Beispiel #1
 public void Update(BTSTechnologyDTO btsTechnologyDTO, DateTime dateStamp)
     if (btsTechnologyDTO == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("BTSTechnology model is null.");
     tblM_BTSTechnology btsTechnology = btsTechnologyFactory.CreateFromDbAndUpdateFromDTO(btsTechnologyDTO, dateStamp);
        public tblM_BTSTechnology Insert(BTSTechnologyDTO btsTechnologyDTO, DateTime dateStamp)
            if (btsTechnologyDTO == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BTSTechnology model is null.");
            tblM_BTSTechnology btsTechnology = btsTechnologyFactory.CreateFromDTO(btsTechnologyDTO, dateStamp);

Beispiel #3
        public tblM_BTSTechnology AddBTSTechno(BTSTechnologyDTO btstDTO, DateTime dateStamp)
            if (btstDTO == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("BTS model is null.");
            tblM_BTSTechnology btst = btstFactory.CreateFromDTO(btstDTO, dateStamp);

            btst = Db.tblM_BTSTechnology.Add(btst);
        private BTSTechnologyEntryModel GetCreateStateModel()
            BTSTechnologyEntryFormData formData = new BTSTechnologyEntryFormData();

            List <Control>   formControls     = CreateFormControls(0);
            BTSTechnologyDTO btsTechnologyDTO = new BTSTechnologyDTO();

            return(new BTSTechnologyEntryModel()
                FormData = formData,
                FormControls = formControls,
                Model = btsTechnologyDTO,
        private BTSTechnologyEntryModel GetUpdateStateModel(int btsTechnologyPK)
            BTSTechnologyEntryFormData formData = new BTSTechnologyEntryFormData();

            List <Control>   formControls     = CreateFormControls(btsTechnologyPK);
            BTSTechnologyDTO btsTechnologyDTO = btsTechnologyQuery.GetByPrimaryKey(btsTechnologyPK);

            if (btsTechnologyDTO == null)
                throw new KairosException($"Record with primary key '{btsTechnologyDTO.BTSTechnology_PK}' is not found.");

            return(new BTSTechnologyEntryModel()
                FormData = formData,
                FormControls = formControls,
                Model = btsTechnologyDTO,
Beispiel #6
        public SaveResult <BTSTechnologyEntryModel> Save(BTSTechnologyDTO btsTechnologyDTO, DateTime dateStamp)
            ModelValidationResult validationResult = btsTechnologyValidator.Validate(btsTechnologyDTO);
            bool success = false;
            BTSTechnologyEntryModel model = null;

            if (validationResult.IsValid)
                success = true;
                Update(btsTechnologyDTO, dateStamp);
                model = btsTechnologyEntryDataProvider.Get(btsTechnologyDTO.BTSTechnology_PK);

            return(new SaveResult <BTSTechnologyEntryModel>
                Success = success,
                Message = validationResult.IsValid ? "Data successfully updated." : "Validation error occured.",
                Model = model,
                ValidationResult = validationResult
Beispiel #7
        public List <BTSDTO> CreateListFromExcelBase64(BTSImportDTO importDTO)
            var base64 = importDTO.File;

            base64 = base64.Replace("data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64,", "");
            var wb    = ExcelConverter.FromBase64(base64);
            var sheet = wb.Worksheet("BTSUpload");

            var           nonEmptyRowCount = sheet.RowsUsed().Count() + 1;
            var           areaQuery        = new AreaQuery(Db);
            var           operatorQuery    = new OperatorQuery(Db);
            var           technologyQuery  = new TechnologyQuery(Db);
            var           btsQuery         = new BTSQuery(Db);
            List <BTSDTO> btsList          = new List <BTSDTO>();

            //first index is 1, and the first one is header title
            for (int i = 2; i < nonEmptyRowCount; i++)
                var row     = sheet.Row(i);
                var towerId = row.Cell(1).Value.ToString();
                var btsName = row.Cell(2).Value.ToString();

                //get by itsname first;
                var btsDtoOnDb = btsQuery.GetByTowerID(towerId);
                var btsPk      = 0;

                if (btsDtoOnDb == null)
                    btsDtoOnDb = btsQuery.GetByName(btsName);

                if (btsDtoOnDb != null)
                    btsPk = btsDtoOnDb.BTS_PK;

                var cellId = row.Cell(3).Value.ToString();

                var operatorName = row.Cell(4).Value.ToString();
                var operatorId   = operatorQuery.GetByTitle(operatorName).Operator_PK;

                var longitude = Convert.ToString(row.Cell(5).Value);
                var latitude  = Convert.ToString(row.Cell(6).Value);

                var areaName = row.Cell(7).Value.ToString();
                var areaId   = areaQuery.GetByTitle(areaName).Area_PK;

                var address = row.Cell(8).Value.ToString();
                var status  = row.Cell(9).Value.ToString();

                List <BTSTechnologyDTO> techno = new List <BTSTechnologyDTO>();

                var technology = row.Cell(10).Value.ToString().Split(';').ToList();
                foreach (var item in technology)
                    BTSTechnologyDTO itemtech = new BTSTechnologyDTO();
                        itemtech.Technology_FK = technologyQuery.GetByTitle(item).Technology_PK;
                    catch (Exception)
                        itemtech.Technology_FK = 0;

                btsList.Add(new BTSDTO()
                    BTS_PK          = btsPk,
                    Name            = btsName,
                    CellID          = cellId,
                    Latitude        = latitude,
                    Longitude       = longitude,
                    Alamat          = address,
                    Area_FK         = areaId,
                    AreaTitle       = areaName,
                    OperatorTitle   = operatorName,
                    Operator_FK     = operatorId,
                    Status_FK       = 1,
                    TowerID         = towerId,
                    StatusBTS_FK    = 1,
                    BTSTechnologies = techno

        public BTSTechnologyDTO GetByPrimaryKey(int primaryKey)
            BTSTechnologyDTO record = GetQuery().FirstOrDefault(btsTechnology => btsTechnology.BTSTechnology_PK == primaryKey);
