Beispiel #1
        private void method_3(int voteid, int sysid)
            string strA = new B_Votecourse().GetReturnUrl(voteid);

            //if (num == 0)
            if (strA == "")
                string html = "";
                if (FileHelper.FileExists(Utils.GetMapPath(MW.BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/result_" + voteid + ".htm")))
                    html =
                        FileHelper.ReadFile(Utils.GetMapPath(MW.BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/result_" + voteid + ".htm"));
                    html = FileHelper.ReadFile(Utils.GetMapPath(MW.BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/result.htm"));
                html = html.Replace("{voteid}", voteid.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        private void InitData(string path)
            if (!MW.Common.FileHelper.FileExists(path))
                string votetemp = "";
                if (FileHelper.FileExists(Utils.GetMapPath(BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/votetemplate_" + id + ".htm")))
                    votetemp =
                        FileHelper.ReadFile(Utils.GetMapPath(BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/votetemplate_" + id + ".htm")) + "\n";;
                    votetemp = FileHelper.ReadFile(Utils.GetMapPath(BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/votetemplate.htm")) + "\n";
                Build build = new Build();
                var   model = new B_Votecourse().GetModel(id);
                votetemp =
                    votetemp.Replace("{id}", model.Id.ToString())
                    .Replace("{path}", BasePage.GetWebPath)
                    .Replace("{title}", model.C_Title)
                    .Replace("{teacher}", model.C_Tearcher)
                    .Replace("{address}", model.C_Adrees)
                    .Replace("{starttime}", model.DT_StartDate.ToShortDateString())
                    .Replace("{endtime}", model.DT_OverDate.ToShortDateString());

                votetemp = votetemp.Replace("{Content}", build.PubBuildHtml(id, sysid)).Replace("{Images}", BasePage.GetWebPath + "/onlinesurvey/SysImages");
                if (votetemp.IndexOf("{QR}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0)
                    // this.CreateQR(model.N_SysId);
                    votetemp = votetemp.Replace("{QR}", string.Concat(new object[] { "<img src=\"", BasePage.GetWebPath, "/mw/onlinesurvey/qr/", model.Id, ".gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" />" }));
                FileHelper.WriteFile(Utils.GetMapPath(BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/" + id + ".html"), votetemp);
                //MessageBox.Alert(this, "生成投票问卷成功!");
            this.TextBox1.Text = FileHelper.ReadFile(path);
Beispiel #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (base.Request["SubjectId"] == null && base.Request["VoteId"] == null)
                WERR(0, "参数错误!");
            int sysId = int.Parse(base.Request["SubjectId"]);
            int Id    = int.Parse(base.Request["VoteId"]);
            int num2;

            if (this.Page.IsPostBack)
                WERR(Id, "提交已经成功,请关闭浏览器!");

            var modelvote = new B_Votecourse().GetModel(Id);

            if (modelvote.N_CodeSurvey == 1)
                if (base.Request.Cookies["CheckCode"] == null)
                    WERR(Id, "请不要重复提交,并请设置浏览器允许 Cookies!");
                if (string.Compare(base.Request.Cookies["CheckCode"].Value, base.Request["Check"].ToString(), true) != 0)
                    WERR(Id, "验证码错误,请重新输入!");
                base.Response.Cookies["CheckCode"].Expires = DateTime.Now;
            if (!new B_Votecourse().GetOverDate(Id))
                WERR(Id, "调查已经过期!");
            bool      isdovote = modelvote.DT_StartDate < DateTime.Now;
            DataTable list     = bllsub.GetSubToKey(sysId, 0, " and s.Parentid<>0 ");

            int num4 = 0;

            //if (Convert.IsDBNull(this.Session["TestID"]))
            //{//(Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_LogicSurvey"]) != 1) ||

            //    #region N_LogicSurvey!=1
            //    switch (int.Parse(row3["N_Option"].ToString()))
            //    {
            //        case 1:
            //            if (T_IP.CheckIP(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], sysId, Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_IPHour"])))
            //            {
            //                break;
            //            }
            //            MessageBox.Alert(this, "您不能重复投票!");
            //            return;

            //        case 2:
            //            if (T_IP.CheckIP(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], sysId, 0))
            //            {
            //                break;
            //            }
            //            MessageBox.Alert(this, "您不能重复投票!");
            //            return;

            //        case 3:
            //            {
            //                Regex regex = new Regex(T_System.GetIpRule(sysId), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //                if (regex.IsMatch(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]))
            //                {
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //                MessageBox.Alert(this, "您不能重复投票!");
            //                return;
            //            }
            //        case 4:
            //            if (base.Request.Cookies["HCheck"] == null)
            //            {
            //                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("HCheck");
            //                cookie["HCheck"] = sysId.ToString();
            //                TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_IPHour"]), 0, 0);
            //                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now + span;
            //                base.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);
            //                break;
            //            }
            //            if (!(base.Request.Cookies["HCheck"].Value == sysId.ToString()))
            //            {
            //                break;
            //            }
            //            MessageBox.Alert(this, "您不能重复投票!");
            //            return;
            //    }
            //    #endregion
            //    num2 = Convert.ToInt32(this.Session["TestID"]);
            //    if (num2 == 0)
            //    {
            //        num2 = T_Result.AddRes(0, 0, sysId.ToString(), 0, sysId, num4);
            //        if (num2 != Convert.ToInt32(this.Session["TestID"]))
            //        {
            //            #region
            //            switch (int.Parse(T_System.GetNameById(int.Parse(base.Request["SubjectId"])).Rows[0]["N_Option"].ToString()))
            //            {
            //                case 1:
            //                    if (T_IP.CheckIP(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], sysId, Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_IPHour"])))
            //                    {
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                    MessageBox.Alert(this,"您不能重复投票!");
            //                    return;

            //                case 2:
            //                    if (T_IP.CheckIP(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], sysId, 0))
            //                    {
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                    MessageBox.Alert(this,"您不能重复投票!");
            //                    return;

            //                case 3:
            //                    {
            //                        Regex regex2 = new Regex(T_System.GetIpRule(sysId), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //                        if (regex2.IsMatch(base.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]))
            //                        {
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                        MessageBox.Alert(this,"您不在调查范围,不能进行投票!");
            //                        return;
            //                    }
            //                case 4:
            //                    {
            //                        if (base.Request.Cookies["HCheck"] != null)
            //                        {
            //                            if (base.Request.Cookies["HCheck"].Value == sysId.ToString())
            //                            {
            //                                MessageBox.Alert(this,"您不能重复投票!");
            //                                return;
            //                            }
            //                            break;
            //                        }
            //                        HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("HCheck");
            //                        cookie2["HCheck"] = sysId.ToString();
            //                        TimeSpan span2 = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_IPHour"]), 0, 0);
            //                        cookie2.Expires = DateTime.Now + span2;
            //                        base.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie2);
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //            }
            //            #endregion
            //        }
            //        this.Session["TestID"] = num2;
            //    }
            //    num4 = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request["LogicPageId"]);
            //    list = new T_Logic().T_LogicGetSubject(num4);

            num2 = AddRes(isdovote, 0, 0, sysId.ToString(), 0, sysId, num4, Id);

            foreach (DataRow row2 in list.Rows)
                int num8 = 0;
                int num5 = 0;
                int num7 = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in bllkey.GetList(0, "N_SubId=" + row2["N_SubId"] + "", " N_OrderId,N_KeyId").Tables[0].Rows)
                    string[] strArray2;
                    switch (int.Parse(row["N_Type"].ToString()))
                    case 1:
                        if (base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString() != "")
                            AddRes(isdovote, int.Parse(row["N_KeyId"].ToString()), int.Parse(row2["subid"].ToString()), base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString(), num2, sysId, num4, Id);

                    case 2:
                        if ((base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()] != null) && (num8 == 0))
                            AddRes(isdovote, int.Parse(base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString()), int.Parse(row2["subid"].ToString()), "2", num2, sysId, num4, Id);
                            num8 = 1;

                    case 3:
                        if ((base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()] == null) || (num7 != 0))
                        strArray2 = base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        if (strArray2.Length != 0)
                            foreach (string str in strArray2)
                                AddRes(isdovote, int.Parse(str), int.Parse(row2["subid"].ToString()), "3", num2, sysId, num4, Id);
                        num7 = 1;

                    case 4:
                        if ((base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString() != "") && (num5 == 0))
                            AddRes(isdovote, int.Parse(base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString()), int.Parse(row2["subid"].ToString()), "4", num2, sysId, num4, Id);
                            num5 = 1;

                    case 5:
                        if (base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString() != "")
                            AddRes(isdovote, int.Parse(row["N_KeyId"].ToString()), int.Parse(row2["subid"].ToString()), base.Request[row2["subid"].ToString()].ToString(), num2, sysId, num4, Id);
            //if (Convert.ToInt32(row3["N_LogicSurvey"]) != 1)
            this.method_3(Id, sysId);
            //    //new T_Logic();
            //    int num3 = this.method_0(num4, sysId, num2);
            //    if (num3 != 0)
            //    {
            //        base.Response.Redirect("Vote/BiceLoc" + num3.ToString() + ".htm");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        this.Session["TestID"] = 0;
            //        this.method_3(sysId, num2);
            //    }
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成调查html
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">调查问卷ID</param>
        /// <param name="sysid">调查模版ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string PubBuildHtml(int id, int sysid)
            string str       = "<form name=\"VWVoteForm\" id=\"VWVoteForm\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + BasePage.GetWebPath + "/mw/onlinesurvey/getresult.aspx\" > <!--onSubmit='return CheckForm(this)'-->";
            var    modelvote = new B_Votecourse().GetModel(id);

            object obj2 = str;

            str  = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<input name=\"VoteId\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"", id, "\"><input name=\"SubjectId\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"", sysid, "\">" });
            str += "<div class=\"survey\">";

            int xh = 1;
            DataTable list = bllsub.GetList(0, "N_SubId,C_SubTitle", "Parentid=0 and N_SysId=" + sysid, "").Tables[0];

            if (list != null && list.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dataRow in list.Rows)
                    int jj      = 0;
                    var subdata = bllsub.GetSubToKey(sysid, Utils.StrToInt(dataRow["N_SubId"], 0));
                    if (subdata.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow dataRow2 in subdata.Rows)
                            str = str + "<div class=\"qa" + ((xh * jj > 1) ? " nodisplay" : "") + " \">" + "<h2>" + dataRow["C_SubTitle"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</h2>" + "<p>" + xh.ToString() + ((jj > 0) ? "-" + jj : "") + ". " + dataRow2["C_SubTitle"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</p>";
                            GetTable(dataRow2, ref str);
                            str = str + "</div>";
                    //    //无二级项目
                    //    jj++;
                    //    str = str + "<div class=\"qa" + ((xh * jj > 1) ? " nodisplay" : "") + " \">" + "<h2>" + dataRow["C_SubTitle"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</h2>" + "<p>" + xh.ToString() + ((jj > 0) ? "-" + jj : "") + ". " + dataRow2["C_SubTitle"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</p>";
                    //    GetTable(dataRow, ref str);
                    //    str = str + "</div>";
            //    foreach (
            //        DataRow dataRow2 in bllsub.GetSubToKey(sysid, 0, " and s.Parentid<>0 ").Rows)
            //    {
            //        int parentid = Utils.StrToInt(dataRow2["parentid"], 0);
            //        string pt = parentid > 0 ? "<h2>" + bllsub.GetName(parentid) + "</h2>" : "";
            //        str = str + "<div class=\"qa" + ((xh > 1) ? " nodisplay" : "") + " \">" + "<h2>" + pt.Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</h2>" + "<p>" + xh.ToString() + " " + ". " + dataRow2["C_SubTitle"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</p>";
            //        GetTable(dataRow2, ref str);
            //        str = str + "</div>";
            //        xh++;
            //    }

            if (modelvote.N_CodeSurvey == 1)
                str = str + "<div class=\"qa nodisplay\"><p>" + (xh++).ToString() + ". 请输入图片中文字</p>";
                str = str + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"Check\" style=\"width:100px\" /> <img src=\"" + BasePage.GetWebPath + "/onlinesurvey/Code.aspx\"><br/>";
                str = str + "</div>";
            str = str +
                  "</div><div class=\"btn\"> <a id=\"btnpre\">上一页<br />Previous</a> <span></span> <a id=\"btnnext\">下一页<br />Next</a> </div>";
            //str = str + "<br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"提 交\" style=\"width:100px\">" + "</form>";
            str = str + "</form>";
