void Start()
        if (BGMusic == null)
            BGMusic = this;
        else if (BGMusic != this)

        localSoundVolume = TemporaryGameVars.soundVolume * 0.5f;
        aSource          = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        aSource.volume   = localSoundVolume;

        if (TemporaryGameVars.mutedVolume == 1)
            muteAudio    = true;
            aSource.mute = true;
        else if (TemporaryGameVars.mutedVolume == 0)
            muteAudio    = false;
            aSource.mute = false;
    public Canvas menuCanvas;                           //Reference to the menuCanvas( the canvas that pops up when M or Menu is pressed(has a mute button))

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Setup a Singleton Like Object
        if (BGMusic == null)
            BGMusic = this;
        //and make sure it persists
        //if another is found.. destroy so only one exists.
        else if (BGMusic != this)

        //set localSoundVol to that of half of the Static soundVolume
        localSoundVolume = TemporaryGameVars.soundVolume * 0.5f;
        //get audio source from this object
        aSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //set audio source volume to the new localSoundVolume
        aSource.volume = localSoundVolume;

        //if we retrieve the PlayerPrefs int and its 1(yes), we set our muted boolean to true, and our mute
        //property on the audio source to true.
        if (TemporaryGameVars.mutedVolume == 1)
            muteAudio    = true;
            aSource.mute = true;
        //else if its 0, we set both to false... this is how we used playerprefs with and int value/
        else if (TemporaryGameVars.mutedVolume == 0)
            muteAudio    = false;
            aSource.mute = false;
        //on game start the menuCanvas should NOT be showing
        menuCanvas.enabled = false;