Beispiel #1
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
            string action = MXRequest.GetQueryString("myact");

            if (action == "upStock")
                BLL.wx_shop_product spBll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                BLL.orders          oBll  = new BLL.orders();
                    string orderno = MyCommFun.QueryString("order_no");
                    Model.orders oModel = oBll.GetModelByNo(orderno);
                    List <Model.order_goods> ogList = oModel.order_goods;

                    foreach (Model.order_goods item in ogList)
                        Model.wx_shop_product spModel = spBll.GetModel(item.goods_id);
                        spModel.stock = spModel.stock - item.quantity;
                    context.Response.Write("{\"status\": 1, \"msg\": \"库存操作成功!\"}");
                catch (Exception)
                    context.Response.Write("{\"status\": 0, \"msg\": \"库存操作失败!\"}");
Beispiel #2
        public void ShopDetailPage()
            BLL.wx_shop_product artDal = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            int pid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pid");

            Model.wx_shop_product product = artDal.GetModel(pid, wid);
            if (product != null)
                string skuStr      = "[";
                string availSkuStr = "{";
                if (product.skulist != null && product.skulist.Count > 0)
                    // string skuStr = "[{ \"pList\": [\"H\", \"H/VVS/32分/14号\"], \"pName\": \"戒指手寸\" }]";
                    // string   availSku = "{ \"戒指手寸:F-G/VVS/33分/12号\": { \"pid\": 12700, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"1000\", \"maketPrice\": \"0\" },  }";

                    skuStr += "{ \"pList\": [";
                    for (int i = 0; i < product.skulist.Count; i++)
                        product.skulist[i].price += product.salePrice;
                        product.skulist[i].price *= 100;
                        if (i != (product.skulist.Count - 1))
                            skuStr      += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\",";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" }, ";
                            skuStr      += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\"";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" }";
                    skuStr += "], \"pName\": \"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + "\" }";

                    //MxWeiXinPF.DAL.ShopSKUDal skuDal = new DAL.ShopSKUDal();
                    //IList<Model.ShopSKU> skulist = skuDal.SKUConvert(product.skulist);
                    //this.Document.SetValue("skulist", skulist[0]);
                skuStr      += "]";
                availSkuStr += "}";
                if (availSkuStr == "{}")
                    availSkuStr = "{ \"\": { \"pid\": 0, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.salePrice + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" } }";
                this.Document.SetValue("skuStr", skuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("availSkuStr", availSkuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("model", product);
Beispiel #3
        protected void btnXiJia_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()); //检查权限
            BLL.wx_shop_product bll     = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Repeater            rptList = this.rptList;

            for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++)
                int      id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value);
                CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId");
                if (cb.Checked)
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "upselling=1");
            AddAdminLog(MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), "上架出售中的商品"); //记录日志
            JscriptMsg("商品上架成功啦!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("productInStock.aspx", "category_id={0}&keywords={1}", this.category_id.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  设置操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void rptList_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hidId")).Value);

            BLL.wx_shop_product   bll   = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Model.wx_shop_product model = bll.GetModel(id);
            switch (e.CommandName)
            case "lbtnIslatest":    //最新
                if (model.latest)
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "latest=0");
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "latest=1");

            case "lbtnIshotsale":
                if (model.hotsale)
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "hotsale=0");
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "hotsale=1");

            case "lbtnIsspecialOffer":
                if (model.specialOffer)
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "specialOffer=0");
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "specialOffer=1");
            this.RptBind(this.category_id, CombSqlTxt(this.keywords), "sort_id asc,id desc");
Beispiel #5
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()); //检查权限
            BLL.wx_shop_product bll     = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Repeater            rptList = this.rptList;

            for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value);
                int sortId;
                if (!int.TryParse(((TextBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("txtSortId")).Text.Trim(), out sortId))
                    sortId = 99;
                bll.UpdateField(id, "sort_id=" + sortId.ToString());
            AddAdminLog(MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), "保存出售中的商品内容排序"); //记录日志
            JscriptMsg("保存排序成功啦!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("productInStock.aspx", "category_id={0}&keywords={1}", this.category_id.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success");
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()); //检查权限
            BLL.wx_shop_product bll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Repeater rptList = this.rptList;

            for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value);
                int sortId;
                if (!int.TryParse(((TextBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("txtSortId")).Text.Trim(), out sortId))
                    sortId = 99;
                bll.UpdateField(id, "sort_id=" + sortId.ToString());
            AddAdminLog(MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), "保存出售中的商品内容排序"); //记录日志
            JscriptMsg("保存排序成功啦!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("productInStock.aspx", "category_id={0}&keywords={1}", this.category_id.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success");
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 【微支付】 订单付款成功,处理订单:1将订单的状态改成付款完成;
        /// 李朴 add
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="beforeFunName"></param>
        /// <param name="out_trade_no">商户订单号</param>
        /// <param name="transaction_id">订单交易号</param>
        /// <param name="result_code">支付结果</param>
        /// <param name="total_fee">付款金额(单位为分)</param>
        /// <param name="otid">订单临时表id</param>
        /// <returns>有错误则返回错误信息,正确,则返回空字符串</returns>
        public string ProcessPaySuccess_wx(string beforeFunName, string out_trade_no, string transaction_id, string result_code, int total_fee, int otid, int wid)
            string  payTmpType  = "【微支付】";
            decimal total_fee_d = (decimal)total_fee / 100;

            BLL.orders orderBll = new BLL.orders();

            string funName = payTmpType + beforeFunName + " ProcessPaySuccess_wx ";

            WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "微支付", funName, "开始执行ProcessPaySuccess_wx方法[otid:" + otid + "]");
                #region 数据同步前
                IList <Model.orders> orderlist = orderBll.GetModelList("id=" + otid + " and order_no='" + out_trade_no + "'");
                if (orderlist == null || orderlist.Count <= 0)
                    WXLogs.AddLog(wid, payTmpType, funName, "订单号【" + out_trade_no + "】订单号不存在", 0);
                if (WXLogs.ExistsFlg((out_trade_no + otid)))
                {  //如果已经处理过,则不再处理
                WXLogs.AddFlg(wid, payTmpType, funName, (out_trade_no + otid));//加标志,防止重复提交

                Model.orders orderEntity = orderlist[0];
                if (orderEntity.order_amount > total_fee_d)
                    return("付款的金额(" + total_fee_d + ")小于订单的预付款金额(" + orderEntity.order_amount + ")信息,直接退款");
                orderEntity.notify_id      = "";
                orderEntity.trade_no       = transaction_id;
                orderEntity.pay_info       = result_code;
                orderEntity.order_amount   = total_fee_d;
                orderEntity.payment_time   = DateTime.Now;
                orderEntity.status         = 2;
                orderEntity.payment_status = 2;

                if (orderEntity.express_status == 0)

                    orderEntity.express_status = 2;
                    orderEntity.express_time   = DateTime.Now;

                    //FaHuoProc fahuo = new FaHuoProc();

                    //BLL.wx_payment_wxpay payBll = new BLL.wx_payment_wxpay();
                    //Model.wx_payment_wxpay paymentInfo = payBll.GetModelByWid(wid);
                    //Dictionary<string, object> fahuoDict = fahuo.fahuomgr(paymentInfo, orderEntity);
                    //string errcode = fahuoDict["errcode"].ToString();
                    //string errmsg = fahuoDict["errmsg"].ToString();
                    //orderEntity.fahuoCode = errcode;
                    //orderEntity.fahuoMsg = errmsg;
                    //if (errcode == "0")
                    //    orderEntity.express_status = 2;
                    //    orderEntity.express_time = DateTime.Now;
                    //    orderEntity.express_status =1;

                bool ret = orderBll.Update(orderEntity);

                #region 减少库存
                BLL.wx_shop_product spBll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                BLL.orders          oBll  = new BLL.orders();
                Model.orders oModel = oBll.GetModelByNo(orderEntity.order_no);
                List <Model.order_goods> ogList = oModel.order_goods;
                foreach (Model.order_goods item in ogList)
                    Model.wx_shop_product spModel = spBll.GetModel(item.goods_id);
                    spModel.stock = spModel.stock - item.quantity;

                if (!ret)
                    WXLogs.AddLog(wid, payTmpType, funName, "订单号【" + out_trade_no + "】支付成功后处理数据失败", 0);
                    return("订单号【" + out_trade_no + "】支付成功后处理数据失败");

                WXLogs.AddLog(payTmpType, funName, "订单号【" + out_trade_no + "】支付成功后,处理数据成功", 1);

            catch (Exception ex)
                WXLogs.AddLog(wid, payTmpType, funName, "订单号【" + out_trade_no + "】支付成功后处理数据同步出现错误:" + ex.Message, 0);
Beispiel #8
        public void ShopDetailPage()
            BLL.wx_shop_product artDal = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            int pid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pid");
            Model.wx_shop_product product = artDal.GetModel(pid);
            if (product != null)
                string skuStr = "[";
                string availSkuStr = "{";
                if (product.skulist != null && product.skulist.Count>0)
                   // string skuStr = "[{ \"pList\": [\"H\", \"H/VVS/32分/14号\"], \"pName\": \"戒指手寸\" }]";
                   // string   availSku = "{ \"戒指手寸:F-G/VVS/33分/12号\": { \"pid\": 12700, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"1000\", \"maketPrice\": \"0\" },  }";

                    skuStr += "{ \"pList\": [";
                    for (int i = 0; i < product.skulist.Count; i++)
                        product.skulist[i].price += product.salePrice;
                        product.skulist[i].price *= 100;
                        if (i != (product.skulist.Count - 1))
                            skuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\",";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice* 100 + "\" }, ";
                            skuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\"";
                            availSkuStr += "\"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + ":" + product.skulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + product.skulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.skulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice * 100 + "\" }";
                    skuStr += "], \"pName\": \"" + product.skulist[0].attrName + "\" }";

                    //MxWeiXinPF.DAL.ShopSKUDal skuDal = new DAL.ShopSKUDal();
                    //IList<Model.ShopSKU> skulist = skuDal.SKUConvert(product.skulist);
                    //this.Document.SetValue("skulist", skulist[0]);
                skuStr += "]";
                availSkuStr += "}";
                if (availSkuStr == "{}")
                    availSkuStr = "{ \"\": { \"pid\": 0, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product .salePrice+ "\", \"maketPrice\": \""+product.marketPrice * 100+"\" } }";
                this.Document.SetValue("skuStr", skuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("availSkuStr", availSkuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("model", product);

Beispiel #9
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
            BLL.wx_shop_cart            cartBll  = new BLL.wx_shop_cart();
            string                      _action  = MyCommFun.QueryString("myact");
            string                      openid   = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); //得到微信用户的openid
            Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (_action == "LoadProduct")
                #region  择排序,改变商品列表
                string              sortColumn = MyCommFun.RequestParam("sortColumn");
                int                 wid        = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                int                 id         = MyCommFun.RequestInt("cid");
                string              name       = MyCommFun.RequestParam("name");
                string              flog       = MyCommFun.RequestParam("flog");
                string              gd         = MyCommFun.RequestParam("gd");
                DataSet             ds         = null;
                BLL.wx_shop_product proBll     = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                StringBuilder       jsonStr    = new StringBuilder();
                if (id != 0)
                    if (sortColumn == "priceDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " order  by  marketPrice desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  marketPrice desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceAsc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " order  by  marketPrice asc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceAsc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  marketPrice asc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "newDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and latest=" + 1 + " order  by  latest desc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "newDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and latest=" + 1 + " and productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  latest desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "saleDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and hotsale=" + 1 + " order  by  hotsale desc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "saleDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "categoryId=" + id + " and hotsale=" + 1 + " and productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by hotsale desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "1=1 order  by  marketPrice desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, " productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  marketPrice desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceAsc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, " 1=1 order  by  marketPrice asc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "priceAsc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 27, " productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  marketPrice asc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "newDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, " latest=" + 1 + " order  by  latest desc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "newDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, " latest=" + 1 + "productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by  latest desc ");
                    if (sortColumn == "saleDesc")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "hotsale=" + 1 + " order  by  hotsale desc  ");
                    if (sortColumn == "saleDesc" && flog == "true")
                        ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, "hotsale=" + 1 + " and productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "order  by hotsale desc ");

                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (id != 0)
                        if (gd == "")
                            foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"lists_items\"> <p class=\"pic\"> <a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"> <img src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\"></a> </p>");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><span><font>¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</font></span><strong>" + d["productName"] + "</strong></br>" + d["sku"] + "</a> </p>");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a class=\"activemsg\" href=\"\"></a></p><p class=\"list_tex\" ><span class=\"txt_blue\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span></p> </div>");
                            jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"details_more\" style=\"float:left; width:100%;\"><A href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"gengduo\" onclick=\"gengduo()\"><span>查看更多</span><br />可能产生较多流量<br /> </A>");
                            foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"list_msg list_with_img\" style=\"margin-top:10px;font-size:12px;\"> <a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><img style=\"top:16px;\" src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\">");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["productName"] + "<span class=\"txt_red\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</span></p><p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["sku"] + "</p><p class=\"list_tex\">158人评价,98%好评");
                                jsonStr.Append("<span class=\"txt_blue\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span></p></a></div>");
                        if (gd == "")
                            foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"lists_items\"> <p class=\"pic\"> <a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"> <img src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\"></a> </p>");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><span><font>¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</font></span><strong>" + d["productName"] + "</strong></br>" + d["sku"] + "</a> </p>");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a class=\"activemsg\" href=\"\"></a></p><p class=\"list_tex\" ><span class=\"txt_blue\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span></p> </div>");
                            jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"details_more\" style=\"float:left; width:100%;\"><A href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"gengduo\" onclick=\"gengduo()\"><span>查看更多</span><br />可能产生较多流量<br /> </A>");
                            foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"list_msg list_with_img\" style=\"margin-top:10px;font-size:12px;\"> <a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><img style=\"top:16px;\" src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\">");
                                jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["productName"] + "<span class=\"txt_red\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</span></p><p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["sku"] + "</p><p class=\"list_tex\">158人评价,98%好评");
                                jsonStr.Append("<span class=\"txt_blue\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span></p></a></div>");

            else if (_action == "sousuo")
                #region  择商品名称,改变商品列表

                string              name    = MyCommFun.RequestParam("name");
                int                 wid     = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                DataSet             ds      = null;
                BLL.wx_shop_product proBll  = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                StringBuilder       jsonStr = new StringBuilder();

                ds = proBll.GetList(wid, 20, " productName like " + "'%" + name + "%'" + "");

                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"lists_items\"> <p class=\"pic\"> <a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"> <img src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\"></a> </p>");
                        jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><span><font>¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</font></span><strong>" + d["productName"] + "</strong></br>" + d["sku"] + "</a> </p>");
                        jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\"><a class=\"activemsg\" href=\"\"></a></p><p class=\"list_tex\" ><span class=\"txt_blue\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span>1534人评价,96%好评</p> </div>");
                    jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"details_more\" style=\"float:left; width:100%;\"><A href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"gengduo\" onclick=\"gengduo()\"><span>查看更多</span><br />可能产生较多流量<br /> </A>");

            else if (_action == "gengduo")
                #region 查看更多

                int                 wid     = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                int                 id      = MyCommFun.RequestInt("cid");
                DataSet             ds      = null;
                BLL.wx_shop_product proBll  = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                StringBuilder       jsonStr = new StringBuilder();
                if (id != 0)
                    ds = proBll.GetList(wid, -1, "categoryId=" + id + " and p.hotsale=" + 1 + " order  by  p.hotsale desc  ");
                    ds = proBll.GetList(wid, -1, "p.hotsale=" + 1 + " order  by  p.hotsale desc  ");

                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null)
                    foreach (DataRow d in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        jsonStr.Append("<div class=\"list_msg list_with_img\" style=\"margin-top:10px;font-size:12px;\"><a href=\"/shop/detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + d["id"] + "&openid=" + openid + "\"><img style=\"top:16px;\" src=\"" + d["productpic"] + "\">");
                        jsonStr.Append("<p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["productName"] + "<span class=\"txt_red\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">¥" + d["marketPrice"] + "</span></p><p class=\"list_tex\">" + d["sku"] + "</p><p class=\"list_tex\">158人评价,98%好评");
                        jsonStr.Append("<span class=\"txt_blue\" style=\"font-size:12px;\">库存" + d["stock"] + "</span></p></a></div>");

            else if (_action == "checkid")
                #region 是否存在该商品
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                int id  = MyCommFun.RequestInt("id");
                BLL.wx_shop_product proBll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
                DataSet             ds     = null;
                ds = proBll.GetList("wid=" + wid + " and id=" + id + "");
                BLL.wx_shop_sku   skuBll   = new BLL.wx_shop_sku();
                Model.wx_shop_sku skuModel = skuBll.GetModel(id);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    jsonDict.Add("data", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["stock"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        ///  设置操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void rptList_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hidId")).Value);
            BLL.wx_shop_product bll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Model.wx_shop_product model = bll.GetModel(id);
            switch (e.CommandName)
                case "lbtnIslatest"://最新
                    if (model.latest)
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "latest=0");
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "latest=1");
                case "lbtnIshotsale":
                    if (model.hotsale)
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "hotsale=0");
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "hotsale=1");
                case "lbtnIsspecialOffer":
                    if (model.specialOffer)
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "specialOffer=0");
                        bll.UpdateField(id, "specialOffer=1");

            this.RptBind(this.category_id, CombSqlTxt(this.keywords), "sort_id asc,id desc");
        protected void btnXiJia_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()); //检查权限
            BLL.wx_shop_product bll = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            Repeater rptList = this.rptList;

            for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++)
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value);
                CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId");
                if (cb.Checked)
                    bll.UpdateField(id, "upselling=0");
            AddAdminLog(MXEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), "下架出售中的商品"); //记录日志
            JscriptMsg("商品下架成功啦!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("productOnSale.aspx", "category_id={0}&keywords={1}", this.category_id.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success");

Beispiel #12
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
        public void ShopDetailPage()
            BLL.wx_shop_product artDal = new BLL.wx_shop_product();
            int pid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pid");

            Model.wx_shop_product product = artDal.GetModel(pid);
            if (product != null)
                string skuStr      = "{\"attr\":[";
                string availSkuStr = "{";
                if (product.skulist != null && product.skulist.Count > 0)
                    List <int?> arrlist = new List <int?>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < product.skulist.Count; i++)
                    IList <int?> nlist = arrlist.Distinct().ToList();//去除重复值
                    for (int j = 0; j < nlist.Count; j++)
                        List <Model.wx_shop_sku> newskulist = new List <Model.wx_shop_sku>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < product.skulist.Count; i++)
                            if (product.skulist[i].attributeId == nlist[j].Value)

                        string dh = "";
                        if (j == (nlist.Count - 1))
                            dh = "";
                            dh = ",";

                        skuStr += "{\"attrname\":\"" + newskulist[j].attrName + "\",\"attrlist\": [";

                        string skuname = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < newskulist.Count; i++)
                            string addprice = newskulist[i].price.ToString();
                            newskulist[i].price += product.salePrice;
                            //    newskulist[i].price *= 100;
                            string dhi = "", dhk = ",";
                            if (i != (newskulist.Count - 1))
                                dhi = ",";
                                dhi = "";                                             //availSkuStr
                            if (j == (nlist.Count - 1) && i == (newskulist.Count - 1))
                                dhk = "";

                            skuStr += "{ \"pid\": " + newskulist[i].id + ", \"aname\": \"" + newskulist[i].attributeValue + "\", \"addprice\": \"" + addprice + "\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + newskulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice + "\" }" + dhi + " ";

                            //   skuStr += "{ \"attrname\": \"" + newskulist[i].attributeValue + "\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + newskulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice * 100 + "\" }" + dhi + "";

                            availSkuStr += "\"" + newskulist[i].attrName + ":" + newskulist[i].attributeValue + "\": { \"pid\": " + newskulist[i].id + ", \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + newskulist[i].price + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice * 100 + "\" }" + dhk + " ";

                            skuname = newskulist[i].attrName;
                        skuStr += "]}" + dh;

                    skuStr      += "]}";
                    availSkuStr += "}";

                    //XCWeiXin.DAL.ShopSKUDal skuDal = new DAL.ShopSKUDal();
                    //IList<Model.ShopSKU> skulist = skuDal.SKUConvert(product.skulist);
                    //this.Document.SetValue("skulist", skulist[0]);
                    skuStr += "]}";

                if (availSkuStr == "{}")
                    availSkuStr = "{ \"\": { \"pid\": 0, \"stockCount\": \"\", \"stockPrice\": \"" + product.salePrice + "\", \"maketPrice\": \"" + product.marketPrice * 100 + "\" } }";
                this.Document.SetValue("skuStr", skuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("availSkuStr", availSkuStr);
                this.Document.SetValue("model", product);
       expressBll = new;
                DataSet     dsExpress  = expressBll.GetExpressList100(wid);
                this.Document.SetValue("express", dsExpress);

                BLL.payment pbll  = new BLL.payment();
                DataSet     dsPay = pbll.GetList(0, "  is_lock=0 and wid=" + wid, "  sort_id asc");
                this.Document.SetValue("payment", dsPay);