public static List <MyVertex> extractVertecesFromSelectedFaces(SldWorks SwApplication, ModelDoc2 swModel)
            // Create a file to write to.
            StringBuilder   sb = new StringBuilder();
            List <MyVertex> listPointVertex  = new List <MyVertex>();
            var             selectedEntities = BRepFunctions.GetSelectedFaces(SwApplication, swModel);

            SwApplication.SendMsgToUser("Numero entità selezionate " + selectedEntities.Count.ToString());

            foreach (Entity selection in selectedEntities)
                var VertecesList = BRepFunctions.MyGetVertexFromFace(selection);

                foreach (SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Vertex vertex in VertecesList)
                    var point         = (Array)vertex.GetPoint();
                    var currentVertex = new ClassesOfObjects.MyVertex((double)point.GetValue(0), (double)point.GetValue(1), (double)point.GetValue(2));
Beispiel #2
        public static MyRepeatedEntity KLBuildRepeatedEntity(List <Entity> entityList, int idNewRepeatedEntity, double[,] compositionMatrixOfComponentPart, SldWorks swapp)
            List <Face2> listOfFacesForRepeatedEntity = new List <Face2>();

            List <MyVertex> listOfMyVertexForRepeatedEntity      = new List <MyVertex>();
            List <MyVertex> listOfMyVertexAddedForRepeatedEntity = new List <MyVertex>();

            List <MyVertex> listOfMyVertexOfCurrentFace      = new List <MyVertex>();
            List <MyVertex> listOfAddedMyVertexOfCurrentFace = new List <MyVertex>();

            var listOfMyPlane    = new List <MyPlane>();
            var listOfMySphere   = new List <MySphere>();
            var listOfMyCone     = new List <MyCone>();
            var listOfMyCylinder = new List <MyCylinder>();
            var listOfMyTorus    = new List <MyTorus>();

            //const string fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity = "buildRepeatedEntity.txt";
            //string whatToWrite = "";
            //whatToWrite = string.Format("Numero di facce : {0}", entityList.Count);
            // KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);

            foreach (Entity entity in entityList)
                // face storing and classification:

                var face = (Face2)entity;
                if (((((Surface)face.GetSurface()).Identity() == (int)swSurfaceTypes_e.PLANE_TYPE)) ||
                    ((((Surface)face.GetSurface()).Identity() == (int)swSurfaceTypes_e.CYLINDER_TYPE)) ||
                    ((((Surface)face.GetSurface()).Identity() == (int)swSurfaceTypes_e.SPHERE_TYPE)))

                    KLClassifyFace(entity, ref listOfMyPlane, ref listOfMySphere,
                                   ref listOfMyCone, ref listOfMyCylinder, ref listOfMyTorus, compositionMatrixOfComponentPart);

                    // vertex storing and classification (from a current face):
                    BRepFunctions.MyGetPointFromFaceEntity(entity, ref listOfMyVertexOfCurrentFace,
                                                           ref listOfAddedMyVertexOfCurrentFace, swapp);
                    // If in the face itself there are two MyVertex repeated (in listOfMyVertexOfCurrentFace) with
                    // the following foreach instruction they are stored only once.
                    foreach (MyVertex myVert in listOfMyVertexOfCurrentFace)
                        double[] vertexAffine =
                            myVert.x, myVert.y, myVert.z, 1
                        var newVertex   = Matrix.Multiply(compositionMatrixOfComponentPart, vertexAffine);
                        var vertexToAdd = new MyVertex(newVertex[0], newVertex[1], newVertex[2]);
                        if (!(listOfMyVertexForRepeatedEntity.Contains(vertexToAdd)))
                            //whatToWrite = string.Format("Aggiunto Vertice normale: ({0},{1},{2})", myVert.x, myVert.y,
                            //    myVert.z);
                            //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);

                    // If in the face itself there are two MyVertex repeated (in listOfAddedMyVertexOfCurrentFace) with
                    //// the following foreach instruction they are stored only once.
                    foreach (MyVertex myVert in listOfAddedMyVertexOfCurrentFace)
                        double[] vertexAffine =
                            myVert.x, myVert.y, myVert.z, 1
                        var newVertex   = Matrix.Multiply(compositionMatrixOfComponentPart, vertexAffine);
                        var vertexToAdd = new MyVertex(newVertex[0], newVertex[1], newVertex[2]);
                        if (!(listOfMyVertexAddedForRepeatedEntity.Contains(vertexToAdd)))
                            //whatToWrite = string.Format("Aggiunto Vertice su edge curvo chiuso: ({0},{1},{2})", myVert.x,
                            //    myVert.y, myVert.z);
                            //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);

            // Centroid computation:
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);
            var listOfAllVertices = new List <MyVertex>();

            MyVertex outputCentroid = computeCentroidsOfVertices(listOfAllVertices);   // centroid of the vertices
            //whatToWrite = string.Format("Baricentro ({0},{1},{2})", outputCentroid.x, outputCentroid.y, outputCentroid.z);
            //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);

            // Creation of new MyRepeatedEntity:
            MyRepeatedEntity outputRepeatedEntity = new MyRepeatedEntity(idNewRepeatedEntity, listOfFacesForRepeatedEntity, outputCentroid,
                                                                         listOfMyVertexForRepeatedEntity, listOfMyVertexAddedForRepeatedEntity, listOfMyPlane, listOfMySphere, listOfMyCone,
                                                                         listOfMyCylinder, listOfMyTorus, compositionMatrixOfComponentPart);

Beispiel #3
        // The function takes as input - a Face2
        //.                            - a list of Face2 to remove from the the adjacent ones
        //It returns the list of the surfaces corresponding to the faces adjacent to the input face but not in the
        //list of faces to remove.
        // (this list of faces to remove is provided in preparation for the next function, as for every
        // face of a RE we want to consider the surfaces corresponding only to faces of the BRep different
        // from the faces of the RE itself).

        public static List <Surface> GetSurfacesOfFacesAdjacentToFace(Face2 inputFace, List <Face2> listOfFacesToRemoveFromTheAdjacents, SldWorks swApplWorks)
            List <Surface> outputListOfSurfaces = new List <Surface>();

            List <Face2> listOfAdjacentFaces = new List <Face2>();

            listOfAdjacentFaces = BRepFunctions.MyAdjacenceFace(inputFace, swApplWorks);

            if (listOfAdjacentFaces == null)

            listOfAdjacentFaces.RemoveAll(face => listOfFacesToRemoveFromTheAdjacents.FindIndex(facebis => face.GetFaceId() == facebis.GetFaceId()) != -1);

            #region stampa dati della superficie esaminata
            //var thisSurface = (Surface)inputFace.GetSurface();

            //var firstPlaneParameters1 = thisSurface.PlaneParams;
            //double[] firstPlaneNormalUnchecked1 = { firstPlaneParameters1[0], firstPlaneParameters1[1], firstPlaneParameters1[2] };
            //double[] firstPlanePoint1 = { firstPlaneParameters1[3], firstPlaneParameters1[4], firstPlaneParameters1[5] };
            //double[] firstPlaneNormal1 = GeometryFunctions.MyGetNormalForPlaneFace(inputFace, out firstPlaneNormalUnchecked1);

            //MyPlane firstPlane1 = new MyPlane(firstPlaneNormal1, firstPlanePoint1);

            //KLdebug.Print("Superficie della faccia in esame:", fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);
            //string whatToWrite1 = string.Format("a {0}, b {1}, c {2}, d {3}", firstPlane1.a, firstPlane1.b, firstPlane1.c, firstPlane1.d);
            //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite1, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);
            //KLdebug.Print(" ", "buildRepeatedEntity.txt");

            int index = 0;

            foreach (Face2 face in listOfAdjacentFaces)
                var newSurface = (Surface)face.GetSurface();

                #region stampa dati della superficie trovata adiacente a quella esaminata
                //var firstPlaneParameters = newSurface.PlaneParams;
                //double[] firstPlaneNormalUnchecked = { firstPlaneParameters[0], firstPlaneParameters[1], firstPlaneParameters[2] };
                //double[] firstPlanePoint = { firstPlaneParameters[3], firstPlaneParameters[4], firstPlaneParameters[5] };
                //double[] firstPlaneNormal = GeometryFunctions.MyGetNormalForPlaneFace(face, out firstPlaneNormalUnchecked);

                //MyPlane firstPlane = new MyPlane(firstPlaneNormal, firstPlanePoint);

                ////string whatToWriteBis = string.Format("Primo normale: a {0}, b {1}, c {2}", firstPlaneNormal.GetValue(0), firstPlaneNormal.GetValue(1), firstPlaneNormal.GetValue(2));
                //string whatToWrite = string.Format("a {0}, b {1}, c {2}, d {3}", firstPlane.a, firstPlane.b, firstPlane.c, firstPlane.d);
                ////KLdebug.Print(whatToWriteBis, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);
                //KLdebug.Print(whatToWrite, fileNameBuildRepeatedEntity);

                string whatToWrite1 = "";

                if (outputListOfSurfaces.FindIndex(surface => MyEqualsSurface(surface, newSurface, swApplWorks)) == -1)

                    //var indexOfExistingSurface = outputListOfSurfaces.FindIndex(surface => myEqualsSurface(surface, newSurface));