Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult SubmitQuery(string Name, string Organization, string Email, string PhoneNumber)
                var EmailData = BL_tblEmailSettingsM.GetRecord("RevenueManager");
                FutureSoft.Util.MailComponent.SendEmail(EmailData.sEmail.Split(',')[0] /*"*****@*****.**"*/, "", null, "Query - One Fine Rate Contact", "New Query has been came from a user, Please Find Details Below \n Name : " + Name + "\n Organization : " + Organization + "\n Email Address : " + Email + "\n Phone Number : " + PhoneNumber, null, null, true, null, null);
                return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception)
                return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

Beispiel #2
        public int SendMailToRevenueManager(int bookingId)
                var customerModel = new NegotiationEmailTempleteModel();
                // Added to show hotel Information in email template
                var bookingModel = BL_Booking.GetBookingModifyDetails_Notifications(bookingId);
                customerModel.BookingModify = bookingModel;

                Decimal?ExchangeRate = 1;
                // get from tblEmailSetting
                var revenueManagerDetail = BL_tblEmailSettingsM.GetRecord("RevenueManager");

                // get from propertyEdit page
                var pRevenueManager = BL_PropDetails.GetEmail_PhoneByPropId(bookingModel.PropId);

                string sPrimaryContactEmail;
                string sConfirmationContactEmail;
                string sRevenueManagerEmail;
                string sRevenueManagerContact;

                pRevenueManager.TryGetValue("sPrimaryContactEmail", out sPrimaryContactEmail);
                pRevenueManager.TryGetValue("sConfirmationContactEmail", out sConfirmationContactEmail);
                pRevenueManager.TryGetValue("sRevenueManagerEmail", out sRevenueManagerEmail);
                pRevenueManager.TryGetValue("sRevenueManagerContact", out sRevenueManagerContact);

                string emails = sRevenueManagerEmail + "," + sConfirmationContactEmail + "," + sPrimaryContactEmail;

                customerModel = new NegotiationEmailTempleteModel();
                customerModel.BookingModify = bookingModel;
                //customerModel.Status = "Thanks " + bookingModel.Booker + "! We have recieved your negotiation." + Environment.NewLine + "We will get back to you within 3 hours.";
                customerModel.Status = "Thank you " + bookingModel.Booker + "! We have recieved your bargain." + Environment.NewLine + bookingModel.sMessage;

                var revenuManagerModel = new NegotiationEmailTempleteModel();
                //revenuManagerModel.Status = "Hi " + revenueManageName +", Please take action for the following Negotiation Request.";
                revenuManagerModel.Status = "Hi, Please take action for the following bargain Request.";
                revenuManagerModel.IsRevenueManagerFormat = true;

                if (bookingModel.sCurrencyCode != "INR")
                    etblExchangeRatesM objExchange = BL_ExchangeRate.GetSingleRecordById("INR", bookingModel.sCurrencyCode);
                    if (objExchange.dRate != null)
                        ExchangeRate = 1 / objExchange.dRate;
                bookingModel.dTotalNegotiateAmount = bookingModel.dTotalNegotiateAmount * ExchangeRate;
                bookingModel.dTaxes = Convert.ToDecimal(bookingModel.Tax) * Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRate);
                revenuManagerModel.BookingModify = bookingModel;

                string extranetUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "Account/Login?sPropId=" + clsUtils.Encode(bookingModel.PropId.ToString());

                string shortExtranetUrl = clsUtils.Shorten(extranetUrl);

                string notificationMsg_RevenueMgr = "You have received a new bargain offer. The guest has chosen your hotel! Click " + shortExtranetUrl + " to view the offer and process yet another reservation from OFR. This offer is valid for the next three hours.";

                var html_RevenueManager = this.RenderViewToString("_NegotiationEmailTemplete", revenuManagerModel);

                Task.Run(() => clsUtils.sendSMS(sRevenueManagerContact, notificationMsg_RevenueMgr));

                Task.Run(() => MailComponent.SendEmail(sRevenueManagerEmail, revenueManagerDetail.sEmail, "", "Reminder - New Bargain", html_RevenueManager, null, null, true, null, null));

            catch (Exception ex)