public static string ChangeIsRead(string MsgId, int IsRead) { try { BLL_Msg bll = new BLL_Msg(); List <Model_Msg> list = new List <Model_Msg>(); string[] strArr = MsgId.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++) { Model_Msg model = bll.GetModel(strArr[i]); model.MsgStatus = MsgStatus.Read.ToString(); list.Add(model); } if (bll.BatchMarkReadStatus(list)) { return("1"); } else { return("0"); } } catch (Exception) { return("0"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (Request["psdTips"].Filter() == "1") //{ // Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "save", "<script type='text/javascript'>layer.ready(function(){layer.confirm('密码过于简单,请修改密码!', {}, function () { window.location.href = '/student/safeSetting.aspx'; });});</script>"); //} if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) { ahelp.Visible = true; } Model_F_User modelFUser = (Model_F_User)Session["FLoginUser"]; int MsgCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "' and MsgStatus='Unread' "); ltlUserPost.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFUser.TrueName) ? modelFUser.UserName : modelFUser.TrueName; ltlMsgCount.Text = string.Format("{0}" , (MsgCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MsgCount + "</span>" : ""); }
public static string GetMessageList(string MsgAccepter, int PageIndex, int PageSize) { try { BLL_Msg bll = new BLL_Msg(); MsgAccepter = MsgAccepter.Filter(); DataTable dtRes = new DataTable(); List <object> listReturn = new List <object>(); string strWhere = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MsgAccepter)) { strWhere += " and MsgAccepter='" + MsgAccepter + "' "; } dtRes = bll.GetListForSearch(strWhere, "T.MsgStatus desc,T.CreateTime desc", ((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1), (PageIndex * PageSize)).Tables[0]; int rCount = bll.GetRecordCount(strWhere); int inum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dtRes.Rows.Count; i++) { inum++; listReturn.Add(new { inum = (i + (PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1), MsgId = dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgId"].ToString(), MsgAccepter = dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgAccepter"].ToString(), MsgSender = dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgSender"].ToString(), MsgSenderName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtRes.Rows[i]["TrueName"].ToString()) ? dtRes.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() : dtRes.Rows[i]["TrueName"].ToString(), MsgTitle = dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgTitle"].ToString(), MsgStatus = dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgStatus"].ToString(), MsgStatusText = Rc.Common.EnumService.GetDescription <MsgStatus>(dtRes.Rows[i]["MsgStatus"].ToString()), CreateTime = pfunction.ConvertToLongDateTime(dtRes.Rows[i]["CreateTime"].ToString()) }); } if (inum > 0) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", PageIndex = PageIndex, PageSize = PageSize, TotalCount = rCount, list = listReturn })); } else { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "暂无数据" })); } } catch (Exception) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "error"//ex.Message.ToString() })); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strTemp = string.Empty; string strS = string.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["s"])) { strS = Request["s"].ToString(); } strTemp += ""; //if (Request["psdTips"].Filter() == "1") //{ // Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "save", "<script type='text/javascript'>layer.ready(function(){layer.confirm('密码过于简单,请修改密码!', {icon:4}, function () { window.location.href = '/teacher/safeSetting.aspx'; });});</script>"); //} Model_F_User modelFUser = (Model_F_User)Session["FLoginUser"]; if (modelFUser != null) { BLL_UserGroup_Member bllUGM = new BLL_UserGroup_Member(); string strUserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFUser.TrueName) ? modelFUser.UserName : modelFUser.TrueName; //int classMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); int classMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Class + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); //是否有学科 bool HasSubject = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFUser.Subject.Trim()) && modelFUser.Subject.Trim() != "-1"); //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + modelFUser.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) { ahelp.Visible = true; } switch (modelFUser.UserPost) { #region 校长/副校长/教务主任 case UserPost.校长: //"我是校长:" + int SchoolMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.School + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); int GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); int MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (classCount > 0) { if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; } if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += "<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>学校管理 <span class='caret'></span></a>"; listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/SchoolList.aspx\">学校{0}</a></li>" , (SchoolMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + SchoolMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/GradeList.aspx\">年级{0}</a></li>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; case UserPost.副校长: //"我是副校长:" + SchoolMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.School + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (classCount > 0) { if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; } if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += "<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>学校管理 <span class='caret'></span></a>"; listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/SchoolList.aspx\">学校{0}</a></li>" , (SchoolMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + SchoolMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/GradeList.aspx\">年级{0}</a></li>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; case UserPost.教务主任: //"我是教务主任:" + SchoolMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.School + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (classCount > 0) { if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; } if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += "<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>学校管理 <span class='caret'></span></a>"; listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/SchoolList.aspx\">学校{0}</a></li>" , (SchoolMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + SchoolMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/GradeList.aspx\">年级{0}</a></li>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; case UserPost.教研组长: //"我是教研组长:" + SchoolMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.School + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (classCount > 0) { if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; } if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>学校管理 <span class='caret'></span>{0}</a>" , (SchoolMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + SchoolMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/GradeList.aspx\">学校{0}</a></li>" , (SchoolMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + SchoolMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/GradeList.aspx\">年级{0}</a></li>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; #endregion #region 年级组长/备课组长 case UserPost.年级组长: //"我是年级组长:" + GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (classCount > 0) { if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; } if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += "<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>年级管理 <span class='caret'></span></a>"; listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href='/teacher/GradeList.aspx'>年级{0}</a>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; case UserPost.备课组长: //"我是备课组长:" + GradeMesCount = new BLL_UserGroup_Member().GetRecordCount("User_ApplicationStatus='applied' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup where UserGroup_AttrEnum='" + UserGroup_AttrEnum.Grade + "' and User_Id='" + modelFUser.UserId + "')"); MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Principal/AnalysisGradeList.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; if (HasSubject && classCount > 0) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += "<li class='dropdown'><a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'>年级管理 <span class='caret'></span></a>"; listLi += "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href='/teacher/GradeList.aspx'>年级{0}</a>" , (GradeMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + GradeMesCount + "</span>" : ""); if (HasSubject || classCount > 0) { listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); } listLi += "</ul>"; listLi += "</li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; #endregion #region 普通老师 case UserPost.普通老师: //"我是普通老师:" + MesCount = new BLL_Msg().GetRecordCount("MsgStatus='Unread' and MsgAccepter='" + modelFUser.UserId + "'"); ltlUserPost.Text = "<a href='javascript:;' data-toggle='dropdown'><i class='material-icons'></i> " + strUserName + " 老师</a>"; if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx\">我的教案</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cHomework.aspx\">布置作业</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/cCorrectHomework.aspx\">批改作业</a></li>"; if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("CollectiveLessonPreparation")) { listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/CollectiveLessonPreparation.aspx\">集体备课</a></li>"; } listLi += "<li><a href=\"/Evaluation/EachHWAnalysis.aspx\">数据分析</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/Comment.aspx\">讲评</a></li>"; listLi += "<li><a href=\"/teacher/allTeachingPlan.aspx\">购买教案/习题</a></li>"; listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/classList.aspx\">班级管理{0}</a></li>" , (classMesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + classMesCount + "</span>" : ""); listLi += string.Format("<li><a href=\"/teacher/Message.aspx\">消息{0}</a></li>" , (MesCount > 0) ? "<span class='badge'>" + MesCount + "</span>" : ""); //if (pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("FAQ")) listLi += " <li><a href=\"../Help/FAQ.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">帮助</a></li>"; break; #endregion } } }