == "Raiziel")
                        if (m.Animation == AnimSnoEnum._x1_sniperangel_firebomb_01)
                            var healthpercent = (m.CurHealth / m.MaxHealth);
                            if (healthpercent > 0.75)
                                bosstimer.Duration = 7.5;
                                bosstimer.Duration = 4.0;

                    if (m.Animation == bosstimer.Animation && bosstimer.Animation != 0)
                        var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                        if (TimeElapsed > 4)
                            //DebugtextBuilder.Append(" ");
                            //DebugtextBuilder.Append((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d);
                            bosstimer.LastTimer = bosstimer.Timer;
                            bosstimer.Timer     = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
            if (!BossSpawned)
            float ydelta = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.03f;
            int   i      = 0;

            foreach (var bosstimer in BossTimers)
                var TimeElapsed = (Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - bosstimer.Timer) / 60.0d;
                if (TimeElapsed > 0 && TimeElapsed < 120.0d)
                    textBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:0}", TimeElapsed);

                    if (TimeElapsed > bosstimer.Duration)
                        TimeElapsed = bosstimer.Duration;

                    float x     = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.14f;
                    float y     = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.05f;
                    float sizex = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.16f;
                    float sizey = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.02f;
                    float textx = Hud.Window.Size.Width * (0.14f + 0.498f - 0.42f);
                    float texty = Hud.Window.Size.Height * (0.05f + 0.111f - 0.11f);

                    y     += i * ydelta;
                    texty += i * ydelta;

                    BackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex, sizey);
                    BarBrush.DrawRectangle(x, y, sizex * (float)(TimeElapsed / bosstimer.Duration), sizey);
                    //BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x + sizex, y, 0.6f);
                    BorderBrush.DrawLine(x + sizex, y, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                    //BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y + sizey, x + sizex, y + sizey, BorderSize);
                    //BorderBrush.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + sizey, 0.6f);

                    var layout = GreenFont.GetTextLayout(textBuilder.ToString());
                    GreenFont.DrawText(layout, textx, texty);


                    var layout2 = GreenFont.GetTextLayout(textBuilder.ToString());
                    GreenFont.DrawText(layout2, x, texty);

                    //var layout3 = GreenFont.GetTextLayout(DebugtextBuilder.ToString());
                    //GreenFont.DrawText(layout3, Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.35f, Hud.Window.Size.Height * (0.05f + 0.111f - 0.11f));