protected static BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon[] GetTaxonDescendants(BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon Taxon, BO.Taxonomy.TaxonTypeEnum RequiredDescendant, CustomConditionTaxaDelegate CustomCondition)
            System.Collections.ArrayList BadParents  = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon[]        Descendants = new BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon [0];
            BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon          Descendant  = GetTaxonDescendant(Taxon, RequiredDescendant);
            //Get the parent of the found required type.
            BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon DescendantParent = Descendant.GetParentTaxon();
            bool DescendantsFound = false;

            while (DescendantParent != null & !DescendantsFound)
                //Get the children of the parent.
                Descendants = DescendantParent.GetLowerTaxa();
                if ((CustomCondition != null && CustomCondition(Descendants).Length == 0) & Descendants.Length == 0)
                    //This parent is no good so get another.
                    BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon [] BadParentsArray = new BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon [BadParents.Count];
                    DescendantParent = GetTaxonDescendant(Taxon, DescendantParent.TaxonType, new CustomConditionDelegate(CustomConditionGetTaxonNotIn), BadParentsArray);
                    DescendantsFound = true;
 protected static BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon GetTaxonDescendant(BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon Taxon, BO.Taxonomy.TaxonTypeEnum RequiredDescendant, CustomConditionDelegate CustomCondition)
     return(GetTaxonDescendant(Taxon, RequiredDescendant, CustomCondition, null));
 protected static BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon GetTaxonDescendant(BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon Taxon, BO.Taxonomy.TaxonTypeEnum RequiredDescendant, CustomConditionDelegate CustomCondition, object[] CustomConditionArgs)
     if (RequiredDescendant != BO.Taxonomy.TaxonTypeEnum.Stock)
         //Check if the supplied Taxon is the one required.
         if (Taxon.TaxonType == RequiredDescendant)
             //Check if there are any custom tests to run.
             if (CustomCondition != null)
                 return(CustomCondition(Taxon, CustomConditionArgs));
         else                 //The supplied taxon is not the one required.
             BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon[] LowerTaxa = Taxon.GetLowerTaxa();
             BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon   GotTaxon  = null;
             //Check that there are children.
             if (LowerTaxa.Length > 0)
                 System.Int32 x = 0;
                 //Loop all the child taxon until one is returned.
                 while (GotTaxon == null & x < LowerTaxa.Length)
                     GotTaxon = GetTaxonDescendant(LowerTaxa[x], RequiredDescendant, CustomCondition, CustomConditionArgs);
             else                     //The supplied taxon does not have any children.
         throw new ApplicationException("Cannot search for Stock name as these do not form part of the hierarchy");
 /// <summary>
 /// This gets a taxon of the type specified that is a descendant of the supplied Taxon  For example, supply a Kingdom Taxon and specify you want a species - if one exists a species from within the Kingdom will be returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Taxon"></param>
 /// <param name="RequiredDescendant"></param>
 /// <returns>A Taxon or null</returns>
 protected static BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon GetTaxonDescendant(BO.Taxonomy.BOTaxon Taxon, BO.Taxonomy.TaxonTypeEnum RequiredDescendant)
     return(GetTaxonDescendant(Taxon, RequiredDescendant, null));